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Swedish man caught trying to split atoms at home

I am not your dear boy.

All this is - is a guy who likes science. Race, religion, has nothing to do with it. Never did.

Yeah, Hitler was also a great fan of science!

Yeah, Hitler was also a great fan of science!

Hitler was more a fan of the made-up mythos of Norse religious themes combined with primitive Eugenics to create a super-race. He was a fan of science insofar as it helped him with his conquest of the world.

Now we've made the leap from "Swedish Man messes with radioactive materials" to "Hitler was a fan of science!"

Are you suggesting that people who pursue science at home = Hitler?

Hitler was more a fan of the made-up mythos of Norse religious themes combined with primitive Eugenics to create a super-race. He was a fan of science insofar as it helped him with his conquest of the world.

Now we've made the leap from "Swedish Man messes with radioactive materials" to "Hitler was a fan of science!"

Are you suggesting that people who pursue science at home = Hitler?


We're not discussing if Hitler was more of a myth fan or science fan. The fact is his scientists did invent many of the weapons used by the super powers today. The fact is OBL was also a great science fan, hence he became a civil engineer. The possibility is always there that your Swedish friend was a science fan like OBL. You cannot see that possibility for you see that kind of possibility only in the followers of a certain faith. In other words, you cannot even imagine that because you're blinded by prejudice.
You cannot see that possibility for you see that kind of possibility only in the followers of a certain faith. In other words, you cannot even imagine that because you're blinded by prejudice.

Ah, we reach the crux of the matter.

"Because the guy was Swedish, I'm giving him a pass. If he had been a Muslim, I'd condemn him."

Is that it? And just how do you know what I am thinking? YOU are the one exhibiting prejudice here by assuming I'd condemn a Muslim scientist. "That Chogy guy is American; therefore, he MUST be biased against Islam."

What nonsense! What we have in reality is a lynch mob mentality that assumes "Only abnormal people would dream of science at home. Normal people mess with facebook and watch TV... they don't do science. Must be evil."
^ erm no Chorgy.my dear boy...Its nothing to do with your Flag but the craftines of your post posting fal;se information that is bias towards the US even when that facts have been presented many occasions. Every post you have done was indirect rant on muslim and ISlam alike. Even now the orginal posted metioned that if the Swedesh guy was a muslim he would be detained without trail and here you are going on and on about religion.

Furthernore Chorgy your statement:

"That Chogy guy is American; therefore, he MUST be biased against Islam."

utterly iN many ways PATHETICALLY ridiculous ................there have been countles of story where Muslim were blamed of having such Items even countries ............

I'm not going to list as you know full well for example Saddam (Proven to NOT have nukes)
You keep coming here agruing like a broken record going the same old points that has been endlesly debated 6 pages before again again again again again again again.......
Not only that through out this forum..........you agrue like someone who has brain damage.

LIke this crap you vomitted up :

Pak Defense crowd: "Lolololz, if this guy was Muslim, he'd be a terrorist, they'd be going crazy with it! Damn the media! Their racism and bias is disgusting!"

Me: "?? What does this have to do with Muslims and/or the media?"

again again again again............

Its has already been anwsered my dear boy Its VERy clear Chordu that you only come here to troll.
Whats the big deal? The guy just likes his science. Why is race or religion or any country other than Sweden even involved in this thread??
^ really ? whats the big deal if Muslim love his science and obtain a uanium to split atoms ?

Why is the US soooooooooo concern about Pakistan Nukes
Why is India sooooooooooooo concern about Pakistan Nukes

when an average joe like this Swedish guy can obtain it and taht the Incident of terrorist attacks done by right wings in Scandanavian had happen ?




Not just Muslims but people who have a concious and a pulse should be damned worried about these elusive white-supremacy terrorist groups simply because western media refuse to pick it up on a same scale as muslim terrorist as such, especailly CNN. God forbid if they have the ability to build a nuclear bomb and start it.

Why is one person nationalty is not a Big deal compare to the other ?
^ really ? whats the big deal if Muslim love his science and obtain a uanium to split atoms ?

Why is the US soooooooooo concern about Pakistan Nukes
Why is India sooooooooooooo concern about Pakistan Nukes

when an average joe like this Swedish guy can obtain it and taht the Incident of terrorist attacks done by right wings in Scandanavian had happen ?

Why is one person nationalty is not a Big deal compare to the other ?
Well what he did is still very much illegal, it is illegal everywhere.
I think comparing what this man did with making nukes is silly.
^ yeah I also said that about a Muslim obtainin Uanuim and we'll not discuss many peole who tried obtain it.
Also the guy could be right-wing and develope the Nuke just as you think Iran could develope the Nuke Bomb.

