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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Bomb Blast in Homs Hurts 37, Including Children

At least 37 people, including children, were injured in a car bomb attack on a government-controlled neighborhood in the central Syrian city of Homs on Wednesday, state television reported.

"Terrorists detonated a car bomb in the center of Al-Zahraa neighborhood, causing deaths and injuries," it said.

It later said at least 37 people had been hurt, including children who were "in serious condition", adding that the blast had caused major damage.

The majority of Al-Zahraa's residents are Alawite, the same sect as President Bashar al-Assad.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitoring group, also said the blast had caused injuries.

The bombing is the latest in a series of attacks targeting government-controlled areas of Homs city.

In early October, a double bomb attack in another Alawite neighborhood hit a school, killing 52 people, among them 48 students.

After the bombing, angry parents and residents staged demonstrations calling for the resignation of senior security officials.

Two local security officials were reassigned, though Homs's governor denied the move was related to the demonstrations.

Homs was once known as the "capital of the revolution" because of the strength of anti-government activity there after Syria's uprising began in March 2011.

But most of the city is now back under the control of the regime, with the exception of the northwestern Waer district.

Bomb Blast in Homs Hurts 37, Including Children — Naharnet

FSA, Nusra sign non-aggression pact in Aleppo

Moderate US-backed rebel group Harakat Hazm and Al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat a-Nusra signed an agreement Tuesday stipulating that neither group will attack the other in the contested city of Aleppo, reported pro-opposition Shahba Press Agency, which obtained and published a copy of the agreement.

The agreement comes after Nusra attacked a Harakat Hazm checkpoint in the western outskirts of Aleppo the same day, reported the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Nusra opened a front against Harakat Hazm in Western Aleppo after it captured seven villages in Idlib from another US-backed, moderate rebel coalition, the Syrian Revolutionaries Front (SRF), on Tuesday.

The SRF and Nusra engaged in a firefight over the weekend in the town of Al-Bara in Idlib under unclear circumstances, leading to an outbreak of hostilities pitting Nusra on one side and the SRF and Harakat Hazm on the other.

IS makes a bid for energy resources

The Islamic State captured three gas fields in Jabal Shar near the historical ruins of Palmyra in east Homs province from the regime Tuesday, marking the second time in the past four months that IS attempts to capture the gas-rich area, reported pro-opposition news Smart News Agency.

IS killed more than 30 regime soldiers in the attack, said the monitoring group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The gas fields near Jabal Shar are among the principal sources for the nearby government gas company that supplies the rest of the province. Syria is currently going through an energy crisis, with the regime raising the price of diesel earlier this month.

Meanwhile, pro-regime daily Al-Watan said that units of the Syrian army “injured a number of terrorists” near Palmyra.

In July this year, IS briefly seized control of the gas fields in Jabal Shar in a surprise attack that reportedly killed 300 regime soldiers before the Syrian army recaptured the area ten days later.

East Ghouta Sharia Court sentences drug dealer to death

The Sharia Court of rebel-held Eastern Ghouta, affiliated with Zahran Alloush’s Islamic Front, sentenced a resident to death on Tuesday after convicting him of selling narcotics, accordingto an announcement released by the court and widely circulated on social media websites.

“The man called Turki bin Nayyef Jabawi...undertook to bring large quantities of drugs into [East Ghouta] in cooperation with the regime's intelligence apparatus, then advertised these drugs to the sons of East Ghouta in order to tie them to drugs and recruit them into the regime's intelligence services,” the announcement read in part.

This is not the first time rebels have accused agents inside Ghouta of cooperating with the regime to corrupt youth and undermine the revolution.

“The regime buys off these people inside Ghouta and they execute the regime’s demands – spying, selling drugs...in order to weaken people,” Omar al-Husen, a spokesperson for the pro-rebel Revolution Command Council, told Syria Direct in June, on the heels of the announcement of a new campaign to capture and try “regime agents” in Ghouta.

Syria Direct: News Update 10-29-14 - Syria Direct
For those who belives IS are brave fighters "They gave us drugs, hallucinetic pills not caring if you live or die"

ISIS to reporter: 'you would be tortured' - CNN.com Video

"Occasionally, the extremists exhibit reckless if not crazy behavior. Says Ferhat, “One of their guys charged straight at us waving a large knife. We shot him dead.” Ferhat puts such incidents down to possible drug use. “When we capture them, we sometimes find syringes in their bags,” he says. Some of the dead had what he described as “capsules” or “vials” in their mouths."

Are Islamic State Fighters on Drugs? - Businessweek
Car bomb in Zehra neighbourhood, Homs. 29/10/2014

I denounce such acts; but if Alawites have denounced regime attacks on (Sunni) civilians in the past, things would not have come to this.



