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Sylhet MC College hostel on fire

Please share your wisdom about your beloved chatra leauge. As your god mother la-hasina said: my goden boys. Lanat on your intellegence for supporting bunch of sub human jungly.

@ I remember in those days means in 1977/78 when I was studying in Dacca University we saw an incident which I shall never forget in my life. During that time Jamat-e-Islam was not listed a legal political party. Only the "Chattra Shibir " was little bit organizing them selves in the colleges and universities. During that time I used to stay in the hostels of Engineering College. Suddenly we heard that in the Dacca Medical's hostel probably Fazle Rabbi Hall few rooms were caught fire. Once we reached there we learnt that it was been fired by the Chattra Leaque as because they were the member so Chattra Shibir. All the rooms were burned and almost all students were burned alive but nobody came for rescue.
Why do students need to do politics, what do they understand about politics? I know we have a history of student politics, but this has been used as a source for thugs and goons for all parties. Why not ban politics from students, workers and other sectors? I even don't like political parties, let them run on their individual merits as independents. I know its impossible dream now, if people really wanted a system like this, then will it not solve many problems we have now. I think this multi party political system is the root of many problems of democracy, it should be independents only with no political party. Any way that is an off topic issue, I will open a thread later about political system and how to improve democracy. In poor countries every party becomes an army of cader/goon/thug and the leaders managing them, this is not democracy, it is thugocracy.

Students joining student wings like Chatra Dal, Chatra League practice enormous power at very young age. Besides there are huge sources of money which are lucrative at the age of 20/22 :D. Their parent party leaders need some hot tempered do$s not ones who understand politics. All major parties have to maintain students wing to continue their thugocracy. Ershad stopped his student wing as he didn't like students to be spoiled and the consequence of that decision is visible to all now.
Why student politics, perhaps matter of bigger and seperate discussion. But problem we have been facing is that Awami League student wing Chatra League acting as terrorist organization.
Students joining student wings like Chatra Dal, Chatra League practice enormous power at very young age. Besides there are huge sources of money which are lucrative at the age of 20/22 :D. Their parent party leaders need some hot tempered do$s not ones who understand politics. All major parties have to maintain students wing to continue their thugocracy. Ershad stopped his student wing as he didn't like students to be spoiled and the consequence of that decision is visible to all now.

Political system in Bangladesh cannot be reformed in one day, but things need to change. I admire Ershad's stand if he took that decision.

Indoctrination of young minds with ideology is not good. And money for becoming a goon, that is helping to make people professional thugs.

First we need to defeat Awami League and remove it from power, then may be after AL is out of power for two terms, there should be efforts to stop this practice.

I think you asked me about Occupy Movement earlier in another thread, I forgot to answer. It is about changing the system in USA which has become totally corrupt. Currently the political system in USA is used by the 1% wealthy elite (mainly billionaires and the people working for them), while 99% have no say in it. The elite control media, political class and judicial system also, so they brainwash the public using media and make sure that people vote for the interest of 1%, but not their own interest. Occupy movement is still at the beginning stage, there is social media software being developed similar to facebook, free and open source. Once its ready, the movement dynamics will change as it will get more organized. Its about bringing power and decision making back to people using a different form of democracy and not allow the 1% to continue hijacking the whole system. There are many ideas, one is to get money out of politics using a constitutional amendment. The idea of direct democracy is very popular among "occupiers", as during occupation while the camp sites were still running, people used to meet in a general assembly every day. They still do it some times.

One way poor developing countries can learn from this is by implementing internal democratization of political parties. For example, lets say BNP, we can make a system, where all BNP party members and activists would be able to vote and participate in major decision making, instead of it being made by just leaders. We cannot have "direct democracy" for the masses as most people in Bangladesh do not have computer access, but at least we can start with "direct democracy" within party structure. I support the same for totalitarian one party countries like China, where communist parties can have this kind internal direct democracy to reduce corruption and nepotism and increase morale and team spirit of the party.
Political system in Bangladesh cannot be reformed in one day, but things need to change. I admire Ershad's stand if he took that decision.

Indoctrination of young minds with ideology is not good. And money for becoming a goon, that is helping to make people professional thugs.

First we need to defeat Awami League and remove it from power, then may be after AL is out of power for two terms, there should be efforts to stop this practice.

