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Syria crisis: Saudi Arabia to spend millions to train new rebel force

Have patience brother. All Muslims feel for Palestine. Do you know how many Muslim countries do not recognize the state of Israel and have no dealings with them:

Yes we are weak and divided, but our situation is slowly changing. And Israel's life line, the US led West is slowly loosing out to China. So there will be changes in the international power balance in the next 2-3 decades. The challenge for us Muslims is to hold on tight to the Rope of Allah (SWT):

As of this moment, in my understanding, Saudi Arabia as the unquestioned leader of GCC states, must be followed without question. We may not clearly understand the reason behind their move sometimes, because all the factors are not exposed to us. But as we found out, Qatar tried to play its own game and caused much misery in the region. Also, with this recent move Saudi Arabia is taking a great risk, choosing a different path away from the path recommended by US and West, specially Obama's chosen and preferred path, Masha-Allah. So in this juncture Saudi Arabia need support of all Sunni Muslim nations of the world for making this bold and courageous move.

Palestine is always in our mind and will always remain in our mind, your time will come Insha-Allah, you just have to have patience for now.
Be real friend! Palestine is gone for ever...Unless being relocated in the Sinai or Jordan, most of us don't see a Palestinian State in the pre 67 borders, thanks to Arafat , the GCC and Egypt... 
Really pointing out obvious hypocrisy is being Mad.

Love the news terrorist party used by Saudis to destroy pakistan was banned by Bangladesh STRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulation Bangladesh for securing your people and your countries future and cutting the hands devil used to destroy my country.

You are right bangladesh has 90% Sunni Muslim population and not enough Wahhabi thats why they banned the terrorist party i completely agree with you.

Just one question why arent you in GCC nations what are you doing in USA
That is roughly a $1.00 a day...hardly to make a living...Who helped you get a state of your own: KSA or INDIA?
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Kalu_Miah, here a short pictorial of the Arab spring sponsored by the JCC for the west benefit...









Let them wash their own dirty hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bengladeshis have more pressing thing to do than carry the Salafo-wahabi's bidding or clean after them..
Be real friend! Palestine is gone for ever...Unless being relocated in the Sinai or Jordan, most of us don't see a Palestinian State in the pre 67 borders, thanks to Arafat , the GCC and Egypt... 

That is roughly a $1.00 a day...hardly to make a living...Who helped you get a state of your own: KSA or INDIA?

Palestine is gone, but I also think Israel (as Jewish state) will vanish, politically.
Israel/Palestine is drifting towards South African style apartheid and will probably become a binational state, ridden with bloody civil war for decades to come. :(
Like @GTR66 mentioned above, Israel happens to be the 51st state of the US. And GCC is allied with the US, so we do have a peculiar situation, where GCC do not have diplomatic ties with the de facto 51st state of an ally.

But you have got to extend your horizon a bit to understand why this is so. Since Israel happens to be the 51st state of the US, the leading state of NATO alliance, an alliance that control not just more than 50% of world economy, but dominate militarily as well, in any part of the globe, then GCC or even the entire Arab League or even the whole Muslim world is no match for this NATO alliance, who backs up the little state of Israel.

So to think that by being hostile to Israel, at this point in time history, anyone will gain anything is foolish to say the least. Israel, the bad boy, will simply get away with murder and steal as much land as possible. And no one will be able to do anything about it, regardless of how Iran and their proxies jump up and down making a show for the gullible Sunni Muslim masses.

So in my opinion, GCC has the right strategy. King Faisal's oil embargo after Yom Kippur war was the only time Saudi relationship with the US was strained. It was an exceptional time of war and it called for exceptional measures.

Since then the relationship went back to normal and it will remain like this, with occasional ups and downs due to unhelpful actions of US Presidents, such as Obama.

Several things may change this situation:
- more integration between peninsular Arab states creating a greater GCC
- more integration of Arab League
- a military alliance of Sunni Muslim states together with China (Sino-Muslim alliance)

In 2-3 decades, China will have a much larger role in Middle-east, Muslim world and the globe in general, so it all depends on how well, the Muslim world can get ready and prepare to take advantage of that new situation and thus change their own tragic situation on world stage. And the key will be human development, adoption of indigenous manufacturing and improvement of science and technology to achieve that desired future. Eventually Muslim world will have to be independent of China as well, as China, although it can be an effective counterbalance for the US for a time, all global powers, when they reach a certain level will start having their own imperial hubris, just the like the US has today. So in the end, Muslim countries must plan to depend on other fellow Muslim countries, much more so than any other state. Hopefully Shia's will come to their senses by then and give up their futile supremacy dreams over Sunni's.

So in short, when the Muslim world will be ready to pick a fight with the West, perhaps due to an alliance with China and due to their improved situation, and if China agrees to such a conflict, only then there can be a serious negotiation with Israel and some results can be expected. Till then it is just a waste of time, blood and treasure to pick a fight with someone you cannot win. And repeating the same thing without any results to show for is a sign of insanity.

I agree that it's useless to start any war against NATO or Israel now as they are way superior, though that was different in the times of the cold war where 2 powers were still battling for superiority, Arabs being divided in Soviet side the ones that fought Israel and USA side ( GCC ) that barely took action against Israel.
Since then they did not, so why would they in the future ? Not.
Thats what happens when someone ran out of arguments, shooting in the air.

Good luck with that

Peace for now.

You chose not to respond to the points.

Neither is Iraq a US allie your first mistake.

5th fleet did, your 2nd mistake.

