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Swedish court allowed to burn Quran: Insulted and Burned down !

Burning a book is a crime, murdering and oppressing non Muslims is perfectly okay to turn a blind eye to.

Says the American killer whose country has killed countless Muslims, Vietnamese, Japanese, Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis and so on. You don't even have the right of speaking on this topic. You are the champion of killing in the name of freedom and democracy.

Keep crying for allies against China in the Muslim world LOL

its fairly simple to counter this, without violence. Allah says dont insult the gods of the Kafirs, cos they may retaliate and try to insult Allah. Stop 1 month of IKEA repatriation of profits from the middle east, implemented by their govts. or force close the stores for a month. Wont ever happen again, unfortunately the eunuchs have taken over the court.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world for a good reason. These savages can't erdicate Islam by burning the holy scripture. It will only grow and it is growing massively.

I burn books? Okay man.....

Your buddies in Sweden do. You have lost mate. A quarter of the world's population is already Muslim. Islam is growing fast and there is very little you can do about that.
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Court allowed burning of Quran is Freedom of Speech and according to Sweden law.
Same said by US.

Real question:

Is Tehreek e Labbaik now starting protest against Sweden Ambassador?

WARNING: Video may be disturbing for some people

On Other hand, Russian parliament condemned burning of Quran in Sweden

Another idiot who has lost his head, never ending racist Nazi extremists.
Your buddies in Sweden do.
My buddies in Sweden? Who?

Also be grateful that not everyone is Muslim because they'd just divide into different sects and sub sects indefinitely.

If you've studied anthropology, humans are tribal by nature and do not follow a single social order ever.

Heck even animals are tribal, dividing into prides and packs. They cannot unify as a single species.
Or maybe he's a f#*kin' Iraqi Christian. Did that lil' bit evade your thought?

Or maybe he is a Muslim, I did not comment on something I do not know about.
He believes he needs to demonstrate against Islam, that is all we know.

Either way..., he's been identified & (my guess) - his time on this Planet is running on fumes.

Good luck to him. He's gonna need it.

So if he is a victim of an atrocity, he shall be punished for protesting…
Maybe he is wrong, maybe he is right,
You certainly show your caliber.

Lets see your Taxpayers money go to good use in protecting him for the rest of his life - as limited as it shall be.

Said by a representative of the ”Religion of Peace”.

its fairly simple to counter this, without violence. Allah says dont insult the gods of the Kafirs, cos they may retaliate and try to insult Allah. Stop 1 month of IKEA repatriation of profits from the middle east, implemented by their govts. or force close the stores for a month. Wont ever happen again, unfortunately the eunuchs have taken over the court.

Nope, we are not going to change one if the oldest laws of Sweden because Muslims cannot take the heat. The Imams in Sweden are much more sensible,
They are telling people to simply ignore the whole thing.

Best response is to give away 100,000 free copies of the Quran in Swedish. Let people learn, what the extremists burn.
It is only a Quran, if it is in Arabic.
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Condemn against any such movement against Religious scriptures
What is wrong will be rejected , never approved

A disrespectful motive

Specially on a Sacred Eid Day for Muslims
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Gave Russia a platform to win over the Muslim world and Turkiye to protest their entry into NATO.

Next time the Russians flatten a city like Grozny or Aleppo remind me

Maybe we should start burning books about Christianity to be on the same level as these racist idiots are.
save yourself some paper :D

Best response is to give away 100,000 free copies of the Quran in Swedish. Let people learn, what the extremists burn.
no complaints here :-)
I recall the hypocrite swedes quickly stopping a torah scroll burning. That was right to do ofcourse, but their fear of Islam has no bounds.
1. This is a shameful individualistic act.
2. This is not good publicity for Sweden as a country.

Competent Muslim scholars can offer to educate Swedish people about Islam in its pure form through online channels for free. This might help.
I recall the hypocrite swedes quickly stopping a torah scroll burning. That was right to do ofcourse, but their fear of Islam has no bounds.
That is because you filter away facts to suit your narrative.
What happened was that a Muslim man applied for a demonstration to burn a Torah. Imams in Sweden made him see the errors of his way, so he withdrew the application. As a genuine Torah is extremely expensive, it is doubtfull he could afford it anyway.
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