By saying such idiocay like splitting atom and making Nukes by comparing the two is is silly, that notion is completly retarded and asine.

Quit trolling
Well what he did is still very much illegal, it is illegal everywhere.
I think comparing what this man did with making nukes is silly.

This kind of 'silly comparisons' are okay if used against somebody with a name starting with Mohammed I suppose!
What it boils down to Arsenal - you accuse me of trolling in several threads. To you, appareantly if you don't like what I've posted, it's "trolling." Note your own choice of words - "Assinine" and "retarded." <-- Certainly no trolling there. :rolleyes:

In your entire post there, you never touched on the issue itself. You may not believe this, but if the guy had been Muslim, I would have defended him the same way. And I HAVE defended Muslims in the past when it comes to media issues.

My main objection to this whole thing is that people approach a situation like this with a built-in bias. Everyone does it to some degree. Rather than discussing the merits of the issue - Swedish man with nuclear materials - people went off on tangents; media-bashing, wild rants, attacking the man himself, ascribing evil intent to him without any evidence.

Trolling is to post outlandish, off-topic material that is designed to elicit an emotional response. If anyone is trolling here, it is those who extrapolate an entirely innocent situation (guy who likes science) and turn it into some "Zionist World Media Bias vs. Muslims" thing.
^ WOW not only trolling, you are now fabricating and accusing others as such, and to top up t you started lie on many accounts in your post, just to win the agrument

one such example
I "..havent touched the issue" ? I have , I even put new links for the the debate see post 82

or that you can't....well... read English ? :(

Overall Chorgy what Really boils down to is the hysterical neurotic personalities which immerse yourselves in denial as you fight to maintain your ignorance and ridged weakness.

I'm going to keep this short as much as I can, afterall you have accuse me on falsehood
My dear boy Chorgy I can see you are only going to repeat yourself again again after giving evidence by numerous poster here as I have previously showned what you are doing.
Not only that Chorgy you lie and accuse other as being ANti-semtic (Not true) and anti AMrican
(another trolling).. when they don't follow your way of thought and criteria.

Its you who dig yourself you own grave by making such stupid illogical post... purposly (another account of you trolling). What does it suggest about you after you mention that "I haven't touch the issue " ?
prove that I haven't, especailly in post 82.

Trolling is also when after countless evidence which has debated tirelessly throughtout this thread and on the PDF you still keep bringing up the excact aguement and even derail the actual issue at hand. - thats trolling thats what you did.
The starter post is about why is a Swedish Guy not Arrested on terroist charge while Muslims are
and even further many muslim countries have been critise of having such radioactive materioal like I have mentioned if you havent read properly.

If so Chorgy can you give an account
1) where a muslims having uniaum to split atoms just for the sake of science in their homes just like the Swedish guy, and not get arrested ?

2) ANd the easy access gaining of such material is easy in the west whilst Iran is being accused by the US makng a bomb when it just wanted to use for energy ? - why

thats what the orginal post and many others here are trying to say.

Let me ask you a Pakistani or an Arab caught obtaining uranium and trying to split atoms at home in the US &#8211; feel safe ? I know a lot of Americans won&#8217;t be and the accusation of being a terrorist flies around which is well known establish fact -
Hell wouldn't be safe even if it is done by swedish guy but I don;r see western poeple making a big issue out of it see the link on the previous post and see how many people gave their reaction, its all joky and they seem to be very ok about If this had ben a muslim a call for terror would been seen out rightly.
When any bombing happens, see who they blame first. the Norway inccident first balme was on Muslims not white SUpremacy groups. - Why ?

So I say this again:
Why is one person nationalty is not a Big deal compare to the other ? Double Standards.

IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME THE REASONS FOR THE QUESTIONS MENTIONED ON THAT WITHIN A WEEK THEN it is very clear that the only sole reason why you are in the PDF is to continue you islamaphobic racists rants

You may not believe this, but if the guy had been Muslim, I would have defended him the same way. And I HAVE defended Muslims in the past when it comes to media issues.
I may not believe this because in the History you spent on PDF you have NEVER ever defending any Muslim of any sort. Another lie saying that you had
If so provide links and prove of your rigid stance agaisnt US occupation in Iraq, Afganistan or any other and not the usual "Oh I have" or quoted or week agruments that don't lead to no- where even editing your past post will be deemed unvalid.
I will be happy to aplogies to on PDF I have ask you on previos account to provide proof. " Oh I have " does not cut it anymore after the rants you made.

YOu insult people here by bringing up the issue that whatever US and the west does, it can never do wrong, especailly on others who read and seen evidence US atrocities.

