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Swedish PM rejects referendum on possible NATO membership


May 12, 2010
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Swedish PM rejects referendum on possible NATO membership​

April 28, 202211:56 PM GMT+10Last Updated 10 hours ago

3 minutes

Sweden's Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson speaks during a news conference with Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin, amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine, in Stockholm, Sweden, April 13, 2022. Paul Wennerholm/TT News Agency/via REUTERS

STOCKHOLM, April 28 (Reuters) - Sweden's government does not plan to hold a referendum if its parliament decides to proceed with an application for NATO membership, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said on Friday.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has forced both Sweden and Finland to review long held beliefs that military neutrality is the best means of ensuring national security, with both countries expected to make a decision in the coming few weeks. read more

Andersson said that a referendum was a "bad idea".

"I don't think it is an issue that is suitable for a referendum," she told reporters.

"There is a lot of information about national security that is confidential, so there are important issues in such a referendum that cannot be discussed and important facts that cannot be put on the table."

Sweden's parliament is reviewing security policy with a report expected in mid-May. Separately, Andersson's own party, the Social Democrats, are looking at whether to drop their objections to NATO membership. read more

With a majority in parliament backing membership, the ruling Social Democrats are seen as the biggest hurdle to Sweden applying to join the 30-nation alliance.
The leader of the Moderates, the biggest opposition party, has also rejected calls for a referendum on the issue.

"Voters ... are not naive about Russia," Ulf Kristersson told daily Aftonbladet earlier this week in a debate with Left Party leader Nooshi Dadgostar. "It's very clear that Swedish voters have understood what happened on 24 February and have drawn their conclusions."

Dadgostar, whose party opposes NATO membership, told Aftonbladet that Swedes should get a say in the decision.
"This .. has to go back to the voters, there has to be very strong democratic support in this question," she said.
Sweden holds a general election in September.

An opinion poll by Demoskop in daily Aftonbladet published on April 20 showed 57% of Swedes in favour of joining NATO, up from 51% in March.


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Swedish PM rejects referendum on possible NATO membership​

April 28, 202211:56 PM GMT+10Last Updated 10 hours ago

3 minutes

Sweden's Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson speaks during a news conference with Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin, amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine, in Stockholm, Sweden, April 13, 2022. Paul Wennerholm/TT News Agency/via REUTERS

STOCKHOLM, April 28 (Reuters) - Sweden's government does not plan to hold a referendum if its parliament decides to proceed with an application for NATO membership, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said on Friday.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has forced both Sweden and Finland to review long held beliefs that military neutrality is the best means of ensuring national security, with both countries expected to make a decision in the coming few weeks. read more

Andersson said that a referendum was a "bad idea".

"I don't think it is an issue that is suitable for a referendum," she told reporters.

"There is a lot of information about national security that is confidential, so there are important issues in such a referendum that cannot be discussed and important facts that cannot be put on the table."

Sweden's parliament is reviewing security policy with a report expected in mid-May. Separately, Andersson's own party, the Social Democrats, are looking at whether to drop their objections to NATO membership. read more

With a majority in parliament backing membership, the ruling Social Democrats are seen as the biggest hurdle to Sweden applying to join the 30-nation alliance.
The leader of the Moderates, the biggest opposition party, has also rejected calls for a referendum on the issue.

"Voters ... are not naive about Russia," Ulf Kristersson told daily Aftonbladet earlier this week in a debate with Left Party leader Nooshi Dadgostar. "It's very clear that Swedish voters have understood what happened on 24 February and have drawn their conclusions."

Dadgostar, whose party opposes NATO membership, told Aftonbladet that Swedes should get a say in the decision.
"This .. has to go back to the voters, there has to be very strong democratic support in this question," she said.
Sweden holds a general election in September.

An opinion poll by Demoskop in daily Aftonbladet published on April 20 showed 57% of Swedes in favour of joining NATO, up from 51% in March.


russia's warning is working :D

You obviously dont read your own article.

It says Sweden joins NATO without Holding referendum
Russia treats Sweden with respect. It is Sweden which does not treat Russia with respect.

Russia is a facist terror state that threatens entire Europe. Only NATO gives Sweden security. Its that simple
Russia is a facist terror state that threatens entire Europe. Only NATO gives Sweden security. Its that simple

NATO is nothing without America, America is now only 55% white. 20 years down the road America will be like Mexico / Brazil, too weak to care about what Russia does.

NATO is nothing without America, America is now only 55% white. 20 years down the road America will be like Mexico / Brazil, too weak to care about what Russia does.

Sorry, made the mistake to take you serious -> ignore
Sweden has long standing neutrality and will likely remain so.
Neutrality is good. See Ukraine.

NATO is nothing without America, America is now only 55% white. 20 years down the road America will be like Mexico / Brazil, too weak to care about what Russia does.

Russia calls itself federation. A multinational multiethnic society. Russians population is shrinking and will be overtaken by Turks folks and muslim ethnics in few decades. Their birth rates are much higher.
Russia calls itself federation. A multinational multiethnic society. Russians population is shrinking and will be overtaken by Turks folks and muslim ethnics in few decades. Their birth rates are much higher.

While it is true Russia population was shrinking before 2022, war rejuvenated Russia and completely upped the natural birth rate. Throughout human history wars drive population growth. Without war, population declines and ages.
While it is true Russia population was shrinking before 2022, war rejuvenated Russia and completely upped the natural birth rate. Throughout human history wars drive population growth. Without war, population declines and ages.
Yes Putin needs war because he has nothing else to do.
Life in Russia must be hell now. Most sanctioned country on earth. Worse than Cuba, North Korea, Iran and venezuela combined. No place to go. Much like an open prison.
I think Japan and Australia and Taiwan and India would join NATO to fight China. China is the most powerful country in the world.
India won't join. Our political and economic aims beyond mutual protection against agression from China is not much overlapping actually.
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