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Survey on Caliphate in Pakistan

Most muslim countries do not even consider others to be real muslims, how are we supposed to create the consensus to decide on who is to be appointed as head of a nation over 1.6 billion strong ? Then what about the language problems ? If we had such a consensus then the Khilafat would never have been abolished BY MUSLIMS after a rebellion agiant the Khilafat BY MUSLIMS.
Most muslim countries do not even consider others to be real muslims, how are we supposed to create the consensus to decide on who is to be appointed as head of a nation over 1.6 billion strong ? Then what about the language problems ? If we had such a consensus then the Khilafat would never have been abolished BY MUSLIMS after a rebellion agiant the Khilafat BY MUSLIMS.

Some questions will only be answered for some people when they actually see it happening sir...

---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 PM ----------

18 pages on Utopia? Sure, why not.

Khilafat has nothing to do with Utopia... sorry... you need to go somewhere else for that...
Most muslim countries do not even consider others to be real muslims, how are we supposed to create the consensus to decide on who is to be appointed as head of a nation over 1.6 billion strong ? Then what about the language problems ? If we had such a consensus then the Khilafat would never have been abolished BY MUSLIMS after a rebellion agiant the Khilafat BY MUSLIMS.

Well Iqbal suggested over a hundred years ago that a time would come that Muslims of the world would have no choice but to unite, of course what is needed is somebody whom everybody can trust. Now we know that this Mahdi guy won't be an ordinary guy. Of course he won't shoot bolts of lightening out of his palms, but what we know is that he would be very knowledgeable and would have great foresight. As Iqbal said:
"Bari mushkil se hota hai Chaman mein Deeda-war paida"

Also this Arab situation right now is just a prelude to what is actually coming to them. As I said, a time would come when we would have no other choice but to unite...
The great part is that these Sufis are saying for hundreds of years, over and over again, that Pakistan is nothing but a mere piece of land, there is nothing special about it. The only speciality it has is the arrival of Mahdi. They say Mahdi may belong to any race or country i.e. arabia, africa, but he will grace this peice of land with his presence...
We want caliphate in Pakistan...period....but unfortunately we donot have anyone perfect who could do this job for Pakistan....not the government, and not at all the Pakistan Military.
I already have a true Khalifa. I don't need a terrorist, sarkari ratified, jahil 'caliph'.
Most muslim countries do not even consider others to be real muslims, how are we supposed to create the consensus to decide on who is to be appointed as head of a nation over 1.6 billion strong ? Then what about the language problems ? If we had such a consensus then the Khilafat would never have been abolished BY MUSLIMS after a rebellion agiant the Khilafat BY MUSLIMS.
@al-Hasani @Aeronaut
You have somewhat of an example of how such a Caliphate be managed by looking at how its done in India.

Dozens of different languages, hundreds of different ethnicities, different religions, each state like a separate country altogether with different history. Each state with its own official language. Many times one ethnicity does not the like some other ethnicity. All this managed somehow under one Union of India.

- So you can have a similar caliphate, which each current Muslim country being like a state/province of the Caliphate.
- You can decide on two major link languages - maybe Arabic and English for all the Caliphate
- Each state can have its own separate official state language. So a tri-lingual formula (Arabic, English, Regional Language like Urdu in Pakistans case) just as it is in India(Hindi, English, Regional language)
- Local Governance : Most of the administration of the state can be done locally (like currently CM's are chosen for provinces in Pakistan or states in India)
- Some aspects/subjects are reserved for the Center - like Defence, Communications, Currency, rest are devolved to states.
- Freedom of movement and freedom of residence of any citizen from any state - so a current Pakistani can move and live in say Jordan or KSA and vice-versa

Its not quite hard. Sure there are difficulties initially, but then people learn to live with each other with time.

A large number of Indians were ready to give up some privileges and live together when the British left because of our collective experience - that whenever we were divided and warred, someone else came and conquered each one individually.

The key question is - Would you Muslims want to live like this.
@al-Hasani @Aeronaut
You have somewhat of an example of how such a Caliphate be managed by looking at how its done in India.

