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Syed Zaid Hamid talking about the sacrifices of Pak Army,

It is not tough to guess for us that Zaid Hamid is an idiot at best. But there are a few things that nobody thinks about.

Pakistan is in a state of emergency, judicial system has failed, political system has failed, diplomacy has failed, economy has failed, and there is ethnic tension in parts of Pakistan, to compound the problem, it is the major source of terrorism, and US is bombing parts of Pakistan.

Well if not for people like Zaid Hamid, Pakistan would have fallen by now. People like Zaid Hamid are doing whatever it takes to keep Pakistan afloat, they lie, and spread propaganda for sure, but it is this propaganda that instills a feeling of patriotism and hope in ordinary citizens of Pakistan that Pakistan's ideology was correct, the hard times will be over, what is happening now is not fault of Pakistan, but India, Israel and US, that Pakistan will overcome and bounce back better than ever.

For us Indians it may sound like dreams, and they actually are, but these dreams are going to keep Pakistan afloat for another 10-15 years, by which time things might start to get better and people's faith in Pakistan might come back.

Zaid Hamid is a patriotic and is doing his best and should be saluted for that. The only problem is that someone has to guarantee a better future in these 10-12 years because if situation doesn't improve, people will start to hate Pakistan for all these false hopes. But I think with the coming of Imran Khan, situation will improve tremendously. Things will once again start to get better, and Zaid Hamid's mission will be over.

He may be regarded as a joker by Indians, but if all goes well, 20 years from now, Pakistanis will look at him as a hero, and rightly so.

Think about it.
It is not tough to guess for us that Zaid Hamid is an idiot at best. But there are a few things that nobody thinks about.

Pakistan is in a state of emergency, judicial system has failed, political system has failed, diplomacy has failed, economy has failed, and there is ethnic tension in parts of Pakistan, to compound the problem, it is the major source of terrorism, and US is bombing parts of Pakistan.

Well if not for people like Zaid Hamid, Pakistan would have fallen by now. People like Zaid Hamid are doing whatever it takes to keep Pakistan afloat, they lie, and spread propaganda for sure, but it is this propaganda that instills a feeling of patriotism and hope in ordinary citizens of Pakistan that Pakistan's ideology was correct, the hard times will be over, what is happening now is not fault of Pakistan, but India, Israel and US, that Pakistan will overcome and bounce back better than ever.

For us Indians it may sound like dreams, and they actually are, but these dreams are going to keep Pakistan afloat for another 10-15 years, by which time things might start to get better and people's faith in Pakistan might come back.

Zaid Hamid is a patriotic and is doing his best and should be saluted for that. The only problem is that someone has to guarantee a better future in these 10-12 years because if situation doesn't improve, people will start to hate Pakistan for all these false hopes. But I think with the coming of Imran Khan, situation will improve tremendously. Things will once again start to get better, and Zaid Hamid's mission will be over.

He may be regarded as a joker by Indians, but if all goes well, 20 years from now, Pakistanis will look at him as a hero, and rightly so.

Think about it.

In my opinion, the firm ground of truth is always better than the aircastle of lies.

It's always best to tell the people the truth and not raise false hopes.

You tell the people the truth and tell them to tighten their belts and brace for tough times ahead. That's what leaders do. That's what MEN do.

Pakistan is where it is today only because it leaders never spoke truth to the people. Not even once.

In 1971, their leader told them that everything was under control; the very next day, Pakistan broke apart in two.

...what happened next is history.

A stitch in time, saves nine. You lie once and then you have to continually speak lies after lies just to hide the first lie.

and I think by far we have all seen what happens to a country and a people built on lies.
Nothing wrong said in the video posted in this thread even from the Indian angle!Why all the ranting and bashing?
Here is Zaid Hamid on al Jazeera making a fool out of himself as usual

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You're right. Indians are giving him publicity because he is a RAW agent.
Did anyone even know who thisguy was until some insecure Indians started giving him publicity? No one really, most public of Pakistan dont care about Zaid Hamid, even I didn't know wo he was until I joined PDF lolz
Your govt confessed all the attackers were Pakistanis.
So no debate there.
And you believe the washing powder named PAK was enough to prove Pakistan guilty?

Apparently, you are being brain washed more easily.