My main objection to this whole thing is that people approach a situation like this with a built-in bias. Everyone does it to some degree. Rather than discussing the merits of the issue &#8211; Swedish man with nuclear materials - people went off on tangents; media-bashing, wild rants, attacking the man himself, ascribing evil intent to him without any evidence.[

LIkewise people wanted to know the the issue of hypocrisy the west was playing Hence why they attacked and made rants although the swear word was utterly out of order.
But then again how many rants tangents; media-bashing, wild rants, attacking the man himself if he was a Muslim quite a lot I &#8216;ve seen this too often and lot here can vouch for it.

Beside you said the Swedish Guy was doing this for an experiment could have been the same thing for a Muslim ? its a straigt answer yes or no

ALso no ones has equated that you being an American you are automatically an Islamaphobe its what you said and do that makes you an islamaphobe which I have proven and shown prevoisly

If anyone is trolling here, it is those who extrapolate an entirely innocent situation (guy who likes science) and turn it into some "Zionist World Media Bias vs. Muslims" thing

So in your words telling the truth backed up with facts and free speech is trolling ?

And about the Zionist thing heres a link from a RABBI point of view:


Unless it is contructive agrument, ( you can start by answering why it is the case about the double standards in the west.) Please do not reply Chogy if your answer is going to be the same feeble, trolling ,no facts to back it up. and accusation on others - post, because I will not reply to it from this point on and bear in mind this is public forum that everyone sees and knows what you mean and how ...well Assinine" and "retarded your posts can get.

SPeaking of which:

Note your own choice of words - "Asinine" and "retarded."

The Asinine ( which is spelt with one s) and retarded is the reference to his post and NOT at him personally , its what he said and thought about the situation so no its not trolling

YOur post:

What it boils down to Arsenal - you accuse me of trolling in several threads. To you, appareantly if you don't like what I've posted, it's "trolling." Note your own choice of words - "Assinine" and "retarded." <-- Certainly no trolling there. :rolleyes:

In your entire post there, you never touched on the issue itself. You may not believe this, but if the guy had been Muslim, I would have defended him the same way. And I HAVE defended Muslims in the past when it comes to media issues.

My main objection to this whole thing is that people approach a situation like this with a built-in bias. Everyone does it to some degree. Rather than discussing the merits of the issue - Swedish man with nuclear materials - people went off on tangents; media-bashing, wild rants, attacking the man himself, ascribing evil intent to him without any evidence.

Trolling is to post outlandish, off-topic material that is designed to elicit an emotional response. If anyone is trolling here, it is those who extrapolate an entirely innocent situation (guy who likes science) and turn it into some "Zionist World Media Bias vs. Muslims" thing.
Wow, you must have worked on this post for a couple of days. Impressive.

^ WOW not only trolling, you are now fabricating and accusing others as such, and to top up t you started lie on many accounts in your post, just to win the agrument

one such example
I "..havent touched the issue" ? I have , I even put new links for the the debate see post 82

or that you can't....well... read English ? :(

Overall Chorgy what Really boils down to is the hysterical neurotic personalities which immerse yourselves in denial as you fight to maintain your ignorance and ridged weakness.

If you look at my posts on PDF, you'll find they are anything but "hysterical and neurotic." I mostly post on technical issues dealing with aviation, especially. I can't resist addressing the conspiracy issues which are wildly popular, but in general, I think I contribute well.

I'm going to keep this short as much as I can, afterall you have accuse me on falsehood

No, I haven't. But are you feeling guilty?

My dear boy Chorgy

Cute. And patronizing.

I can see you are only going to repeat yourself again again after giving evidence by numerous poster here as I have previously showned what you are doing.
Not only that Chorgy you lie and accuse other as being ANti-semtic (Not true) and anti AMrican
(another trolling).. when they don't follow your way of thought and criteria.

Please find me a single example where I have ever accused anyone of being anti-semitic. Those who know me better know that I have little love for Israel, and I have attacked them strongly for spying, episodes like the Liberty, and many others.

So please, find me an example of this. Prove me wrong.

As for attacking anti-Americanism, yes, I do that, but I provide hard evidence to back up my statements.

If so Chorgy can you give an account
1) where a muslims having uniaum to split atoms just for the sake of science in their homes just like the Swedish guy, and not get arrested ?

AFAIK there hasn't been a single case. I know of NO Muslims who have been accused of home nuclear science.

YOUR problem is that you do not understand that there are millions of people around the world who pursue both chemistry, and yes, nuclear science at home, with 100% benign intentions. I'm guessing you are too young, but years ago, things like "Cloud Chambers" were very popular. You could order one through the mail.


