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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

USA wants to give Aleppo to Assad. Syria has been divided enough, USA supported opposition as it served its agenda. Now game has changed and it is time to kill more Muslims. Western Syria will be given to Assad, and western part will be Sunni-free.

If IS manages to reach Homs in time, then it can save west falling to Assad.

Daesh can't capture the small city of Kobani after pouring thousands of fighters in that front, now you really think they can capture Homs?

U.S doesn't prefer any side to win, so much for these ridiculous conspiracy theories that they want to give Western Syria to Assad. Guess what?most of western Syria and major cities are already in Assad's hand.

Although it's a good thing that U.S has started bombing Nusra targets, it also shows how confused (or maybe smart?) they are. First they refused to bomb Nusra positions because 'moderate' sell outs asked them not to do it, now that Nusra kicked SRF out of Idlib, they suddenly started bombing them.

BTW, Last night, they precisely targeted a major Nusra ammunition depot in Idlib, which caused a huge fire and a string of explosions. Wonder how much weapons have been there.
- FSA, IF and Nusra are strong enough to defeat Assad in the south, especially in Daraa and Quneitra. And Druzes are getting frustrated with Assad.

- IS has enough manpower to reign Hamah and Homs, but currently stuck in 1)Ayn al-Arab, 2)Hasakah-Sinjar, 3)Deir ez-Zor fronts. Latest offensive was not meant to liberate Homs, but to relieve Deir Ez-zor by pushing frontline more to southwest.

- Turkey will enter the conflict in the future, but not against Assad. Instead against Kurds. That might relieve some IS troops to locate to other parts in Syria and Iraq.

- Next year this month, we might see IS connecting Akkar, Tripoli, Arsal and Qalamun to Main IS territory, if nothing major changes.
How do you know this?

Daesh can't capture the small city of Kobani after pouring thousands of fighters in that front, now you really think they can capture Homs?

U.S doesn't prefer any side to win, so much for these ridiculous conspiracy theories that they want to give Western Syria to Assad. Guess what?most of western Syria and major cities are already in Assad's hand.

Although it's a good thing that U.S has started bombing Nusra targets, it also shows how confused (or maybe smart?) they are. First they refused to bomb Nusra positions because 'moderate' sell outs asked them not to do it, now that Nusra kicked SRF out of Idlib, they suddenly started bombing them.

BTW, Last night, they precisely targeted a major Nusra ammunition depot in Idlib, which caused a huge fire and a string of explosions. Wonder how much weapons have been there.
who says they can't capture it? Only thing that is stopping them is US air strikes. Soon US will stop it since the air campaign will become very expensive. You will see how quickly things will go south for the Kurds. Hell IS almost conquered Erbil. According to barzani if US didn't bomb IS units, the black flag would be waving in Erbil. For IS Kobane is favorable. They put a black flag on a building. US comes and drops millions of dollar bombs on a 5 dollar IS flag.
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How do you know this?

Peace process (çözüm süreci) was designed to locate PKK to Syria and Iraq in order to carve out more lands for Kurds in the sectarian war ongoing. Peace process failed.

And Both PKK and YPG suffered great losses in Syria and Iraq. They are low on numbers. They now recruit forcefully from the desperate folk, or rely on city dweller educated activists. That wont be enough to keep Kurdistan dream alive, because of high Arab population in the area.

Major human resource is within Turkey. By creating a inter-ethnic clash in Turkey, PKK can radicalise enough youth and take them into their ranks.
News just came in, don't know how much truth it holds this time:

Obama Sent Letter To Iran On Fighting IS
Barack Obama sent a letter to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stressing the two countries' shared interests in fighting Islamic State militants.

The President sent the secret letter last month, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal.

The letter reportedly said cooperation between the United States and Iran on combating the extremist group was tied to a deal being reached on Iran's nuclear programme.

On Thursday, White House spokesman Josh Earnest declined to discuss whether the private correspondence took place, adding that the President's policy on Iran has not changed.

Sky News deputy political editor Joey Jones said the White House response "can nevertheless be viewed as a tacit confirmation of the veracity of the report".

"The substance of Mr Earnest's answer, linking progress in talks over Iran's nuclear programme with cooperation against Islamic State, is identical to the substance of the letter as reported by The Wall Street Journal's sources."

Mr Earnest said the US discussed the campaign against IS with Tehran on the sidelines of negotiations concerning Iran's nuclear programme but gave no details.

"The United States will not cooperate militarily with Iran in that effort," he said of the fight against IS.

"We won't share intelligence with them. But their interests in the outcome is something that's been widely commented on - commented upon and something that on a couple of occasions has been discussed on the sidelines of other conversations."

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Mr Obama said it was an "open question" as to whether international negotiators and Iran can reach a deal over Tehran's nuclear programme.

The President said the next few weeks will be key ahead of a looming 24 November deadline to reach a deal.

"Whether we can actually get a deal done, we're going to have to find out over the next three to four weeks," Mr Obama said.

Obama Sent Letter To Iran On Fighting IS
Peace process (çözüm süreci) was designed to locate PKK to Syria and Iraq in order to carve out more lands for Kurds in the sectarian war ongoing. Peace process failed.

And Both PKK and YPG suffered great losses in Syria and Iraq. They are low on numbers. They now recruit forcefully from the desperate folk, or rely on city dweller educated activists. That wont be enough to keep Kurdistan dream alive, because of high Arab population in the area.

