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Syria militants exhume grave of Prophet’s companion

Those who resort to calling and attacking others because of their sect, whether the sect is bigger or smaller, usually end of biting themselves in the back. Shias can't possibly think 1 Billion people are 'Wahabies', and Sunnis can't think a huge many people are misguided.

These names are what we have to shed to move forward.

I will not accept depriving me from being a Muslim especially by him or his people. They should stop this name calling because they would hear things in response that could hurt them. I preferred not to say what I said but it was a must with such language and logic. That's why I urged him to stop. I hope some members here avoid sectarian terms in the first place before getting responses.
Syrian rebels ‘exhume’ grave of Islamic figure

Alleged FSA rebels post pictures on facebook, say it was done to prevent Shiite polytheism

Dubai: Members of the rebel Free Syrian Army have allagedly desecrated and exhumed the 7th Century grave of a companion of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

Pictures of the desecrated and emptied grave allegedly in a mosque north of Damascus were posted on the facebook page for the Adra unit of the Free Syrian Army. The mosque is located in the town of Adra, which the page alleges is controlled by the Free Syrian Army.

One of the pictures showed the tomb broken into, and another showed an apparently empty grave.

The caption under one of the pictures read: “This is one of the Shiite shrines in Adra which the heroes of the Free Syrian Army exhumed and reburied in an unknown location since it had become a centre of polytheism”.

Article continues below

The pictures prompted angry responses on the facebook page, with the page account administrator responding to one critic by saying: “If you don’t like it, come fight in the place of the Free [Syrian] Army”. In another response, the administrator for the facebook account said: “The Free [Syrian] Army does this out of the principle that no one but God should be worshipped. The Shiites worship graves, not God”.

According to the facebook page, the shrine lies in an area controlled by the Free Syrian Army.

Many of the reactions on social media were sectarian in nature, envoking early Islamic schisms between Sunnis and Shiites. On Twitter, hashtags were created to mark the event which were used by hundreds to condemn it. Some said that even if praying at graves was forbidden, it did not justify the graves’ desecration. Others faulted Shiites for condemning the event while “remaining silent on the killing of Syrian people”.

Hajr Bin Adi was a supporter of the prophet’s cousin Ali Bin Abi Talib, who was an adversary of the Muawiya Bin Abu Sufyan, the founder of the Umayyad caliphate that ruled from Damascus for almost a century. Hijr Ibn Adi was one of seven people murdered by the Ummayid Caliphate Muawaiyah Ibn abi sufyan because of their loyalty for Imam Ali.

R: Iran
(300) AIM-9L/M Sidewinder SRAAM (1985) 1985-1986 (300) AIM-9L version; status uncertain

508 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile 1985 1985 508 Ex-Israeli

500 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile 1986 1986 500 Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal; financed by USA

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...-arms-imports-gulf-war-1-a.html#ixzz2SBDgOWcj

Yeah sure , but you forgot one thing . we bought the weapon from USA , not Israel . they were just middle man and if you want to know the USA spent the money in south America not Middle east or Israel

by the way do you like me to list Israel Arm export to turkey or you think which country gave Pakistan the weapons that they gave Afghans to fight USSR .
Dubai: Members of the rebel Free Syrian Army have allagedly desecrated and exhumed the 7th Century grave of a companion of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
YES exactly and they say it comes from a facebook page of FSA rebels

hey once can you be honest and see that some rebels (not all) are sick minded ?
FSA not only claim responsibility but also take pride in this heinous atrocity. Check their facebook page. I hope this serves as a lesson to those who try to defend the FSA, believing that the FSA exhibit their beliefs.

I cant post links (forum doesnt allow before I make 29 more posts) so u may have to search urself, google it. Read Gulf news for details and u'll get the idea about the facebook page from there.
The bidah brigade Wahabi scum have destroyed shrines of Sahaba (Radi Allah unhu) and saints in Libya, Egypt, Pakistan, Somalia and now Syria.

These wahabi scum deserve the most painful torture and death at the hands of the SAA for doing this to the grave of the Beloved Prophet's صلى الله عليه وسلم Companion (Radi Allah unhu)

May these rats be hunted down through the blessing of Allah and The Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم ! Ameen!!!
FSA not only claim responsibility but also take pride in this heinous atrocity. Check their facebook page. I hope this serves as a lesson to those who try to defend the FSA, believing that the FSA exhibit their beliefs.

I cant post links (forum doesnt allow before I make 29 more posts) so u may have to search urself, google it. Read Gulf news for details and u'll get the idea about the facebook page from there.

There is no lesson to be learned! The wahabi rats take pride in desecrating shrines. They have done this in Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Egypt and now Syria
We are the Muslims, plz don't forget yourselves you are just a sect, a minority of 150 millions while we are 1.5 billion. There is no such thing as Wahhabi, it's just a pathetic attempt by you people to invent new sects among Muslims so you fed in.

Listen najdi dog!

