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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Is that so? Initially they were only Sunni Iraqis.

Yet led by a foreigner ?

Al Zarqawi.

That organization is mostly foreigners actually when you look at core fighters, they manage to lure young locals in for money, but they usually end up captured since they're not that determined like core ISIS fighters.
Yet led by a foreigner ?

Al Zarqawi.

That organization is mostly foreigners actually when you look at core fighters, they manage to lure young locals in for money, but they usually end up captured since they're not that determined like core ISIS fighters.

Head of State (Iraqi)
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Senior Spokesman (Syrian)
Abu Mohammad al-Adnani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Amir of Syrian IS (Iraqi)
Abu Ali al-Anbari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Amir of Iraqi IS (Iraqi)
Abu Muslim al-Turkmani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

--- Others ---
Syrian Group Commander (Georgian/Chechen)
Abu Omar al-Shishani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anbar Group Commander (Iraqi)
Abu Waheeb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is today, you were talking about back in the day.

To remind you,
Initially they were only Sunni Iraqis.

initially reminds me of Al Zarqawi.
Jesus Fucking Christ!! Is this for real??!! :o:
yes my friends, human body parts were hanging down in Latakia country side, if you even remember the terrorists attack on Latakia they killed women and children and hanged their heads on apple trees in their farms... that is my friend what F$A have done to Syrians .... what a revolution...

yes my friends, human body parts were hanging down in Latakia country side, if you even remember the terrorists attack on Latakia they killed women and children and hanged their heads on apple trees in their farms... that is my friend what F$A have done to Syrians .... what a revolution...


The present situation in Syria reminds of what happened in Kashmir in recent past.Almost the exact same kind of atrocities were committed in the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the time period starting from 1989 to 2006 when the same kind of Islamic terrorists.The ritualistic beheading,dismemberment,mutilation,crucifixion - all of it,the same story.More than a hundred thousand native Hindu Pandits and Shias were massacred and more than a million were forced to flee with their properties confiscated.The terrorists would often break into their homes and you know rest.And just in case of present day Syria,the Indian security forces were falsely accused to have committed mass violation against civilian population by the western propaganda channels,when in reality,almost in every case,the allegations were found to be either totally baseless or grossly over exaggerated.Here is a link:
ISIS brutalities remind of Hindu killings in Kashmir | India News Analysis Opinions on Niti Central
The present situation in Syria reminds of what happened in Kashmir in recent past.Almost the exact same kind of atrocities were committed in the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the time period starting from 1989 to 2006 when the same kind of Islamic terrorists.The ritualistic beheading,dismemberment,mutilation,crucifixion - all of it,the same story.More than a hundred thousand native Hindu Pandits and Shias were massacred and more than a million were forced to flee with their properties confiscated.The terrorists would often break into their homes and you know rest.And just in case of present day Syria,the Indian security forces were falsely accused to have committed mass violation against civilian population by the western propaganda channels,when in reality,almost in every case,the allegations were found to be either totally baseless or grossly over exaggerated.Here is a link:
ISIS brutalities remind of Hindu killings in Kashmir | India News Analysis Opinions on Niti Central
To be honest with you, I never heard of that stuff going in Kashmir ( I know about the Kashmir conflict), this is the first time I read something like that, so thanks for sharing... it is horrible, and yes what the article is describing is like what the F$A terrorists are doing in Syria, the only difference is that those F$A terrorists have western support and petro dollar countries are pumping them money and weapons

Question, recently Alqaeda threatened India and other countries in south Asia, how is India handling this threat?
To be honest with you, I never heard of that stuff going in Kashmir ( I know about the Kashmir conflict), this is the first time I read something like that, so thanks for sharing... it is horrible, and yes what the article is describing is like what the F$A terrorists are doing in Syria, the only difference is that those F$A terrorists have western support and petro dollar countries are pumping them money and weapons

Question, recently Alqaeda threatened India and other countries in south Asia, how is India handling this threat?
Well,that is hardly surprising,just take a look at the time frame.The reason why the Syrian civil war got all these attention is largely due to the spread of internet and more so due abundance of social media,today there is a multitude of different social medias like facebook,twitter etc;people can freely share their thoughts,their experience,news etc much easily,you can take your views to the world level,to a vast swath of people from different countries compared to that time when all these happened in Kashmir.Back then,the internet was largely out of reach of common citizen.Besides,the mass media and electronic media wasn't as developed and vocal as in present.And that's why the Kashmir situation remained largely out of sight of common people except Indian subcontinent.
While we are at this,let me share a couple of incidents that I remember.In one case,the Pakistani backed terrorists had stuck a colony largely made up of family of Indian Army Soldiers.Within a few minutes,some 50 unarmed civilians,most women and children,were killed in most gruesome manners imaginable.The scene was quite similar to what we now see in your country.People were dragged out of their homes,then they were either shot or killed in the same ritualistic beheading,sleeting of throats,bodies were mutilated,genitalia were severed,eyes gauged out!!Besides,sporadic killings,abduction and mass rape against the ethnic Hindu Pandits had become an almost daily affair.