FSA, Nusra sign non-aggression pact in Aleppo

Moderate US-backed rebel group Harakat Hazm and Al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat a-Nusra signed an agreement Tuesday stipulating that neither group will attack the other in the contested city of Aleppo, reported pro-opposition Shahba Press Agency, which obtained and published a copy of the agreement.

The agreement comes after Nusra attacked a Harakat Hazm checkpoint in the western outskirts of Aleppo the same day, reported the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Nusra opened a front against Harakat Hazm in Western Aleppo after it captured seven villages in Idlib from another US-backed, moderate rebel coalition, the Syrian Revolutionaries Front (SRF), on Tuesday.

The SRF and Nusra engaged in a firefight over the weekend in the town of Al-Bara in Idlib under unclear circumstances, leading to an outbreak of hostilities pitting Nusra on one side and the SRF and Harakat Hazm on the other.

IS makes a bid for energy resources

The Islamic State captured three gas fields in Jabal Shar near the historical ruins of Palmyra in east Homs province from the regime Tuesday, marking the second time in the past four months that IS attempts to capture the gas-rich area, reported pro-opposition news Smart News Agency.

IS killed more than 30 regime soldiers in the attack, said the monitoring group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The gas fields near Jabal Shar are among the principal sources for the nearby government gas company that supplies the rest of the province. Syria is currently going through an energy crisis, with the regime raising the price of diesel earlier this month.

Meanwhile, pro-regime daily Al-Watan said that units of the Syrian army “injured a number of terrorists” near Palmyra.

In July this year, IS briefly seized control of the gas fields in Jabal Shar in a surprise attack that reportedly killed 300 regime soldiers before the Syrian army recaptured the area ten days later.

East Ghouta Sharia Court sentences drug dealer to death

The Sharia Court of rebel-held Eastern Ghouta, affiliated with Zahran Alloush’s Islamic Front, sentenced a resident to death on Tuesday after convicting him of selling narcotics, accordingto an announcement released by the court and widely circulated on social media websites.

“The man called Turki bin Nayyef Jabawi...undertook to bring large quantities of drugs into [East Ghouta] in cooperation with the regime's intelligence apparatus, then advertised these drugs to the sons of East Ghouta in order to tie them to drugs and recruit them into the regime's intelligence services,” the announcement read in part.

This is not the first time rebels have accused agents inside Ghouta of cooperating with the regime to corrupt youth and undermine the revolution.

“The regime buys off these people inside Ghouta and they execute the regime’s demands – spying, selling drugs...in order to weaken people,” Omar al-Husen, a spokesperson for the pro-rebel Revolution Command Council, told Syria Direct in June, on the heels of the announcement of a new campaign to capture and try “regime agents” in Ghouta.

Syria Direct: News Update 10-29-14 - Syria Direct

Well by joining with Nusra, it will certainly dilute FSA's so called moderate label.
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Well,that is hardly surprising,just take a look at the time frame.The reason why the Syrian civil war got all these attention is largely due to the spread of internet and more so due abundance of social media,today there is a multitude of different social medias like facebook,twitter etc;people can freely share their thoughts,their experience,news etc much easily,you can take your views to the world level,to a vast swath of people from different countries compared to that time when all these happened in Kashmir.Back then,the internet was largely out of reach of common citizen.Besides,the mass media and electronic media wasn't as developed and vocal as in present.And that's why the Kashmir situation remained largely out of sight of common people except Indian subcontinent.
While we are at this,let me share a couple of incidents that I remember.In one case,the Pakistani backed terrorists had stuck a colony largely made up of family of Indian Army Soldiers.Within a few minutes,some 50 unarmed civilians,most women and children,were killed in most gruesome manners imaginable.The scene was quite similar to what we now see in your country.People were dragged out of their homes,then they were either shot or killed in the same ritualistic beheading,sleeting of throats,bodies were mutilated,genitalia were severed,eyes gauged out!!Besides,sporadic killings,abduction and mass rape against the ethnic Hindu Pandits had become an almost daily affair.

Then in another instance,it was 1999,an Indian Army officer,Captain Saurabh Kalia,along with 7 other ranks of his patrol party was captured by most probably the Pakistan Army's Northern Light Infantry troops who had transgressed into our territory under disguise of mujaheddin (they deny this till today for obvious reasons).For 7 days,these men were tortured in the most brutal manner with the same process I described in the earlier incident and then executed,when their bodies were returned those were large unrecognizable.
There are hundreds of such incidents which I can not describe here.