Major human resource is within Turkey. By creating a inter-ethnic clash in Turkey, PKK can radicalise enough youth and take them into their ranks.
Does make sense for recruitment but I'm not sure if it is worth it for them to create another enemy when they have their hands full with Isis.
USA wants to give Aleppo to Assad. Syria has been divided enough, USA supported opposition as it served its agenda. Now game has changed and it is time to kill more Muslims. Western Syria will be given to Assad, and western part will be Sunni-free.
If IS manages to reach Homs in time, then it can save west falling to Assad.
completely bullshit.
@Alienoz_TR Graphic content is banned other wise these Assad fan boys never questioned the realities on the ground.
They have started to get a bit free. Keep us updated. Keep up the humiliation for them and the other secular murtadin.

Believe me, when it comes to graphic images, there is no shortage of them when it comes to opposite side, especially Daesh and Nus-rats.
ISIS Suffers Their Biggest Setback in Syria; Jabal Al-Sha’ar Captured by the SAA
The 18th Tank Brigade of the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Infantry Division, backed by the National Defense Forces and Liwaa Al-Qalb Al-Suqour Sahra’a (Syrian Arab Army Special Forces), have captured the remaining gas fields of Jabal Al-Sha’ar (Poet Mountains) in east Homs. This marks the 2nd time in 4 months that this mountain area in the Homs Governorate has been recaptured by SAA and their allies.

The operation that led to the capture of Jabal Al-Sha’ar was under the command of Colonel Suheil Al-Hassan of the Syrian Arab Army’s “Tiger Forces” – he would leave his position in Hama to his second-in-command, Captain Lu’ayy Sleitan. Col. Al-Hassan’s presence gave the embattled soldiers a boost in morale, as he arrived with the rarely used, Al-Qalb Al-Suqour Sahra’a Brigades – they are known for their desert camouflage uniforms.

In 2 days, the SAA took control of the imperative Hayyan Gas Fields; Oil Well 802; Wells 101, 102, 103, and 104; Khirbet Al-Tiyaas; and the villages of Jarrah and Hujjar. As a result of this operation, the SAA has secured the vital supply route on Palmyra-Homs Road that leads to the soldiers fighting in the Deir Ezzor Governorate. The loss of Jabal Al-Sha’ar for ISIS is the biggest setback they have faced in this conflict, due to the overwhelming number of fighters they lost and the failure to end the SAA’s presence in the deserts of east Homs.
Suhail Hassan near Shaer gas field, Eastern Homs.
If only SAA had more men like him.

Leave the numbers, it has a very good point.
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كمين محكم على استراد حمص-تدمر لأسود الدولة الإسلامية يقتل عدد من الشبيحة واغتنام آليات

Ambush on Homs-Tadmur road, a number of Shabiha killed.

#الحسكة #القامشلي #تل_علو

هلكى وجرحى في انفجار سيارة مفخخة في حاجز ملاحدة مليشياYPG الكردية في قرية فاتي على الطريق الدولي #القامشلي #الحسكة

Car bomb in Tel Alo near Qamishli, Hasakah province. YPG members killed and wounded.

Hadem_News | Facebook
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Clashes in the city of Lattakia
November 6, 2014


Lattakia Province: Sound of firing heard in the two areas of al- Ramel and al- Ghraf in the city of Lattakia caused by clashes between the regime forces supported by NDF against gunmen, where the clashes are still erupting between the two parties, information reported casualties on both sides.

The Islamic battalions targeted by tank and mortar shells places in Kefrayyah area with no information about casualties.

clashes in the city of Lattakia | Syrian Observatory For Human Rights
ISIS Suffers Their Biggest Setback in Syria; Jabal Al-Sha’ar Captured by the SAA
The 18th Tank Brigade of the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Infantry Division, backed by the National Defense Forces and Liwaa Al-Qalb Al-Suqour Sahra’a (Syrian Arab Army Special Forces), have captured the remaining gas fields of Jabal Al-Sha’ar (Poet Mountains) in east Homs. This marks the 2nd time in 4 months that this mountain area in the Homs Governorate has been recaptured by SAA and their allies.

The operation that led to the capture of Jabal Al-Sha’ar was under the command of Colonel Suheil Al-Hassan of the Syrian Arab Army’s “Tiger Forces” – he would leave his position in Hama to his second-in-command, Captain Lu’ayy Sleitan. Col. Al-Hassan’s presence gave the embattled soldiers a boost in morale, as he arrived with the rarely used, Al-Qalb Al-Suqour Sahra’a Brigades – they are known for their desert camouflage uniforms.

In 2 days, the SAA took control of the imperative Hayyan Gas Fields; Oil Well 802; Wells 101, 102, 103, and 104; Khirbet Al-Tiyaas; and the villages of Jarrah and Hujjar. As a result of this operation, the SAA has secured the vital supply route on Palmyra-Homs Road that leads to the soldiers fighting in the Deir Ezzor Governorate. The loss of Jabal Al-Sha’ar for ISIS is the biggest setback they have faced in this conflict, due to the overwhelming number of fighters they lost and the failure to end the SAA’s presence in the deserts of east Homs.
WHoo haa.

That was basically just a raid. And funniest part that after the first raid and slaughter SAA did not learn anything and got slaughtered again in same exactly place.
WHoo haa.

That was basically just a raid. And funniest part that after the first raid and slaughter SAA did not learn anything and got slaughtered again in same exactly place.

Somehow I think IS prevented FSA and IF collapse by Assad's hand on Khan Sheikhun front. And took a large number of war booty from SAA.
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