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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

1) There are no any homeless Palestinians.
2) Golan Heights were captured in defensive war, unlike Crimea, which was stolen by Russia from friendly state.
3) Lebanon attacked Israel, and Israel responded in very mild way, especially if u compare to Chechnya or Syria.

Assadists are slaightered in open deserts by local groups of bedouins. On the other hand ISIS high command and foreign (largely Russian) fighters are mostly Assad/Putin agents and surrender towns without any fight.

ISIS or any other irregular militia cant't do anything against modern air force in open desert. Thats why SDF advance fast and easily. Only in cities with human shields they meet resistance.

Assadists are slaughtered in open desert because their air support is totally incompetent and can only slaughter civilians.

99% of attacks on Syrian kids are made by Assadists.
Lol no homeless Palestinian
And yes there are aliens on mars
1) There are no any homeless Palestinians.

Are you serious? There are homeless in every city of every country.

2) Golan Heights were captured in defensive war, unlike Crimea, which was stolen by Russia from friendly state.

Two wrongs don't make a right. There are no excuses. Israel violated international law annexing Golan on the pretext of self defense just like Russia violated international law annexing Crimea on the pretext of defending ethnic Russians there.
Why So Many Children Have Been Killed In Syria


Researchers have strong evidence that bombs in Syria were targeting civilians, including women and children.

In the past seven years, barrel bombs have killed civilians almost exclusively, an international team of scientists report Wednesday. Civilians comprised 97 percent of the deaths from these bombs.

"That is a very big deal," says Debarati Guha-Sapir, an epidemiologist at the Universite Catholique de Louvain in Brussels, who led the study. "Governments are either missing combatants on purpose, or they have very inept war strategies."

The study also finds a dramatic rise in the number of children killed as the war has progressed.

Children represented a small proportion of deaths, about 9 percent, in the first two years of the war. But since 2013, that proportion has more than doubled. Now nearly 1 in 4 civilian deaths are children, Guha-Sapir and her team report in the journal Lancet Global Health.

It's terrible what Russia is doing in Syria. Russia is the first country that recognized Israel and set up relations with Israel. Russia is in Syria to prolong the war and kill Sunni Arabs for Israel.

lol I don't agree with that. Russia is in Syria to protect its geo strategic interests (including its strategic military base in the only Arab country it still has some influence) like every great power should do. So I don't blame them one bit. Only the poor and weak who are the playground for such powers should be pitied, since they are too weak, corrupt, tribalistic/sectarian, ruled by despots who care far more about their power than people etc to do anything. So don't blame a country for being advanced, powerful, and influential over you. Blame yourself for being weak, backward and incompetent. :)

Combined Syrian Baath (aka Assadists) and Iraqi Baath (aka ISIS) offensive against the rebels. They don't even hide their cooperation anymore.
Pro Assadist map:


It shows Assad tactics at best. Combined Assad-ISIS offensive. Assadists on left and right flanks and ISIS in the middle.
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