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Swedish town bans Muslim headscarf in schools

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Freedom of expression and freedom of speech haha but no freedom to dress up as per your choice
You can switch Gender AND Sex as a minor...
You can be naked on the street...
But a scarf is... too much... And that whatever your are a minor... an Adult and even a 90 years old lady...
You can switch Gender AND Sex as a minor...
You can be naked on the street...
But a scarf is... too much... And that whatever your are a minor... an Adult and even a 90 years old lady...

Those are actually great points.

I had never thought about it like that.

The hypocrisy is stunning.
I would say - if you do not want people to follow their traditions do not let them in. If you let them in - then you have to let them follow their traditions (at least with regard to clothes and look). If you try to ban them - you will embitter them and they will feel like they are persecuted for their faith. You will force them to follow their traditions illegally and you will loose all the control on them. Gradually, they will create a parallel society - in fact, a state within a state.
Or maybe let in people who like your traditions?

Gimme a break. How is forcing girls aged 10 or 11 to not wear headscarves in any way connected with progressiveness? Why the heck should it matter to anyone what they wear on their heads? Sweden is just the latest country to forcibly enable a centuries old orientalist wet dream of raising Muslim girls to be liberal and willing participants in the western "let's sexualise all females" culture. It's pathetic that they repeatedly attack what is basically a practice linked to simple asceticism and humility. Is there not enough evidence yet in western societies that the stepwise codified stripping of females to the point of nudity does not in fact "liberate" them but rather further sexualises and objectifies them? Me too, me too and me too again but when an 11 year old wants to take back precisely this kind of feministic control and simply stop men gazing at her, all of a sudden old white men insist she allow it to happen? The me too move ment cannot actually have its cake and eat it.

Why can't these orientalist perverts just be at peace with the fact that different people have different boundaries on what they are willing to permit in terms of sexualisation and accessibility of their bodies?
Moderate clothing is forced on these women. Sweden cares for individual rights.
Lol na, I'm enjoying life cos the British did a pretty good job looting other countries and the effects of that can still be felt. The reason India, Pakistan, bangladesh etc are all so dirt poor is because the British looted them for a good 200 or so years. In Islam, all brown, white, black men have been able to sit together for about 1400 years lol.

Their success isn't due to secularism or democracy.

British left 70 years ago. They ruled pakistan for 100 years. They did less looting than your Afghan, Persian and turkic cousins

Gimme a break. How is forcing girls aged 10 or 11 to not wear headscarves in any way connected with progressiveness? Why the heck should it matter to anyone what they wear on their heads? Sweden is just the latest country to forcibly enable a centuries old orientalist wet dream of raising Muslim girls to be liberal and willing participants in the western "let's sexualise all females" culture. It's pathetic that they repeatedly attack what is basically a practice linked to simple asceticism and humility. Is there not enough evidence yet in western societies that the stepwise codified stripping of females to the point of nudity does not in fact "liberate" them but rather further sexualises and objectifies them? Me too, me too and me too again but when an 11 year old wants to take back precisely this kind of feministic control and simply stop men gazing at her, all of a sudden old white men insist she allow it to happen? The me too move ment cannot actually have its cake and eat it.

Why can't these orientalist perverts just be at peace with the fact that different people have different boundaries on what they are willing to permit in terms of sexualisation and accessibility of their bodies?

you have a choice - not to migrate

A Muslim shall behave according to Islam... Therefore a Muslim WHO knows his own religion correctly... will have no problem with science... We are asked to find the secrets of our world... And those who do are actually seen in high esteem in front of their Creator.

As for Polygamy/Polyandry... You have to take into account that DNA test are few decades old... You can't judge Human History on your current knowledge...
Second, In Islam Polygamy is not compulsory... it's even not something that should be encouraged... not Because it's immoral, But Like A man can't be equally fair among his spouses... and many more...
Polygamy is ok in certain situations, per exemple when taking a widow/Divorcee/ Older woman that no man wants/can't have kids... etc... Polygamy in Islam is more to answer a '' social problem'' than using it to fulfill a man desire.