And as for foreign backing,these militants were (and still are to a lesser extent) being extensively helped by the ISI and Pakistani Army with training,weapons including assault rifles,RPGs,GPMGs,HMGs,grenades - everything to monetary support,they would give them cover fire and even artillery cover during infiltration attempts,in fact they still do it.Heck,they actively took part in the terrorist raids disguised as the same.In many cases,our soldiers have recovered i cards indiacating Pakistani Army regulars,Rangers and even SSG in some cases from dead terrorists.Beside,these guys too received extensive petro dollar support from the very same countries who are doing it now against your country.

That is why,those of us Indians who are interested in military matters and keep track of the present situation in middle east and Syria in particular,remains overwhelmingly sympathetic to Syrian people and supports the present government of Al-Assad,you can ask any Indian member here or in any other defence forum if you want.Even the GoI is largely supportive to the government of Syria and has always opposed the US and NATO decision of toppling the Assad government by force.We even opposed to the operations in Libya against Gaddafi government.

And as for the threat given by AQ,well,all I would say that we have heard it all a hundred times and we are not impressed.If they do make the mistake,it will be their last,that I can assure you.We are not like the US,our forces fight terror with terror.We do not use artillery or air force but seasoned soldiers,specially trained in counter insurgency with experience of over one and half a decade!!Our forces in India follow a simple maxim - 'if it is hostile,you kill it'.There are few facilities,namely the Counter Infiltration Grid on ground to stop infiltration.Like the LOC fencing - it is among the most heavily militarized area with a 20 feet high electrified razor wire fence with motion sensors,Battle Field Surveillance Radars,long range thermal imagers of both Indian and Israeli origins,round the clock UAV surveillance and army patrols.The whole area is also littered with camouflaged concrete pill boxes with Recoilless rifles and heavy machine gun emplacements.Then there is the Rashtrya Rifles,a 100 thousand strong force of Indian Army, specially trained for counter insurgency operations in dense jungles,high altitude and urban environments.For a more detailed reply,you can ask to @OrionHunter ,he is retired high ranking infantry officer of Indian Army,who was posted in Kashmir during the peak years of the insurgency.
Thank you for sharing, very informal!
You are right the people that suffered from terrorism understand Syrians the most, in this conflict... petrodollar countries have a lot to do with terrorism that happened in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria...

May India continue to prosper and live in peace!

By the way Syria - India relations go back to long time :agree:
BREAKING NEWS: Turkish Soldier insulted the mother of a Peshmerga militant. :D

DEVELOPING STORY: Turkish soldiers didnt give soap to Kurds. Kurdish warriors cannot wash their hands at the moment. Thats most inhumane treatment Kurds have ever faced.
Rudaw English
8 hrs ·
Dr. Izzadin Tamo (a physician that accompanies the ‪#‎Peshmerga‬ forces ), we are being dumped in a store in Suruc without any service and even there is no a soap to wash our hands.

Turkmen minority suffers killing, displacement south Hama

HAMA (Zaman Al Wasl)- Aqrab, a small town in Hama’s Western South countryside, midway between Homs and Hama, of Turkman majority and some Alawite, nearly 2000 people out of total 12 thousand. It is surrounded by pro-regime villages from West, East and North.

In 2012, Syrian regime’s “Shabiha” committed unprecedented massacre where almost 600 people were killed.

Abdul Aziz rashwani one of the Aqrab’s residents, left the town in the beginning of 2013 to live with his friends’ houses in Holeh, came to visit his house for the first time when Zaman al-Wasl met him, he was shocked from the status of his house which was almost destroyed and all furniture was stolen, beside most surrounding houses were either completely destroyed or uninhabitable.


His cousin requested Abdul Aziz to check his house, Zaman al-Wasl talked to him over the phone and told his story: “I live now in Gaziantep in Malatia camp, I don’t think we would come back to Aqrab after the threat and fear we went through, we don’t have better life, but at least we don’t have to suffer from the frequent insult of ‘Shabiha’ and shelling from the surrounding villages, or explosive barrels”

According to some available records, it is estimated that 10 thousand “80%” of Aqrab town were displaced, either to Holeh or to refugees’ camps in Turkey.

It has been reported to Zaman al-Wasl that Turkey has allocated particular camps to Turkmen came from Homs and Hama and gave them permission to work.

The member in the relief committee Abdul Jabbar Hojik, confirmed to Zaman al-Wasl that many people even whole families still missing and the exact numbers of killed people still uncertain.


In regard to aid or relief, he mentioned that many members based in Turley and they provide 13 thousand tons of flour monthly , which is sometimes sold to use its price for buying other stuff.

