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Suspend Nato supply in reaction to drones: Parliamentary Committee

Why should I mince my words ?

I as an Indian will definitely like it when Pakistan's value reduces in the eyes of the US. After all the F-16s, AMRAAMs, LGBs, Anti-Armor missiles that you get as a part of WoT are for use against my country only. ...

Minor correction sir. Pakistan has never been the FIRST to violate international border with India, not in 1965 and not in 1971. Both the time we were on the receiving end of Indian weaponry.

The only so-called "aggression" by Pakistan has been across the disputed border (that even India accepts as "disputed") up North. It is sad that India may have gained part of Kashmir, but in the process lost Pakistan. Bad deal in every book, dare I say.


And yes the cheapest route is still through Pakistan but the US cannot be held hostage to it forever.

See my later post. Pak army is smart enough to keep things going while our politicians and civilians continue shooting our own feet.
Peter Bergen's book talks about the same. So it is correct that Ben Ladeen started his deadly career in Peshawar.

However let bygones be bygones and worry about issues of today.

What Qaida did back then was bad for Commies.

What Qaida and its offshoots are doing NOW is bad for Pakistan. And therefore it is important for us to clean out the $hite from the hills of FATA, down to Punjab and even from Karachi.


I am sorry, but that time he was the "hero" of American Nation.. and there is NO PROVIDED PROOF about AQ's involvement in 9/11.. Just US President and Media's words.. So i am sorry if i cannot accept that.. Until solid proof of AQ's involvement are provided to the world "clearly" i will NOT accept this War.. it is WAR OF TERROR not War ON terror as they claim.. its OIL and MINERALS along with STRATEGIC presence.. thats all..

Have you ever met a traditional PATHAN family??.. if one of them is killed innocent.. it is their HOLY right to take revenge.. and thats what is fuelling terrorism in Pakistan.. they way US is playing its cards.. it seems they want to destroy PAKISTAN and we wont' let that happen.. INSHA ALLAH
While that is true, check the thread out here where the Muslims are planning a huge rally against the Royal Wedding in the UK or insisting that the veil be allowed in France against their laws.

I presume, it cuts both ways, if one wants to be fair.

We do not claim OUR country to be Secular do we??.. we DO NOT say that everything is allowed here because it is HUMAN's RIGHT to DO or SAY what they want.. hope i cleared my point..
These are empty sloganeering by uncouth tribals who are not too different from Sad-Damn, and Gadha-fi.

When a military power 1000 time stronger than you is asking for a favor and paying you, then you better not mess it up. Otherwise they will tear you apart and get the same thing for free.

NATO is not India that can be pushed around by our military or our poor and pathetic masses.

One must use brain and not rely on tribal stupidity like those of Afghans. If you challenge a super power, you better have support form a supper power. Don't go it alone otherwise you will be what Iqbal said

--- Tumhari dastan tak na ho gi dastano main

When NATO/US challenged Sad-Damn, he challenged it back, and look what happened to him. He, and his pathetic sons and all of his country got sodomized. All his bravado aside, he was pulled out a dirt hole and hanged.

These parliamentarians and their supporters will unfortunately meet the same end if they don't learn from the history.

Look at Gadha-fi (a donkey) who is getting his country destroyed in the name of uncouth-tribalism.

Our Pakistan is a beautiful country. Let's not do anything that will end up destroying our wonderful cities, our assembly halls, our sky srapers, our schools, and our colleges and our universties.

Our army has tiny tiny number of airplanes that may be good to fight small countries like Somalia or Iran. But we cannot use our airforce on sustained based to fight India let alone NATO. Do you know how long does it take in our country to build one decent bridge. God forbid if they get destroyed in a war, we would need 50 years to rebuild them.

Oh and let's not bring our nukie toys into the discussion. Because NATO has much much bigger toys and ultimately our fertile land will be radioactive and not theirs.

So it is time to be patient and very very careful if we want to see our country survive in the long run and survive with relative ease.

ummmm.. hopefully with your esteemed knowledge, you'll enlighten us on N. Korea and Iran also.. wudn't you? :P
Minor correction sir. Pakistan has never been the FIRST to violate international border with India, not in 1965 and not in 1971. Both the time we were on the receiving end of Indian weaponry.

I know your intention in using the words International Border --- for us LOC is the same as IB. And why would I care if we started or you started ? Ultimately we fight a war to win and these weapons will obstacles in that. More than that you get to loose US as an ally and we get to gain it which is a very good deal.

