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Swedish town bans Muslim headscarf in schools

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my honest opinion is its too late for reforms in islam in fact its late some 300 years . muslims should have changed the way 300 years ago with Renaissance but they failed then again with enlightenment times some 100 years ago they should have consider the old mistakes and changed but they did not . now its too late to be changed . now time is teaching the lesson itself just look at syria iraq libya yemen Afghanistan everywhere its fire . Muslims went total wrong ways of government system laws and culture . now time will fix them with very very hard lesson .sad part here is soem muslim countries were good liberals like turkey turned another monarchy .

Turn back the time 70 years and your enlightened Europe was the one on fire. Regions go through war and peace, happens in most places.

I agree, we Muslims have mostly went the wrong way of government system and laws. We are Muslim yet we have been neck deep in rubbish like democracy, secularism, nationalism, communism etc... and it's caused so much trouble.
Turn back the time 70 years and your enlightened Europe was the one on fire. Regions go through war and peace, happens in most places.

I agree, we Muslims have mostly went the wrong way of government system and laws. We are Muslim yet we have been neck deep in rubbish like democracy, secularism, nationalism, communism etc... and it's caused so much trouble.
wow just wow

sir you are sitting enjoying your life in UK because of democracy, secularism otherwise without these before 1947 south asians can not sit with english man .
wow just wow

sir you are sitting enjoying your life in UK because of democracy, secularism otherwise without these before 1947 south asians can not sit with english man .

Lol na, I'm enjoying life cos the British did a pretty good job looting other countries and the effects of that can still be felt. The reason India, Pakistan, bangladesh etc are all so dirt poor is because the British looted them for a good 200 or so years. In Islam, all brown, white, black men have been able to sit together for about 1400 years lol.

Their success isn't due to secularism or democracy.
genetics do not lie

pakecitus is ancestor of whales
Do you know what a ''theory'' mean?
Theory of Evolution is based on less than 1% of FOSSILS...
Don't even go into genetics... since DNA extraction is limited in time...
this funny "western" against muslim bullshit..

Sweden are Protestant... they even had forbidden to practis catholic religion in the past .... and no no one really cared about it...

Christians are plain and simple MUCH more tollerant than muslims..even if muslims claim the oposide...

befor you rave about this ...there are muslims nation were it is even forbidden to own a bible... that is intollerant backward thinking at its best...

Rule is in the west ... that each individum has the right to grow up and do what ever they like... not what their parents like..not what their religion wants them to be... forcing young girls under 13 to wear a headscarf in school push them into something they perhaps later dont want... even muslim kids just want to grow up normal and not as a religion symbole for their father grandfather and the muslim community

Just a question... WHY dont wear muslim guys headscarf or Burka? I am pretty sure that would be the first law from Allah that you all would ignore... like the muslims here ignore Ramadan ... they all meet somewere near near a supermarket and eat and drink their during daylight in the hope no one notice them... I always laugh my *** of if I see them... like most of them ignore not to drink alcohol...
Many (not all) male muslims life in a world of double moral... the hard moral they force their woman daughters and none belivers... and the moral for themself were everything is taken very easy for a easy comfortable life...

Muslims want to life in the comfort zone of the west... get education and a brighter future for their kids, safty for their family and peace... but they want to pick only the benefits that fit to their belive and try to change the community ...
The "white" people DONT WANT THAT...point... if you accept "wester" life style you are welcome... if not, get the **** out of here and go back were u come from and life their...

We dont go to Turkey and try to overthrow your cultur ...we dont go to Pakistan and try to turn everyone into chritians or western thinking people.. if "white western" visit your nations we exactly follow your rules ... if muslim come here they try to overthrow our rules... that does not work

Fair enough we can't have it both ways. Muslims have a higher living standards in Europe then in Muslim countries so really the majority is not the one who is supposed to integrate, its the minority that should try their best to integrate, be open and friendly to the host culture. The more you live in a ghetto and segregate the more people will become suspicious like you have something to hide.
Fair enough we can't have it both ways. Muslims have a higher living standards in Europe then in Muslim countries so really the majority is not the one who is supposed to integrate, its the minority that should try their best to integrate, be open and friendly to the host culture. The more you live in a ghetto and segregate the more people will become suspicious like you have something to hide.
It is perfectly possible to integrate while wearing a headscarf to ward off the gaze of males. Integration does not require sexualisation beyond one's preferred boundaries. In the west, headscarf-wearing females, young and old, can do 99% of what non-headscarf-wearers do, while reaping the additional benefits of: warding off the male gaze, dampening the rampant depression due to body dysmorphism that pervades western societies, dampening misogyny/image related bullying and discrimination from fellow females and males, and reducing the financial and social burdens of constantly striving towards airbrushed perfection. Now, I do appreciate that these benefits only arise if hijab and by extension modesty are applied properly (as opposed to the sexualised fashion hijabs with tight jeans look that we see frequently) but my point is, the theory is at least sound and well placed, with intentions that are positive. You can very easily be a proud British, American or whatever Muslim and contribute to society and still wear hijab and teach your daughters to wear one.
Do you know what a ''theory'' mean?
Theory of Evolution is based on less than 1% of FOSSILS...
Don't even go into genetics... since DNA extraction is limited in time...

Even with evidence based on less than 1% of fossils the theory of evolution explains a lot more than Adam/Eve
Even with evidence based on less than 1% of fossils the theory of evolution explains a lot more than Adam/Eve
That the thing... they don't explain anything... they are just giving an ''Answer'' on what they think happened by extrapolating with those 1% Fossils...

