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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

The PKK / YPG terrorist are getting a very hard beating. ISIS released tons of pictures of dead Kurds. PKK / YPG are going to be burried tengri willing.
The PKK / YPG terrorist are getting a very hard beating. ISIS released tons of pictures of dead Kurds. PKK / YPG are going to be burried tengri willing.

The turkic God tengri is a huge faggot. And when this war is over we're gonna exact bloody revenge on tengri, ravage his body like no tomorrow, and then feed him to the dogs. lol
Rebels control Nawa-Sheikh Miskin road and destroyed a military vehicle.
#مسار_بـرس | عاجـل | #درعا | الثوار يسيطرون على حاجز لقوات الأسد على طريق نوى - الشيخ مسكين ويدمرون عربة عسكرية

Renewed clashes between rebels and Assad forces in Qalamun fields.
#مسار_بـرس | #ريف_دمشق | تجدد الاشتباكات بين الثوار وقوات الأسد في جرود القلمون
وكالة مسار برس (@MasarPressNet) on Twitter
Video: Rebels liberated Tall Um Havran near Nawa, Daraa Province.

During the latest assault, rebels liberated remaining pockets in Nawa and areas surrounding Nawa, such as Tall Um Havran, Tal al-Hish and Tal Harfush.

1- تل أم حوران
2-تل الهش
3-كتيبة الكونكورس
4-سرية الحرفوش
5-الأمن العسكري
6-كتيبة الدبابات
مدينة "نوى" محررة بالكامل بفضل الله ..

SyAF Su-24M2, and Su-22M4 attack bombers destroyed an estimated number of 200 ISIS vehicles to the East of al-Sha`er gas field.

The Syrian attack bombers took off from T-4 air base, al-Shou`irat air base, and Hama military airport.

The location where ISIS vehicles were destroyed is called al-Jizal valley.

The convoy was spotted by one of SyAF pilots, where he notified SyAF command. The Command on the other hand dispatched number of attack bombers and took care of the threat.


KRG forces who arrived a week ago to defend Kobani have halted several Islamic State assaults and prevented the arrival of militant reinforcements but have yet to tilt the balance on the battlefield, according to officials in the besieged Syrian city.
Backed by Syrian Kurdish fighters, the KRG forces known as Peshmerga have launched counteroffensives to drive the militants out of Kobani, Shoresh Hesen, spokesman for the Syrian Kurdish militia fighting in the city, said Thursday. The arrival of the Peshmerga with their heavy weaponry also helped to significantly boost morale on the ground, officials in Kobani said.
Still, the 150-strong force has yet to make a breakthrough in the battle, Kurdish fighters and officials said, raising the possibility that the mission to help defend the small but strategically important city could evolve into a grinding campaign.
(Further reading: Obama wrote secret letter to Iran’s Khamenei about fighting Islamic State).
“There has been no radical change on the ground yet,” said Brig. Gen. Halgord Hekmat, spokesman for the Peshmerga Ministry in Hewlêr, capital of the Kurdistan Regional Government in KRG. “But the battle is moving from a defensive to an attacking phase.”
In a telephone interview Thursday, he cited the unfamiliar terrain and close-combat urban warfare as challenges faced by Iraqi Kurdish fighters more accustomed to guerrilla attacks and defending long internal borders in their neighboring homeland.
Thursday’s war-front assessments contrast with last week’s triumphant Peshmerga entry to Syria, which raised expectations that the fight backed by U.S.-led airstrikes against Islamic State would rapidly shift to help secure Kobani.
While the Peshmerga contingent are coordinating heavy weaponry and artillery strikes, bolstering Syrian Kurds’ ability to resist and attack Islamic State, KRG Kurds are mostly behind the front lines.
Analyst Salih Akyurek said the fanfare that greeted their deployment created unrealistic expectations of an imminent shift in Kobani and stressed that the limited force—backed by U.S. air power—isn’t sufficient to drive the militants from the city on Turkey’s border.
“It will be difficult to tip the balance on the ground with mere fire power,” said Mr. Akyurek, a former Turkish army colonel and researcher at the Wise Men Center for Strategic Studies in Ankara. “Without additional personnel on the ground, they can only protect their current position. It seems unrealistic to expect the weapons brought by the Peshmerga to achieve what U.S. airstrikes could not.”
Witnesses on the Turkey-Syria border said Kobani had been relatively calm in the past two days. Islamic State’s heavy shelling of the region as the Peshmerga crossed into Kobani last week seemed to have subsided, they said.
The deployment from South Kurdistan also heralded the opening of a corridor from Turkey into Kobani, which also started a trickle of military aid—a measure the Ankara government has and continues to resist. The Iraqi Kurdish regional government in Hewlêr delivered a couple truckloads of ammunition that clandestinely crossed into Syria via Turkey late Wednesday, according to the Peshmerga Ministry in South Kurdistan and local officials in Kobani.
“If the Peshmerga hadn’t arrived, we would have suffered much heavier losses,” said Mr. Hesen of the Syrian Kurdish militia known as YPG. “But we still need more heavy weaponry and ammunition to hasten the move from defense to attack.”
Kurdish officials also reiterated their call for more attacks on Islamic State targets to choke off the militant siege of Kobani. Late Wednesday, the U.S. Central Command said it continued airstrikes near the border city.
Despite the broadening campaign backed by the U.S. and KRG Kurds, Islamic State has proved resilient and remained defiant.
Kobani official Idres Nassan claimed that Kurdish forces had halted several Islamic State advances. Hundreds of Islamic State fighters have been killed, Kurdish officials said, even though they were unable to provide precise figures.
“We know they have suffered heavy losses, possibly hundreds have been killed over the past week,” said Khaled Barkal, vice president of the Kobani administration. “We should expect news of some victories soon.”