Pakistan was led by machos in 1971 with full backing of Uncle Sam and China.
What happened??? Even if their present leaders are impotent, I would say they are still sensible. The feet should be on the ground. All the time.
Yes if Muslim areas are attacked we have to wage war and always wage war Yes Islam tells us that and also tells us to preach Jihad Economy always run side by side with Wars in Islam Pakistan is in mess because of impotent who are afraid of war
come on guys...say "NO" to "Zaid the fool Hamid" threads... :lol:

please no more thread on Zaid Hamid..he is delusional,everybody knws it..why we are keep posting videos on him???
at least indians have some manner to talk decent. They have personal problem with ZH because he never act what zardari and nawaz do. Thats why both later are their favourite.
that is true, indians dont like this guy because he is a nationalist, hes real Pakistani, n i feel sorry for those few Pakistanis who make fun of Ziad Hamid because they don't know anything.

Look i have respect for people who are nationalist but what i dont like is a nation giving importance to a moron who has no clue what he talks about..it presents a bad image about your society.

What you people need is a leader who shows you the true picture and then takes you to a path of betterment.Supporting idiots like him will only make things worse.

The way he acusses everyone who doesnt agree with him on having links with RAW and getting paid by them..i am beggining to feel like he is being paid by ISI to show people a feel good image of the country when nothing is going right..he doesnt even support democracy.
Why will India not like a real Pakistani?
That guy wants a dictatorship in Pakistan, you guys agree.
He says that every fasad in Pakistan is courtesy RAW, im amazed!
He says that Afghan Jihad was majorly funded by the Muslim countries, any proof, no?
He quotes youtube videos as Proofs for his Arguments, how reliable on facts.
He still believes that Mumbai attack was a RAW conspiracy, even after that guy was proven a Pakistani.
Zia is his role model.
Nice up guys!! I feel only pity that you guys are still getting brainwashed so easily..

eh stop acting dude, im not a fkin kid, we all know why u indians hate this man. Forget Zaid Hamid, but i have seen some indians hating on Imran Khan, he didnt say anything to indians. He is right, raw and other foreign hands are causing so many problems in Pakistan, and he never quotes youtube videos, u made that up. Who knows who was behind mubai attacks, might be Raw, ISI, or even Cia because our relations were improving in 2008 so come countries didn't want that.

and dont feel pity for us, i feel pity for u because ur people are brainwashed by people like shiv cena and bal thackray, and we all know that indian army generals were involved in samjota express bombings.

Look i have respect for people who are nationalist but what i dont like is a nation giving importance to a moron who has no clue what he talks about..it presents a bad image about your society.

What you people need is a leader who shows you the true picture and then takes you to a path of betterment.Supporting idiots like him will only make things worse.

The way he acusses everyone who doesnt agree with him on having links with RAW and getting paid by them..i am beggining to feel like he is being paid by ISI to show people a feel good image of the country when nothing is going right..he doesnt even support democracy.

stop thinking that he is paid by ISI, and even he is than he should be proud because he is working for ISI.

I dont support or defend this guy, but now im because ive seen so many indians talking rubbish against him.
eh stop acting dude, im not a fkin kid, we all know why u indians hate this man. Forget Zaid Hamid, but i have seen some indians hating on Imran Khan, he didnt say anything to indians. He is right, raw and other foreign hands are causing so many problems in Pakistan, and he never quotes youtube videos, u made that up. Who knows who was behind mubai attacks, might be Raw, ISI, or even Cia because our relations were improving in 2008 so come countries didn't want that.

and dont feel pity for us, i feel pity for u because ur people are brainwashed by people like shiv cena and bal thackray, and we all know that indian army generals were involved in samjota express bombings.

I am not acting and by your response even if you are not one your brain does seem like a kids.

You see you yourself have said some Indians talk trash about Imran Khan, did you try to make them understand?

See a video on youtube of the show 'in the line of fire' he does quote evidence as youtube videos and there are others, you want me to put them up? And do you know, he says that the Mumbai attack was a RAW conspiracy on asking his sources and to present evidence he simply says 'I Know'.. so there you go, so much for you not being a kid..

First off, Shiv Sena is local to Maharashtra, I now know how much GK you have.

RSS has some extreme elements and I do not subscribe to them for everything they say. I can think on my own you know, unlike some who believe every c*** and bull story where India is named as the 'evil' one.
I am glad Hazrat Zaid Hamid hates baniya kaffir India. Imagine if he liked India.

Indian netizen's Internet experience would be so dull, humorless, devoid of humor. Life would lose its meaning. Last year he even saved my life. Eternally grateful to Zaid Hamid for the new lease of life I received.

ZH rocks
so talking about peace and rejecting the warmongering lunatics makes one impotent...

Mullah aur un k mardange, wah ray wah
Yes it makes you because only a coward and impotent can make peace with those who are killing our brohters and sisters and children on daily bases only the biggest coward on the face of the earth can make peace with them
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