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Swedish man caught trying to split atoms at home


Wow...this guy actually played around with nuclear material??? In his kitchen!!! This guy probably has never learnt about radioactive poisoning!!! Ofcourse he got busted. Nuclear material cannot be used for making bombs at home, but can definitely be a source of radioactive poisoning. Remember the spy a few years back??
Imagine this guy dropping it into a reservoir!!! It's really a scary scenario. But I do agree with what some people say. Had this guy been Muslim, there would be immediate inquiry into Al Qaeda links etc etc.Not to mention the terrorists group who would try and claim him as their member just to spread fear of their capabilities.
And this is totally Bu*****. Read be4 posting something nonsense... This guy asked Swedish autority "Only later did he realize it might not be legal and sent a question to Sweden's Radiation Authority" Stop playing Muslim card everywhere... We are not Muslim hating daemons...

Welcome brother, Play another Muslim card... this is easiest to say " It happen, coz I am Muslim" lol! the prez of USA is muslim descendent, The most loved person in India is Muslim, how can you play yopur card here?

"A few misguided muslims......" now, that was what I call playing the Muslim card quite dirtily, it didn't say a few misguided individuals! You don't have to mention whether you're a Muslim or Hindu on this forum, you do it for you've an identity crisis!
potential Swedish terrorist bought radioactive materials from Germany through internet ????:angel:
Countries have the right to aquire nuclear weapons...who is to say this country should acquire nukes and that country shouldnt?
why only 5 countries in the world should have the previlage to hold as many nukes as they want?
If AQ khan helped others..he done a great job..

Yeah countries have the right to nukes.
but per say iran acquired nukes and bombed israel, so is pakistan ready to pay the price?? will pakistan accept retaliation from israel+NATO??
same like usa /india donot have any right to enter pakistan and kil terrorists but on the other hand we will not /cannot take action on ppl who massacare ppl outside my country and enjoy safely in pakistan ,how long is the world going to accept ur Cr@p??
if he was a muslim, he had been called an alquaeda spy and that alquaeda was preparing to make nukes to blow USA

then guess what, he would have been called a pakistani and that ISI was aiding h=him to make nukes

If the above incidents were to be true then it would have been reported such.but if he were to be muslim and not an AQ/ISI spy then i guess not,western media is far far far better than oh my god what do i compare with??the muslim world has nothing called as credible media..

The indians on this forum just love this double standard and they do it quite predictably.

with saffron terrorism they epic failed many time and with recent terrorism by Christian terrorist Anders Breivik their short lived propganda on that attack blaming Muslims also dashed to ground
with saffron terrorism they epic failed many time and with recent terrorism by Christian terrorist Anders Breivik their short lived propganda on that attack blaming Muslims also dashed to ground

What do you think will happen when these Breiviks get their hands on the american or israeli nukes? I can see it happening, it's bound to happen. The operatives of CIA and Mossad are quite capable of hatching and executing such diabolical designs.

The indians on this forum just love this double standard and they do it quite predictably. You have to admit that these despicable villains add flavour to our otherwise monotonous lives.

Just like you predictably troll on every thread against Indians irrespective of the topic. If I remember right,you even managed to put off a lot of Pakistani members in one of the threads. Stick to the topic and stop :flame: troll.
Just like you predictably troll on every thread against Indians irrespective of the topic. If I remember right,you even managed to put off a lot of Pakistani members in one of the threads. Stick to the topic and stop :flame: troll.

Your reply shows quite clearly that your hobby is trolling! You cannot face the truth so trolling is your only option. As for your Pakistani friends all I can say is that they can't stop me from telling the truth, no matter how bitter that may be.

Your reply shows quite clearly that your hobby is trolling! You cannot face the truth so trolling is your only option. As for your Pakistani friends all I can say is that they can't stop me from telling the truth, no matter how bitter that may be.

Wait, you come into a thread About a Swedish guy splitting atoms and try to bash Indians and I'm the troll? Is today opposite day?
Guys i have some knowledge on nuclear physics and after opening my fast il see if i can split some atoms in our kitchen. Cant do it before because we are using the stove for cooking our food.........
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