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Sylheti is a language on its own right.

People from noakhali look just like any other Bangladeshi, you can only find out they're from Noakhali when they try to speak Chattgaiya in their funny accent but they do speak it pretty well for the most part or if they speak Noakhaila language.

Speaking from my personal experience and what I've heard from my elders : A vast majority of people from Chittagong city have foreign ancestors due to our exposure to foreign traders coming to trade at the port. I myself have an Afghani Great grand father. We have a locality called "Firengi Bazar" where the locals look slightly fairer, they're the descendants of Portuguese sailors and merchants. Anyway back to the point my elders allege that WE (people of chittagong) are lazy and only live by selling ancestral land (This is true in some cases including my uncles who have never worked a day in their life) and people from Noakhali who often come to CTG as labourers and workers then buy this land.

I don't know if noakhailas are rich but they're very self sufficient and often help each other out this is most evident in middle eastern countries where they have their own help groups. Also if you take a survey of any 10 Bangladeshis in Kuwait, UAE or Saudi Arabia 4 to 5 will be from Noakhali as they like coming to middle east for making money.

Nobody really knows how it started but people from Feni+Noakhali and People from Chittagong have been entangled in a senseless race or competition, they claim to be "Golden District" and we rebuff their claims and on it goes. However now many men from CTG are marrying women from Noakhali and overtime this "animosity" will end.

The competition I speak of has been showcased in many telefilms and Dramas, all in all its mostly just friendly banter :

I watched a video about these Portugalise descendants, they are a very small community, correct me if I am wrong but I think most of them are christian.
Nobody from Chittagong will ever do or say something like this, we chattgaiyas are content
We all know that. Chittagonian people never ever claimed anything remotely what we are seeing here. Chittagong is Bangladesh and Bangladesh is Chittagong. Without Chittagong, Bangladesh would ceased to be a viable state. It is the most geo-strategic part of Bangladesh. This geo-strategic importance will make Chittagong as the wealthiest part of Bangladesh very soon. Already Chittagong is the second wealthiest region in Bangladesh after Dhaka(solely because of capital thing). Personally I believe, Chittagong city and Chitagong-Cox's-Bazar region should get the best infrastructure within Bangladesh. It will help everybody in Bangladesh. Given the pace of development funding and investment now Chittagong is getting, it will soon transform as the wealthiest part of Bangladesh leaving behind Dhaka. Most of our big Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ), deep sea port, big power plants, multi billion dollar tourist hubs, international airport, transport infrastructure(expressway, underwater tunnel,ring road, Chittagong Cox's Bazar railway) are happening in Chittagong city and Chittagong-Cox's Bazar belt. Chittagong Metro rail is coming. It is a 820 billion Taka project will have both elevated and underground track of 54.5 km.
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I watched a video about these Portugalise descendants, they are a very small community, correct me if I am wrong but I think most of them are christian.

Yes, majority of them are Christian but a few have converted over to other religion. If you visit any church in Chittagong you will find them and also in Dhaka they're the Christians with Portuguese names.
Just think 45% of Sylhetis wanted to join India and most of these people were Muslims.
This is not true. Sylhet district was overall 60 percent Muslim according to 1941 census upon which partition was implemented. Remaining 40 percent was Hindus and other religion who almost wholly voted for India. Pakistan got over 56 percent vote and India got over 43 percent vote in the referendum. Which means, over 90 percent of Sylheti Muslims voted for Pakistan. A small section of Muslims in Sylhet were the followers of Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind who were pro- India. Their strong hold was in Karmiganj and Hailakandi and they successfully managed to wrestled those territory from East Pakistan for India. Stupid and vision less Muslims of Hailakandi elected Abdul Matlib Majumder(Jamiat leader) as their MP who later successfully lobbied to Radcliffe commission to not to include Karimganj and Hailakandi to Pakistan, Radcliffe agreed and awarded those territories to India. Now Muslims in Karimganj and Hailakandi are vilified as illegal Bangladeshi and are in constant danger of loosing their Indian citizenship. They got what they wanted it seems.
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Yes . Actually ( and unfortunately ) karma is the bitch .

Why would you call karma a Bitch, karma is to be honest doing us a favour. It will be very entertaining to watch those who committed treason against their religion all that time ago, finally get a taste of the milk & honey they sought after.
Why would you call karma is bitch, karma is doing us a favour and we get watch and get entertained as those committed treason against their religion now get a taste of the milk & honey they sought after.
Well I do not blame common folks for the act of their leaders . common folks can be easily controlled . If someone are to be blamed , then it's their religious leaders who made the treason against their own religion and culture.
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Any sane person can see that Chattgaiya is more far removed from bangla than Sylhetti, and our contribution to the economy trumps that of any other division. So I ask if we are not complaining, why are the others?

Just take a look at Sylheti sentences above and the Chattgaiya ones it becomes clear what is what.

Noakhali in Chittagong Division but the issue is with them coming and buying land in Chittagong city and district, its a silly thing we say to them. No real hatred.

I agree.

I could clearly understand the Sylheti conversation but didn't understand most of what you said in Chattgaiya. And I am from neither of those regions.