Now why Man and not Woman... Well it's not only about how it's easier to find the father or not... but also about the social dynamic... Even in our Day and Age... The man do old an higher statut in the group... Man behavior is different than woman... The Rivalry dynamic is different... etc... A lot more Social conditions take place...

You should read about Matriarchal societies in Human History... you will see it's not a viable solution in the long term... where most of them get into stagnation then disappear... Not by some sort of Men revolution but by Male Inhibition...

you want to judge evolution based on 100 year study even though it spans million of years
but you do not judge the Muslim religious texts on polygamy because of improvements in DNA technology 30 years ago

You could have said polygamy is outdated and let us outlaw it and move on. instead you have a whole bunch of rationalizations. that is difference between progress and stagnation
British left 70 years ago. They ruled pakistan for 100 years. They did less looting than your Afghan, Persian and turkic cousins

you have a choice - not to migrate

you want to judge evolution based on 100 year study even though it spans million of years
but you do not judge the Muslim religious texts on polygamy because of improvements in DNA technology 30 years ago

You could have said polygamy is outdated and let us outlaw it and move on. instead you have a whole bunch of rationalizations. that is difference between progress and stagnation

I didn't want to go in depth in this thing...thinking you will see the general picture...
But here my ''coup de maitre''

Polygamy is not only a family structure...it's also a legal one... What i mean by that...well it's simple... It gives woman a legal framework an security... ( Heritage,divorce, pension,kids recognition,man duty etc...)

Now why do i use this... Well be prepared for what you didn't though about ..

Do you know how many extra- conjugal relationships are happening ? Do you know how many of them end up in pregnancy? Do you know how many single mothers do you have?

I let you search for numbers in the US... But spoiler alert...it's the majority..
You guys are practicing polygamy already... but without the legal framework... ie no right and security for those extra woman...

And please stop this DNA thing... Polygamy is not a problem in itself... it does answer a social problem for certain conditions...
Scientists themselves agree on it's purpose... It's only guys like you who don't know anything about polygamy dynamics that found it problematic... But going left and right to fuffil your desire, regardless of that girl future is ok... Well it's what is widely happening in the west...but that is ok... Millions of kids have no fathers in the west... because of that... Single mothers are overflowing the society... But hey... Islam is the problem or at least it's teachings...
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Integration does not require sexualisation

I never said that but why does a 13 year old child need to have a head scarf? Does that mean she is ready to be married off? Isn't the point of hijab to hide one's beauty from unwanted stares? 13 year old is too young to be put under such pressure. Let them make that decision themselves when they feel ready to wear one.
I never said that but why does a 13 year old child need to have a head scarf? Does that mean she is ready to be married off? Isn't the point of hijab to hide one's beauty from unwanted stares? 13 year old is too young to be put under such pressure. Let them make that decision themselves when they feel ready to wear one.

So you think hijab is only to hide ''beauty''? or when she's ready to marry?
Where did you get that from?

Btw you know that logic of yours could be applied to literally anything? Like which dress code to wear... nude or not... like Education/religion to kids... Teaching X or Y kids what is good or wrong? aka Let them decide for themselves... like if they should take that candy from strangers...

Come on guys... wake up a bit.

Those are actually great points.

I had never thought about it like that.

The hypocrisy is stunning.

Welcome to the New world... Where the Biggest Hypocrite call for ''Less Hypocrisy'' far from his Home ofc...
As for the points made... they are literally only 2 among thousands of double standard used by Liberal Western teachings.
I never said that but why does a 13 year old child need to have a head scarf? Does that mean she is ready to be married off? Isn't the point of hijab to hide one's beauty from unwanted stares? 13 year old is too young to be put under such pressure. Let them make that decision themselves when they feel ready to wear one.
Sexual consent age is constantly dropping in the liberated emancipated west, and yet the age at which a female can wear a hijab is being forced up. Go figure out what western freedom means.

I think most girls above the age of about 9 can make an informed reasoned choice on wearing a headscarf covering to ward off unwanted male gaze.

