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Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

the present syrian regime should be dismantled and the puppet states of lebanon, syria and jordan merged into one state run from damascus ----reverse the colonial heritage-----bilad as sham-----
I think it was a trick with the shut down plane and the syrian regime swallowed it. position from russia and china about assad no longer stable, they will have to take some distance to him.
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Quote from Ghazali ''Don’t argue with ignorant people, I’ve never won against them''

This is exactly what i do since last month here ....

The quote is right, although Ghazali was a religious zealot himself.

Abu Umamah Al-Bahili (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahoe aleyhie wa sallam) said,

"I guarantee a house in Jannah for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the right; and I guarantee a home in the middle of Jannah for one who abandons lying even for the sake of fun; and I guarantee a house in the highest part of Jannahfor one who has good manners.''

[Abu Dawud]
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Asiltürk bu tabloyu aylar önce söylemişti!

Aylar önce Bir televizyon kanalında programa konuk olan Saadet Partisi Yüksek İstişare Kurulu Başkanı Oğuzhan Asiltürk Suriye ile bugün yaşadığımız krizi söylemiş fakat medya tepki göstermişti.


Aylar önce Bir televizyon kanalında programa konuk olan Saadet Partisi Yüksek İstişare Kurulu Başkanı Oğuzhan Asiltürk Suriye ile bugün yaşadığımız krizi söylemiş fakat medya tepki göstermişti. Fakat geldiğimiz durum Asiltürk'ü bir kez daha haklı çıkardı...


Asiltürk Programda Suriye'ye Türkiye'nin müdehale etmesi isteniyor derken, 'Amerikanın Hazırladığı Plana göre Suriye'ye Türkiye'nin müdahale etmesi lazımdır''diyen Asiltürk'ün iddiaları bir bir doğru çıkıyor..

Asiltürk konuşmasında, 'Amerika'nın hazırladığı plana göre Suriye'ye Türkiye'nin müdehale etmesi lazım. Çünkü Rusya savaş gemilerini gönderdi, Çin net olarak karşı çıkıyor, NATO anladı ki, Libya'da ki gibi, Irak'ta ki gibi bir müdehale yapamayacak. E ne olması lazım. NATO mevcut statüsüne göre, mevcut anlaşmasına göre NATO üyelerinden bir tanesi NATO üyesi olmayan bir ülkeyle çatışırsa, NATO kendi üyesi olan bir ülkeyi korumak için oraya müdehale edebilir. 'dedi.

Erdoğan ikaz edildi

Dikkat ederseniz Başbakan'ın ağzından da daha önce buna benzer şeyler çıkıyordu' diyen Asiltürk, ' Sonra bir ikaz edildi, onu biraz gevşettiler. Ancak biz Rusya ile savaşa nasıl girdik? Osmanlı mı başlattı savaşı. Burada da aynı şey olabilir. Büyük bir ihtimalle hükümet hiç istemese bile asker gönderiyoruz. Onların sınırda askeri var. ABD adriyatik'te bizim bir Askeri gemimizi batırırken, sarhoş asker düğmeye bastı demedi mi? Şimdi söz dinlemeyen bir tank yürüdü tamam bitti gitti. E bahane hazır karşı tarafta Türk kardeşlerimiz bizi vursun demeyecekler ve savaş başlayacak.' ifadelerine yer verdi.

Asiltürk bu tabloyu aylar önce söylemi


siltürk months ago, said that table!

Months before the Felicity Party was a guest on a television channel program, Oguzhan Asiltürk Advisory Board Chairman said, but the media reacted with Syria crisis we live in today.

Months before the Felicity Party was a guest on a television channel program, Oguzhan Asiltürk Advisory Board Chairman said, but the media reacted with Syria crisis we live in today. But the situation we came once more vindicated Asiltürk'ü ...


Syria, Turkey asked to intervene in the program Asiltürk saying, 'America needs to intervene in accordance with the layout Syria, Turkey,'' said Asiltürk'ün the claims is true ..

Asiltürk speech, 'according to the plan prepared by the United States to Syria, Turkey should intervene. Because Russia has sent warships, China clearly opposes NATO realized that, like Libya, which, unable to intervene in Iraq, such as. What you need to have e. According to the current status of NATO, according to the present agreement is a non-NATO countries, NATO members, one of the conflict, NATO is there to protect a country in which its members can intervene. 'he said.

Erdogan was warned

Notice that in the mouth of the Prime Minister was making things like that before, 'said the Asiltürk,' Then you were a warning, a little gevşettiler him. However, how we went to war with Russia? Launched a war or Ottoman. Here, too, may be the same thing. Even if the government does not want soldiers probably never delivered. They have the military at the border. A U.S. military ship a little bit of our dipping Adriatic, said drunken soldiers pushed the button? He walked over a tank right now went to the disobedient. Wont say vursun Turkish brothers and sisters on the other side ready to excuse us, E, and the war will begin. 'gave expression to the place.
Now take your obsessed mind with NATO out of this thread until you have something to contribute other than trolling.

NATO are the mischievers, criticizing NATO has nothing to do with "obsession". You clearly seem to lack knowledge on the crude reality of western hegemony and how western imperialism actually works. You sound like someone who thinks everything is a "conspiracy theory", even established facts by reputable scholars who have written countless books on these matters.
We are not in Syria because AKP still does not trust the army and want to get the NATO to do it. End of the story.

Like arresting one third of the generals wasn't enough... They had their chance they changed the army unrecognizably they still can't handle it and im afraid they never will. If we want this state to function we need to get rid of AKP this is as simple as it gets.

If it was Ecevit or Çiller war was started two days ago. We just need some military-friendly leadership.
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the present syrian regime should be dismantled and the puppet states of lebanon, syria and jordan merged into one state run from damascus ----reverse the colonial heritage-----bilad as sham-----

The Levant was divided in to five pieces namely Syria, Jordan, Lebanon,Palestine & Israel on the ashes of Ottoman empire, guess what is on the card ?

the present syrian regime should be dismantled and the puppet states of lebanon, syria and jordan merged into one state run from damascus ----reverse the colonial heritage-----bilad as sham-----

The Levant was divided in to five pieces namely Syria, Jordan, Lebanon,Palestine & Israel on the ashes of Ottoman empire, guess what is on the card ?
Here, you may find this interesting:

In the same briefing, Turkey told foreign ambassadors that Syrian air forces had violated the Turkish border five times in recent months but had not been intercepted as these had not been considered “hostile” moves. The Turkish side implemented rules of engagement in these cases but did not respond to them in the way Syria did to the Turkish jet.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...-plane-also-attacked-syria.html#ixzz1ynAQu31G

Very Interesting ! Puts an entirely different perspective on the matter ... Syria should have been lenient if their aircraft do violate Turkish airspace frequently ! ... But still given the situation , Syria's in ... The over reaction isn't surprising ... I am not supporting Assad nor I am anti-Turkiye ...
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well , this isn't a news that you want hear
anyway , I thought Turkey retied his F-4 .... but look like I was wrong


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