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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

There is a big difference between state news agency and some twitter account.

Khamenai propaganda is good: first they make a fake to blame Saudis, then they use same fake to attack Syrian Rebels. Goebbels would be proud.
Well fars news. Is not an state media and more importantly the date of the images are more important in determining who made it right now I'm on my cell phone and can't look at exif data of the images . later I'll look at them and see which one is older.
Iranian Defence Minister Hossein Dehghan on Monday criticized Russia for "not having kept its promise" when Russia made public that it was using an Iranian airbase for bombing raids in Syria.

The operations were strategically necessary, but Iran and Russia had agreed not to make them public, Dehghan said in comments carried by Iranian state news agency ISNA.

He emphasized that Iran had allowed Russia to use the airbase only for refueling as part of collaboration against terrorists in Syria, and not allocated it as a "classical military base."

There was no immediate response from Moscow, which had used the Shahid Nojeh Air Base to refuel its bombers striking Syria at least three times last week.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi told reporters in Tehran that the Russian airstrikes on militants in Syria were "temporary, based on a Russian request."

"It is finished, for now," Ghasemi said, without elaborating.

Last week, Russia announced it used the airfield, located some 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of the Iranian city of Hamedan. Iranian officials only confirmed Russia's presence a day later.

Earlier Monday, state TV quoted Iran's defense minister as saying that Russia "will use the base for a very short and fixed span." The comments by Gen. Hossein Dehghan came after he chastised parliament this weekend for asking questions about Russia using the base.

Responding to a question about why Iran didn't initially announce Russia's presence at the airfield, Dehghan appeared prickly on the state TV broadcast.

"Russians are interested to show they are a superpower to guarantee their share in political future of Syria and, of course, there has been a kind of show-off and ungentlemanly (attitude) in this field," he said.

Dehghan's remarks also suggest Russia and Iran initially agreed to keep Moscow's use of the air base quiet. Its announcement likely worried Iran's Sunni-ruled Mideast neighbors, which host American military personnel.

The Interfax news agency on Monday also quoted Russia's ambassador to Tehran, Levan Dzhagaryan, as confirming that all of Moscow's warplanes have been withdrawn from Iran. Dzhagaryan said, however, that he does "not see any reason" why the Russians can't use the Iranian base again.

For Iran, allowing Russia to launch strikes from inside the country is likely to prove unpopular. Many still remember how Russia, alongside Britain, invaded and occupied Iran during World War II to secure oil fields and Allied supply lines. But while Britain withdrew, Russia refused to leave, sparking the first international rebuke by the nascent United Nations Security Council in 1946.

Analysts have suggested Russia potentially leveraged Iran into allowing it to use the airfield over either economic or military interests, such as Tehran wanting to purchase Sukhoi-30 fighter jets or its deployment of Russian S-300 air defense missile systems. Russia initially held off on supplying the missile system to Tehran amid negotiations over Iran's contested nuclear program.

Over the weekend, photographs of President Hassan Rouhani were published in Iranian state media near a Bavar-373 missile defense system. That system is designed to be the local equivalent of the S-300 — perhaps an Iranian signal back to Moscow that it's capable of defending itself without the Russian missile system.

In his comments, Dehghan said the Bavar-373 can hit targets at the height of 27 kilometers (16.7 miles) — the same height the S-300 can reach.

"When we make Bavar-373 operational, we will not need to purchase another high-altitude and long-range air defense system," he said.

Dehghan added that Iran still sees the Sukhoi-30 as "an appropriate fighting aircraft," though he acknowledged the U.S. could seek to block any fighter jet deal. The U.N. resolution enshrining last year's nuclear deal with Iran prohibits the supply, sale and transfer of combat aircraft to Iran unless approved in advance by the Security Council.

"The issue of purchasing the fighters has been raised and we have not heard any negative answer," he said. "We are negotiating to learn how we can do this with the restriction that can be raised for the Russians."