The only so-called "aggression" by Pakistan has been across the disputed border (that even India accepts as "disputed") up North. It is sad that India may have gained part of Kashmir, but in the process lost Pakistan. Bad deal in every book, dare I say.

You think we Indians rue the loss of Pakistan --- change that opinion. Given Pakistan's plight today we thank our stars and Nehru that he accpeted Jinnah's demand and gave away Pakistan.

See my later post. Pak army is smart enough to keep things going while our politicians and civilians continue shooting our own feet.

A relation between two nations is never strong when people to people contacts are not there or one nation's people have a high negative opinion of the other.

..... Given Pakistan's plight today we thank our stars and Nehru that he accpeted Jinnah's demand and gave away Pakistan..

This is very similar to the statements by Indian Rajas and Nawabs from ancient times. These $tupids will fight amongst each other and invite outside interference. Soon all these rajas and nawabs would be so weak that the small time warlords would occupy the whole country.

Pakistan and India are joined at the hip. If one dies or gets sick, it won't be too long before the other gets the same infection and disease.

I don't expect many patriotic Indians to understand this dire situation. Because they are too busy thinking about "shining". However the current environment could be a calm before a major storm (hopefully not) if you know what I mean.

This is very similar to the statements by Indian Rajas and Nawabs from ancient times. These $tupids will fight amongst each other and invite outside interference. Soon all these rajas and nawabs would be so weak that the small time warlords would occupy the whole country.

Pakistan and India are joined at the hip. If one dies or gets sick, it won't be too long before the other gets the same infection and disease.

I don't expect many patriotic Indians to understand this dire situation. Because they are too busy thinking about "shining". However the current environment could be a calm before a major storm (hopefully not) if you know what I mean.


For all your good intentions I believe that we are two different nations with different aims,goals, destinies and even cultures (I being from South certainly). I dont believe in linking them.

And I would want the Indians in thinking about shining as without a burning desire to succeed you fail. As of now (i dont know what future holds) we are rivals/enemies with conflicting interests and as such is my line of thinking.
I am sorry, but that time he was the "hero" of American Nation.. ...
Ben Ladeen was never a hero for anyone in the West. Before Pakistan, he was hold up in Sudan and he got kicked out of there due to Western pressure. Please read up a bit. You seem to be ignorant of the history.

....Have you ever met a traditional PATHAN family??.. if one of them is killed innocent.. it is their HOLY right to take revenge.. and thats what is fuelling terrorism in Pakistan.. they way US is playing its cards.. it seems they want to destroy PAKISTAN and we wont' let that happen.. INSHA ALLAH

I have lived there, have relatives who still live there and I know exactly what's going on.

100s (if not 1000s) of Pakhatoons are being killed by Taliboobis, Tajiks, and Arabs, and yet the same Pakhtoons cannot do a diddly squat against them and then rightfully ask Pak army to come help rid the Taliboobi menace.

You are living in an era when Pashtuns didn't have a disease called Taliboobis infecting the area and the life of simple. It is different now and you better update your knowledge.

...I believe that we are two different nations with different aims,goals and destinies. I dont believe in linking them.


Yes Sir. Two nation (or more precisely multi-nation) theory is valid.

We can be separate and that's fine. However you like it or not, we are joined together via geography, the rivers, and the wind, and crops, and above all curry. What that means is that we in the long run cannot prosper alone.

Just like Germans and French may look alike, but they are different people. We can learn from their past lessons that they didn't prosper alone. No wonder they have had close relations since the end of WWII and now joined as EU.
AAtish has a valid point. This burning of the Quran is just going to create more terrorists since people's beliefs have been attacked and insulted in the most brutal way.

Anyways, with regards to the Kazakhstan, let me say that the US had already been employing numerous routes to Afghanistan but the cheapest option by far has been through Pakistan or Iran. There were reports that Iran is also providing some access to Afghanistan. I can't verify this though.

On another note, Pak-US cooperation is not limited to transfer of goods alone. And I also believe that the US is not happy that we approached Afghanistan directly without US "approval".
Anyways, with regards to the Kazakhstan, let me say that the US had already been employing numerous routes to Afghanistan but the cheapest option by far has been through Pakistan or Iran. There were reports that Iran is also providing some access to Afghanistan. I can't verify this though.

Air-routes to Afghanistan -- Many many including Kazakh
land-route to F -------------- ONLY one through Pakistan.

Afghans will never get a route through Iran, because there is no history, and Iranians will charge premiums duties.