IS killed 4 soldiers of Assad forces at the east entrance of Tadmur/Palmyra.
#مسار_بـرس | #حمص | تنظيم الدولة يقتل 4 عناصر من قوات الأسد خلال اشتباكات على مدخل تدمر الشرقي

IS killed 2 YPG in the east of Ayn al-Arab.
#مسار_بـرس | #حلب | تنظيم الدولة يقتل عنصرين من مليشيا حزب الاتحاد خلال اشتباكات شرق مدينة عين عرب

وكالة مسار برس (@MasarPressNet) on Twitter
Nawa-Sheikh Miskin road under rebel control.

Rebels gained control of Tank battalion in Hajajiah near Nawa.

Sanamain is where the regime soldiers in Nawa have reportedly fled to today. #Daraa #Syria

Reports all regime’s 5th Division officers in Izraa, #Daraa have fled leaving recruits behind after regime failed to send reinforcements.

Paradoxy (@Paradoxy13) on Twitter
Rebels in Tell Hamad where they took a Shilka as ganimah.

Rebels found a Hezbollah flag in Sheikh Miskin after they repelled the assault.

IS militants killed 5 shabiha militants on Salamiyah-Ithriya road.
#مسار_بـرس | #حماة | تنظيم الدولة يدمر آلية عسكرية ويقتل 5 عناصر من مليشيات الشبيحة على طريق السلمية - أثريا

Rebels took over Zabdean in the east of Damascus countryside and killed a number of Assad forces.
#مسار_بـرس | #ريف_دمشق | كتائب الثوار تستعيد السيطرة على مواقع في بلدة زبدين وتقتل عددا من قوات الأسد

وكالة مسار برس (@MasarPressNet) on Twitter

Many casualties reported amongst regime forces as the opposition regain control of Htaita Jarash & Zibdin’s fields. #Damascus #Syria

Opposition forces carried out an attack on the Dallak CP in Salamyiah, #Hama killing Colonel Khudur al-Hamwi & 3 other regime militants.

Paradoxy (@Paradoxy13) on Twitter
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