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Kurdish fighters regain villages northeastern Syria following clashes with ISIS

November 7, 2014

Qamishli, Syria
– On Thursday, the Kurdish forces of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) regained control of a number of villages and farms in Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ain) of al-Hasakah province, northeastern Syria, after fierce battles against militants of the Islamic State (IS/ISIS).

The YPG-linked Media Center announced in an official statement what it described as “the liberation” of five villages, 23 farms and a strategic hill in the city of Sere Kaniye in the province of al-Hasakah, following fierce battles with IS militants.

“Our units (YPG) seized arms and ammunition, during the campaign initiated by the YPG forces on November 3, in the Sere Kaniye areas,” the YPG statement added. “Meanwhile, our units targeted the radical group’s militants who were digging trenches in the village of Rawiya.”

Also on Thursday, clashes renewed between Kurdish fighters of the YPG and militants of the Islamic State in the southern countryside of the city of Qamishli (Qamishlo), northeastern Syria, coinciding with the U.S.-led coalition warplanes bombing IS headquarters in the area.

Activists from the city of Qamishli told ARA News that fierce clashes renewed between militants of the Islamic State and the YPG fighters near the town of Tel Hamees and the surrounding villages in the southern countryside of Qamishli.

In the meantime, speaking to ARA News in the city of al-Hasakah, the civil rights activist Ahmed al-Husseini reported that the international coalition’s aircraft launched several raids on the Magloujah area in Mount Abdulaziz in the western countryside of the city of al-Hasakah, with the continuation of U.S. sorties over several IS-held towns in the province.

Kurdish fighters regain villages northeastern Syria following clashes with ISIS - ARA News
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* Clashes between IS and Assad forces continue around Farqlas, As-Sukhnah and Shaer and Hajjar gas fields in eastern Homs Province. Casualties in the latter side. (which most probably means Assad forces)

* IS ambushed a regime convoy coming to aid for Tiyas Airport from Tadmur on Palmyra-Homs road, killing 28 regime soldiers, destroying 3 tanks and 6 military vehicles.


I excluded translation of some parts of the report, such as bombing in Waer district, Homs.


voluntarily or forced?

nothing is forced, but if you want to keep your head and body attached you have 1 choice, those aren't arabs I hear from their dialect so the chance of them really liking ISIS is very small.
nothing is forced, but if you want to keep your head and body attached you have 1 choice, those aren't arabs I hear from their dialect so the chance of them really liking ISIS is very small.
They don't look like they are under pressure :lol:
‘ISIS Sees Turkey as Its Ally': Former Islamic State Member Reveals Turkish Army Cooperation

A former member of ISIS has revealed the extent to which the cooperation of the Turkish military and border forces allows the terrorist group, who now control large parts of Iraq and Syria, to travel through Turkish territory to reinforce fighters battling Kurdish forces.

A reluctant former communications technician working for Islamic State, going by the pseudonym ‘Sherko Omer’, who managed to escape the group, told Newsweek that he travelled in a convoy of trucks as part of an ISIS unit from their stronghold in Raqqa, across Turkish border, through Turkey and then back across the border to attack Syrian Kurds in the city of Serekaniye in northern Syria in February, in order to bypass their defences.

“ISIS commanders told us to fear nothing at all because there was full cooperation with the Turks,” said Omer of crossing the border into Turkey, “and they reassured us that nothing will happen, especially when that is how they regularly travel from Raqqa and Aleppo to the Kurdish areas further northeast of Syria because it was impossible to travel through Syria as YPG controlled most parts of the Kurdish region.”

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Until last month, NATO member Turkey had blocked Kurdish fighters from crossing the border into Syria to aid their Syrian counterparts in defending the border town of Kobane. Speaking to Newsweek, Kurds in Kobane said that people attempting to carry supplies across the border were often shot at.

National Army of Syrian Kurdistan (YPG) spokesman Polat Can went even further, saying that Turkish forces were actively aiding ISIS. “There is more than enough evidence with us now proving that the Turkish army gives ISIS terrorists weapons, ammunitions and allows them to cross the Turkish official border crossings in order for ISIS terrorists to initiate inhumane attacks against the Kurdish people in Rojava [north-eastern Syria].”

Omer explained that during his time with ISIS, Turkey had been seen as an ally against the Kurds. “ISIS saw the Turkish army as its ally especially when it came to attacking the Kurds in Syria. The Kurds were the common enemy for both ISIS and Turkey. Also, ISIS had to be a Turkish ally because only through Turkey they were able to deploy ISIS fighters to northern parts of the Kurdish cities and towns in Syria.”

“ISIS and Turkey cooperate together on the ground on the basis that they have a common enemy to destroy, the Kurds,” he added.

While Newsweek was not able to independently verify Omer’s testimony, anecdotal evidence of Turkish forces turning a blind eye to ISIS activity has been mounting over the past month.

Omer, the son of a successful businessman in Iraqi Kurdistan, initially went to Syria to join the Free Syrian Army’s fight against Bashar al-Assad, but found himself sucked in to ISIS, unable to leave. He was given a job a communication technician, and worked at the ISIS communications bureau in Raqqa.

“I have connected ISIS field captains and commanders from Syria with people in Turkey on innumerable occasions,” said Omer.

“I rarely heard them speak in Arabic, and that was only when they talked to their own recruiters, otherwise, they mostly spoke in Turkish because the people they talked to were Turkish officials of some sorts because ISIS guys used to be very serious when they talked to them.”

Omer was then transferred to a battalion travelling to fight Kurdish forces in Serekaniya, north-eastern Syria, and describes travelling through Turkey in a convoy of trucks, staying at safehouses along the way, before crossing back into Syria at the Ceylanpinar border crossing.

Before crossing the border back into Syria, he says: “My ISIS commander reassured us once again that it was all going to be all right because cooperation had been made with the Turks. He frequently talked on the radio in Turkish.”

“While we tried to cross the Ceylanpinar border post, the Turkish soldiers' watchtower light spotted us. The commander quickly told us to stay calm, stay in position and not to look at the light. He talked on the radio in Turkish again and we stayed in our positions. Watchtower light then moved about 10 minutes later and the commander ordered us to move because the watchtower light moving away from us was the signal that we could safely cross the border into Serekaniye."

Once in Serekaniye, Omer says he surrendered to Kurdish forces when they attacked his camp. He was held for several months before his captors were convinced that he had not been a fighter in ISIS and had not taken part in violence.

Short commentry:
There is no full cooperation as this article says but we do have lines of communication with ISIS. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to get our 50 hostages back. What is wrong with that? US also had lines of communcation with extremist in Afghanistan during Soviet period. Turkey doesn't supply ISIS but I think we made agreement about non-hostility. As long as ISIS doesn't attack us. We don't attack them.
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