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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Putin Orders Withdrawal of Russian Troops From Syria
13:01 11.12.2017(updated 13:37 11.12.2017)Get short URL
The Russian president has visited the Hmeymim base in Syria's Latakia for the first time since the launch of the anti-terrorist operation at the request of President Bashar Assad. The Russian leader has emphasized that if the terrorists gain the upper hand in Syria, Russian forces will carry out strikes the likes of which "they've never seen."

President Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian troops' withdrawal from Syria, saying that Russian forces return from Syria with the victory. The Russian president has glorified the work of the country's aerospace units in the region by saying that they had performed "brilliantly" in Syria.

"I instruct the defense minister, the head of the General Staff to begin the withdrawal of the Russian group of troops to the places of their permanent location," Putin said, when speaking to servicemen in Syria.

The Russian leader has emphasized that if terrorists gain upper hand in Syria, Russian forces will carry out strikes that "they've never seen", adding that two Russian bases, in Tartus and Hmeymim would continue to operate.

The Russian president has underlined that with the help of Russia's military operation, Syria has been preserved as an independent and sovereign state, adding that conditions for the political settlement in Syria under the auspices of the UN have been created and the refugees, which had to flee their homes, might return.

Vladimir Putin has touched upon the work of Russian defense industry enterprises and armed forces, which had demonstrated the growing capabilities of the country's navy and army, high combat skills of units and divisions.

Putin has been met by Syrian President Bashar Assad, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, when he arrived at the Hmeymim base in the Latakia province for the first time since the launch of the anti-terrorist operation in the Arab Republic at the request of Damascus in 2015.



Assad Henchman: Here’s How We Built ISIS


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Both Julian and you are door knobs. Russia and Syria took 95% of Isis territory east of the Eurohrates. It just amazes me the sheer stupidity and ignorance of people. I'm not Sure how Russia is ISIS' Air Force when they have video evidence of them turning ISIS into beef stew in Palmyra, Irak, Deir-Ez Zoir, etc. ISIS itself has been threatening Russia for its bombing.
Both Julian and you are door knobs. Russia and Syria took 95% of Isis territory east of the Eurohrates. It just amazes me the sheer stupidity and ignorance of people. I'm not Sure how Russia is ISIS' Air Force when they have video evidence of them turning ISIS into beef stew in Palmyra, Irak, Deir-Ez Zoir, etc. ISIS itself has been threatening Russia for its bombing.
Russia entered in September 2015 with pretext of fighting ISIS. But till January 2017 they did virtually nothing against them:

30sep2015 copy.jpg

Meanwhile ISIS was virtually defeated by US led coalition, so Alawites and Russians entered to grab territories before the fall of ISIS. Alas all the best territories were already taken.

Now they transported ISIS from Deir ez Zor to Hama and make join offensive with them providing to ISIS air support.


There was no ISIS there until recently, it was transported by Assad aka Putin aka Khamenai forces. And they get supplies too.
Russia entered in September 2015 with pretext of fighting ISIS. But till January 2017 they did virtually nothing against them:

View attachment 442047

Meanwhile ISIS was virtually defeated by US led coalition, so Alawites and Russians entered to grab territories before the fall of ISIS. Alas all the best territories were already taken.

Now they transported ISIS from Deir ez Zor to Hama and make join offensive with them providing to ISIS air support.


There was no ISIS there until recently, it was transported by Assad aka Putin aka Khamenai forces. And they get supplies too.

The Syrian army and Russia took large cities such as Aleppo, Palmyra, Deir-Ez Zoir, etc from Isis and its affiliates while the Kurds and the US was mostly fighting in open dessert. In fact when the Syrian military was fighting the largest battles of the war in Aleppo and Palmyra the Kurds didn't even enter Raqqa. By the time the Kurds reached Raqqa, a considerable amount of ISIS fighting abilities were deminished from battles with the SAA, Russia and its allies.

Once the Syrian army and its allies took Aleppo (which is 20x larger then Raqqa) then they swept across the to reach the Eurphrates while, other units pushed through Palmyra and the Syrian/Iraqi border. It was only then that the Kurds decided to take a mad dash across the Eurphrates and block the Syrian military. The Kurds and the US also let Isis have safe passage so they could fight the Syrian military and its allies.

Your comments about Syria and Russia not doing anything against Isis is as stupid as you claiming that there is no homeless Palestinians and that Israel doesn't bulldoze Palestinian homes. You're truly an idiot :lol:

Fact, the largest battles of the war took place between the Syrian military and dozens of jihad allied groups while the Kurds fought no one but Isis. Fact, by the time the Kurds reached the Eurphrates, Isis was smashed by the Syrian army. Fact, everything that comes from your mouth is verbal diarrhea.
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The Syrian army and Russia took large cities such as Aleppo, Palmyra, Deir-Ez Zoir, etc from Isis and its affiliates while the Kurds and the US was mostly fighting in open dessert. In fact when the Syrian military was fighting the largest battles of the war in Aleppo and Palmyra the Kurds didn't even enter Raqqa. By the time the Kurds reached Raqqa, a considerable amount of ISIS fighting abilities were deminished from battles with the SAA, Russia and its allies.
Yep Assadists and Russia were busy fighting anti ISIS rebels in Aleppo. By he way, during takeover of Aleppo Russian airforce was not involved at all. They took it through deal with Erdogan.

