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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

In the coming days (weeks), city of Palmyra (Tadmur) will be liberated from ISIS. This is going to change many things in the fight against Daesh.
In the coming days (weeks), city of Palmyra (Tadmur) will be liberated from ISIS.
Days? LOL.

Palmyra is one of the most disgusting examples of Assad regime. Together with Houla, Banias, Ghouta chemical attack, mass torture, barrel bombs and starving... When Alawi commanders fled city leaving hundreds of Sunni conscripts to slaughter.

Now they send Russian SF with swarms of poor Afghan Shiite refugee cannon fodder from Iran to destroy and ethnically cleanse another town with unloyal population.

This is going to change many things in the fight against Daesh.
Like what? LOL
Earlier you said that Syria would turn into another Libya without Asad and now you are saying that both are in infinitely worse shape. So, what's the point of having Asad in power?

Have a functional, secular and pluralist government instead of a jihadist wasteland.
In the coming days (weeks), city of Palmyra (Tadmur) will be liberated from ISIS. This is going to change many things in the fight against Daesh.
Assad wasn't able to advance vs. ISIS with Shia militias, ground troops, and RuAF airstrikes.
Now all he has are helicopters and artillery from the Ruskies, as SOF are scared after 5 of them killed off. Human wave tactics may work in hilly countrysides but not in the desert. ISIS are Iraqi Ba'athists and they've dealt with hordes of Iranian shiites before, nothing new to them.
What's secular about a regime that is extremely sectarian by nature and which currently relies on religious Shia fanatics (basically terrorists) from across the Muslim world to barely stay in power? People who while we speak are involved in ethnic cleansing in Syria. What's pluralist about a one-party system, family rule and a dictatorship where Alawi tribes sit on all the power excluding a few rich Sunni Arab families loyal to the regime? What's functional about a regime that is only able to control 50% of the country due to the largest internal protests in the Arab world during the Arab Spring against a ruling regime? What does that say about ANY regime?

I wonder what you would have said about another regime that you disliked in a similar situation using similar policies? Something tells me that you would have sounded differently.

What has happened in Syria is a humanitarian catastrophe and the Al-Assad regime is mostly to blame for that although they are not the only faction that is to be blamed. My country KSA, the GCC and many Arab states, Iran, Russia, Turkey, the West etc. could have done differently and better too. In the end the Syrians themselves should decide their future. We as fellow Arabs, Muslims and humans can only assist them but I am against forcing anything on them. I hope the same would occur should we in KSA be so unlucky to experience anything like Syria has due to the local regime and foreign involvement.

Lastly you might not want to believe this but the Al-Assad regime was the MAIN supporter and financial backer of Al-Qaeda in Iraq during the US occupation. That same group later turned into ISIS a few years ago. This is something that not only US intelligence, Arab intelligence but also Iraqi intelligence has confirmed long ago. Unfortunately I am not yet allowed to post any links but you can research this on your own with an open heart and learn something new. There is plenty of evidence out there, believe me.

Even though Assad was a dictator at least Syria was a place where Sunnis, Shias, Christians and secularists lived peacefully. Now its a battle largely between Shia/secularists (SAA) vs Sunnis hardliners.

I agree with you that Syrians should have been left to solve this problem on their own.
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Even though Assad was a dictator at least Syria was a place where Sunnis, Shias, Christians and secularists lived peacefully.
Same was before Baath captured power.

Now its a battle largely between Shia/sectarians (SAA) vs Sunnis hardliners.
Thanks to Assad.
Bashar Jaafari, head of the Syrian government delegation to the Geneva peace talks, has called on the West to stop interfering in Syria’s internal affairs.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The intra-Syrian talks to settle the five-year civil war in Syria were resumed in Geneva, Switzerland, on March 14.

