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Swedish town bans Muslim headscarf in schools

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Half your country was roaming around naked till the british banned it.

And your ghongat is another drama, heck even that is a strictly Rajput tradition and not followed by other hindus.
what is wrong running around naked ? it works gr8 on some islands in the South Pacific
what is wrong running around naked ? it works gr8 on some islands in the South Pacific
Yeah until anf unless you look like scarlet johansan and not srmati appu.. it doesnt.
Neither does breast covering tax sound nice.
Having loved in Sweden I support this. Maybe the swedes can drag these neanderthals to the light.

Some places like Karlskrona have been totally messed up by their dole gangs, put them to work or kick them out.

No more handouts for these leeches.

Dixit the leech...
Yeah until anf unless you look like scarlet johansan and not srmati appu.. it doesnt.
Neither does breast covering tax sound nice.

south pacific islanders lived fine without clothing until outsiders showed up
it is all in your head :partay:
I dunno know if Adam and Eve existed.
I do know that Pacific islanders existed in heaven for millennium as far I know
Even The Theory of Evolution believe in them... Not by those names... But by a ''common Ancestry'' with a Male and Female...
Even The Theory of Evolution believe in them... Not by those names... But by a ''common Ancestry'' with a Male and Female...

What does theory of evolution believe in ? you descended from monkeys and apes. they are not running around in clothing
Gimme a break. How is forcing girls aged 10 or 11 to not wear headscarves in any way connected with progressiveness? Why the heck should it matter to anyone what they wear on their heads? Sweden is just the latest country to forcibly enable a centuries old orientalist wet dream of raising Muslim girls to be liberal and willing participants in the western "let's sexualise all females" culture. It's pathetic that they repeatedly attack what is basically a practice linked to simple asceticism and humility. Is there not enough evidence yet in western societies that the stepwise codified stripping of females to the point of nudity does not in fact "liberate" them but rather further sexualises and objectifies them? Me too, me too and me too again but when an 11 year old wants to take back precisely this kind of feministic control and simply stop men gazing at her, all of a sudden old white men insist she allow it to happen? The me too move ment cannot actually have its cake and eat it.

Why can't these orientalist perverts just be at peace with the fact that different people have different boundaries on what they are willing to permit in terms of sexualisation and accessibility of their bodies?
Sweden is already feminized to the core, most likely that Swedish women are standing behind this to 'liberate Muslimas from Muslim men' and take them to a path of western sexuality where by the time they seek marriage they've had 10+ men.

We don't need this trash to reach the middle east
What does theory of evolution believe in ? you descended from monkeys and apes. they are not running around in clothing
Theory of evolution... Don't believe in ''monkey'' descend...
sir in every muslim country there are laws against human rights and religion . there are vast human rights violations then why we have right to teach others a lesson . ? a simple humble answer please .

You forgot that Muslims are blessed with rights to behave that way and kufra should not have any human rights. So what they do is just fine.

I aint a fan of romantic one liners. Let me pose a question do you, don't you think its time for Islam to have some liberal reform, that needs to come from within. Something on the lines of the period of Christianity since the crusades.

That will require amendment to holy text which is against the fundamental principles of Islam. It can not be done.
Will you move out of Canada if they did the same?
Or are you the type of Guy who will go away/runaway every time X or Y Gov policies is against your belief?

''They can move out if they don't like it''... sometimes I ask myself if ppl even read their own thing...

I am not sure about others, but I am 100% sure you don't understand what you are reading or writing!!!

A town in Sweden has banned the Muslim headscarf in primary schools for students under 13. Sweden was once hailed as an immigrant-friendly nation, but that is changing now.

A municipality in southern Sweden has voted to ban the Islamic headscarf in schools for children under the age of 13, in a first for Sweden.

The populist measure is part of a new 'integration plan' for the town of Staffanstorp, roughly 20km outside Malmö, which has been drawn up for by the centre-right Moderate Party and the populist Sweden Democrats.

"The headscarf is a symbol that women are not available. It's a sexualisation of women and it's unreasonable to do that to young girls," Christian Sonesson, the town's Moderate Party mayor, told the local Sydsvenskan newspaper. "I have nothing against adult women wearing headscarves, but these are small children, little girls."

The measure was voted through with seven votes in favour and four against on Wednesday afternoon.

Pierre Sjöström, a councillor for the town's Social Democrat opposition accused Sonesson of "foregrounding a non-problem".

"It's just cosmetic. The Moderates don't even know if we have pupils who wear headscarves. This is a solution to a problem that we don't have," he told the newspaper.

Andreas Lindholm, a lawyer for the Swedish National Agency for Education, told Swedish broadcaster SR that he believed the measure was religious discrimination and therefore contravened the law.

"We ruled that it is not permitted or compatible with religious freedom or discrimination laws to bring in a blanket ban against the veil in schools," he said.

In their first draft of the law, the two parties confused the headscarf and the veil, and in the final law that passed the word 'veil' had been changed to 'headscarf'. The new draft also limited the ban to children in Sweden's Class 7 (which starts at age 13) and below.

After September's election Sonesson chose to go into coalition with the populist Sweden Democrats, even though he would have been able to build a majority with his party's more liberal allies on the centre right.
You forgot that Muslims are blessed with rights to behave that way and kufra should not have any human rights. So what they do is just fine.

That will require amendment to holy text which is against the fundamental principles of Islam. It can not be done.
ohh yeah wo to main bhool hi gya tha
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