I think you asked me about Occupy Movement earlier in another thread, I forgot to answer. It is about changing the system in USA which has become totally corrupt. Currently the political system in USA is used by the 1% wealthy elite (mainly billionaires and the people working for them), while 99% have no say in it. The elite control media, political class and judicial system also, so they brainwash the public using media and make sure that people vote for the interest of 1%, but not their own interest. Occupy movement is still at the beginning stage, there is social media software being developed similar to facebook, free and open source. Once its ready, the movement dynamics will change as it will get more organized. Its about bringing power and decision making back to people using a different form of democracy and not allow the 1% to continue hijacking the whole system. There are many ideas, one is to get money out of politics using a constitutional amendment. The idea of direct democracy is very popular among "occupiers", as during occupation while the camp sites were still running, people used to meet in a general assembly every day. They still do it some times.

One way poor developing countries can learn from this is by implementing internal democratization of political parties. For example, lets say BNP, we can make a system, where all BNP party members and activists would be able to vote and participate in major decision making, instead of it being made by just leaders. We cannot have "direct democracy" for the masses as most people in Bangladesh do not have computer access, but at least we can start with "direct democracy" within party structure. I support the same for totalitarian one party countries like China, where communist parties can have this kind internal direct democracy to reduce corruption and nepotism and increase morale and team spirit of the party.

Many say Occupy Wall street movement is not seeing any success coz it's without any goal...just revolution for revolution not a planned one where after success there will be a governing body or something like that.

Your dream about BNP is never likely to come true, just saying the fact that I believe having respect to your view. Both khaleda and hasina like only one thing...sheer flattering. Anyone raises voice for reform of full democratic administration gets kicked out. The democracy you want is never possible with any existing parties. And your view of 1st getting escaped from one and then reforming other will make you cry once when you see that you mistakenly bet on other part of coin. The way you dream to move ahead can only be achieved through mass revolution on streets.
All the political parties use their student wing as their muscle man. BNP uses this tactics mostly and successfully. Ovi, Niru, Ilius were the top terror of once Dhaka University. The rumor was that Zia made whole cantonment available to them.

Anyways after the introduction of law which gave life imprisonment for carrying illegal fire arms, students now a days usually dont carry fire arms anymore. Some improvements are visible for sure.
Many say Occupy Wall street movement is not seeing any success coz it's without any goal...just revolution for revolution not a planned one where after success there will be a governing body or something like that.

Your dream about BNP is never likely to come true, just saying the fact that I believe having respect to your view. Both khaleda and hasina like only one thing...sheer flattering. Anyone raises voice for reform of full democratic administration gets kicked out. The democracy you want is never possible with any existing parties. And your view of 1st getting escaped from one and then reforming other will make you cry once when you see that you mistakenly bet on other part of coin. The way you dream to move ahead can only be achieved through mass revolution on streets.

OWS has already changed the narrative and the political debate in the US by introducing terms such as 1%, 99%, economic inequality and social justice etc. The goal of OWS is to make comprehensive change in the political and economic system, so:

- decision making power remains with the 99%, not just the rich 1% elite and also
- economic model is changed from current destructive one to an environmentally sustainable model

Well my first goal is to see that Indian influence in Bangladesh is curbed, for that bringing BNP to power is the best vehicle, I do not support Jamat getting too prominent except as a helper to BNP in sidelining AL, as I disagree with the flavor of political Islam that has started around the beginning of last century with Jamal Al Din Afghani, Hassan Al Banna, Syed Qutb and of course Moududi. They have fundamentally misunderstood the problems Muslim societies are facing because of their poor understanding of overall world situation, Muslims place in it and how we can get out of this weak and underdeveloped situation, in my opinion.

Once this menace of Awami League is removed, we should try to thoroughly cleanse RAW as much as possible from Bangladesh society. We should closely follow and monitor what Indian embassy's and other entity's are engaged in within Bangladesh.

As for BNP's reform, I have no direct experience with them, or any other political party, as I never did politics in Bangladesh or any other place. So I will let the experts on this issue handle that. But while we try to reform BNP, I would also recommend creating a grass roots community of activists, which is non-political and that focuses on all aspects of social improvement and start getting their hands dirty in actual projects, not just talking about it. All talks should be about actually doing something. Talks for just talking is useless.

