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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Later they also burn drugs and cigarettes that PKK/YPG get their revenue and finance from to stage terrorism in neighboring countries
Drug selling ''freedom'' fighters... the propaganda machines is working good for some people here but we know the real face of those people.
They don't have any say in this.
Exactly, its a joke how some smartazzes think they are knowledged about the situation only because they read articles in biased propaganda machine and demand from us to fight a war for people who will turn their weapons againt us once isis is finished.

''But, but isis will slaughter ypg/pkk and evil Turks are just watching the massacre, booo'' :cray:, ofcourse we will watch what do you expect from us, to fight for people who kill our soldiers and sell drugs in our country? Go cry me a river. :coffee:
Exactly, its a joke how some smartazzes think they are knowledged about the situation only because they read articles in biased propaganda machine and demand from us to fight a war for people who will turn their weapons againt us once isis is finished.

''But, but isis will slaughter ypg/pkk and evil Turks are just watching the massacre, booo'' :cray:, ofcourse we will watch what do you expect from us, to fight for people who kill our soldiers and sell drugs in our country? Go cry me a river. :coffee:
It only gives us a clear understanding how they think about us. They think about Turkish army as mercenary army. Cheap soldiers to throw on the battlefield as cannon fodder. They don't undestand that their strategy of putting pressure on us will never work. It worked counter-productive. When US proposes something we will always double check whether they have good intentions. US is still playing games with us by empowering Assad with air strikes on anti-Assad forces. Eventually the cost of air strikes will tower and they will have to stop. Then ISIS will get Kobane and the US will look like a donkey for spending all that money on air strikes. I think US deserves this because they also left us half-way with Turkey's roadmap for Syria.
"drugs" my ***, that's just some pot

what a waste of ganja, those ISIS boys should've smoked some
Eastern Homs Countryside

Today (Thursday) Car bomb hit regime checkpoint in north of Palmyra/Tadmur killing and wounding regime soldiers.

Clashes continue around Shaer and Hajjar fields, a number of vehicles belonging to regime were destroyed, while regime kept bombarding IS fighters.

شن تنظيم الدولة اليوم الخميس هجوما على مدينة تدمر بريف حمص الشرقي، استهدف خلالها مواقع لقوات الأسد على المدخل الشمالي للمدينة بسيارة مفخخة، ما أسفر عن مقتل وجرح عدد من قوات الأخيرة.

في الأثناء، تواصلت الاشتباكات بين الطرفين في محيط جبل شاعر ومنطقة حجار شرق المحافظة، ما أسفر عن تدمير عربة عسكرية لقوات الأسد، تزامن ذلك مع قصف بقوات الأسد بقذائف الدبابات على المنطقة.


Where do you get these from ?

Open source, twitter, forums, etc...
CC bombs Ahrar al Sham:

Basically the openly side Assad. :coffee:

Which is what Jewish Establishment wants. Go ask your Jew cousins what the policy is, since you already control the whole West.
By mid-september, when IS started offensive, YPG was threatening Mabroukah from the east.
Ras al-Ain/Serekaniye -> Mabroukah = appr. 35km

By November, IS is 15km far from Ras al-Ain/Serekaniye.
Ras al-Ain/Serekaniye -> Thamad. YPG is still behind mid-september lines.

And if rumors true, Peshmerga also entered Ras al-Ain through Ceylanpinar.

That would be the ideal to enter via Sere Kani and fight to Kobane from there with coalition airplanes bombing first defence lines. But idiots locks themselves into Kobane. But I have not heard of usch a thing from Kurds or Kurdish media.

"Al- Hasakah Province: YPG fighters seized the v towns of Thmad, Naddan, Dibeh, Om Azzam and Naqra as well as they seized some farmlands in the southwest of Ras al- Ayn city."

I don't know if it is true what you say, but if we are to look along the border, the furthest west YPG have been from Sere Kani that I can remember was Til Khenzir where BBC reported from of where IS had destroyed a mosque. But these towns that were captured are to the south east no? IS had always had a presence there. There are two main roads that go to Sere Kani from the east, one along the border and one more south.