Nope, YPG in Hasakah. They are trying to expel not only SAA, but also Arabs and Assyrians from the city. Result of U.S unconditional support for them, which allowed them to act bigger than their size and claim what doesn't belong to them.
Question is what happens next ?
Nope, YPG in Hasakah. They are trying to expel not only SAA, but also Arabs and Assyrians from the city. Result of U.S unconditional support for them, which allowed them to act bigger than their size and claim what doesn't belong to them.
If they wanted to expel they would do it long time ago. I guess they want to to take some territory and ransom money from Assad aka Iran.
Nope, YPG in Hasakah. They are trying to expel not only SAA, but also Arabs and Assyrians from the city. Result of U.S unconditional support for them, which allowed them to act bigger than their size and claim what doesn't belong to them.

It's suspect that this happened when the government was having success with the terrorists. In a week, we suddenly had major news about stuff like the boy in the ambulance picture, suddenly new reports about NGOs talking about prisoners, and then Kurds fighting against the government. It's almost like everything is done in the space of a week to keep the government occupied again.

Attempts by the west to continue to prolong the war and drain the energy and resources of all the middle Eastern countries.

Oh, and it seems that Israel just fired into gov territory apparently in a response to a "mortal attack" which is probably bullshit sure it's such a coincidence that it is happening now.
Attempts by the west to continue to prolong the war and drain the energy and resources of all the middle Eastern countries.
The war will come to an end when most/all puzzle pieces fall into place, otherwise the US and Russia would have seriously pushed for peace already, and i think it's the US that keeps delaying for more time. Once finished, Baghdadi, who surprisingly has turned out to be a serious competitor of bin laden's hide and seek world record and somehow keeps evading the intelligence services of many major powers in Syria like a ninja after all this time, will probably be found, killed and dumped somewhere by the US without any evidence. One thing is certain, the US has shown its true colors and that it has an agenda for the pyd/ypg (linking corridor in north Syria and turning them into a loyal vassal state of the US and Israel), so its claim of being supportive of a united Syria has fallen through. The game that has been playing on ME countries becomes more clear and will continue to drain.
In Syria worst form of terrorist oops Democracy workers use worst kind of suicide bombing techniques put some 100 200 kilo of explosive in truck wield the doors so the driver canot escape then the Democracy worker charges and detonate truck killing everyone .what kind of democracy is this what kind of resistance . Is this type of democracy these kharjis jihadis I mean fsa want.a and these people say that we are fighting dr basher for democratic prosperous syria huh.
and then when regime stop these jihadis aka innocent de.ocracy workers. Whole wide critise them . Imagine if ur country opposition employ the same tactics
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In Syria worst form of terrorist oops Democracy workers use worst kind of suicide bombing techniques put some 100 200 kilo of explosive in truck wield the doors so the driver canot escape then the Democracy worker charges and detonate truck killing everyone . Is this type of democracy these kharjis jihadis I mean fsa want.a and these people say that we are fighting dr basher for democratic prosperous syria huh.
Iranian regime and Hezbollah used suicide trucks against embassies with dozens civilians, Syrian rebels use them vs. military targets.

Yet rebels are evil and Hezbies good.
Iranian regime and Hezbollah used suicide trucks against embassies
Prove it. Except 2 successful operations killing dozens of Israeli terrorists and also American and French soldiers in Lebanon in separate cases, none of other attacks are proved. Most importantly, AMIA hoax and similar cases.
First suicide terror attack ever:

On December 15, 1981, the Iraqi Shi'a Islamist group al-Dawa carried out a suicide car bombing targeting the Iraqi embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. The explosion leveled the embassy and killed 61 people, including Iraq's ambassador to Lebanon, and injured 110 others.


And again:

24 May 1982. Car bomb attack on French Embassy in Beirut killing 12 and wounding 27. Islam Jihad is one of several groups taking responsibility. Anger over France's providing of arms to Iran's enemy Iraq is thought to be the motivating factor.[24]


And again:

The April 18, 1983, United States embassy bombing was a suicide bombing in Beirut, Lebanon, that killed 63 people, including 17 Americans.

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