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Sweden: "Turkey wants things we can't give"

Erdogan accuses thousands and thousands of people of being part of FETO. Everywhere. It's ridiculous. What has an NBA star have to do with FETO?
I don't know the details of this and I hate him more than you do But knowing that FETÖ is headquartered in Pennsylvania and they have a sizable network there, it's not oustide the realm of possibilities that an NBA player might have been recruited.

In Turkey they did the same thing with football stars. Hakan Şükür is a perfect example. So it's well within these piece of shits' modus operandi.

Again, I don't know for certain that that's what happened, but it's not as ridiculous as you think.
I don't know the details of this and I hate him more than you do But knowing that FETÖ is headquartered in Pennsylvania and they have a sizable network there, it's not oustide the realm of possibilities that an NBA player might have been recruited.

In Turkey they did the same thing with football stars. Hakan Şükür is a perfect example. So it's well within these piece of shits' modus operandi
And what exactly do they do ffs?
No I meant what do they do in Turkey?
Too many things to list here, child exploitation and brainwashing through organization-owned schools and dormitories, espionage for foreign powers, infiltration of government institutions including the army, politics, and judiciary, along with typical mob crimes like extorting private businesses etc.

They are in the business world, government bureucracy, politics, judiciary, everywhere. They have their ways and means to **** with you if you stand in their way. For most of his reign, Erdo allowed this to happen. He's by no means innocent in this.
Too many things to list here, child exploitation and brainwashing through organization-owned schools and dormitories, espionage for foreign powers, infiltration of government institutions including the army, politics, and judiciary, along with typical mob crimes like extorting private businesses etc.

They are in the business world, government bureucracy, politics, judiciary, everywhere. They have their ways and means to **** with you if you stand in their way. For most of his reign, Erdo allowed this to happen. He's by no means innocent in this.
Isn’t it embarrassing for Turkey that it is unable to prove any criminal activity by FETÖ members in their extradition requests?
Very funny thing is that we don't have to. You're the ones trying to enter NATO
And You think it will sit well with the rest of NATO that Sweden meets all the obligations in the tri-party agreement, and Turkey acts like a petulent child?
There is always a political prize to be paid for such behaviour.
And You think it will sit well with the rest of NATO that Sweden meets all the obligations in the tri-party agreement, and Turkey acts like a petulent child?
There is always a political prize to be paid for such behaviour.
you can't rob a naked person, you can't kill a dead one
And You think it will sit well with the rest of NATO that Sweden meets all the obligations in the tri-party agreement, and Turkey acts like a petulent child?
There is always a political prize to be paid for such behaviour.
You know what.. I agree FETÖ and PKK supporters can stay in Sweden ıf they are no criminals in Swedish laws.. Just give us know-how of Visby and Gripen xd
you can't rob a naked person, you can't kill a dead one
But You can rob a dead person and kill a naked person…
Or what is a better analogy, you can retrieve your belongings from the corpse of a criminal which stole them and sentence a naked criminal to a period behind bars.
Good luck swedecuck.
As everyone with a clue knows, the Swedish definition of rape is so wide that you can be convicted for rape even if the only contact is through Internet.
A man can be convicted for rape of his wife.
Each time counts as yet another rape.

As Benjamin Disraeli said: There are lies, damed lies and statistics.

Reported and ignored from now on.

Menendez vows to block plan to sell fighter jets to Turkey​

The senator blasted Turkey's human rights record in a statement.​

Bob Menendez listens during a Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs hearing.

But in a statement Menendez’s office drafted for the media and obtained ahead of time by POLITICO, the senator said he hasn’t changed his mind.

“I strongly oppose the Biden administration’s proposed sale of new F-16 aircraft to Turkey,” Menendez says, blasting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for continuing to “undermine international law, disregard human rights and democratic norms, and engage in alarming and destabilizing behavior in Turkey and against neighboring NATO allies.”

“Until Erdogan ceases his threats, improves his human rights record at home — including by releasing journalists and political opposition — and begins to act like a trusted ally should, I will not approve this sale,” the chair continued, noting he supports the F-35 sale to Greece.

A person familiar with the situation said Menendez as recently as December told the White House he was not going to support the massive transfer.

A State Department spokesperson said they don’t comment on potential military sales until Congress is formally notified.

The Wall Street Journal also reported that the deal to sell fighter planes would be contingent on Turkey allowing Sweden and Finland to join NATO, a move Ankara has opposed since the two countries applied for membership last year. It’s unclear if Turkey paving the way for their accession would lead Menendez to drop his opposition to the agreement.

Another person familiar with the potential sale said the State Department discussed the deal with lawmakers as recently as this week, but there have been no decisions made about formally notifying Congress that the administration is planning to move ahead.
Then wait for decade to join the NATO as like Greece blocked Macedonia for 11 year

Turkiye doesnt want money or weapons from Sweden

Turkiye just want PKK and FETO Terrorists from Sweden
and stop supporting PKK terrorism against Turkiye .... ... nothing else

When will you learn that they are terrorists only when they f..k the west if they don't then call em what ever you want.
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