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Survey on Caliphate in Pakistan

you use internet thats why you are not fit to be a Caliph . may be we can make you IT minister in that cabnet .lollllllllllllllllllllllllll

Good enough, as long as I can enter the harem, I don't mind.
Jinnah was 120% British Agent, I saw him eating English Muffins.

Get it, English Muffins.

Only a British Agent would do such a thing.

He also drank english tea ENGLISH TEA how can you forget that. No wonder why Britian was so scared of him.
man he is math buster (old name?) i forget but he dont like me .heheheeheheh let him bust.BTW i am atheist i have no right to comment on religus matters .

How do I know that you are not a British Agent?

Am I a British Agent?
British Agent


I don't understand people when they say they want 'caliphate' in Pakistan. Wtf is a caliphate in modern times? Any recent examples? Who the f*** will be the caliph in Pakistan, & how will everyone agree on his appointment?
So any bright ideas out here,

Who will appoint the caliph?
If Caliph is not performing his duties well?..can he removed?..how?
Who will appoint the subsequent caliphs?
So any bright ideas out here,

Who will appoint the caliph?
If Caliph is not performing his duties well?..can he removed?..how?
Who will appoint the subsequent caliphs?

Corruption+Pakistani politics+US+Pakistani people = No Caliph.
If their is caliph it will be led by Zaid hamid and i am betting it will be the worst form of Caliph.
Only the caliph and his cabinet drink vodka, you my friend will have your head chopped off.

WTF then i dont vote fot it. damn we are Minority and we should have right to drink. other wise kaliph go to hell
The whole caliphate talk is a joke... unless Pakistan wants to become worse than present day Afghanistan...
The whole caliphate talk is a joke... unless Pakistan wants to become worse than present day Afghanistan...

How about 500 year old Caliphate was much better then any muslim state of today.
I advice you do a bit more research.
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