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Syria puts double whammy on Turkey


Dec 14, 2008
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Syria puts double whammy on Turkey

By M K Bhadrakumar

The shooting down of a Turkish fighter aircraft by Syria on Friday has become a classic case of coercive diplomacy.

A Turkish F-4 Phantom fighter aircraft disappeared from radar screens shortly after taking off from the Erhach airbase in Malatya province in southeastern Turkey and entered Syrian airspace. According to Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), air-defense forces shot down the plane 1 kilometer off the coast from the Syrian port city of Latakia. A Turkish search-and-rescue aircraft rushed to the area of the crash but came under Syrian fire and had to pull out.

The Russian naval base at Tartus is only 90 kilometers by road from Latakia. The incident took place on a day that Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem was on a visit to Russia.

It also happened within a week of Britain staging a high-profile publicity event to humiliate Russia by canceling the insurance of a ship when it was off the coast of Scotland en route to Syria from Russia's Baltic port in Kaliningrad. British Foreign Secretary William Hague scrambled to take credit for that in the House of Commons.

The shooting down of the Turkish jet also coincides with a hardening of the Russian position on Syria. Moscow refused to comment on the incident when Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu telephoned his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov on Sunday seeking understanding.

Itar-Tass quoted the Russian Foreign Ministry as saying the two diplomats "discussed the situation around Syria, including within the context of the incident with a Turkish fighter jet". Plainly put, Moscow was unwilling to treat Friday's incident in total isolation. Nor was it prepared to censure Damascus.

Unrealistic demand

Indeed, the Russian stance has perceptibly hardened in the past week in response to a recent series of provocative rhetoric by the United States and London's stage-managed event on June 18 to smear Moscow's stance on Syria.

On Thursday, Lavrov bluntly warned that Russia would not countenance a replay of the Libyan scenario in Syria: "A replication of the Libyan scenario in Syria won't be admitted, and we [Russia] can guarantee this." Lavrov was dismissive of Western demands for the resignation of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, calling them "unrealistic". He insisted that "at least 50 percent" of Syrian people supported Assad's party in the recent parliamentary elections.

Again, on Sunday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov told Interfax: "We have no doubt that the imposition of any kind of regime change in Damascus from outside, and the one-sided support of the opposition, is a straight path to plunge the country into an abyss of full civil war."

One major reason for this hardening of the Russian stance was Britain's publicity stunt on June 18. Moscow hit back by deciding that the ship carrying Russian helicopters to Syria, which was turned back after its insurance was cut, will resume its journey under escort from the Russian port of Murmansk after changing its flag to the Russian Standard.

The ship is apparently carrying up to 15 Mil Mi-25 helicopters that were repaired in Kaliningrad. The helicopters were originally bought by Assad's late father and predecessor Hafez al-Assad at the end of the 1980s. What made Moscow furious was that both Hague and his US counterpart, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, tried to propagate stories that the ship carried fresh arms supplies to Syria. Lavrov said:

"We are not going to make any excuses, because we did not breach anything. We violated neither international law nor UN Security Council resolutions nor our national legislation on export control ... We supply armaments under contracts, which imply purchase by Syria of primarily anti-aircraft means from us, which may be needed only in case of external aggression against the Syrian state. [Emphasis added.]

Interestingly, Lavrov said this on Sunday after the shooting down of the Turkish jet.

Momentary violation

It is against the totality of this background that the Syrian action against the Turkish aircraft needs to be weighed. Damascus has a reputation for "poker diplomacy".

It may have conveyed a host of signals to Turkey (and its Western allies):
Syria's air-defense system is effective and lethal;
There will be a price to pay if Turkey keeps escalating its interference in Syria;
Turkey's military superiority has its limits;
The Syrian crisis can easily flare up into a regional crisis.

Yet Syria's official stance over Friday's incident has been very restrained, almost apologetic. To be sure, Syria cooperated with Turkey to locate the wreckage of the aircraft. Damascus admitted with a straight face that it was a regrettable incident but an inadvertent act and said the two countries should put it behind them. Syria meant no harm and the incident happened only because Syrian forces were under orders to shoot down foreign military aircraft that violated national airspace.

Turkey, of course, is fuming, knowing full well that Syria is a deep player. The Turkish government went into a huddle. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was expected to make a statement in parliament Tuesday. President Abdullah Gul said, "It is not possible to cover over a thing like this; whatever is necessary will be done."