Dr.Khawla al-Hadid, an activist from Aqrab town explained circumstances preceded the massacre, she mentioned that plans to push the town into a sectarian conflict was clear since the beginning of the Syrian revolution, where “Shabiha” used to humiliate and arrest people on barriers, beside many incidents of killing and abduction. “when one of “Shabiha” from the town was killed on a barrier, and his brother was killed in Hama, their father left the town, then many Shabihas’ families left Aqrab, with exodus of Alawite pro-regime people because of anticipated military action, then sever shelling started hitting the town”

An eyewitness of the massacre told what happened to her: “some armed people from the town detained around 500 people as hostages, when religious figures and Sheikhs intervened, 150 people were freed, to keep the Sheikhs in return. We were threatened of killing and exploding us with the building if anyone hit the abductors from outside”

The Free Syrian Army “FSA” requested the abductors to free the hostages and would let them to leave the area, but they refused.

The eyewitness confirmed that the building was exploded with hostages inside, including 125 children.

Turkmen minority suffers killing, displacement south Hama SYRIA NEWS | ZAMAN ALWSL #syria
Well,that is hardly surprising,just take a look at the time frame.The reason why the Syrian civil war got all these attention is largely due to the spread of internet and more so due abundance of social media,today there is a multitude of different social medias like facebook,twitter etc;people can freely share their thoughts,their experience,news etc much easily,you can take your views to the world level,to a vast swath of people from different countries compared to that time when all these happened in Kashmir.Back then,the internet was largely out of reach of common citizen.Besides,the mass media and electronic media wasn't as developed and vocal as in present.And that's why the Kashmir situation remained largely out of sight of common people except Indian subcontinent.
While we are at this,let me share a couple of incidents that I remember.In one case,the Pakistani backed terrorists had stuck a colony largely made up of family of Indian Army Soldiers.Within a few minutes,some 50 unarmed civilians,most women and children,were killed in most gruesome manners imaginable.The scene was quite similar to what we now see in your country.People were dragged out of their homes,then they were either shot or killed in the same ritualistic beheading,sleeting of throats,bodies were mutilated,genitalia were severed,eyes gauged out!!Besides,sporadic killings,abduction and mass rape against the ethnic Hindu Pandits had become an almost daily affair.

Then in another instance,it was 1999,an Indian Army officer,Captain Saurabh Kalia,along with 7 other ranks of his patrol party was captured by most probably the Pakistan Army's Northern Light Infantry troops who had transgressed into our territory under disguise of mujaheddin (they deny this till today for obvious reasons).For 7 days,these men were tortured in the most brutal manner with the same process I described in the earlier incident and then executed,when their bodies were returned those were large unrecognizable.
There are hundreds of such incidents which I can not describe here.

And as for foreign backing,these militants were (and still are to a lesser extent) being extensively helped by the ISI and Pakistani Army with training,weapons including assault rifles,RPGs,GPMGs,HMGs,grenades - everything to monetary support,they would give them cover fire and even artillery cover during infiltration attempts,in fact they still do it.Heck,they actively took part in the terrorist raids disguised as the same.In many cases,our soldiers have recovered i cards indiacating Pakistani Army regulars,Rangers and even SSG in some cases from dead terrorists.Beside,these guys too received extensive petro dollar support from the very same countries who are doing it now against your country.

That is why,those of us Indians who are interested in military matters and keep track of the present situation in middle east and Syria in particular,remains overwhelmingly sympathetic to Syrian people and supports the present government of Al-Assad,you can ask any Indian member here or in any other defence forum if you want.Even the GoI is largely supportive to the government of Syria and has always opposed the US and NATO decision of toppling the Assad government by force.We even opposed to the operations in Libya against Gaddafi government.

And as for the threat given by AQ,well,all I would say that we have heard it all a hundred times and we are not impressed.If they do make the mistake,it will be their last,that I can assure you.We are not like the US,our forces fight terror with terror.We do not use artillery or air force but seasoned soldiers,specially trained in counter insurgency with experience of over one and half a decade!!Our forces in India follow a simple maxim - 'if it is hostile,you kill it'.There are few facilities,namely the Counter Infiltration Grid on ground to stop infiltration.Like the LOC fencing - it is among the most heavily militarized area with a 20 feet high electrified razor wire fence with motion sensors,Battle Field Surveillance Radars,long range thermal imagers of both Indian and Israeli origins,round the clock UAV surveillance and army patrols.The whole area is also littered with camouflaged concrete pill boxes with Recoilless rifles and heavy machine gun emplacements.Then there is the Rashtrya Rifles,a 100 thousand strong force of Indian Army, specially trained for counter insurgency operations in dense jungles,high altitude and urban environments.For a more detailed reply,you can ask to @OrionHunter ,he is retired high ranking infantry officer of Indian Army,who was posted in Kashmir during the peak years of the insurgency.

Load of Bullocks in one post completely absolving Indian army of the confirmed rapes it did in Kashmir, killings of innocents, Mudslinging Pakistan for no reason. Just like Syrian army and it's Shahbia unit did in early days of conflict endless killings, rapes and what not
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