Sometimes I feel like I get addicted to this site, engaging in useless debates with Indians, but at least we have some Bangladeshi's who I can share opinions with, some Pakistani's who have a lot of misunderstanding and also best of all many other nationalities who I can communicate with. But none of this will help any of us, unless we start offline organizing, which I plan to do, at some point.

If we, all the internet users of the Bangladesh, can unite in one place, lets say in the beginning in facebook, then there is a lot we can achieve. But the root of this effort has to be offline organizing and then using the internet as just a communication tool.

I have no great allegiance to BNP, I just see it as a useful available tool to remove India's harmful influence. What I would like to see is that intelligent people forget about political parties and start thinking more about the people, country and its future, in a united way. And I would encourage people to visualize a world where there is no opportunity for the crook politicians to unite and do more harm for societies. Politicians should run for office as independents and get elected on their track record and how well they can appeal to their electorate. There is no need for parties, if you think about it, it is divisive and it lets these crooks organize and subvert people's and country's interest.
Btw it is spelled pandemic, Shakespeare and vengeance. You don't have to prove that you weren't a recipient of schooling.

Way to pull facts out of your rectum, again trying to prove your ineptitude and fatuousness? It is a very well documented fact that the Then Pakistani and their local collaborators aka the Jamatis i.e your ideological gurus took part in one of the worst genocides in human history, today you can do a lot of things to hide your past, can you do the same during the day of Judgement? You guys preach about Islam, do you even follow the fundamentals no wonder the religion gets a bad name. If you are in state of denial sorry to burst your hymen of of thoughts, the Jamatis are the scums of humanity who helped the then Pakistani army in a very profound way.

If you had any sort of "akal" you would have grasped what is real and what is not, that being said it is futile trying to engage in a logical discussion as you are devoid of any sense of reality and seem to prefer to indulge in your make believe little world. Do the world a favor stay in your disney princess attire that way the world will be a little better place.
Contestant named by baldFish in 'Spelling Bee' wasn't seen thus changing name to baldPrick would suit yo'r proclamation of BD-PAK's original as covered one always had 'Trade mark' rear's smell of yo moma. Heck even 'Ballo Shikkha' of Ram Shundar Basak's readers had better 'Akal' better 'Akal' than the worshiper like yo of Lingam, yes the Lingam worshiper of Muntasir Mamun, Shahriar Kabir's types. So, yor discovery of some typos in my post didn't upgrade yo upgrade yo as Ivy Leaguer. And even yo'r curry arse claimed to be one then who cared, who appointed to be judge, the judge of the day of final count down? The profundity, enormity of my make believe world make believe world is such that yo'r, yes yo'r type needs "Ballo Shikkha's" perimeter of perceptual ability. Yes it is 'Ballo Shikkha'.

Yo could also proclaim that yo'r moma's rear got washed by bleach before yo “Processed of bearing” started but adulteration all around yo wouldn't let us buy it. Now, me no Jamaati as I don't have the quality to be one. And perhaps I would get a few disney prince’s attires in judgment day just for writing few righteous words whereas yo would see rear all around. Finally, haven't been shoving at the bottom for a long but my demon has been forced to come out. Would try to quarantine it? 'Yes' but am I feeling guilty to let it get out against a 'Naya Dalal'? Definitely 'No'.
I still remember Shibir started a tradition of cutting tandem of leg of the rival groups like Chatra Dal and Chatra League back in 90s. Nasir group captured Chittagong and established a rein of terror. One of my friend was abducted by him for the ransom and confined him for 7 days in Chittagong hill. After seeing the ferocity of Shibir (Neo Taliban) most students shied away from Jamat/Shibir politics.
In a series of lies like proclaimed History's professor, PM of Top-Notch Corp., Ex-Buetist; it's just another addition. The said/claimed incident had the root in my college but it was made deliciously deviant to suit in RAWAMY propaganda's paradigm. A scoundrel named Hamid used to torture, slap enlightened students of CTG College; who never listened any good advice or warning thus his sinful hand was rightfully chopped. But it was spanned such disproportionately to make symbolic that up until today cutting all tandem of legs and hands by RAWAMY terrorists got shifted toward JI/Shibiry's.

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