Samples of low-grade ore and such were placed in a chamber, and enthusiasts could watch alpha and beta decay. This, and other nuclear science experiments, were quite common and normal.

2) ANd the easy access gaining of such material is easy in the west whilst Iran is being accused by the US makng a bomb when it just wanted to use for energy ? - why

thats what the orginal post and many others here are trying to say.

Now you are making an enormous leap, from simple home experiments, to enriching Uranium isotopes into weapons-grade material. This requires a government or institution to do.

No one is concerned about a dude at home with some uranium ore turning it into a bomb. It is absolutely beyond the realm of reality. Cannot be done. Period.

Let me ask you a Pakistani or an Arab caught obtaining uranium and trying to split atoms at home in the US – feel safe ? I know a lot of Americans won’t be and the accusation of being a terrorist flies around which is well known establish fact -

You don't understand nuclear science, do you? If you did, you wouldn't have made such a statement.

It took a giant army of scientists, 4 years, and billions of $$, to get enough Uranium-235 for Little Boy, the Hiroshima device. If I heard of a "Pakistani or Arab caught obtaining uranium and trying to split atoms at home in the US" (your words)... I would feel 100% safe, and I'd guess he is interested in science. I'd feel safe because I know his chances for success are ZERO.

You won't believe that statement, but it is true.

Far more worrying is the notion of a "dirty bomb." Take powerful medical isotopes like cobalt, add conventional explosives, and you could make people very sick.

Big difference between a Pakistani enthusiast ordering low-grade uranium ore from United Nuclear, and a guy who steals 50 pounds of highly radioactive cobalt.

Hell wouldn't be safe even if it is done by swedish guy

Because you don't understand it. It sounds scary. But walk around in certain areas, and you'll be hit by infinitely more background radiation from natural ores and radon gas.

but I don;r see western poeple making a big issue out of it

Maybe because it is not a big issue?

IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME THE REASONS FOR THE QUESTIONS MENTIONED ON THAT WITHIN A WEEK THEN it is very clear that the only sole reason why you are in the PDF is to continue you islamaphobic racists rants

For **** sake, you are delivering ultimatums to me? Pretty presumptuous.

I may not believe this because in the History you spent on PDF you have NEVER ever defending any Muslim of any sort.

I defend actions, not religions or races. I have positively commented many times on Muslim society, religion, and soldiers.

Here are a few, it took maybe three minutes to find them.

(on Pakistani Casualties) God bless them... those brave Pakistani soldiers aren't fighting for the U.S., they are fighting for their own country. To say otherwise is a grave insult.

The AIM-120 was sold to Pakistan because Pakistan wanted the missile, and the U.S. wants good relations with Pakistan. It's no more complex than that. It would be insulting to Pakistan to limit arms only to those that could be used on the Taliban.

Muslims living in America are good people.

The FBI doesn't just pick on Muslims... they "infiltrate" all sorts of civic groups, clubs, etc, always trying to expose the next Timothy McVeigh type.

(Criticizing USA immigration) I am embarrassed at how bad the process is for non-U.S. citizens, but it is a sad reality in the world today.

At the core, all of the great religions preach peace and tolerance. It is what is mis-interpreted, misunderstood, or ignored, that causes conflict.

The K-8 is a sweet aircraft... it appears to be intermediate between the T-37 and T-38. Hotter and a bit less forgiving than the T-37, but with enough wing area to not be the handful that a T-38 is.

98% of Afghanis are people who want to live simple, peaceful lives in their village... but they do not have the power to do this. They are helplessly buffeted by outside forces.

Iron Dome: Launch a $350,000 missile to intercept a rocket with $10 worth of fertilizer fuel....

Grrr... those that know me, know I am against foreign aid to ANY country, including Israel.

The average American goes about his life not hating on Pakistan. If anything, there is admiration and gratitude for assistance in the WOT.

Also, the Average guy here simply wants to end the terror threat and see both Afghanistan AND Pakistan prosper.

I agree... let's laud the Chinese bridge and admire the impressive progress they have made.

I do agree with the notion of Pakistan operating the drones.

Yes, there are many Muslim organizations in the USA that are more than happy to teach and/or encourage conversion to Islam.

(Pakistani pilot ejects) I'm glad she is OK. It's part of the business of having an Air Force.

(Pakistani liver transplant) Excellent job!

At the time of the crusades, the conflict was genuinely divided along religious lines. Us vs. Them. Christianity vs. Islam. Is that true today? No. I know many people believe it is, and it is a popular notion to think this way, but it's not accurate. And in fact, it is dangerous and unproductive, and is likely to promote more warfare rather than less.

