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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I thought the revolution was "blessed". Blame Qatar, Jordan's and KSA cowardice. Still remember like it was yesterday when gulfies on here were getting happy when america was going to bomb syria after begging pathetically.
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I thought the revolution was "blessed". Blame Qatar, Jordan's and KSA cowardice. Still remember like it was yesterday when gulfies on here were getting happy when america was going to bomb syria after begging pathetically.

Fighting for justice, it's never in vain. Keep the hope alive!
Here's why this whole "Do you want Syria to become like Libya?" thing is stupid.
You must be on Saudi moonshine, you really need to detox baaaad!, if you think that Libya destruction led to stable country! Sure , it must be great to have a pillar country against the occupation of Palestine by Israel destroyed,and the same for Syria...

IHS map compares ISIS holdings: down 16% in 2015, another 8% in 2016
Already it is at the bottom of the abyss, what is left to be turned into Libya? Look at the photos of the ruined cities, do you really think Syria's condition is better than Libya in any way?

Both countries are in infinitely worse shape after the wars for 'democracy' than before them. Life is so much better for the Libyans now than when Gaddafi was prez, right? Those jihadists hate the infidel west soo much unless of course they need their help overthrowing their government.

Libya is doing million times better than Syria in past 5 years.

Libya had the highest standard of life (gdp per capita) in Africa, now it is a volatile wasteland with IS and other militants operating there. Don't compare Libya with Syria. Compare Gaddafi (pre war) Libya with post (war) Gaddafi Libya. The choice is obvious. It is better to live under dictatorship than in a war zone. The Libyans, Syrians and Iraqis can attest that.
Rumors are talking about russian withrawal as a mean to portray planned "reconquesta" of Palmyr and DirEzzour by SAA as syrian victory...........
Libya had the highest standard of life (gdp per capita) in Africa
Lower than Gabon.

Libya had 40% more oil production per capita than Oman, yet 80% less GPD per capita!

That shows that your beloved Ghadafi was piece of a shyt of a ruler.

Don't compare Libya with Syria.
Your friends compared. They say that

Compare Gaddafi (pre war) Libya with post (war) Gaddafi Libya.
I compare civil war with Ghaddafi and situation after Ghaddafi was ousted. Its million times better now.

Thus I conclude that if we kick Assad situation will drastically improve in Syria.

The choice is obvious. It is better to live under dictatorship than in a war zone. The Libyans, Syrians and Iraqis can attest that.
Lets check 4 Arab spring countries:

Tunisia: Dictator fled immediately - virtually no bloodshed, country is fine
Egypt: Dictator used police, but no army - over thousand killed, many disturbances
,eventually country is fine.
Libya: Dictator used army, but was ousted after half year - tens of thousands killed, country split into two, economic crisis, but now is relatively calm and most of the refugees returned.
Syria: dictator used army, no action against him - 300,000 killed, 10,000,000 refugees, country is destroyed, 5 years of slaughter.
Egypt: Dictator used police, but no army - over thousand killed, many disturbances
,eventually country is fine.
they're fine now with General Sisi, muslim brotherhood and morsi were a disaster.
Lower than Gabon.

Libya had 40% more oil production per capita than Oman, yet 80% less GPD per capita!

That shows that your beloved Ghadafi was piece of a shyt of a ruler.

Under the 'piece of a shyt' leader, Libya was stable and prosperous despite threats of war, sanctions and designation as state sponsor or terrorism, problems Oman never faced. Now Libya is a crap hole, and the government doesn't even have control over all its territory. Per capita GDP was $15000 under Gaddafi, now its less than $5000. Wonderful gifts of 'democracy' that Syria has to look forward to.

I compare civil war with Ghaddafi and situation after Ghaddafi was ousted. Its million times better now.

Thus I conclude that if we kick Assad situation will drastically improve in Syria.

Come on, of course ANYTHING is better than civil war. North Korea right now is better than a civil war. And they are not civil wars if foreign countries are intervening with weapons, militants, air strikes etc. You have a very myopic view of things. Compare life before and after wars.

Lets check 4 Arab spring countries:

Tunisia: Dictator fled immediately - virtually no bloodshed, country is fine
Egypt: Dictator used police, but no army - over thousand killed, many disturbances
,eventually country is fine.
Libya: Dictator used army, but was ousted after half year - tens of thousands killed, country split into two, economic crisis, but now is relatively calm and most of the refugees returned.
Syria: dictator used army, no action against him - 300,000 killed, 10,000,000 refugees, country is destroyed, 5 years of slaughter.