I belong to Ahle Sunnah wul Jummah (I am Sunni ) Alhumdolilah. You najdi rats represents a small minority of Muslims. You and your najdi friends on this forum and around the world have nothing to do with Islam as the Imaam of Al-Aqsa pointed out
It's not the first time that these seek people do such a thing, in north Africa Tunisia, Egypt and Libya and now in Syria ... they destroyed some shrines in Iraq and don't forget Baqih in Mecca ...

Excuse me, we don't worship shrines, we don't worship even the prophet (SA), we only pray to Allah, other than that keep your beliefs to yourselves in your countries, away from Muslims. As far as I know, prophet's grave is well taken care of under the custodians of the two holy mosques.

And who says we worship them? you know what I implore you , please use what God has given you as a gift I mean your brain, if we wanted worship shrines there were too many places more posher and luxurious than them to be worshiped by us ... if those places are shirk be sure the tomb of prophet is shirk too, Kaaba, Hajar alaswad, Don't you visit a doctor When you are ill? why? isn't it called the so-called shirk because you may think it's the doctor or medicine which could heal you? what about God? do you think it's the sun which make you warm? is it Oxygen that keep you alive?

12.93 :
Take this, my shirt, and cast it over the face of my father; he will become seeing. And bring me your family, all together."

18.21 :
And similarly, We caused them to be found that they [who found them] would know that the promise of Allah is truth and that of the Hour there is no doubt. [That was] when they disputed among themselves about their affair and [then] said, "Construct over them a structure. Their Lord is most knowing about them." Said those who prevailed in the matter, "We will surely take [for ourselves] over them a masjid."

In none of these verses as far as you consider them signs of God,Constructing a structure over them as a tomb or getting cure from a shirt isn't translated into shirk.

Besides you mean we are not Muslim? are you God assistance to determine who is Muslim who isn't?
Listen najdi dog!

I belong to Ahle Sunnah wul Jummah (I am Sunni ) Alhumdolilah. You najdi rats represents a small minority of Muslims. You and your najdi friends on this forum and around the world have nothing to do with Islam as the Imaam of Al-Aqsa pointed out
we shall keep revealing their Identity to world, so they could never misuse the name of Islam again. their dirty fatwas is a shame spot in Muslim community but they will be vanished as soon as Muslims bring down these GCC dictators who are supporting them, this movement has already started and will continue with God's help.
A former Australian lingerie model now works for the Mullah Shia mouthpiece, PressTV.

I think you should be showing the Australian presenter a bit born respect..........you where born into islam while she accepted islam.

Moreover PressTV is banned in several countries, one of them UK.

In 2009, the channel showed an interview with Maziar Bahari, a "Newsweek" journalist, who had been jailed for four months in Tehran while covering mass protests against a disputed presidential election.

Mr Bahari said this interview had been conducted under duress and his captors had threatened him with execution unless he gave the answers he wanted. Last year, Ofcom imposed a fine of £100,000 on Press TV, reversing an earlier decision to revoke the channel's licence.

The only bit that they dont mention is that press tv had no idea Mr Bahari was being pressured into giving an interview.

"By failing to make clear that Mr. Bahari's interview was conducted in prison and under duress, viewers were denied knowledge of what Ofcom considered to be significant material facts, given their potential to affect the way in which viewers regarded the news report and the inferences which they drew from the report in relation to Mr. Bahari," OfCom stated.

However, if Mr. Bahari's own attorneys agreed that his detention was of a public nature and the subject of international media coverage, how could Press TV deny viewers the knowledge of this so-called “significant material fact?”

If there banning press tv over not telling people during the interview with Mr. Bahari was taking is in prison while his own lawyer agree that his "detention was of a public nature and the subject of international media coverage" shows its all political.
The british press was caught bugging phones-hacking murdered childrens phones-corrupting police ect and not one channel has been taken of air.

Why do people still insist on calling these people "sunnis"......there not sunnis.
Sunni scholar Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi in his book Caliphs and Kings writes:"Hajar ibn Adiy was a pious companion of the Prophet (saws) and played a vital role in the correction of the Ummah. During Muawiyah's reign when the custom of cursing Ali from the pulpit's of Mosques began, hearts of the Muslims were being bled dry but people bit their tongues fearing death. In Kufa Hajar ibn Adiy could not remain silent and he began to praise Ali (ra) and condemn Muawiyah.
You shameless Shia ... you ------

Lets kill you today, and then bury you and after 1500 years lets see what remains of you survive ?

The truth of the matter is that Shia spread grave worship, they spread fitna, lies and they spread shirk ... covert shirk

I'm sorry for you and those people who think like you ...your mind is blind and filled with hatred ...
Listen najdi dog!
The dogs and rats are those who use such language behind screens. Stop barking, and talk like a human being.
I belong to Ahle Sunnah wul Jummah (I am Sunni ) Alhumdolilah.
Stop using Taqqiyya, yoiu are not only ashamed of your country but also your religion.
You najdi rats represents a small minority of Muslims. You and your najdi friends on this forum and around the world have nothing to do with Islam as the Imaam of Al-Aqsa pointed out
Why to use such language, is this what you learned in your religion?

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