Foreign Minister Davutoglu, however, has rejected the Syrian version of the incident. He said: "Our plane was shot down in international airspace, 13 nautical miles from Syria ... The plane did not show any sign of hostility toward Syria and was shot down about 15 minutes after having momentarily violated Syrian airspace." He dismissed Syria's plea that it did not know the plane was Turkish.

Davutoglu claimed that Turkey had intercepted radio communications from the Syrian side suggesting that they knew it was a Turkish aircraft. "We have both radar info and Syria's radio communications." There was no warning from Syria before the attack, he said. "The Syrians knew full well that it was a Turkish military plane and the nature of its mission."

Conceivably, Syria wanted Turkey to know that its decision to shoot down the jet was deliberate. An exacerbation of Turkish-Syrian tensions is in the cards. Turkey has since invoked Article 4 of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's charter, which says: "The Parties [member countries] will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened." A meeting of NATO ambassadors has been scheduled for Tuesday in Brussels.

Turkey is calibrating a strong response to the Syrian act. But a challenging time lies ahead for Erdogan. First and foremost, his interventionist policy in Syria does not enjoy the support of Turkey's opposition parties.

An obscure fracas
Knowing Erdogan's ability to whip up nationalistic sentiments, the opposition parties quickly concurred that Turkey must respond to incident. But they point out that Erdogan needlessly provoked Damascus and has destroyed Turkey's friendly ties with Syria.

The leader of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), Kemal Kilicdarglu, pointedly asked on Sunday after meeting with Erdogan: "Why have Turkey and Syria come to the brink of war?" The CHP's deputy head Faruk Logoglu, who is a distinguished former diplomat (ex-head of the Foreign Ministry and former ambassador to the US), said:

"We are very critical of the way AKP [Erdogan's Justice and Development Party] is handling the situation. There should be no outside intervention of any sort and any intervention must be mandated by a resolution of the UN Security Council.
In the absence of such a resolution, any intervention would be unlawful."

In short, the Turkish opposition will be free to dissociate from any response that Erdogan decides on, especially if things go haywire downstream.

Second, aside from an enthusiastic statement of support of Turkey and condemnation of Syria by British Foreign Secretary Hague, the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have refrained from taking sides, although Davutoglu spoke to them personally. Everyone is counseling Ankara to show restraint, including UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Third, Article 4 of the NATO treaty stops short of the explicit mention of possible armed responses cited in Article 5. The NATO countries would know that Turkish aircraft have been repeatedly violating Syrian airspace in the recent weeks and Damascus has now retaliated.

The reaction by German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle was that he was "greatly worried" by the incident and would urge a "thorough investigation"; he then welcomed Turkey's "cool-headed reaction".

But the point is, even within Turkey, there is skepticism about what really happened. The veteran Turkish editor Yousuf Kanli wrote:

"Did the plane violate Syrian airspace? ... On the other hand, why was the Turkish reconnaissance plane flying so low, in an area close to a Russian base, and why did it keep on going in and out of Syrian airspace so many times in the 15-minute period before it was downed? Was it testing the air-defense capabilities of Syria (or the Russian base) before an intervention which might come later this year?"

Not many NATO member countries would want to get involved in the obscure fracas. At best, Turkey can expect statements of solidarity, but equally, Damascus would also have estimated carefully that the probability of any concerted NATO action on the ground is low.

Fourth, the painful reality is that Turkey's most ardent allies in the present situation, who have encouraged Ankara on the path of intervention in Syria, are of absolutely no use today - Saudi Arabia and Qatar. They are nowhere in a position to engage Syria militarily. Turkey, in short, is left all by itself to hit back at Syria.

Fifth, any Turkish military steps against Syria would be a highly controversial move regionally. Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari (who, interestingly, visited Moscow recently for consultations over Syria) voiced the widely held regional opinion when he warned of a "spillover the crisis into neighboring countries", including Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey itself.

Finally, the UN has announced the holding of an international conference on Syria next Saturday in Geneva. Besides, Clinton is due to visit Russia early this week and Syria is likely to figure in her talks with Lavrov. Ankara cannot afford to take precipitate steps on the eve of the conference. At any rate, Russia has warned against any foreign intervention in Syria - and that precludes any military move by Turkey.

War by other means
The Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Sunday: "Syria was merely exercising its right and sovereign duty and defense. There is no enmity between Syria and Turkey, but political tension [exists] between the two countries. What happened was an accident and not an assault as some like to say, because the plane was shot while it was in Syrian airspace and flew over Syrian territorial waters."