"you have a choice - not to migrate"

Classic response. I was born here. Guess what else, as a tax paying citizen, brought up in this society, having understood and weighed up various sources of information on this matter, I am in a position to make an informed judgement, also based on experience in this society. I have every right to believe that reduced clothing worn by both females and males, along with our uncensored social media driven lives creates a sexualised society, wherein adults and children judge one another, demean one another, and discriminate against one another on reasons of superficial appearance and sexual attractiveness.

"Me too" identified the problem. However traditonal western feminism does not provide anything even close to the answer.
I didn't want to go in depth in this thing...thinking you will see the general picture...
But here my ''coup de maitre''

Polygamy is not only a family structure...it's also a legal one... What i mean by that...well it's simple... It gives woman a legal framework an security... ( Heritage,divorce, pension,kids recognition,man duty etc...)

Now why do i use this... Well be prepared for what you didn't though about ..

Do you know how many extra- conjugal relationships are happening ? Do you know how many of them end up in pregnancy? Do you know how many single mothers do you have?

I let you search for numbers in the US... But spoiler alert...it's the majority..
You guys are practicing polygamy already... but without the legal framework... ie no right and security for those extra woman...

And please stop this DNA thing... Polygamy is not a problem in itself... it does answer a social problem for certain conditions...
Scientists themselves agree on it's purpose... It's only guys like you who don't know anything about polygamy dynamics that found it problematic... But going left and right to fuffil your desire, regardless of that girl future is ok... Well it's what is widely happening in the west...but that is ok... Millions of kids have no fathers in the west... because of that... Single mothers are overflowing the society... But hey... Islam is the problem or at least it's teachings...

if polygamy is legal there is no reason to polyandry not to be legal. how hard it is ?

say what you want the West outperforms most of the Islam based societies. muslim immigrants vote with their feet.
if polygamy is legal there is no reason to polyandry not to be legal. how hard it is ?

say what you want the West outperforms most of the Islam based societies. muslim immigrants vote with their feet.

What about the kids of those immigrants who know no other home but the Western lands that they are born on?

If you really examine it, there is alot of commonlity between Islamic teachings and those of Christianity and Judiasm.

Its really the issue of practicing Muslims being more adherent to their faiths than most Jews and Christians.

Think about this.

The 3 Abrahamic religions usually have the same core social norms.

Its the Muslims that are resistant to deviation from them.

Most Jews and Christians pay lip service to their faiths.
What about the kids of those immigrants who know no other home but the Western lands that they are born on?

If you really examine it, there is alot of commonlity between Islamic teachings and those of Christianity and Judiasm.

Its really the issue of practicing Muslims being more adherent to their faiths than most Jews and Christians.

Think about this.

The 3 Abrahamic religions usually have the same core social norms.

Its the Muslims that are resistant to deviation from them.

Most Jews and Christians pay lip service to their faiths.

I take it support for polygamy is your social norm
I take it support for polygamy is your social norm

You clearly have no understanding of the Islamic position on polygamy.

Also, polygamy is so ancillary to the general theme of my previous post.

Finally, to directly answer you, no poylgamy is not my social norm.
Don't know about Sweden but Denmark which I temporary moved to last year is the biggest racist Islamophobic cunt state, leaving soon. Avoid this shithole.
What? I was there on vacation. Beautiful place. Coffee was a bit pricey but it's all good. No problems with the locals.
if polygamy is legal there is no reason to polyandry not to be legal. how hard it is ?

say what you want the West outperforms most of the Islam based societies. muslim immigrants vote with their feet.
West has lot of good things does not mean they are all perfect, Muslims have a lot of flaws does not mean they are always wrong. Open your minds and hearts all of us.
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I will give you that the Scandinavian countries didn’t colonize.

But Germany??


You guys were stopped in WW2 perhaps that’s why.

But you were in Muslim lands such as North Africa.

And we can talk non Muslim places too if like Namibia if you want.

Regardless, the reality is what I said in my post holds true whether you like it or not.

Germany fought against the british frensh and americans in "muslim" countrys... they did not fight the citizen...the Wehrmacht had even Muslim SS units...

Dont talk about 100years ago or longer... or should I talk about muslims fighting at the gates of Vienna in 1529 or 1679...were the peacefull loving muslims killed a third of the population...
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