"Firstly it [Europe] must stop interfering in Syria’s internal affairs. Secondly it must lift the sanctions imposed on the Syrian people," Jaafari told Euronews on Friday, adding that European embassies in Damascus must be reopened so that Westerners can "witness, first hand what is going on and not rely on opposition sources for their information. Europe is guilty of many strategic mistakes."

According to Jaafari, the Syrian opposition is pursuing a Western agenda, the focus of which is to get Syrian President Bashar Assad to leave office.

"We said that there was outside interference in Syrian affairs. The latest events have confirmed our words to all those who doubted them," Jaafari told Euronews, adding that reports from the UN Security Council confirm that "there is trafficking of weapons across the Jordanian and Turkish border…there is evidence about the problems in Syria confirming, no doubt that there is terrorism that comes from outside, and funded from outside the country, which makes entry into Syria easier."


New Beginnings: Damascus Residents Comment on Russia Pullout From Syria

Syria has been mired in civil war since 2011, with government forces loyal to president Assad fighting against numerous opposition factions, including the Western-backed, so-called "moderate" opposition, as well as extremist groups, such as Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) outlawed in a number of countries worldwide including Russia.

On February 22, Russia and the United States reached an agreement on a ceasefire in Syria, which took effect at midnight on February 27. The ceasefire does not apply to terrorist organizations operating in Syria.


Syrian Opposition Delegation Moves at Good Pace at Syrian Peace Talks
The United States and Russia have remained at odds over the future of the current Syrian government and President Assad. Washington insists that Assad leave office while Moscow is committed to strengthening Assad’s role in fighting Daesh and other terrorist groups.

Russia has also repeatedly called on Turkey to stop facilitating arms shipments across the border with Syria.

Read more: Syrian Delegation Urges Europe to Stop Meddling in Syria Internal Affairs
Assad wasn't able to advance vs. ISIS with Shia militias, ground troops, and RuAF airstrikes.
Now all he has are helicopters and artillery from the Ruskies, as SOF are scared after 5 of them killed off. Human wave tactics may work in hilly countrysides but not in the desert. ISIS are Iraqi Ba'athists and they've dealt with hordes of Iranian shiites before, nothing new to them.

No Shia presence in the area except very few Hezbollah units my sectarian friend. Regardless of how long it takes to take Palmyra, it will happen and one outcome is for sure: Many of your dear ISIS terrorists shall turn into fertilizer in deserts of Palmyra. Rebels and ISIS (which are the same) are good at one thing: Getting killed in mass numbers, even if they win the battles.
No Shia presence in the area except very few Hezbollah units my sectarian friend.
There is of course. Not a single offensive is made without this cannon fodder. Google

وكالة أعماق - قتلى إيرانيون سقطوا خلال تصدي قوات الدولة لمحاولة تقدمهم على قصر الحلابات غرب تدمر
the 50 cents moroccan hebrew preaching again, you should not worry about poutine piss, you should worry about mine that you receive every year...Each time Israel obtains a handout from the US, there is a little bit of my swimmers up your @ss.:cheers:

Sorry barbarian, I'm certainly not a gay tranny like you so you should stick to your master & daddy Putin, I'm sure he fills you with his "professional divers" every afternoon then send you back to cleaning his house like the cheap barbarian slave you are.

fighting for saudi and qatari money. Shame they didn't realised their masters and USA would leave them out to dry !

Deep down somewhere inside your heart you know that we're on the right here and you know that you're cheering for the bad guys, because quite frankly with this age of internet and technology not knowing the truth is almost impossible unless you're a complete blind retard. I have one question for you though, How do you manage to continue living with this guilt?!

Even though Assad was a dictator at least Syria was a place where Sunnis, Shias, Christians and secularists lived peacefully. Now its a battle largely between Shia/secularists (SAA) vs Sunnis hardliners.

I agree with you that Syrians should have been left to solve this problem on their own.

Mate for God's sake shut up already and find another record! The "Syria will turn into another Libya" excuse is really not that amusing anymore!
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