Then in another instance,it was 1999,an Indian Army officer,Captain Saurabh Kalia,along with 7 other ranks of his patrol party was captured by most probably the Pakistan Army's Northern Light Infantry troops who had transgressed into our territory under disguise of mujaheddin (they deny this till today for obvious reasons).For 7 days,these men were tortured in the most brutal manner with the same process I described in the earlier incident and then executed,when their bodies were returned those were large unrecognizable.
There are hundreds of such incidents which I can not describe here.

And as for foreign backing,these militants were (and still are to a lesser extent) being extensively helped by the ISI and Pakistani Army with training,weapons including assault rifles,RPGs,GPMGs,HMGs,grenades - everything to monetary support,they would give them cover fire and even artillery cover during infiltration attempts,in fact they still do it.Heck,they actively took part in the terrorist raids disguised as the same.In many cases,our soldiers have recovered i cards indiacating Pakistani Army regulars,Rangers and even SSG in some cases from dead terrorists.Beside,these guys too received extensive petro dollar support from the very same countries who are doing it now against your country.

That is why,those of us Indians who are interested in military matters and keep track of the present situation in middle east and Syria in particular,remains overwhelmingly sympathetic to Syrian people and supports the present government of Al-Assad,you can ask any Indian member here or in any other defence forum if you want.Even the GoI is largely supportive to the government of Syria and has always opposed the US and NATO decision of toppling the Assad government by force.We even opposed to the operations in Libya against Gaddafi government.

And as for the threat given by AQ,well,all I would say that we have heard it all a hundred times and we are not impressed.If they do make the mistake,it will be their last,that I can assure you.We are not like the US,our forces fight terror with terror.We do not use artillery or air force but seasoned soldiers,specially trained in counter insurgency with experience of over one and half a decade!!Our forces in India follow a simple maxim - 'if it is hostile,you kill it'.There are few facilities,namely the Counter Infiltration Grid on ground to stop infiltration.Like the LOC fencing - it is among the most heavily militarized area with a 20 feet high electrified razor wire fence with motion sensors,Battle Field Surveillance Radars,long range thermal imagers of both Indian and Israeli origins,round the clock UAV surveillance and army patrols.The whole area is also littered with camouflaged concrete pill boxes with Recoilless rifles and heavy machine gun emplacements.Then there is the Rashtrya Rifles,a 100 thousand strong force of Indian Army, specially trained for counter insurgency operations in dense jungles,high altitude and urban environments.For a more detailed reply,you can ask to @OrionHunter ,he is retired high ranking infantry officer of Indian Army,who was posted in Kashmir during the peak years of the insurgency.
Deir Ezzor Province: It is clear that the detonation of the booby- trapped vehicle in Hwayjet Sakar on the outskirts of the city of Deir Ezzor was targeting a regime’s post, where a fighter of Moroccan nationality from IS blew up himself leading to casualties on the regime forces side.

5 militants at least from IS died in clashes with the regime forces in Hwayjet Sakar.

Source: SOHR


Homs Province: Violent clashes between IS militants and the regime forces erupted yesterday in Sha’er gas field area in the eastern countryside, where IS could seize 3 wells. The clashes resulted in death of 30 elements from the regime forces at least, information reported an IS advancement in the area.

Source: SOHR
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Syrian rebels enter Kurdish town from Turkey

MURSITPINAR, Turkey -- Syrian activists and Kurdish officials say a small group of Syrian rebels have entered the embattled border town of Kobani to help Kurdish fighters battling Islamic State extremists.

The group of around 50 armed fighters is from the Free Syrian Army, an umbrella group of mainstream rebels fighting to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Idriss Nassan, a Kurdish official from Kobani, said the group crossed to Kobani through the Mursitpinar border crossing with Turkey.

Their arrival early on Wednesday came several hours after a group of Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga troops arrived in Turkey, also on their way to Syria to help their Syrian Kurdish brethren fight IS militants.

The peshmerga fighters from Iraq are expected to cross into Syria later in the day.

The unprecedented mission by the 150 fighters came after Ankara agreed to allow the peshmerga troops to cross into Syria via Turkey - although the Turkish prime minister reiterated that his country would not be sending any ground forces of its own to Kobani, along the Syrian-Turkish border.

After a rousing send-off from thousands of cheering, flag-waving supporters in the Iraqi Kurdish capital of Irbil, the peshmerga forces landed early Wednesday at the Sanliurfa airport in southeastern Turkey. They left the airport in buses escorted by Turkish security forces and were expected to travel to Kobani through the Mursitpinar border crossing with Syria.