Kuwait Naval Base (Sheikh Muhammad Naser al-Ahmad Naval Base) is a Kuwaiti naval base on the eastern coast of Kuwait. The base is also used by the United States Fifth Fleet using the name Camp Patriot. It is used by US and Kuwaiti forces to conduct military operations and training exercises.

Kuwait Naval Base - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You want more confirmation ? do your research, that’s what happens when someone lacks knowledge and starts arguing.
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Majority Sunnis needing so much help against few Alawis as you like to tell us.
Heavy weapons make a huge difference. Several thousand steel armed Spaniards destroyed huge lightly armed Inka and Aztec Empires.

In addition Assad gets help from Hezbalshatian and Iraqi shias. They are doing most of the job for Assad now.
Heavy weapons make a huge difference. Several thousand steel armed Spaniards destroyed huge lightly armed Inka and Aztec Empires.

In addition Assad gets help from Hezbalshatian and Iraqi shias. They are doing most of the job for Assad now.

The arrival of jihadists with an ideology that does not involve Syria’s identity changed a lot.
I wish Syrians success in the fight. Let your bullets find your enemies. Let the new terrorists be killed as well as the old ones!
Russia with you in the struggle against chaos coming from the West!
I wish Syrians success in the fight. Let your bullets find your enemies. Let the new terrorists be killed as well as the old ones!
Russia with you in the struggle against chaos coming from the West!

The SAA is losing big time. Don't you follow the news.
Be real friend! Palestine is gone for ever...Unless being relocated in the Sinai or Jordan, most of us don't see a Palestinian State in the pre 67 borders, thanks to Arafat , the GCC and Egypt... 

That is roughly a $1.00 a day...hardly to make a living...Who helped you get a state of your own: KSA or INDIA?

What happened in the past and who was to blame is no longer relevant. But Palestine is not gone forever, the people are alive and well, only problem is that they have no self determination or self rule. Even if the two state solution become not feasible, the single state will become majority Arab. So all they have to do is not pick a futile fight, but wait a few more decades for the international scene to change. Muslims states together with China need to create a greater support base than what the state of Israel has or will have, which are mature economies and are not going to grow as fast as other countries like China and the Muslim world. The only other country of any significance that may help Israel is India, but I doubt their help will make much of a difference. That is why it is in most Muslim states interest that India does not grow to be too powerful, an outcome that is also in Chinese interest.

What is roughly a dollar a day? I did not get that. If you are talking about our per capita GDP, yes we are one of the poorest country, does that mean I have no right to express my views? India did what it did because it is in their interest in 1971, to break Pakistan, we were grateful for their contribution, but what they did afterwards with us and still doing, damming up common international rivers, stealing water from those rivers, so in the winter season the rivers run dry increasing salinity and desertification and in rainy season, they open the floodgates to flood our whole country, we call it water terrorism of India. Then they incessantly interfere in our internal domestic politics, supporting one party as their interest bearer, which we consider an act of war. Then they financed and trained a separatist insurgency among some hill tribes, but failed to do anything. The list goes on and on. I would say it is due to Indian meddling our country remains as poor as it is, because that is what India wants a poor underdeveloped Bangladesh, dependent on India and under Indian control.

On the other hand KSA and other GCC states provided us a life line, since 1975 and provided jobs for millions of unskilled migrant workers. Even today the remittance from GCC states is more than $10 billion per year, which is a significant part of our GDP. In addition to these jobs, GCC states, mainly Saudi Arabia provided aids and grants for food, fuel and development projects. My father used to be an official in the Rural Electrification Board. He told us way back that Western aid was a farce, as they were taking most of the money back using consultancy fee, selling their products etc., whereas GCC or Saudi grants were with zero strings attached, which helped Bangladesh tremendously. So there is no comparison between India and KSA, we know who has a mean and small heart and who has a great big generous heart.

I am just a simple Bangladeshi man, doing my part to express my gratitude to the great nation of KSA and other GCC states and considering what they have done, any Bangladeshi would be ingrate to not be on their side if they need us for anything.
I agree that it's useless to start any war against NATO or Israel now as they are way superior, though that was different in the times of the cold war where 2 powers were still battling for superiority, Arabs being divided in Soviet side the ones that fought Israel and USA side ( GCC ) that barely took action against Israel.
Since then they did not, so why would they in the future ? Not.

Of course during cold war Soviets took side of many Arab nations against Israel to increase their influence in the region and gain allies. GCC was not always on US side, Saudi oil embargo was the main example for that. I already stated under what condition GCC may leave the alliance with the US in my previous post and why all Muslim states including the Shia majority states should help those causes:

- more integration between peninsular Arab states creating a greater GCC
- more integration of Arab League
- a military alliance of Sunni Muslim states together with China (Sino-Muslim alliance)

You have already achieved majority rule, but when it came to Syria, Iran does not want the Syrians to have majority rule. I have been consistent from the beginning, ever since I came to this site and even before coming to the site, my assessment says Assad will loose, it is just a matter of time. All of you who are betting on him will be disappointed. I will be waiting for that day to tell you guys, I told you so. And I think Saudi's and other GCC states made the right bet from the beginning. So this recent move by Saudi Arabia is a move in the right direction, in my opinion.
The SAA is losing big time. Don't you follow the news.

Not really bro, 3 years still a stalemate. Syria is dying, mark my words if a new palestine is created, it will be from parts of Syria. Palestine as in pre 67 will not happen.

All you guys (Arabs) with all your wealth and resources have squandered into proxy wars, instead of settling it like men at the table. You guys really deserve each other.
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