It was also the same case when I had visited both Sylhet and Chittagong multiple times.

As for the regional banters, it's just fun. We have it for almost every region and everyone has a good laugh and are wise enough to not take these seriously.
Thank you for admitting this.

This proves that Bengalis are not looting us and are allowing us to prosper within BD.

True Bengalis used to look down on us 30-40 years ago when we were much poorer and less educated than them.
This has now changed massively and we are just as educated and even wealthier than the rest of BD.

As for our language, yes that is something that BD needs to address. Our language needs to become an official language and taught to all schoolchildren in Sylhet division. This also goes for Chittagonians in their division.
Most BD Bengalis posters on pdf seem to support this and I know it is only a matter of time till our language has official status in BD.

As for Assam joining BD, really you guys should as BD is on the way up and you will become so much better off within BD like we are now. India is not a good fit for you guys and you need to recognise that.
Sylhetis are Bengali. Sylhetis look just like Bengalis from other parts of Bangladesh. You can never differentiate a Sylheti from a Bengali by looks. Now don't tell me that Sylhetis are fair skinned and this and that because there are fair skinned people in many parts of Bangladesh.

I am a barua and our community even have a wikipedia page where it has been stated that barua is an "ethnic group" but we are not. Same Sylhetis claim they are distinct ethnic group which is not the case

Bro, I have syhleti roots, I consider myself as bengali. You ultra ethno guys think just because it was under assam for jurisdiction purposes it had to use a script that was used in assam.

Bengali and syhleti are not far apart, I am not that fulent syhleti or bengali but when I hear dhaka man speaking at the airport I could make out what he was telling me.
More than 60% of Silot geography is still in India in North-East India. You check Tirfura (North & West), it is inhabited by the Siloti community. You check the three districts of Borax belly (vis-a-vis xormigonz, xasar & ailaxandi), Ozai & Noagang districts & Gouati of Asham, all inhabited by Siloti community. Further, check Shillong in Megaloe and areas that borders the Silot Dibishon of Bangladesh. Check Ziribam district & Imfol in Monifur, you get Siloti community there too. For Silotis of Nagaland check Mokoksong, Uka, Kuima districts and Dimafur. Go to Aizual, Mizuram and to areas that borders with Borax belly, yet you'll find Siloti community. Visit Orunasol Fodesh to Itanogor, there is also a presence of a Siloti community. So, all those above are the hot-spots with majority & significant population of Siloti community in North-East India. However, there are many many small small boroughs with few people of Siloti community in other parts of North-East India mostly scattered everywhere, but mostly concentrated in upper-Asham. There are PAN-India Siloti communities in Xoilxatta, Darziling, Bubuneshor, Zomshedfur, Bengalur, Fune, Haedorabad, Sennai, Bumbai, Tiribondorom, Dilli, Agar, Loxnou, Allabad, Motura, Banarosh, Ransi, Fatna, Shimla, Zolondor, Ludiana, Sondigor, Zoefur, Udoefur, Azmer, Ahmodabad, Goa, etc. We just only lost four districts vis-a-vis Silot, Sunamgonz, Obigonz & Mulobi-bazar all incorporated in Shurma belly to East Fakistan (now Bangladesh).

Linguistically, there are around 8 million (80 lakh/lac) Silotis in India, 15 milion (1.5 crore) Silotis in Bangladesh & 2 million (20 lakh/lac) worldwide diaspora Siloti community settled permanently excluding the figures from Fakistani.

There is also a dieing Siloti community in Fakistan. Mostly, they are counted along 3.5 million (35 lakh/lac) stateless (citizenship striped away because of fall of Daxa) Bangalis of East Fakistan who were settled in West Fakistan prior to formation of Bangladesh. In Fakistan there are around 300+ colonies called 'Bangali Fara' sustaining both stateless Silotis and Banglis without any freedom to basic rights like movement, trade, education, security, property, etc.
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This is not true. Sylhet district was overall 60 percent Muslim according to 1941 census upon which partition was implemented. Remaining 40 percent was Hindus and other religion who almost wholly voted for India. Pakistan got over 56 percent vote and India got over 43 percent vote in the referendum. Which means, over 90 percent of Sylheti Muslims voted for Pakistan. A small section of Muslims in Sylhet were the followers of Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind who were pro- India. Their strong hold was in Karmiganj and Hailakandi and they successfully managed to wrestled those territory from East Pakistan for India. Stupid and vision less Muslims of Hailakandi elected Abdul Matlib Majumder(Jamiat leader) as their MP who later successfully lobbied to Radcliffe commission to not to include Karimganj and Hailakandi to Pakistan, Radcliffe agreed and awarded those territories to India. Now Muslims in Karimganj and Hailakandi are vilified as illegal Bangladeshi and are in constant danger of loosing their Indian citizenship. They got what they wanted it seems.
In India, Siloti muslims are not at all vilified as illegal Bangladeshis. Indian Siloti community has strong documents even dating back from pre partition era. Indian Siloties inherited their ancestral properties and own land documents. Only, the non-siloti muslims are getting detected who are illegally staying in India.
I agree.

