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Swedish court allowed to burn Quran: Insulted and Burned down !

Your side only knows how to burn books. They have lost intellectual debate. Today Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
Maybe we should start burning books about Christianity to be on the same level as these racist idiots are.
Maybe we should start burning books about Christianity to be on the same level as these racist idiots are.

No need. We are not brute savages like them. We are not insecure. Only savages burn books. Islam is growing rapidly because people are actually reading the Holy Qur'an. Despite all attempts to curb Islam it is only growing in numbers. These brutes are actually displaying their own insecurity to the entire world and making Islam more popular.
Your side only knows how to burn books. They have lost intellectual debate. Today Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

"My side?" what exactly is that?
"Today Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world." this is a very exaggerated and anti-intellectual response.

Considering you want conservatism as the answer to Turkey's problems- a foreign country, I can only dismiss your post as confirmation bias.
Exactly how does Islam “grow”?

It is the fastest growing religion on the planet you moron.

"My side?" what exactly is that?
"Today Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world." this is a very exaggerated and anti-intellectual response.

Considering you want conservatism as the answer to Turkey's problems- a foreign country, I can only dismiss your post as confirmation bias.

It is your brute side. You guys burn books because you cannot win an argument intellectually. Your side is filled with hatred and rage. Hence they can only resort to burning and vandalism.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today. I know that you have difficulty accepting that, but deal with the facts.
No need. We are not brute savages like them. We are not insecure. Only savages burn books.

Agreed with this part. Not only would it reflect badly on us, but they would not be provoked. What would provoke them is making cartoons making fun of the Holocaust or doing anything to make fun of the Holocaust.

Sweden's main new religions are environmentalism, Holocaust worship veganism etc. Religion cannot be removed from human psyche.

You do away with it and you just find yourself following another religion.

It is your brute side. You guys burn books because you cannot win an argument intellectually.

Who is "you guys?" Am I a Swede to you? What do you perceive me to be? I am an overseas Pakistani.
No need. We are not brute savages like them. We are not insecure. Only savages burn books. Islam is growing rapidly because people are actually reading the Holy Qur'an. Despite all attempts to curb Islam it is only growing in numbers. These brutes are actually displaying their own insecurity to the entire world and making Islam more popular.
Correct, Sir.
Agreed with this part. Not only would it reflect badly on us, but they would not be provoked. What would provoke them is making cartoons making fun of the Holocaust or doing anything to make fun of the Holocaust.

Sweden's main new religions are environmentalism, Holocaust worship veganism etc. Religion cannot be removed from human psyche.

You do away with it and you just find yourself following another religion.

Who is "you guys?" Am I a Swede to you? What do you perceive me to be? I am an overseas Pakistani.

You are obviously anti-Islam and probably anti-religion.

How can a person defend a brute who burns a book? You have already lost the debate if you start burning a book.

You are obviously anti-Islam and probably anti-religion.

How can a person defend a brute who burns a book? You have already lost the debate if you start burning a book.

Ad Hominem

Just because I don't agree with you doesn't make me anti-Islam. Considering you want people to become religious and conservative, there's no reasoning with you.
Ad Hominem

Just because I don't agree with you doesn't make me anti-Islam. Considering you want people to become religious and conservative, there's no reasoning with you.

You lost the debate. Your side burns books and fears knowledge. There is no point holding a discussion with those that burn books.
The perpetrator was an Iraqi citizen, and you do not know his personal reasons for burning the Quran. (Neither do I).
Maybe he was raped by an Iman…
Phuck you you Swedish meatball pos
Freedom of speech. Why is someone burning a Quran on the other side of the earth such a huge matter for Muslims? where are all the protests when innocents are killed and oppressed in the name of Islam?

its fairly simple to counter this, without violence. Allah says dont insult the gods of the Kafirs, cos they may retaliate and try to insult Allah. Stop 1 month of IKEA repatriation of profits from the middle east, implemented by their govts. or force close the stores for a month. Wont ever happen again, unfortunately the eunuchs have taken over the court.
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