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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)


There seems to be mock fights between nusra and isis in idlib province nusra giving areas to isis similar to isis gave areas to sdf. Something seems to be cooking there to accuse Syria of allowing isis free hand in idlib there. These latest news of isis wanting to relocate there possibly with weapons would also serve the purpose of whitewashing sdf isis raqqa deal. So if Saa has the upper hand and no serious hostage situation there it is better to go for unconditional isis surrender instead of relocating them. In idlib province both nusra and isis should be targeted by uavs shifted to that area as the tension in albuqamal is getting relieved after the liberation.
English translation of US Backed SDF negotiate ceasefire with isis in Hasakah, Northern Syria to prevent hostilities between the two forces in specified areas. isis is permitted to attack Syrian government from their territories under ceasefire with SDF.

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Over 100 trucks delivered US Humvees to the SDF days after President Trump pledged the US would cease arming the SDF in a call to Turkish President Erdogan.

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Iran IRGC Quds, Maj. Gen. Haj Qassem Soleimani, commanding operation of the liberation of the town of Al-Mayadeen in Deir Al-Azurb Syia

Some Iranian has posted an agreement between ISIS and SDF.
I am not a military man but i find this sort of propagation to be childish.

Anyone can write a few lines and claim that this is an agreement between two parties. Are we to laugh at that person claiming so, or should we take that as sick Iranian joke.
Some Iranian has posted an agreement between ISIS and SDF.
I am not a military man but i find this sort of propagation to be childish.

Anyone can write a few lines and claim that this is an agreement between two parties. Are we to laugh at that person claiming so, or should we take that as sick Iranian joke.

I posted what I thought could be credible:

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And not the first time these guys had such an agreements:

Raqqa’s dirty secret

The BBC has uncovered details of a secret deal that let hundreds of IS fighters and their families escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city.

A convoy included some of IS’s most notorious members and – despite reassurances – dozens of foreign fighters. Some of those have spread out across Syria, even making it as far as Turkey.

Again it's not new, at the beginning while isis was advancing towards Baghdad(67 kms away ) and Arbil (2Kms away from it) and major cities like Kirkuk and Mosul had already fallen in the hands of isis in the presence of American troops the American standing their idle doing nothing to prevent it .. that't why despite presence of Americans both Arbil and Baghdad asked Iran to come to their aid.

And even further Al Baghdadi was in American prison in Iraq in 2009 and for no reason he was released ...
I hope there would be no agreement btw them.
Some Iranian has posted an agreement between ISIS and SDF.
I am not a military man but i find this sort of propagation to be childish.

Anyone can write a few lines and claim that this is an agreement between two parties. Are we to laugh at that person claiming so, or should we take that as sick Iranian joke.

They did it in Raqqa and Manbij, why wouldn't they do it again in Deirezzor countryside?
English translation of US Backed SDF negotiate ceasefire with isis in Hasakah, Northern Syria to prevent hostilities between the two forces in specified areas. isis is permitted to attack Syrian government from their territories under ceasefire with SDF.

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This agreement is lame fake.
Today SDF captured Abu Hamam, Al-Hayyan and Al-Uwaydiyah villages from ISIS. So much for fake cease fire.
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