Dozens of different languages, hundreds of different ethnicities, different religions, each state like a separate country altogether with different history. Each state with its own official language. Many times one ethnicity does not the like some other ethnicity. All this managed somehow under one Union of India.

- So you can have a similar caliphate, which each current Muslim country being like a state/province of the Caliphate.
- You can decide on two major link languages - maybe Arabic and English for all the Caliphate
- Each state can have its own separate official state language. So a tri-lingual formula (Arabic, English, Regional Language like Urdu in Pakistans case) just as it is in India(Hindi, English, Regional language)
- Local Governance : Most of the administration of the state can be done locally (like currently CM's are chosen for provinces in Pakistan or states in India)
- Some aspects/subjects are reserved for the Center - like Defence, Communications, Currency, rest are devolved to states.
- Freedom of movement and freedom of residence of any citizen from any state - so a current Pakistani can move and live in say Jordan or KSA and vice-versa

Its not quite hard. Sure there are difficulties initially, but then people learn to live with each other with time.

A large number of Indians were ready to give up some privileges and live together when the British left because of our collective experience - that whenever we were divided and warred, someone else came and conquered each one individually.

The key question is - Would you Muslims want to live like this.

Lmaooooo the caliphate builders might as well make you a consultant. :lol:
Democracy is my Kalifah ....give em chance.

So who is going to appoint the Caliph and how?
Rich and entrepreneur will appoint a foreign khlifa...end of day poor will remain rub their arse for justice and jobs....lol
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The caliphate is here brothers; Allahu Akbar!

It’s time to migrate to Iraq!

My fellow Muslim brothers,

The caliphate is finally here. We have been waiting for this moment for over a century. It is now our time to take over the world again. Rule like we used to. This is what Hazrat Osama bin Laden and Hazrat Hakeemullah Mehsud wanted. Their dream, and that of Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar and Maulana Shaukat Ali Jauhar (except that this one is at the other side of the Levant), has finally been fulfilled. The caliphate is here brothers;Allahu Akbar!

Now that the caliphate is here, it has become obligatory for all of us to migrate to Iraq immediately. That is what all those Hazraat mentioned in the first paragraph would have wanted. That is what ISIS want. The caliphate is here brothers; Allahu Akbar!

This hijrat is mandatory for every Muslim who believes that he is living in a Muslim country. With the establishment of the caliphate, there is no such thing as a Muslim country. Everything outside of this caliphate is now Dar-ul-Harb and Iraq is now Dar-ul-Islam. Leave your kafir democracies, your kafir so-called democracies, your kafirdictatorships and your kafir monarchies. The caliphate is here brothers; Allahu Akbar!

It is very important to realise that slowly but surely our caliphate would expand from Iraq to Syria to eventually taking over the Middle East. From the Middle East we would move to the North Africa and then take over the entire African continent.

It is very important to realise that slowly but surely our caliphate would expand from Iraq to Syria to eventually taking over the Middle East. From the Middle East we would move to the North Africa and then take over the entire African continent. From there, we would move towards our old home and take over the Iberian Peninsula and then we will take over Europe moving into Asia and setting up the old Ottoman Empire again. Then Asia, Russia, jumping inside Alaska and then controlling North and South America. The caliphate is here brothers; Allahu Akbar!

Islam will rule the world like it was always supposed to. We were quick off the blocks in the 7th century and by the middle of the previous millennium we were en route to taking over the world. The infidels then outdid us, but thanks to the likes of al Qaeda, TTP, Boko Haram and ISIS, we are now finally going to do what it was meant to do: take over the universe. The caliphate is here brothers; Allahu Akbar!

We have come a long way to our new caliph Abu Bakr and under his noble guidance we will continue the work of the previous caliphs of Islam. Brothers the time is right to dominate the world. Down with America! Down with Israel! Down with India! The caliphate is here brothers; Allahu Akbar!

