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Syria and the Consequences for the Region

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@ Tabriz : Dude I never really understood - What is the Iranian infatuation with Israel ?
Anti-Iranian sentiment in Syria is fueled by Qatari and Saudi petrol dollars and close cooperation with Mossad to keep puppet governments afloat while they steal oil money from the people. A picture speaks a thousand words.

lmao.. look that fat rat
Turkey is working hand-in-hand with AlQaeda, the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia ... Fascist? One year ago people were living normal lives in Syria ... now there are bunch of guys pledging allegiance to Osama Bin Laden cutting people's heads off in the streets.
The one who are cutting babies to pieces are the shia alawi militia under the direct control of el assad uncle makhlouf.
Look at houla, tremseh, all this done to dismember syria and create an insignificant shia alawi state where el assad will be the king coz the sunni has got only hatred and contempt to this man
:laugh: :offtopic::alcoholic:

and as a matter of fact now m PKK is killing daily soldiers of turkey and if this continue , turkey borders will see a KAOS in near future ............ and i', telling you , assad won't fall unless russia, iran and china don't support assad regime .......

mate , 129 pkk killed ( with thier bodies not just bs , unfortunate 8 soldiers died ) , i dont want to ttalk about irans jundallah and PJAK , infact PJAK has shown very bad pics and humiliating that has never done to our soldiers , also Jundallah and iran is prone to much worse thinks so stop being a troll
The one who are cutting babies to pieces are the shia alawi militia under the direct control of el assad uncle makhlouf.
Look at houla, tremseh, all this done to dismember syria and create an insignificant shia alawi state where el assad will be the king coz the sunni has got only hatred and contempt to this man

Any proof that Syrian army did that?
Cause from every angle I see,Only FSA gained the most from Houla massacre,gaining a huge propaganda excuse.
Any proof that Syrian army did that?
Cause from every angle I see,Only FSA gained the most from Houla massacre,gaining a huge propaganda excuse.

any proof FSA did that?
Any proof that Syrian army did that?
Cause from every angle I see,Only FSA gained the most from Houla massacre,gaining a huge propaganda excuse.

Any proof that Syrian army did that?
Cause from every angle I see,Only FSA gained the most from Houla massacre,gaining a huge propaganda excuse.

Any proof that Syrian army did that?
Cause from every angle I see,Only FSA gained the most from Houla massacre,gaining a huge propaganda excuse.

The one gained most from Iraq war is none other than iran and everyone knows how anti-zionist iranian mullahs collaborated with devil america and let christian armies invade poor Iraq.At the same time non-islamic secular kafir Turkey even though shes inside NATO even though Bush goverment embargod us on weapon sale issues as punishment members of Grand National Assembly of Turkey didn't allow American forces to unleash assault againts Iraq from Turkish soil , love the irony here.
The one gained most from Iraq war is none other than iran and everyone knows how anti-zionist iranian mullahs collaborated with devil america and let christian armies invade poor Iraq.At the same time non-islamic secular kafir Turkey even though shes inside NATO even though Bush goverment embargod us on weapon sale issues as punishment members of Grand National Assembly of Turkey didn't allow American forces unleash assault againts Iraq from Turkish soil , love the irony here.
Iran helped U.S attack Iraq?Do you have any proof?If you don't,then please cut the crap with these laughing lies.
Yes Iran benefited from Overthhrow of Saddam,but we never helped U.S.while almost all Sunni Arab regimes helped the western forces.
Syria is going to be torn apart in a sectarian bloodbath - which will suck in and cause instability in the whole region, mark my words.
Any proof that Syrian army did that?
Cause from every angle I see,Only FSA gained the most from Houla massacre,gaining a huge propaganda excuse.
All the victims were sunni, in an area surrounded by alawi village, you dont need a drawing to understand
All the victims were sunni, in an area surrounded by alawi village, you dont need a drawing to understand
Exactly,this is the point,if they wanted to kill Alawites or Christians,they would give more excuse to the government.
But for every victory,sacrifices are needed,right?I don't understand,what would Assad gain by killing some 100 villagers.While FSA gained the most by starting its heavy propaganda machine,thanks to the western and Arab media.
if iran acceted sensibly we could have atleast tried to make something peaceful .

Turkey - we are vetoing sanctions in UN and supporting you with brazil although massive pressure to sanction aswell

Iran - a few months later , we will fire missiles at you.

thefreesyrian how many turkmens in syria , ? i know in FSA army there is the sultan abdulhamid and fatih sultan mehmet groups of turkmen people , is there 3 million turkmens? think about it even in algeria theres around 3 million turks so i think theres atleast 3 million in syria.
@ Tabriz : Dude I never really understood - What is the Iranian infatuation with Israel ?

Start here.

Iran's government changes in 1979. Immediately thereafter Israel assists Saddam in a war against Iran; Saddam tried to annex a portion of South-Western Iran. Saddam was backed by everybody then: the US, Europe, Russia; and they had given him chemical and biological weapons. Obviously it didn't work because Iranians will defend their soil no matter what. Everyone knows this, but Saddam had to learn it the hard way.

Here is a quote from a former Mossad officer's book explicitly boasting that Israel worked behind the scenes to kill Iranians and damage Iranian property. That war cost 1 million lives. If the Israelis didn't want Iranians to chant "Death to Israel," they could have made choinces that did not affect the lives of Iranians.

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