With Pakistan, there is a duty free import agreement for Afghanistan that Afghans use to turn around the duty free goods and smuggle into Pakistan.

Iran is not going to give them duty free imports. (period).

Just see why Indians are begging Pakistan to open up land links to F.

This is all the while Indians try to bypass us and build a road through Iran. Didn't work and the egg was on the face of Indians (sadly).

On another note, Pak-US cooperation is not limited to transfer of goods alone. And I also believe that the US is not happy that we approached Afghanistan directly without US "approval".

That's just a conspiracy theory.

US would love to see Pak-F get along and sort out the things.

The only issue Adm Mullen will have is the death of US soldiers at the hands of Gulbadan. US generals will react this way every time their soldier dies in F.

Ben Ladeen was never a hero for anyone in the West. Before Pakistan, he was hold up in Sudan and he got kicked out of there due to Western pressure. Please read up a bit. You seem to be ignorant of the history.

I have lived there, have relatives who still live there and I know exactly what's going on.

100s (if not 1000s) of Pakhatoons are being killed by Taliboobis, Tajiks, and Arabs, and yet the same Pakhtoons cannot do a diddly squat against them and then rightfully ask Pak army to come help rid the Taliboobi menace.

You are living in an era when Pashtuns didn't have a disease called Taliboobis infecting the area and the life of simple. It is different now and you better update your knowledge.


I think you have forgotten his links with high officials and business tycoons in US of A.. Besides, when these people (Talibaan) were fighting against USSR, if you haven't forgotten, they were the "freedom fighters" called by WEST.. and anyone who supports them physically or financially was considered in high regards by the same WESTERN countries..

I do NOT live in old era.. i think you might want to come out of your limited surroundings and try to walk around in NW.. i have lived there for 5 years and i KNOW their mentality and respect towards their own people.. No matter taliboobies (as you call them) are there or not..
... With Pakistan, there is a duty free import agreement for Afghanistan that Afghans use to turn around the duty free goods and smuggle into Pakistan...

Not just Afghans, but many people in Pakistan are directly involved in misusing this trade agreement and saving billions in tax evasions.

This is why there needs to be strict monitoring of the route.
Suspend Nato supply in reaction to drones: Parliamentary Committee

ISLAMABAD: Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) has demanded that the United States halt drone strikes and said no compromise will be made on the sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan. The committee has declared that Pakistan suspend supplies to Nato in response to ever-increasing drone strikes.

The committee met in the Parliament here on Tuesday. Sources told Online that members of the committee expressed grave concern over increasing drone attacks and demanded that political and diplomatic pressure be mounted on the US.

Talking to the media after the meeting, committee chairman, senator Raza Rabbani, said more details were being sought with respect to the decisions taken on the matter during the Prime Minister’s recent visit to Afghanistan. The western world should take notice that Pakistan has suffered more than any other country in the war on terror, he observed. “A new tale of tragedies is being born due to this war,” Rabbani noted. “No country has suffered as many losses as Pakistan’s army and security forces.”

He said because of Pakistan’s efforts in the war on terror, the country’s economy was completely damaged and it was facing internal instability; even investments were not flowing in, he added. “The world will have to evolve a solution to this,” he said.

“We have a principled stance on drone attacks and believe they are adding to our difficulties. The government should take steps to stop these attacks and we will extend full support to it,” Rabbani underlined.

“There is complete harmony among political and military leadership on the matter of drones and the US media should not sow the seeds of hatred by continuing attacks. Drone technology should be given to Pakistan.”

Pakistan has refused to attend the Brussels conference for this reason, Rabbani reminded, adding that such steps were necessary and should be taken in the future. Senator Ishaq Dar, Waseem Sajjad, Professor Khurshid, senator Haji Adeel, Afrasyab Khattak and others attended the meeting.

Source: Suspend Nato supply in reaction to drones: Parliamentary Committee

Too Little Too Late
Denying reality and the facts does not invent truth, it proves some make up what they want the facts to be.

Here some facts about Osama bin Laden's earlier time in the Peshawar, Pakistan area. I would be glad to have a factual, not made up, report from you now as to where inside the total territory of Pakistan today, 2011, we can find Osama bin Laden. This information will earn you a huge reward.

Read more: Osama bin Laden: Biography from Answers.com

And here is a video of your former president supporting the Terrorists (then considered freedom fighters by your government)!

One of the guys in the video is Jalaludin Haqqani, the same guy who you now call a "Wahabi" terrorist!
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