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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Reports coming that in Shaer, Homs countryside, IS attacked Assad forces. Destroyed two regime tanks with Kornet missiles, and captured various vehicles. Up to 100 Assad militias killed. Needs to be confirmed by independent sources.

Not want to go against forum rules, therefore I dont post Pro-IS sources as that would be propaganda.
Then pro pkk sources are also propaganda

Considering IS folks are mostly from Europe, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, IS folks mostly wish to destroy everything in Kurdish, Shia, Christian places. Most of them are not native to Iraq and Syria.
Most of Isis members in Kobane are from Kurdish descent
Load of Bullocks in one post completely absolving Indian army of the confirmed rapes it did in Kashmir, killings of innocents, Mudslinging Pakistan for no reason. Just like Syrian army and it's Shahbia unit did in early days of conflict endless killings, rapes and what not
Don't spread bullshit out here when you know squat about what was happening in Kashmir in the early 90s. You were probably still in junior school then, unaware of Pakistan's proxy war against India by nurturing and sending terrorists across to spread mayhem in the Valley.

Your propaganda machine and the brain-washing is and was always in overdrive mode and the sheeple keep falling for it lock stock and barrel.

You talk as though you were present in the Kashmir Valley and were witness to these so called 'rapes' and 'genocide' that your Establishment, notably the ISPR and your Mullah Brigade, keep churning out at regular intervals. The crap you guys keep spewing is specular in its scope and idiocy! Goebbels could have learnt a lesson or two from your shenanigans.

You need to talk instead about the goings-on in Balochistan.

Nuff said!
DEVELOPING STORY: Turkish soldiers didnt give soap to Kurds. Kurdish warriors cannot wash their hands at the moment. Thats most inhumane treatment Kurds have ever faced.
Rudaw English
8 hrs ·
Dr. Izzadin Tamo (a physician that accompanies the ‪#‎Peshmerga‬ forces ), we are being dumped in a store in Suruc without any service and even there is no a soap to wash our hands.

Soap is least of their concerns now
Load of Bullocks in one post completely absolving Indian army of the confirmed rapes it did in Kashmir, killings of innocents, Mudslinging Pakistan for no reason. Just like Syrian army and it's Shahbia unit did in early days of conflict endless killings, rapes and what not

Some bitter truth eh...........it always is.The whole world knows what was happening in Jammu And Kashmir and who the real culprit is.No matter how much you scream on top of your voice,no matter how much propaganda and lies you spread,the truth will never change that it is your country which has been fueling insurgency in our part of Kashmir.Those claims regarding so called 'thousands of cases of rape,murder and what not by Indian Army personnel' can not be substantiated by any worthwhile evidence.Almost all of those allegations have been found to be either grossly over exaggerated or totally baseless.Those very few cases,where the crimes were proved,the guilty were trialed and prosecuted accordingly.

And by the way,a Pakistani should be the last one to lecture me about the supposed acts of human rights violation of our army or any army for that matter.No army in the world can ever dream to beat Pakistani Army when comes to purposefully killing and raping civilians en mass as a weapon war.Remember the ethnic cleansing of the Shia and Ahmadia tribes in Pakistani Kashmir (or so called 'Azad Kashmir' if you will).Or how how can we ever forget what your army did in 1971 in then East Pakistan!!Remember how you guys killed more than 300000 ethnic Hindu Bengalis within a little more than just 6 month??Heck,you guys would have put even Hitler and the Nazi Germany to shame!!And here you are.............lecturing me about the 'mischiefs' (which by the way nothing more than hoax) committed by Indian Army in Kashmir!!As if you damn care about the Kashmiris.........all you care about is securing your water resources,nothing more nothing less and the KAshmiris be damned.That's the whole point of it,isn't it??

And lastly, @OrionHunter @SarthakGanguly and @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR ,kindly take a notice here.
For those who belives IS are brave fighters "They gave us drugs, hallucinetic pills not caring if you live or die"

"Occasionally, the extremists exhibit reckless if not crazy behavior. Says Ferhat, “One of their guys charged straight at us waving a large knife. We shot him dead.” Ferhat puts such incidents down to possible drug use. “When we capture them, we sometimes find syringes in their bags,” he says. Some of the dead had what he described as “capsules” or “vials” in their mouths."

its called clotting drugs..its common in military..
there is no such thing as drug which makes you brave or some things...
as for drugs which has hallucinating as side effect, do you even know what hallucination is.
.i would be damned if your army is being killed by militants who are hallucinating.:rofl:
The espionage triangle, Iran's involvement in the Russian espionage facilities in Syria

As the significance of the Russian espionage network in Syria becomes clearer, exclusive information suggests Center S wasn't only housing Russian SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) experts before its capture, but also Iranian experts in this field.