People in every country have a right to overthrow their government if they are not happy. But no government should be expected to stand bye as foreign powers intervene to overthrow their government. Self defense is universal. Assad is doing nothing that America, Israel, Russia etc etc would do under similar circumstances. But lets go down the list

Tunisia...Its quiet thankfully, but now they have to worry about ISIS next door because Gaddafi is gone. Museum terrorist attack, Beach resort attack, cratered tourist industry all a result of Gaddafi not being in Libya and ISIS moving in. They have Qatar, KSA and NATO to thank.
Egypt....Military took over despite a legitimate election, now they have an insurgency in the Sinai that even Israel is concerned about. Thousands of casualties, thousands displaced and tourist industry cratered.
Libya...See above.
Under the 'piece of a shyt' leader, Libya was stable and prosperous despite threats of war, sanctions and designation as state sponsor or terrorism, problems Oman never faced.
Libya had sanctions and designation of terror sponsor because idiot Ghaddafi sponsored terrorism.

He was a terrible ruler.
He sponsored terrorism.
And he brought his country to civil war.

Now Libya is a crap hole,and the government doesn't even have control over all its territory. Per capita GDP was $15000 under Gaddafi, now its less than $5000. Wonderful gifts of 'democracy' that Syria has to look forward to.
Still million times better than Assad Syria or Libya during full scale civil war when Ghaddafi was alive.

Come on, of course ANYTHING is better than civil war. North Korea right now is better than a civil war. And they are not civil wars if foreign countries are intervening with weapons, militants, air strikes etc. You have a very myopic view of things. Compare life before and after wars.
Ousting Ghaddafi stopped civil war.

People in every country have a right to overthrow their government if they are not happy. But no government should be expected to stand bye as foreign powers intervene to overthrow their government. Self defense is universal. Assad is doing nothing that America, Israel, Russia etc etc would do under similar circumstances. But lets go down the list
Assad is slaughtering his own people who just demanded freedom. In Israel and US there were huge anti government demonstrations and no one touched them.

Tunisia...Its quiet thankfully, but now they have to worry about ISIS next door because Gaddafi is gone. Museum terrorist attack, Beach resort attack, cratered tourist industry all a result of Gaddafi not being in Libya and ISIS moving in. They have Qatar, KSA and NATO to thank.
Egypt....Military took over despite a legitimate election, now they have an insurgency in the Sinai that even Israel is concerned about. Thousands of casualties, thousands displaced and tourist industry cratered.
Libya...See above.
Still Tunisia is better than Egypt, Egypt better than Libya and Libya better than Syria. The sooner dictator runs away the better.
Libya had sanctions and designation of terror sponsor because idiot Ghaddafi sponsored terrorism.

So Libya is a designated a state sponsor, but Saudi Arabia is not? Just goes to show how useless/partisan that label is. Libya is worse of now than before the war of 'democracy'. You can't disprove that so you turn to gymnastic reasoning comparing war times to peace times.

Assad is slaughtering his own people who just demanded freedom. In Israel and US there were huge anti government demonstrations and no one touched them.

Abraham Lincoln slaughtered 600k Americans who just demanded freedom. He considered a national hero.

Still Tunisia is better than Egypt, Egypt better than Libya and Libya better than Syria. The sooner dictator runs away the better.

Maybe after Assad goes, you will be very happy when Syria turns into another Afghanistan or Somalia. It will be better than civil war right???
So Libya is a designated a state sponsor, but Saudi Arabia is not?
Yes because Libya sponsored terrorism while Saudia not.

Libya is worse of now than before the war of 'democracy'. You can't disprove that so you turn to gymnastic reasoning comparing war times to peace times.
There was no war of democracy. Psychopath Ghadafi started slaughtering his people.

Abraham Lincoln slaughtered 600k Americans who just demanded freedom. He considered a national hero.
South states already had freedom. But they started a war against North. Nothing to do with Libya or Syria.

Maybe after Assad goes, you will be very happy when Syria turns into another Afghanistan or Somalia. It will be better than civil war right???
Assad will go anyway. The longer Assad stays in power the more destruction and murder will happen in Syria.
Both countries are in infinitely worse shape after the wars for 'democracy' than before them.

Earlier you said that Syria would turn into another Libya without Asad and now you are saying that both are in infinitely worse shape. So, what's the point of having Asad in power?
Says the guy who has been drunk on Putin's piss and stoned on his farts since he joined the forum.

the 50 cents moroccan hebrew preaching again, you should not worry about poutine piss, you should worry about mine that you receive every year...Each time Israel obtains a handout from the US, there is a little bit of my swimmers up your @ss.:cheers:
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