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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Your thugs are barrel bombing towns full of civilians every day with no exception. You are using cluster, incendiary, vacuum and chemical bombs against these towns. And then you then say that you dont kill civilians? You have no drop of shame and decency. What else we can expect from Khamenaist.
shame on you.
Israel is one of those who are behind Daesh and other Terrorists in Syria and Iraq.
while Iran from first day stand with Central governments against Terrorists.
Iran does not have air force in Syria/Iraq.
According to UN and OPCW there were many use of chemical weapons by Assadist and one small by ISIS (Assad allies). There is no a single report which confirms rebels use of chemical weapons by rebels.


Government forces continued the pattern of using chemical weapons against civilians in opposition - held areas. In the gravest incident, the Syrian air force used sarin in Khan Shaykhun, Idlib, killing dozens, the majority of whom were women and children. In Idlib, Hamah, and eastern Ghouta, Damascus, Syrian forces used weaponized chlorine. Syrian and/or Russian forces continued to target hospitals and medical personnel.

Use of chemical weapons

Between March 2013 and March 2017, the Commission documented 25 incidents of chemical weapons use in the Syrian Arab Republic, of which 20 were perpetrated by government forces and used primarily against civilians.
During the reporting period, government forces further used chemical weapons against civilians in the town of Khan Shaykhun, in Al-Latamneh, located approximately 11 kilometres south of Khan Shaykhun, and in eastern Ghouta.

shame on you.
Israel is one of those who are behind Daesh and other Terrorists in Syria and Iraq.
while Iran from first day stand with Central governments against Terrorists.
*Dictator whos responsible for over 95% of civilian casualties.
shame on you.
Israel is one of those who are behind Daesh and other Terrorists in Syria and Iraq.
while Iran from first day stand with Central governments against Terrorists.
ISIS is Iraqi Baath. Just like Assad is Syrian Baath. Both are same scum.
Iran does not have air force in Syria/Iraq.

There is not more Bath.
Iraqi Baath was destroyed and then former Iraqi Baathists created ISIS. Syrian Baath - Assad is still alive and gassing and slaughtering civilians. Just like Iraqi Baath did when it was in power.
*Dictator whos responsible for over 95% of civilian casualties.
bulshit statistics.

Iraqi Baath was destroyed and then former Iraqi Baathists created ISIS. Syrian Baath - Assad is still alive and gassing and slaughtering civilians. Just like Iraqi Baath did when it was in power.
You know better than me Syrian Ba'th and Iraqi Ba'th were enemy and they hate each others.
Saddam Ba'thi regime changed when he add Allah Akbar to Iraqi flag after that he was not follow ba'th.
and now Bath is dead in Syria too.
You’re so dumber than what I’ve thought ...

According to UN and OPCW there were many use of chemical weapons by Assadist and one small by ISIS (Assad allies). There is no a single report which confirms rebels use of chemical weapons by rebels.


Government forces continued the pattern of using chemical weapons against civilians in opposition - held areas. In the gravest incident, the Syrian air force used sarin in Khan Shaykhun, Idlib, killing dozens, the majority of whom were women and children. In Idlib, Hamah, and eastern Ghouta, Damascus, Syrian forces used weaponized chlorine. Syrian and/or Russian forces continued to target hospitals and medical personnel.

Use of chemical weapons

Between March 2013 and March 2017, the Commission documented 25 incidents of chemical weapons use in the Syrian Arab Republic, of which 20 were perpetrated by government forces and used primarily against civilians.
During the reporting period, government forces further used chemical weapons against civilians in the town of Khan Shaykhun, in Al-Latamneh, located approximately 11 kilometres south of Khan Shaykhun, and in eastern Ghouta.

bulshit statistics.

You know better than me Syrian Ba'th and Iraqi Ba'th were enemy and they hate each others.
Saddam Ba'thi regime changed when he add Allah Akbar to Iraqi flag after that he was not follow ba'th.
and now Bath is dead in Syria too.
Criminal gangs often fight each other, nothing strange is about it. Both Iraqi and Syrian Baath have same national socialist ideology. Both brutal sadistic dictatorship which mass torture, slaughter, gas civilians.

Assad is a secretary of Syrian Baath. Where from u got the idea that its dead i really dont know.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: And these footages are all fake i guess.

Dude spare me with your conspiracy collection.
Your backed jihadi salafi terrorists are responsible for the unrest in Syria.
Criminal gangs often fight each other, nothing strange is about it. Both Iraqi and Syrian Baath have same national socialist ideology. Both brutal sadistic dictatorship which mass torture, slaughter, gas civilians.

Assad is a secretary of Syrian Baath. Where from u got the idea that its dead i really dont know.
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