Like per exemple... they believed Homo sapiens came last in the humanoid species... Now we got actual proof with fossils that Homo sapiens came way before... like Hundreds and Hundreds of thousand years earlier than what scientist believed... and therefore coexisting with Species that was initially though to be their ''Fathers''... But since you can't have the same age as your father... The theory evolved...
that's what science is and do... nothing is in stone... Therefore making it science a ''Truth'' that you put your faith on is just wrong...

Science should and must be used for what it is... A tool to HELP US understand/see what is around us... Not to TELL US what is around us...
That the thing... they don't explain anything... they are just giving an ''Answer'' on what they think happened by extrapolating with those 1% Fossils...

Like per exemple... they believed Homo sapiens came last in the humanoid species... Now we got actual proof with fossils that Homo sapiens came way before... like Hundreds and Hundreds of thousand years earlier than what scientist believed... and therefore coexisting with Species that was initially though to be their ''Fathers''... But since you can't have the same age as your father... The theory evolved...
that's what science is and do... nothing is in stone... Therefore making it science a ''Truth'' that you put your faith on is just wrong...

Science should and must be used for what it is... A tool to HELP US understand/see what is around us... Not to TELL US what is around us...

Science does not have answers to everything at the moment. The "Extrapolation" has lead to discovery of lot of lost species. That is a fact. Evolution is still a work in progress. Evolution happened over millions and tens of million of years. Human beings have analyzed the data for less than 200 years. Evolution makes religious minded people uncomfortable. I see the reasons for obvious discomfort.

If you asked a religious Muslim person three decades ago why polygamy was allowed and why polyandry was no allowed ? They would have replied you could not tell who the father of the kids were. Today with modern DNA technology you can find out the true parents. Are you changing the Quran to fit the times ?
Science does not have answers to everything at the moment. The "Extrapolation" has lead to discovery of lot of lost species. That is a fact. Evolution is still a work in progress. Evolution happened over millions and tens of million of years. Human beings have analyzed the data for less than 200 years. Evolution makes religious minded people uncomfortable. I see the reasons for obvious discomfort.

If you asked a religious Muslim person three decades ago why polygamy was allowed and why polyandry was no allowed ? They would have replied you could not tell who the father of the kids were. Today with modern DNA technology you can find out the true parents. Are you changing the Quran to fit the times ?

Actually Islam contrary to Christianity have no problem with Science... Islamic golden Age MADE Science as we know it today...

Second... Evolution exist... Human did evolve... Again contrary to Christian belief... In Islam we believe in ''Evolution'' btw Adam/Eve and us today...

And Last... My point wasn't about Putting science in the dust bin of Humanity... But to put in contrast what many seems to hold on her... as a ''Truth''

I hear a lot of Agnostic/Atheist around me... swearing by the all mighty Science... Even though they don't know how science work neither what is for... Many even can't differentiate ''Technology'' to ''Science''... And many of them... maybe even all of them... Seems to use logic as their compass... Well... I use ''Seems'' because in reality most of them are even more nutcase than any Religious fanatics...
But that's another topic...
Actually Islam contrary to Christianity have no problem with Science... Islamic golden Age MADE Science as we know it today...

Second... Evolution exist... Human did evolve... Again contrary to Christian belief... In Islam we believe in ''Evolution'' btw Adam/Eve and us today...

And Last... My point wasn't about Putting science int eh dust bin of Humanity... But to put in contrast what many seems to hold on her... as a ''Truth''

I hear a lot of Agnostic/Atheist around me... swearing by the all mighty Science... Even though they don't know how science work neither what is for... Many even can't differentiate ''Technology'' to ''Science''... And many of them... maybe even all of them... Seems to use logic as their compass... Well... I use ''Seems'' because in reality most of them are even more nutcase than any Religious fanatics...
But that's another topic...

I cannot speak about Islam. it is a abstract thing for me. we are talking about specific attitudes of Muslims in general
I gave a very specific example on polygamy and polyandry.

Scientists can speak on science. you cannot judge science by words/deeds of ordinary laymen
I cannot speak about Islam. it is a abstract thing for me. we are talking about specific attitudes of Muslims in general
I gave a very specific example on polygamy and polyandry.

Scientists can speak on science. you cannot judge science by words/deeds of ordinary laymen

A Muslim shall behave according to Islam... Therefore a Muslim WHO knows his own religion correctly... will have no problem with science... We are asked to find the secrets of our world... And those who do are actually seen in high esteem in front of their Creator.

As for Polygamy/Polyandry... You have to take into account that DNA test are few decades old... You can't judge Human History on your current knowledge...
Second, In Islam Polygamy is not compulsory... it's even not something that should be encouraged... not Because it's immoral, But Like A man can't be equally fair among his spouses... and many more...
Polygamy is ok in certain situations, per exemple when taking a widow/Divorcee/ Older woman that no man wants/can't have kids... etc... Polygamy in Islam is more to answer a '' social problem'' than using it to fulfill a man desire.

Now why Man and not Woman... Well it's not only about how it's easier to find the father or not... but also about the social dynamic... Even in our Day and Age... The man do old an higher statut in the group... Man behavior is different than woman... The Rivalry dynamic is different... etc... A lot more Social conditions take place...

You should read about Matriarchal societies in Human History... you will see it's not a viable solution in the long term... where most of them get into stagnation then disappear... Not by some sort of Men revolution but by Male Inhibition...
Good now they don't have any room to complain when all Muslim countries ban skirts!
Freedom of expression and freedom of speech haha but no freedom to dress up as per your choice
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