I thought YPG had Mabrouka, I'm just gonna follow syriahr from now on.
Coalition warplanes strike Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham HQs
November 6, 2014

Coalition warplanes targeted vehicle for Jabhat al-Nusra in Sarmada town near Syria-Turkey borders, and its HQ in Harim city, reports of human losses ( including 2 children ). Coalition warplanes also targeted for the first time a HQ for Ahrar al-Sham Islamic movement in Basbqa town near Bab al-Hawa crossing.

Coalition warplanes strike Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham HQs | Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

Do you believe that's affecting their ability to hold their ground in Aleppo and could be linked to recent SAA advances there?
Do you believe that's affecting their ability to hold their ground in Aleppo and could be linked to recent SAA advances there?

USA wants to give Aleppo to Assad. Syria has been divided enough, USA supported opposition as it served its agenda. Now game has changed and it is time to kill more Muslims. Western Syria will be given to Assad, and western part will be Sunni-free.

If IS manages to reach Homs in time, then it can save west falling to Assad.
USA wants to give Aleppo to Assad. Syria has been divided enough, USA supported opposition as it served its agenda. Now game has changed and it is time to kill more Muslims. Western Syria will be given to Assad, and western part will be Sunni-free.

If IS manages to reach Homs in time, then it can save west falling to Assad.

Does IS realize that? And what can they deploy there? It's odd that the Rebel Factions are having trouble maintaining their ground. I wonder if it's lack of supplies, intelligence, supply routes, coordination... or what...

It seems IS is more effective on the ground but not sure how, since some defectors joined IS and it isn't related to man power. Maybe their command is better.

I don't think Turkey would want a divided Syria from East to West. Unfortunately, Arab States may accept that prospect. And for Israel/West it is beneficial since they cause more sectarian tensions this way. Cut off Iran from Syria, but there's still seaports/airports. And weaken the Syrian opposition or hope to keep them in small scale infighting/disputes if Syria were to be divided.

The rebels won't accept that, but they need support from Jordan/Saudi Arabia/Iraq. And they might need to ask for volunteers, not sure.
Does IS realize that? And what can they deploy there? It's odd that the Rebel Factions are having trouble maintaining their ground. I wonder if it's lack of supplies, intelligence, supply routes, coordination... or what...

It seems IS is more effective on the ground but not sure how, since some defectors joined IS and it isn't related to man power. Maybe their command is better.

I don't think Turkey would want a divided Syria from East to West. Unfortunately, Arab States may accept that prospect. And for Israel/West it is beneficial since they cause more sectarian tensions this way. Cut off Iran from Syria, but there's still seaports/airports. And weaken the Syrian opposition or hope to keep them in small scale infighting/disputes if Syria were to be divided.

The rebels won't accept that, but they need support from Jordan/Saudi Arabia/Iraq. And they might need to ask for volunteers, not sure.

- FSA, IF and Nusra are strong enough to defeat Assad in the south, especially in Daraa and Quneitra. And Druzes are getting frustrated with Assad.

- IS has enough manpower to reign Hamah and Homs, but currently stuck in 1)Ayn al-Arab, 2)Hasakah-Sinjar, 3)Deir ez-Zor fronts. Latest offensive was not meant to liberate Homs, but to relieve Deir Ez-zor by pushing frontline more to southwest.

- Turkey will enter the conflict in the future, but not against Assad. Instead against Kurds. That might relieve some IS troops to locate to other parts in Syria and Iraq.

- Next year this month, we might see IS connecting Akkar, Tripoli, Arsal and Qalamun to Main IS territory, if nothing major changes.
SAA has retaken Shaer gas field.

قوات النظام تستعيد السيطرة على حقل شاعر بريف حمص الشرقي - المرصد السورى لحقوق الإنسان


Homs province: regime forces bombarded areas in al-Wa'er neighborhood, an Engineer was killed while others were wounded by an IED exploded when they were checking the gas line in Homs countryside, activists said. 2 Islamic fighters were shot by regime forces when they were sneaking near regime bastion in al-Farqlos area east of Homs.


- Tadmur City is calm after car bomb today.
- low-intensity clashes going on around Shaer and Hajjar gas fields.
- Militants attacked gas plant in Furqlas, southeast of Homs City, disrupted the gas supply and killed and wounded the workers.

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