The taunt is a bitter pill to swallow for a sultan. Ankara now claims it has radio intercepts to show that the order to shoot down the aircraft came from Damascus knowing fully well it had a Turkish flag while on a "a routine training flight and undertaking a national radar-system test in respect of national security over recent developments on the Mediterranean coast".

Erdogan has had time before Tuesday's meeting to finesse some vaziyeti kurtaran bahane (which translates from Turkish as "face-saving excuse") to maintain his dignity and prestige in front of the parliament and the nation. But then, this is a shame he brought down on himself, since all protagonists would know that the Turkish jet was undertaking a risky mission off the Russian naval base of Tartus.

The influential Turkish commentator Murat Yetkin wrote on Monday, "It is clear that the incident will result in increased pressure on Syria and its supporters, mainly Russia. But what Bashar al-Assad cares for seems to be keeping his chair and the Russian naval base in Tartus strong, whatever the cost, also knowing that neither the Turkish government, nor the opposition and people, want war."

Yetkin was sure that "Turkey will do everything to make Syria pay for the attack", but "payment doesn't mean war, there are other options".

In reality, Damascus has put a double whammy on Turkey. It not only lost a Phantom and its two pilots but is now under compulsion to take the loss calmly, exercising self-restraint.

[Article by: Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar was a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service. His assignments included the Soviet Union, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kuwait and Turkey.

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs
This article provide lots of back channel communication, reaction and reality. Hope Turkish members instead of chest thumping read and clear their understanding. Turkey is a great country with great potentials. I personally had great hope and aspiration on Turkey when AKP first came to power. But it is really sad to see where Erdogan has taken Turkey to serve Saudi and Qatari monarchy and NATO regime change game.


On Thursday, Lavrov bluntly warned that Russia would not countenance a replay of the Libyan scenario in Syria: "A replication of the Libyan scenario in Syria won't be admitted, and we [Russia] can guarantee this."

At any rate, Russia has warned against any foreign intervention in Syria - and that precludes any military move by Turkey.

Russia watch you definitely, said Assad had least 50% support from its people. Turkey should mind their own business, nothing we can do. Just think about Flotilla incident case.

Why ? Just because he doesn't agree with you ? :azn:

Actually , Turkey is playing right into the hands of US now just like other GCC puppets , trying to complete Zionist dirty regime change game ... Nothing else ... I am more than sure that it was intentional violation of Syrian airspace to test air defenses and spy ...

Why ? Just because he doesn't agree with you ? :azn:

Actually , Turkey is playing right into the hands of US now just like other GCC puppets , trying to complete Zionist dirty regime change game ... Nothing else ... I am more than sure that it was intentional violation of Syrian airspace to test air defenses and spy ...
Because he's long gone I don't think his brain cells will improve. Somebody must tell his family to pull the plug.

Conspirating won't help it was just a traininig mission, the RF4E flew over mediterranean and was coming back to base they shot it down to create tensions and they will get what they want eventually. We weren't spying on Syria and we don't need to spy on syria.

Refrain from these insults/taunts and please stop these childish comments ! Everyone has a right to express his opinion freely on PDF ...

That is what you are saying ... The path and the place where it intruded Syrian airspace tell a different story ... Why was F-4 so close , to the point of even intruding it for 11 minutes ? Wreckage that is being found in Syrian airspace tell a different story ! Syria is in a position to create new enemies , seriously ? :azn: ... No , you always needed to spy on Syria to please US and NATO ... It is no secret after Russia got Damascus's back ...
Jet didnt intruded for 11 minutes , for around 4 5 minutes , its shot down 11 minutes later after its left the Syrian airspace.

I told you jet crashed 1 km inside of their airspace proves nothing.
He's a fvcking idiot that's just it.

Tell me that, if it was a Recon. mission why would we send in an RF4 while we have unmanned aircraft which can do the job without risking casualities? Seriously, stop conspirating.

You should ask that question to Turkish govt why they sent F4? And it is beyond dispute that Turkish fighter violated Syrian airspace. For 4 minutes or for 11 minutes, that is beyond the point.

Syria has every right to defend and bring down that aircraft. Tukey can not expect warning or any other soft touch from Syria when Turkey is hosting NATO and SAUDI funded and armed terrorists who are bombing and killing people in Syria.

Now Turkey can try make correction and move away from being SAUDI and NATO tool or go poke the bear some more and bear already issued warning.
2 pilots missing and a F-4 Phantom is destroyed. On the other hand, dozens of Syrians are dying daily while we sit and discuss this. Nobody is taking an act of justice against this inhuman cruelty done by the psychopath Assad.