An ex-SAA conscript now residing in Turkey and speaking on the basis of anonymity told Oryx Blog he frequently visited the base as part of his conscription in 2006 and 2007 and not only saw Russians there, but also Iranians. He stated that the base housed Iranian equipment, which was regularly checked and maintained by Iranian personnel usually staying there for around ten days.

He goes on that Russian experts used to visit the facility every three or six months, but does not recall if these were replacements for other Russian experts working there or just personnel providing maintenance for the equipment at the base.

This new information shows the signifance of the joint spy effort on Israel in the light of escalating tensions in the Middle East. As the Syrian Civil War is once again pushed further from the prospect of a possible ceasefire with the rise of the Islamic State, both Iran and Russia appear to be consolidating their stakes in the Assad regime, as possible new Russian equipment showing up in Damascus testifies.
Some bitter truth eh...........it always is.The whole world knows what was happening in Jammu And Kashmir and who the real culprit is.No matter how much you scream on top of your voice,no matter how much propaganda and lies you spread,the truth will never change that it is your country which has been fueling insurgency in our part of Kashmir.Those claims regarding so called 'thousands of cases of rape,murder and what not by Indian Army personnel' can not be substantiated by any worthwhile evidence.Almost all of those allegations have been found to be either grossly over exaggerated or totally baseless.Those very few cases,where the crimes were proved,the guilty were trialed and prosecuted accordingly.

And by the way,a Pakistani should be the last one to lecture me about the supposed acts of human rights violation of our army or any army for that matter.No army in the world can ever dream to beat Pakistani Army when comes to purposefully killing and raping civilians en mass as a weapon war.Remember the ethnic cleansing of the Shia and Ahmadia tribes in Pakistani Kashmir (or so called 'Azad Kashmir' if you will).Or how how can we ever forget what your army did in 1971 in then East Pakistan!!Remember how you guys killed more than 300000 ethnic Hindu Bengalis within a little more than just 6 month??Heck,you guys would have put even Hitler and the Nazi Germany to shame!!And here you are.............lecturing me about the 'mischiefs' (which by the way nothing more than hoax) committed by Indian Army in Kashmir!!As if you damn care about the Kashmiris.........all you care about is securing your water resources,nothing more nothing less and the KAshmiris be damned.That's the whole point of it,isn't it??

And lastly, @OrionHunter @SarthakGanguly and @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR ,kindly take a notice here.

hahahhahha.. these Indians and their fairy tales.. seems like something they have common with shias...
someone should post some kurds female solders pic to calm him down:rofl:
Photos from Shaer Gas Field, Homs Province (Graphic Photos excluded)











New Report: Pro-IS sources claim another 20 SAA killed in IED attack in Homs countryside.

Some bitter truth eh...........it always is.The whole world knows what was happening in Jammu And Kashmir and who the real culprit is.No matter how much you scream on top of your voice,no matter how much propaganda and lies you spread,the truth will never change that it is your country which has been fueling insurgency in our part of Kashmir.Those claims regarding so called 'thousands of cases of rape,murder and what not by Indian Army personnel' can not be substantiated by any worthwhile evidence.Almost all of those allegations have been found to be either grossly over exaggerated or totally baseless.Those very few cases,where the crimes were proved,the guilty were trialed and prosecuted accordingly.

And by the way,a Pakistani should be the last one to lecture me about the supposed acts of human rights violation of our army or any army for that matter.No army in the world can ever dream to beat Pakistani Army when comes to purposefully killing and raping civilians en mass as a weapon war.Remember the ethnic cleansing of the Shia and Ahmadia tribes in Pakistani Kashmir (or so called 'Azad Kashmir' if you will).Or how how can we ever forget what your army did in 1971 in then East Pakistan!!Remember how you guys killed more than 300000 ethnic Hindu Bengalis within a little more than just 6 month??Heck,you guys would have put even Hitler and the Nazi Germany to shame!!And here you are.............lecturing me about the 'mischiefs' (which by the way nothing more than hoax) committed by Indian Army in Kashmir!!As if you damn care about the Kashmiris.........all you care about is securing your water resources,nothing more nothing less and the KAshmiris be damned.That's the whole point of it,isn't it??

And lastly, @OrionHunter @SarthakGanguly and @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR ,kindly take a notice here.

There are hell lot of videos on Pakistani Rangers murdering a civilian,Pakistani Army torturing civilians,there are murders and 3rd degree torture but they would never blame their mard-e-momins who are pretty good in surrendering when the enemy pounces hard on them.
There are hell lot of videos on Pakistani Rangers murdering a civilian, Pakistani Army torturing civilians, there are murders and 3rd degree torture but they would never blame their mard-e-momins who are pretty good in surrendering when the enemy pounces hard on them.
And you've not been banned for this??? :woot: Or get ready for a couple of dire warnings with negative ratings to boot! :lol:
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