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told the BBC that sending the peshmerga was "the only way to help Kobani, since other countries don't want to use ground troops."

The Islamic State group launched its offensive on Kobani and nearby Syrian villages in mid-September, killing more than 800 people, according to activists. The Sunni extremists captured dozens of Kurdish villages around Kobani and control parts of the town. More than 200,000 people have fled across the border into Turkey.

The U.S. is leading a coalition that has carried out dozens of airstrikes targeting the militants in and around Kobani.

The deployment of the 150 peshmerga fighters, who were authorized by the Iraqi Kurdish government to go to Kobani, underscores the sensitive political tensions in the region.

Turkey's government views the Syrian Kurds defending Kobani as loyal to what Ankara regards as an extension of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK. That group has waged a 30-year insurgency in Turkey and is designated a terrorist group by the U.S. and NATO.

Under pressure to take greater action against the IS militants - from the West as well as from Kurds inside Turkey and Syria - the Turkish government agreed to let the fighters cross through its territory. But it only is allowing the peshmerga forces from Iraq, with whom it has a good relationship, and not those from the PKK.

A separate Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga convoy of Toyota Land Cruisers and trucks carrying cannons and machine guns crossed into Turkey early Wednesday at the Ibrahim Khalil border crossing at Zakho in northern Iraq.

The land convoy and the 150 fighters were expected to join up and cross jointly into Syria.

Peshmerga soldiers carrying Kurdish flags were atop some of the vehicles as they headed from Irbil to the Iraqi-Turkish border crossing. The troops made the victory sign for the cameras. An ambulance and government vehicles blaring their sirens accompanied the convoy.

Scores of people waited by the side of the road in villages for the troops to pass. Thousands of people awaited them at the border. The crowd sang and chanted traditional peshmerga songs and had to be pushed back by every vehicle that tried to make its way through the masses. Many people carried colorful Kurdish flags and portraits of the Iraqi Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani.

The Kurds of Syria and Iraq have become a major focus in the war against the Islamic State group, with Kurdish populations in both countries under significant threat by the militant group's lightning advance as it seeks to establish an Islamic caliphate in the region.

The Iraqi Kurdish parliament voted overwhelmingly to send fighters to Kobani, underscoring the growing cooperation among the Kurds in Iraq and Syria. The action marked the first mission for the peshmerga outside Iraq.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said U.S. officials "certainly encourage" the deployment of Iraqi peshmerga forces to Kobani.

It will provide much-needed support for the Syrian Kurds, although it is not clear whether Turkey will allow the peshmerga fighters to carry enough weaponry to make an impact.

On Tuesday, the U.S. Central Command said U.S. military forces carried out four airstrikes near Kobani in the past 24 hours, destroying four IS fighting positions and a small IS unit.

In Berlin on Tuesday, Syria's neighbors urged European countries at a conference of foreign ministers and representatives from 40 nations to open their doors to more refugees, and for immediate financial and technological help as their infrastructures buckle under the massive influx of civilians fleeing the conflict.

Turkey has agreed to train and equip moderate Syrian rebel forces that have for more than three years sought to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad.

More than 3 million people have fled Syria because of the conflict, mostly to neighboring countries. Another 6 million are displaced within Syria.

The conflict began with largely peaceful protests in March 2011 calling for reform. It eventually spiraled into a civil war as people took up arms following a brutal military crackdown on the protest movement.

Islamic extremists, including foreign fighters, have joined the war, playing an increasingly prominent role in the conflict. Thousands have died in battles between opposing rebel groups since the beginning of the year.

Syrian rebels enter Kurdish town from Turkey - Middle East - Stripes
FSA (Firqa 16) - Aleppo Ashrafiyah District

Harakat Nuraddin Zangi - Aleppo Rashdin District

Rebels attacking Assad Forces in Damascus countryside. At the middle of 3rd video, you can see one dead Assad soldier. Doesnt seem graphic to me.

#BREAKING | #IslamicState Seize five tanks,BMB,several heavy machine guns with ammunition of different bullets in large quantities.

#BREAKING | #IslamicState Blow up a bus full of shabiha Alnasiri on the road As'Saboura.- #Homs kill twenty.

#BREAKING | number of Assad forces was killed when they tryed to dismantle a mine planted by #IslamicState in Sha'er #Homs

#BREAKING | Al Jazeera reporter : #IslamicState controls the gas fields in Sha'er -Reef of #Homs

#BREAKING | #IslamicState killed Lt. Col. Rami Kharma and number of units that protect gas fields in mountain Sha'er #Homs

If all of these are true, then SAA suffered greatly. Losing Shaer gas field was bad enough.

Also, IS published recent SVBIED attack on SAA in Deir Ez-Zor. Not gonna post it here as it would be considered as propaganda.
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