Like I have reiterated this is a golden opportunity for all the Muslims living in Muslim countries to leave their mark on Islamic history. As far as we, the Muslims living in western countries, are concerned, we will continue to live here and clamour for the caliphate. Because you see we are living on the kuffaar’s taxes. Not only does it mean that we do not have to face the negative ramifications of the caliphate, it also means that we get to shout Allahu Akbar all day and all night, we get to shout about establishing a caliphate with Sharia law, without actually really wanting to leave the west. So instead of us going to the caliphate, we will wait for the caliphate to come to us. You know after you guys take over Africa and all. The caliphate is here brothers; Allahu Akbar!

Caliphate Dreaming
Pakistan is cracking down on the Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. So why is it allowed to operate freely in the United States and Britain?

Pakistan wants the world to know that it is finally cracking down on Islamist extremists -- at least, some of them. Pakistan's army chief, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, approved the arrest last month of Brig. Gen. Ali Khan for links to the proscribed Islamist organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir, and the army is now interrogating four majors for their connections to Khan.

Coming after the revelation that Osama bin Laden was residing in a Pakistani garrison town and widespread allegations of collusion between the Taliban and its intelligence services, Pakistan's focus on the self-styled "Party of Liberation" may come as a surprise. But Hizb ut-Tahrir's ambitions in South Asia -- and to some extent the success of its decade-long focus on Pakistan and its neighbors -- make it a legitimate threat to the stability of the Pakistani state.

Hizb ut-Tahrir is not a typical South Asian Islamist group -- its origins lie in the heart of Middle Eastern anti-colonialism. Founded in Jordan in 1952 by the Palestinian exile Taqiuddin al-Nabhani, the movement called for Arab unity based on Islamic principles. This revolutionary party operates in more than 40 countries worldwide. It openly seeks to establish an expansionist state ruled by one leader, the caliph.

At present, no state -- even Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia -- meets the party's ideological criteria. The world's countries are instead labelledDar al-Kufr, the land of disbelief, which should rightfully be transformed into Dar al-Islam, the land of Islam. The Dar al-Islam/Kufr construct provides the caliphate with the authority to annex all Muslim-majority countries, and impose its intolerant brand of sharia as state law. If a Muslim country resists, Hizb ut-Tahrir's manifesto, The Ummah's Charter, dictates: "The state must rise to declare jihad against the kuffar [disbelievers] without any lenience or hesitation."

The manifesto also sanctions Muslims to engage in jihadin "occupied Islamic lands." Israel falls under this definition, according to Hizb ut-Tahrir's global leader, Ata Abu Rishta, a fact that he says justifies the murder of Israeli Jews. An article entitled "Martyrdom Operations" in a June 2001 Hizb ut-Tahrir magazine, Al-Waie, suggested tactics such as suicide bombings and hijacking Israeli planes,

Despite this, Hizb ut-Tahrir has always claimed its methods are non-violent and instead focus on what it calls "political struggle." To this end, the group seeks to build support from within military elites in order to engender military coups -- the party's preferred method to establish the caliphate. Coup attempts in Jordan 1968, 1969 and 1971, as well as in southern Iraq in 1972, all failed.

South Asia and Pakistan in particular have been a special focus of Hizb ut-Tahrir's activities since the mid-1990s.While Hizb ut-Tahrir officials in Pakistan refused to confirm whether Khan was a member of the organization, they openly affirmed that their goal is to reach those "that are shaking the power corridors."

According to Rashad Ali, a former leading member of the British branch, Khan's arrest is a sign that the party is repeating the same mistakes of the past. "The failure of the Hizb to take power after gaining a brief spell of support is playing itself out again, as it did in the Middle Eastern countries in the 60s and 70s," he said.

Khan is not the first Pakistani soldier to be arrested for alleged links to Hizb ut-Tahrir. In January 2010, a military court in Pakistan indicted two army colonels, a former Air Force pilot, and an engineer for belonging to the party. The colonels were accused of providing sensitive information about military installations to Hizb ut-Tahrir, and the other two were accused of planning to commit acts of sabotage at an Air Force base in Baluchistan.