I could clearly understand the Sylheti conversation but didn't understand most of what you said in Chattgaiya. And I am from neither of those regions.

It was also the same case when I had visited both Sylhet and Chittagong multiple times.

As for the regional banters, it's just fun. We have it for almost every region and everyone has a good laugh and are wise enough to not take these seriously.
I don't understand why Bangalis consider Silotis as Bangalis? I am a Siloti, Siloti is my mother language, I do communicate in Siloti, I can read and write the Siloti Nagri script. On the contrary, I don't understand Bangla and Bangali/s. Also, I can't even speak, read & write Bangla/Bangali. Yet, am I still a Bangali??
More than 60% of Silot geography is still in India in North-East India. You check Tirfura (North & West), it is inhabited by the Siloti community. You check the three districts of Borax belly (vis-a-vis xormigonz, xasar & ailaxandi), Ozai & Noagang districts & Gouati of Asham, all inhabited by Siloti community. Further, check Shillong in Megaloe and areas that borders the Silot Dibishon of Bangladesh. Check Ziribam district & Imfol in Monifur, you get Siloti community there too. For Silotis of Nagaland check Mokoksong, Uka, Kuima districts and Dimafur. Go to Aizual, Mizuram and to areas that borders with Borax belly, yet you'll find Siloti community. Visit Orunasol Fodesh to Itanogor, there is also a presence of a Siloti community. So, all those above are the hot-spots with majority & significant population of Siloti community in North-East India. However, there are many many small small boroughs with few people of Siloti community in other parts of North-East India mostly scattered everywhere, but mostly concentrated in upper-Asham. There are PAN-India Siloti communities in Xoilxatta, Darziling, Bubuneshor, Zomshedfur, Bengalur, Fune, Haedorabad, Sennai, Bumbai, Tiribondorom, Dilli, Agar, Loxnou, Allabad, Motura, Banarosh, Ransi, Fatna, Shimla, Zolondor, Ludiana, Sondigor, Zoefur, Udoefur, Azmer, Ahmodabad, Goa, etc. We just only lost four districts vis-a-vis Silot, Sunamgonz, Obigonz & Mulobi-bazar all incorporated in Shurma belly to East Fakistan (now Bangladesh).

Linguistically, there are around 8 million (80 lakh/lac) Silotis in India, 15 milion (1.5 crore) Silotis in Bangladesh & 2 million (20 lakh/lac) worldwide diaspora Siloti community settled permanently excluding the figures from Fakistani.

There is also a dieing Siloti community in Fakistan. Mostly, they are counted along 3.5 million (35 lakh/lac) stateless (citizenship striped away because of fall of Daxa) Bangalis of East Fakistan who were settled in West Fakistan prior to formation of Bangladesh. In Fakistan there are around 300+ colonies called 'Bangali Fara' sustaining both stateless Silotis and Banglis without any freedom to basic rights like movement, trade, education, security, property, etc.

Egotistical fakistani deny this and still bang their drum s about bhiharis in bdesh.

Bindians are branding syhletis/bengalis - as xyz.

The pop in syhlet is much more though

In India, Siloti muslims are not at all vilified as illegal Bangladeshis. Indian Siloti community has strong documents even dating back from pre partition era. Indian Siloties inherited their ancestral properties and own land documents. Only, the non-siloti muslims are getting detected who are illegally staying in India.

B.s, a son gets branded as bdeshi whilst brother and father are Indian . Many can't even afford brith certificates.

Snobbery is coming, and Indians and syhletis thinking they are something special whilst being the puppets of Indians.
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Egotistical fakistani deny this and still bang their drum s about bhiharis in bdesh.

Bindians are branding syhletis/bengalis - as xyz.

The pop in syhlet is much more though

B.s, a son gets branded as bdeshi whilst brother and father are Indian . Many can't even afford brith certificates.

Snobbery is coming, and Indians and syhletis thinking they are something special whilst being the puppets of Indians.

Cannot believe PDF had a Sylheti thread!

And I missed it!!


Thank you for admitting this.

This proves that Bengalis are not looting us and are allowing us to prosper within BD.

True Bengalis used to look down on us 30-40 years ago when we were much poorer and less educated than them.
This has now changed massively and we are just as educated and even wealthier than the rest of BD.

As for our language, yes that is something that BD needs to address. Our language needs to become an official language and taught to all schoolchildren in Sylhet division. This also goes for Chittagonians in their division.
Most BD Bengalis posters on pdf seem to support this and I know it is only a matter of time till our language has official status in BD.

As for Assam joining BD, really you guys should as BD is on the way up and you will become so much better off within BD like we are now. India is not a good fit for you guys and you need to recognise that.

In Sylhet, only Sylheti and English should be taught.

English medium schools with Sylheti as mother tongue!

It will also make it easier for Sylhetis to integrate with their British and American relatives 🤣🤣🤣

British school kids can spend winter in Sylheti schools 😂
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Sylheti and Noakhali are quite different than suddho bengali but not enough to be their own language, still a dialect imo, but yeah hard to say when a dialect ends and language begins.

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