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Swedish man caught trying to split atoms at home

☪☪☪☪;1996116 said:

so you are a qualified "***-kisser" who can issue certificates?:lol:

brother,posts like this can land you in trouble.
better,edit it.
Not to mention the swedes will do justice in this case and not declare this misguided person a national hero and pardon him hush hush, like some countries do to their nuke black marketeers!

America does not need to worry abt this swedish guy as the swedes are capable of doing it and must concentrade their efforts in parts incapable of responsible self governance.

Countries have the right to aquire nuclear weapons...who is to say this country should acquire nukes and that country shouldnt?
why only 5 countries in the world should have the previlage to hold as many nukes as they want?
If AQ khan helped others..he done a great job..
if those " donkey riding cave dwellers" can hijack and crash a few airliners to two sky-scrappers and a nice building housing the MoD,
they have the rights to doubt that their cities will be nuked

Then nothing can be done about them...they are damn good at what they are doing and have super human capabilities....such as not being affected by nuclear radiation while a critical mass of nuclear material is pressed against their back while they are running around with half tonner bomb in their back pack...
where is common sense?
a dumbo .......but getting a radioactive substance on the net?thats scary
There's obviously a difference between making a nuke, and obtaining or stealing one. I can train a chimp to steal a hand grenade and pull the pin. He certainly can't make one.

Something similar happened to a professional man in the U.S.

The Worcester Telegram & Gazette reports that Victor Deeb, a retired chemist who lives in Marlboro, has finally been allowed to return to his Fremont Street home, after Massachusetts authorities spent three days ransacking his basement lab and making off with its contents.

Deeb is not accused of making methamphetamine or other illegal drugs. He's not accused of aiding terrorists, synthesizing explosives, nor even of making illegal fireworks. Deeb fell afoul of the Massachusetts authorities for ... doing experiments.

Authorities concede that the chemicals found in Deeb's basement lab were no more hazardous than typical household cleaning products. Despite that, authorities confiscated ?all potentially hazardous chemicals? (which is to say the chemicals in Deeb's lab) from his home, and called in a hazardous waste cleanup company to test the chemicals and clean up the lab.

Pamela Wilderman, the code enforcement officer for Marlboro, stated, ?I think Mr. Deeb has crossed a line somewhere. This is not what we would consider to be a customary home occupation.?

Allow me to translate Ms. Wilderman's words into plain English: "Mr. Deeb hasn't actually violated any law or regulation that I can find, but I don't like what he's doing because I'm ignorant and irrationally afraid of chemicals, so I'll abuse my power to steal his property and shut him down."

So the word out is - "Stop enjoying science. We know better than you. Don't experiment at home. Put down your test tubes, your soldering iron. Pick up your X-Box. We'd rather you be stupid."
It was good he wasnt a muslim...or it was a headline news round the world....and countries should have raised their threat level and armies had gone into spending spree on buying radiation protective suits...and CIA chief had resigned..and analysts on news channels had somehow related the incident to Ramazan... :woot:

Lol... you are very much eligible to enter politics... :woot:
What the heck? How does him not being a Muslim has to do with anything? It's beyond me really. And plus he didn't have a NUCLEAR REACTOR! He was doing it in his kitchen on the stove.

Well he had a doubt that he was doing something illegal so he inquired like an ideal citizen but it was illegal so got arrested. I don't see a big deal in this. Or the religious angle in this?
What the heck? How does him not being a Muslim has to do with anything? It's beyond me really. And plus he didn't have a NUCLEAR REACTOR! He was doing it in his kitchen on the stove.

Well he had a doubt that he was doing something illegal so he inquired like an ideal citizen but it was illegal so got arrested. I don't see a big deal in this. Or the religious angle in this?

That's why if he was a Muslim, he would had been a 'home grown terrorist' :P.. and the material would had been 'provided by ISI'.. through Major Akbar who's last name would had been unknown.. and some Akmal Qasai would had been the witness in 'burnt' home who's passport would had been 'amazingly' stayed safe.. and he would had been saying 'bhagwan' kassam it was ISI's major Akbar :P
Not to mention the swedes will do justice in this case and not declare this misguided person a national hero and pardon him hush hush, like some countries do to their nuke black marketeers!

America does not need to worry abt this swedish guy as the swedes are capable of doing it and must concentrade their efforts in parts incapable of responsible self governance.

are you the idiot, your avatar guy is shooing off???

is your avatar a self conscience corrector for your, not to make idiotic posts??
if he was a muslim, he had been called an alquaeda spy and that alquaeda was preparing to make nukes to blow USA

then guess what, he would have been called a pakistani and that ISI was aiding h=him to make nukes
I don't understand , why is it dangerous for him to research nuclear technology in his home?

Was the science as we know it not invented in home labs and basements of homes?

Now all the big companies control all knowledge

a) Microchip
b) Medical medicine
c) Electronics
d) Even advance math done with software

So a normal person is not able to no longer have access to knowledge and more and more its becoming something owned by some company who then patents that technology , and sues you if you research or make something similar
That's why if he was a Muslim, he would had been a 'home grown terrorist' :P.. and the material would had been 'provided by ISI'.. through Major Akbar who's last name would had been unknown.. and some Akmal Qasai would had been the witness in 'burnt' home who's passport would had been 'amazingly' stayed safe.. and he would had been saying 'bhagwan' kassam it was ISI's major Akbar :P

Not if he had asked the local authority if what he was doing was legal or not. Then NO ONE can call him terrorist. Psycho - yes! But terrorist? I don't think so.

And plus what are you trying to say? When did it ever happen? :what:
a few misguided muslims has brought the blame on the entire muslims and islam bro.

Correction, a few misguided Muslims have unwittingly exposed the hatred against the Muslims that has existed for centuries in places like Europe and india. Terrorism by Muslims is seen as a crime committed by the entire Muslim community but when Hindus or Christians commit terrorism it is seen as a crime of an individual. This dirty mentality is quite prevalent in india as well.
It was good he wasnt a muslim...or it was a headline news round the world....and countries should have raised their threat level and armies had gone into spending spree on buying radiation protective suits...and CIA chief had resigned..and analysts on news channels had somehow related the incident to Ramazan... :woot:

And this is totally Bu*****. Read be4 posting something nonsense... This guy asked Swedish autority "Only later did he realize it might not be legal and sent a question to Sweden's Radiation Authority" Stop playing Muslim card everywhere... We are not Muslim hating daemons...

Correction, a few misguided Muslims have unwittingly exposed the hatred against the Muslims that has existed for centuries in places like Europe and india. Terrorism by Muslims is seen as a crime committed by the entire Muslim community but when Hindus or Christians commit terrorism it is seen as a crime of an individual. This dirty mentality is quite prevalent in india as well.

Welcome brother, Play another Muslim card... this is easiest to say " It happen, coz I am Muslim" lol! the prez of USA is muslim descendent, The most loved person in India is Muslim, how can you play yopur card here?

Wow...this guy actually played around with nuclear material??? In his kitchen!!! This guy probably has never learnt about radioactive poisoning!!! Ofcourse he got busted. Nuclear material cannot be used for making bombs at home, but can definitely be a source of radioactive poisoning. Remember the spy a few years back??
Imagine this guy dropping it into a reservoir!!! It's really a scary scenario. But I do agree with what some people say. Had this guy been Muslim, there would be immediate inquiry into Al Qaeda links etc etc.Not to mention the terrorists group who would try and claim him as their member just to spread fear of their capabilities.
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