According to Abdul Qadeem Zallum, a former global leader of the organization, Hizb ut-Tahrir's focus on Pakistan stems from its possession of nuclear weapons. In 2008, Hizb ut-Tahrir encouraged the army to attack the United States, stating that since Pakistan possessed "nuclear weapons, missiles technology and half a million brave soldiers who are ready to attain martyrdom for Islam, [it] is in a good position to injure and bruise an already battered America." In the days following the assassination of bin Laden, the group reportedly distributed leaflets in Pakistani military bases calling on officers to establish the caliphate.

As Hizb ut-Tahrir is banned in Pakistan, Britain is key to the party's operations in South Asia. The party draws on Britain's large Muslim population of South Asian descent, and focuses its recruitment on exploiting perceived grievances -- Kashmir, Indian "hegemony", and American "neocolonial" influence. Former members claim that British party members were called upon by the global leadership in the late 1990s to help establish a Pakistan branch of the party, which was set up under the direction of Imtiaz Malik, a British-born Pakistani who is believed to be operating covertly in the country. British members have been planted in Pakistan's main cities, and Hizb ut-Tahrir leadership in Pakistan still contains a number of British Pakistanis.

The group's strategy in the United States and Europe remains the creation of a monolithic Muslim bloc -- model Islamist communities living amidst, but apart from, Western populations -- that will eventually serve the party's larger goals of worldwide Islamist revolution. This summer, Hizb ut-Tahrir will hold annual conferences in both Britain and the United States. While the party does not enjoy the same level of support in Britain as it did during the first years of the "war on terror," the conference will likely be attended by a few thousand followers. They will gather to hear the senior leadership repeat the party's message that, whether the issue is the world economic crisis or the Arab Spring, the only solution to problems in Muslim-majority countries is the creation of an Islamist state.

Though the Pakistani military boasts of a "zero tolerance policy" toward Hizb ut-Tahrir, Britain takes a more sanguine view of the organization. In 2004, the Foreign Office said it had "yet to see convincing evidence that Hizb ut-Tahrir as an organisation advocates violence or terrorism." Before coming to power, the Conservatives promised to ban the group immediately, but have since realized such a step is impossible. Current anti-terrorism legislation prohibiting the glorification of terrorism is not retroactive, and Hizb ut-Tahrir uses euphemistic language in the West to disguise its support for jihad.

The party uses its ability to operate with impunity in Britain to plan to expand its authority in South Asia. Former members claim there are established committees that focus on recruiting students of Bangladesh, Pakistan and, more recently, Indian descent living in Britain, so they may continue Hizb ut-Tahrir's agenda upon their return. Recognizing its enemy India's relative military strength, Hizb ut-Tahrir is also concentrating on Bangladesh -- whose army reserves, when coupled with Pakistan's, could potentially shift the balance of power on the subcontinent. Former British members of the party claim that, by developing a presence in India, the party aims to subvert India's large Muslim-minority population against the state.

Hizb ut-Tahrir has been recruiting in Pakistan for more than a decade. "They will call for secession within the military," Rashad Ali said. While its presence is not strong enough to make a wholesale takeover of Pakistan viable, it could lay the groundwork for increased chaos, he warns. "Pakistan's population has already suffered over 2,000 terrorist attacks in the last year and Hizb ut-Tahrir's ideology provides justification for jihadist activities."

Hizb ut-Tahrir is also exploiting bin Laden's recent assassination for political mileage against the Pakistani state. Taji Mustafa, the group's media representative in Britain, recently said on the London-based satellite station the Islam Channel: "What next? Is anybody safe? This shows the treachery of the Pakistani government, and this is how people see it, that, you know, nobody's safe in Pakistan from America."

Hizb ut-Tahrir's tactics may be flexible, but its endgame is not. The party remains wedded to its dream of a totalitarian caliphate, and is prepared to use military force to achieve it. Though Hizb ut-Tahrir will most likely fall short of its goal in Pakistan, its pernicious ideology will undoubtedly contribute to the country's social and political fragmentation.
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