Turkey is regional power in millitary, and somehow Turkey needs to help the civilians in Syria and put Assad seven feet under. Intervention with NATO won't make Syria a much better place than Iraq. Iraq is a perfect example of the scenario when NATO is invading a country. So I am not for a full scale war against Syria with the help of NATO, because it's the civilians who is going to suffer in the end, just like Iraq, more than 1 million people has lost their lives during the war.

The scenario is though highly problematic, when we put Russia in it. Turkey alone can't remove Assad diplomatically from his position since Russia is backing him up. And NATO intervention is not good either. There must be a third option, sending an airstrike on Assad's palace, and putting him 10 miles down the ground. And then waiting to see what Russia wants to do about it.

You should ask that question to Turkish govt why they sent F4? And it is beyond dispute that Turkish fighter violated Syrian airspace. For 4 minutes or for 11 minutes, that is beyond the point.

Syria has every right to defend and bring down that aircraft. Tukey can not expect warning or any other soft touch from Syria when Turkey is hosting NATO and SAUDI funded and armed terrorists who are bombing and killing people in Syria.

Now Turkey can try make correction and move away from being SAUDI and NATO tool or go poke the bear some more and bear already issued warning.

You always talk without any knowledge. The Turkish F-4 was unarmed, and it wasnt in the Syrian borders for 4 minutes, it was in Syrian borders for a short period of time, during this period it was warned and then it went back on course. Later the F-4 was shot while it was on international waters, and it lost controle and wrecked 1 km inside Syrian borders. I'll repeat it again, since it seems you have hard time understanding where it was shot at, the Turkish FM says it was in internation waters while it was being shot down.
You always talk without any knowledge. The Turkish F-4 wa unarmed, and it wasnt in the Syrian borders for 4 minutes, it was in Syrian borders for a short period of time, during this period it was warned and then it went back on course. Later the F-4 was shot while it was on international waters, and it lost controle and wrecked 1 km inside Syrian borders. I'll repeat it again, since it seems you have hard time understanding where it was shot at, the Turkish FM says it was in internation waters while it was being shot down.

What knowledge Turkish chest thumping class can provide that rest of world media, diplomats and including Turkish opposition have not uncovered? Turkish FM is a big far liar and looking for vaziyeti kurtaran bahane - face saving excuse.

Turkey alone can't remove Assad diplomatically from his position since Russia is backing him up. And NATO intervention is not good either. There must be a third option, sending an airstrike on Assad's palace, and putting him 10 miles down the ground. And then waiting to see what Russia wants to do about it.

Why Turkey is taking up contract from NATO and Saudis for Syrian regime change and hijacked Syrian oppostion movement for political change? Now Syrian politucal movement turned into NATO and Saudi instigated terror campaign and Turkey is used by AKP as tool of that terror campaign. Turkey had chance to influence political change in Syria but political change does not mean overnight overthrowing a regime to fit NATO and Saudi regime change game. Turkish govt led by AKP thrown that chance of preserving Turkish long term interest. All of Turkish neighbors will look at Turkey suspiciously they very trap zionists had been setting up for Turkey. What a shame Turkish chest thumping class and AKP fooled to this lavel and still can not see through.
Syria has every right to defend and bring down that aircraft. Tukey can not expect warning or any other soft touch from Syria when Turkey is hosting NATO and SAUDI funded and armed terrorists who are bombing and killing people in Syria.

Look i am agains this whole provocation sheet but really you talking nonsense. First of all defending from what?? What if it was a full passenger plane that did go accidentally over Syrian airspace? In cases of this you must have communication and i dont think it would be a problem to communicate with the F4 while we live in 2012. So trying to close the whole case by just saying we defended our self is really cowardly. We already saw what kind of coward act these kind of arab goverments did to us but you guys coming and defending some bullsheet starting to make me angry.

If Syria can blindly open fire, then Turkey must fire back because of the fact that they did support the PKK and still supporting them.

But as i said its a case of government. AKP has soft balls. If there was a really Turkish goverment it would give answer directly after the lost of a plane. Russia trying to play boss? Man Russia making it self look big with their missiles this and that but in practice they are just same bullsheet and scum as the other imperialist countries. Nobody can play with Turks. We prooven many many times in history that we are a undefeatable nation. And with the Will of Allah we will protect ourselves from kafeers again.
Hey Turkish friends what's up??

How does it feel to be at the receiving end of a disgusting propaganda campaign against you?? We have been in this situation for decades now. And if anyone know what you guys feel when you read disgusting stuff like the things in this article it would be us.
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