Lol no homeless Palestinian
And yes there are aliens on mars

This is why he is the laughing stock of the forum. He literally makes up the dumbest, most outrageous claims and conspiracies. Literally almost everything he says are lies that can be debunked.

Yep Assadists and Russia were busy fighting anti ISIS rebels in Aleppo. By he way, during takeover of Aleppo Russian airforce was not involved at all. They took it through deal with Erdogan.


Russian special forces were in Aleppo. There is many photos and videos of them operating in the area. They repelled a large counter attack in eastern Aleppo. One of their many functions is also target designation for aircraft.

Nice population figures to bad that many of this cities were almost empty during those battles. The US support of Iraq was almost zilch. Aleppo alone had a population of 2.1 million before the war if you want to talk about figures. And there was a well known Isis and Nusra presence there.
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Russian special forces were in Aleppo. There is many photos and videos of them operating in the area. They repelled a budge counter attack in eastern Aleppo. One of their many functions is also target designation for aircraft.
That's total rubbish. Hezbies, Nujaba and other Iranian thugs were doing major job in Aleppo + Palestinians al Quds Force (major cannon fodder) + Tiger force. Russian force was very minor, mainly for posture. Air force not involved at all.

Nice population figures to bad that many of this cities were almost empty during those battles.
They were populated and are still populated + dozens of villages around each city. Its Palmyra which was all emptied and its empty till now.

The US support of Iraq was almost zilch.
You are retarded. They carried over 10 thousand airstrike (US aistrike often involves multiple aircraft attack). Prior US involvement Iraqi army was fleeing on all fronts.
That's total rubbish. Hezbies, Nujaba and other Iranian thugs were doing major job in Aleppo + Palestinians al Quds Force (major cannon fodder) + Tiger force. Russian force was very minor, mainly for posture. Air force not involved at all.

Save everyone your opinion pieces. There is graphic videos of Russian special forces killing jihadists in Syria. So again your full of it. Spetsnaz have a reputation of changing the outcomes of battles even when there are few, so no there is no "posturing". 1 Spetsnaz soldier is worth 50 regular soldiers.

There was a group of 16 Russian special forces that took on a group of 300 jihadists after Syrian forces fled, the jihadists were armed with everything from tanks to armored bulldozers. I tend to believe professional, honorable soldiers that were awarded medals for their operations and that have proof of their operations then some kid from Israel that has zero proof and has a reputation for being a pathological lier.

They were populated and are still populated + dozens of villages around each city. Its Palmyra which was all emptied and its empty till now.

Iraq had atleast 4.4 million displaced people because of the war. Most fled from were the fighting was at. So your population figures are dishonest. As I said before if you want to talk population figures Allepo alone had over 2.1 million people which Trumps your other towns.

You are retarded. They carried over 10 thousand airstrike (US aistrike often involves multiple aircraft attack). Prior US involvement Iraqi army was fleeing on all fronts.

And much of those killed were civilians by those airstrikes. Those airstrikes were of almost no significance in large populated areas.
Save everyone your opinion pieces. There is graphic videos of Russian special forces killing jihadists in Syria. So again your full of it. Spetsnaz have a reputation of changing the outcomes of battles even when there are few, so no there is no "posturing". 1 Spetsnaz soldier is worth 50 regular soldiers.
1) Spetsnaz major achievements are coward assassination of Afghan president Amin who was an ALLY of USSR and slaughtering hundreds of hostages in Beslan school and Dubrovka theater.
2) Special forces never play any significant role in urban battles.
3) There is no any evidence of Russian SF involvement during the takeover of Aleppo.

There was a group of 16 Russian special forces that took on a group of 300 jihadists after Syrian forces fled, the jihadists were armed with everything from tanks to armored bulldozers.
Fairy tales for retarded kids.

Iraq had atleast 4.4 million displaced people because of the war. Most fled from were the fighting was at. So your population figures are dishonest.
There are 3.5 mln displaced in Iraq ouit of 37 mln of total population (less than 10%).
There are 12 mln displaced in Syria out of 22 mln total population (over 50%).

As I said before if you want to talk population figures Allepo alone had over 2.1 million people which Trumps your other towns.
East Aleppo was destroyed and nearly all emptied already in 2015. Now its virtually all empty.

And much of those killed were civilians by those airstrikes. Those airstrikes were of almost no significance in large populated areas.
Number of displaced persons (less than 10% in Iraq vs. over 50% in Syria) shows the real cruelty.
Yep Assadists and Russia were busy fighting anti ISIS rebels in Aleppo. By he way, during takeover of Aleppo Russian airforce was not involved at all. They took it through deal with Erdogan.