(on Muslim beards in the military) I clearly state I support the right of military personal with deeply held religious convictions (if the beard is religious in this case, only he knows) to have their hair, beards, and symbols

I think a LOT of the issues that plague ALL religions in one form or another have their origins in culture rather than Word of God.

In other words, things ascribed to Islam, for example, were happening culturally centuries before Muhammed. If we look at tribal laws and cultures, you'll see things like honor killings and worse, stuff like incest and human sacrifice, thousands of years ago. And mankind has difficulty in shedding such baggage.

the CIA is one of the most buffoonish intelligence organizations in the history of Man.

(Chopper shootdown) No one is blaming Pakistan. That's ridiculous.

(OBL raid) I was addressing mostly the notion (held by many) that Pakistani defenses failed. They didn't.

(drone strikes) No one denies that innocents are killed in these drone attacks. It sucks; no one approves.

(P. soldiers KIA) RIP to those brave men doing their duty.

No more cargo ships stuffed with bales of cash going overseas. That includes Israel too.

Re: US Soldier arrested for terror plot
This man is not representative of Islam. Or the U.S. Army. Or anything except his own sorry carcass.

Let me know if you want more. Otherwise, the floor is yours. If you don't like what I write, don't read it. By the way, what's with the Israeli flags?
That guy is genius but corporate minds will never let people like him to create easiness for others, but y does he need to make a reactor was he so impressed by Iron man? or was he trying to produce electricity for his home use? if Yes then he should have installed solar panels.
Here is another latest nuke goof-up by the French!!!! Jeez!!! .... These idiots point a finger at us? Yeah Right!

1 dead, 4 hurt in French nuclear explosion - Yahoo! News

1 dead, 4 hurt in French nuclear explosion

PARIS (AP) &#8212; A nuclear waste site in southern France had an explosion Monday that killed one person, seriously burned another and slightly injured three others, France's nuclear safety body said.

The Nuclear Safety Authority said no radioactive leaks have been detected in the blast at 12:37 p.m. (1037 GMT, 6:37 a.m. EDT) at an oven in the Centraco nuclear site. The accident was under control within the hour, the agency said in a statement.

Centraco is located on the grounds of another nuclear site, Marcoule, in the Languedoc-Roussillon region near the Mediterranean Sea.

"According to initial information, the explosion happened in an oven used to melt radioactive metallic waste of little and very little radioactivity," the statement said. "There have been no leaks outside of the site."

Those injured were not contaminated with radiation, and the outside of the building that houses the oven showed no sign of damage or contamination either, the agency said in a separate statement.

Officials from France's EDF power company, whose subsidiary operates Centraco, stressed that there was no nuclear reactor on the site and that no waste treated at the site of the explosion came from a reactor. Spokeswoman Carole Trivi said a fire broke out after the explosion, but it has since been brought under control.

The cause of the blast was not immediately known, and an investigation has been opened, Trivi said.

The material at Centraco comes from nuclear sites and therefore is mildly radioactive, spokeswoman Carole Trivi said. She said the site treats mostly waste from EDF's own power plants, as well as a small amount of material from hospitals or medical research labs.

Nothing comes from weapons manufacture, she said.

Staff at the plant reacted to the accident according to planned procedures, the Nuclear Safety Authority said in the statement. The local Midi Libre newspaper reported that no quarantine or evacuation measures had been immediately undertaken.

A separate statement from France's Nuclear and Alternative Energy Commissions added that the site of the explosion remains sealed and its ventilators were operating.

Centraco is located on the 300-hectare Marcoule site, which also houses a research center and four industrial sites, including one that makes Mox, a fuel made from plutonium and uranium.

The head of the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano, said his organization's "incident and emergency center was immediately activated and has sent requests for detailed information."

France is the world's most nuclear-dependent country in the world, with the lion's share of its electricity coming from the 58 nuclear reactors that dot the country. France is also a major exporter of nuclear power, treats nuclear waste from around the world, and state-owned nuclear giant Areva is one of the country's most prominent companies.

The kind of soul-searching about using nuclear power that swept the world following Japan's March 11 tsunami and the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant have been largely absent in France, which has stuck firmly to its pro-nuclear policy.

In June, President Nicolas Sarkozy pledged that France will stick to a plan to invest euro1 billion ($1.37 billion) in future nuclear reactors.

By contrast, neighboring Germany took eight of its older reactors off the grid in the wake of the Japanese disaster and lawmakers have voted to shut the country's nine remaining nuclear plants by 2022.

Still, French environmentalists have long called for the end to the country's nuclear program, and the Europe Ecology-Greens party urged transparency in responding to Monday's accident.
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