Saying anti-ISIS rebels is like saying anti-shit flies. They were/are all the same garbage who separated ways in 2014 over land/money after months of cooperation and joint operations. Yes, ISIS and 'rebels' did have joint operations like brothers in arms prior to 2014 fall off.
Saying anti-ISIS rebels is like saying anti-shit flies. They were/are all the same garbage who separated ways in 2014 over land/money after months of cooperation and joint operations. Yes, ISIS and 'rebels' did have joint operations like brothers in arms prior to 2014 fall off.
When you dont have weapons and trained men, when u are attacked by joint forces of mercenary thugs from half of the world, when you are barrel bombed starved and gassed, u will take aid from anyone. But that aid ISIS offered was just a trick to take over rebel areas. Since 2014 rebels are fighting ISIS, while Assadists provided them weapons and air support. They continue to do it right now.
1) Spetsnaz major achievements are coward assassination of Afghan president Amin who was an ALLY of USSR

It beats getting beat up by civilians and waiving gay rainbow flags around which Israeli forces are experts at. Keys to takeaway from that operation, Soviet forces were heavily outnumbered but caused extremely heavy losses to the other side.

and slaughtering hundreds of hostages in Beslan school and Dubrovka theater.

Many soldiers sacrificed their lives by rushing into a hail of bullets In order to save children, not to mention the school was rigged with explosives, but I would not expect any decency or respect from someone like you. Disgracing the memories of dead soldiers that sacrificed themselves to save children is the lowest of the low.

As for the theater, Spetsnaz had nothing to do with the gassing you idiot. The gas was pumped in by utility workers, while the decision was probably made by someone in the FSB or law enforcement.

2) Special forces never play any significant role in urban battles.

Are you that ignorant? Special forces don't play a significant role in urban combat? Where do you think special forces originated? Does Stalingrad ring any bells in that empty head?

The US used special forces extensively in Iraq, as did the British, as did the Iraqi military. The Russians used them in Afghanistan, Georgia and now in Syria extensively. The US and the British have used them in Syria recently. If they make no real impact why use special forces at all then? The cost involved in deploying them, equipping them and the long term investment in training them is much higher then the average soldier. So why go through the troubles? Do answer, I don't need any BS stories from a conscript reject.

You clearly don't know anything about how they work or their impact.

3) There is no any evidence of Russian SF involvement during the takeover of Aleppo.

You are a pathological liar.


Fairy tales for retarded kids.

Shut up already. The burden is on you to disprove evidence. So far we have a video with 4 special forces officers all saying the same thing, all were decorated for their missions.

Your pathetic argument will be the usual: 'Russians are liars'.

There are 3.5 mln displaced in Iraq ouit of 37 mln of total population (less than 10%).
There are 12 mln displaced in Syria out of 22 mln total population (over 50%).

Don't try to save face. You took a bunch of pre war population figures and whalla...came up with dishonest, bogus numbers.

Number of displaced persons (less than 10% in Iraq vs. over 50% in Syria) shows the real cruelty.

The real cruelty is bulldozing poor Palestinian homes, stealing Palestinian land and imposing blockades on some of the poorest people on earth in an effort to force them out.
It beats getting beat up by civilians and waiving gay rainbow flags around which Israeli forces are experts at. Keys to takeaway from that operation, Soviet forces were heavily outnumbered but caused extremely heavy losses to the other side.
You are really frustrated. Israeli SF for example saved hundreds of hostages in Uganda, captured radar in Egypt
and brought it to Israel. What are Spetznaz achievements?

Coward assassination of Afghan president Amin who was an ALLY of USSR and slaughtering hundreds of hostages in Beslan school and Dubrovka theater.

Are you that ignorant? Special forces don't play a significant role in urban combat? Where do you think special forces originated? Does Stalingrad ring any bells in that empty head?
SF did not play any role there.

Typical posture pics for retarded kids.

100% fair tale I am subscribed to all major Assadists twitters and no one reported that story.

Shut up already. The burden is on you to disprove evidence. So far we have a video with 4 special forces officers all saying the same thing, all were decorated for their missions.

Your pathetic argument will be the usual: 'Russians are liars'.
1) I should not disprove something that based on nothing except Russian propagandists.
2) Well yes they are pathological liars. Recent example is about clearing all Syria from ISIS.

Don't try to save face. You took a bunch of pre war population figures and whalla...came up with dishonest, bogus numbers.
You lied not me.

The real cruelty is bulldozing poor Palestinian homes, stealing Palestinian land and imposing blockades on some of the poorest people on earth in an effort to force them out.
In 30 years of Intifada were killed about 10 K Palestinians. Their life expectancy grew and no one was displaced.
In 6 years of war in Syria were slaughtered half million, life expectancy dropped by 20 years and half of Syrian population was displaced.
When you dont have weapons and trained men, when u are attacked by joint forces of mercenary thugs from half of the world
you probably well knew which is the coalition of 91 nation but decided its time to be blind.

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