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Survey on Caliphate in Pakistan

Muhammad-Bin-Qasim;1556772]We have plenty of money and electricity my dear judas priest song... Allah rewards those who stand for justice... Khilafah is the ultimate model of justice and this is why its important that we as Pakistanis carry this call... I would ve been careful stating this a few years ago but there are now strong indicators that Allah swt is going to bless us with this honor...

you do not speak for all Pakistanis so please stop saying we as Pakistanis carry this call NO NO Thank you very much but we as majority of Pakistanis wants to live in peace and you and like you to move on to a different country and start creating this caliphate there.
Correction for you. The subcontinent was not "divided". The subcontinent was never united in the first place for it to be "divided". Both Pakistan and india were created in 1947 from british-indian empire. Nice try rulling out the facts to try and get your agenda across.

We didnt wanna live with indians in 1947, and still many indians are not over this today. That so called indian Muslim "mahdi" here, is a great example of a typical indian.

And since when were Muslims ever united in the first place for the British to have "divided" us? Please explian that to me?? Muslims have always been divided due to ethnic nationalism, cultural differences, language differences, ect. Muslims will always be divided in the future due to these issues (like it or not, but it's reality).

Muslim world is just too diverse to be considered "One Ummah", "One Nation", ect.

Your a great example of a typical deluded pan-Islamist.

This statement may sound harsh but most of Pakistani history taught in Pakistani education system are mere brain washing tool.

For your information. Before the British colonization in late 1700s... Muslims were getting along well much much much better then are today. First of all i am not talking about the corrupt lazy rulers.

Like i said, Britian divided Muslims even further and the prime example are Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and Aga Khans who were british servants. Heck, Mirza proclaimed that British empire is a savior for muslims and to live under their rule is better then visiting Holy place Mecca. Aga Khan III was a freemason.

By the way, it was british who injected nationalism ethnicity caste etc in muslims.

Just want to bring the Crusaders chapter. Before the Crusades arrived in the holy land muslims were divided but before leaving Muslims were all united. And this was almost the other way round in case of Subcontinent.

To be honest with you.... i lost my previous post because my PC restarted on its own.. I had alot to say but dont feel like repeating it again.
you are wrong baby islam teaches the respect even they are kaffers and throw garbage on prophet or even they pass urine in mosqe or even they talk with prophet with show stick toward him.lol what you learn from islam AK-47?islam teach there followers respect elders no matter they are kaffer ignorant.

You are a ignorant and a atheist. Would you like me to tell what allah says about people like you?
Btw leave this discussion for grown ups. You can troll somewhere else.
what is mleccha?

Non vedic/aryan from Vedic Sanskrit म्लेच्छ mleccha, meaning "non-Vedic, barbarian") is a term for people who did not conform with the moral and religious norms of the Vedic society.
This is what happens when you combine lack of knowledge with emotionalism, the result is pure idiocy. Pardon me for being harsh but most of the poeple rooting for Caliphate here do not even understand the true essence and concept of Khilafah. I have not seen a single logical argument or a road map as to how a Caliphate will be established. The one person or organization who has done the most work for Caliphate in Pakistan is Dr. Israr Ahmed and his organization Tehreek -e- Khilafat. According to him, Caliphate is not about having one ruler ruling all of the Muslim masses nor combining all the Muslim lands to create a singular empire. The true essence of Caliphate is about creating an environment and a system where the law of the God is given precedence over every/any other Law. Caliphate is about basing a society on the principles which are laid in the Quran, it's about creating a society where everything is based upon justice. When people say that we want Caliphate, it does not mean that they want someone ruling them from a 1000 miles away, but what they mean is that they want the qualities which were present in the Caliphate. They want a system which mirrors the equality, justice, prosperity and peace of the time of the Caliphate, and not just any Caliphate but the one which was present during the times of the first 4 Caliphs of Islam. You can have a caliphate under any system - be it democracy, monarchy, theo-democracy,theocracy, dictatorship or communism/socialism as long as the Law of the God prevails over anything else. Caliph itself means a person who is appointed and trusted upon to perform tasks which are delegated to him. It is much like the concept of Viceroy during the British Raj. The viceroy was to carry out the commands and wishes of the Queen/King without any hesitation where clear orders were available but was free to contemplate,deliberate and make a decision where clear instructions were not at hand.

Caliphate does not mean that the current geographical boundaries will vanish to create one Sultanate. It just means that a system should be established where a Caliph implements the commands of the God as they are. If a clear order is not at hand, then he is free to deliberate and make a decision while staying within the parameters laid down by God. The countries, their boundaries, their people and their uniqueness will stay as it is as long as they are not given precedence over the word of God. This is what Caliphate is all about in today's age. This is not my opinion but the opinion of most of the scholars who are advocating and striving to establish a Caliphate, and that includes Dr. Israr Ahmed as well.

People hate the Mullahs because they harp on without having any knowledge on the subject in discussion. People speaking in favor of the Caliphate are doing exactly the same thing. Before you jump on the bandwagon to scream your lungs out in favor of something, please make sure to gather enough knowledge and information on the subject to avoid looking like a fool.
This is what happens when you combine lack of knowledge with emotionalism, the result is pure idiocy. Pardon me for being harsh but most of the poeple rooting for Caliphate here do not even understand the true essence and concept of Khilafah. I have not seen a single logical argument or a road map as to how a Caliphate will be established. The one person or organization who has done the most work for Caliphate in Pakistan is Dr. Israr Ahmed and his organization Tehreek -e- Khilafat. According to him, Caliphate is not about having one ruler ruling all of the Muslim masses nor combining all the Muslim lands to create a singular empire. The true essence of Caliphate is about creating an environment and a system where the law of the God is given precedence over every/any other Law. Caliphate is about basing a society on the principles which are laid in the Quran, it's about creating a society where everything is based upon justice. When people say that we want Caliphate, it does not mean that they want someone ruling them from a 1000 miles away, but what they mean is that they want the qualities which were present in the Caliphate. They want a system which mirrors the equality, justice, prosperity and peace of the time of the Caliphate, and not just any Caliphate but the one which was present during the times of the first 4 Caliphs of Islam. You can have a caliphate under any system - be it democracy, monarchy, theo-democracy,theocracy, dictatorship or communism/socialism as long as the Law of the God prevails over anything else. Caliph itself means a person who is appointed and trusted upon to perform tasks which are delegated to him. It is much like the concept of Viceroy during the British Raj. The viceroy was to carry out the commands and wishes of the Queen/King without any hesitation where clear orders were available but was free to contemplate,deliberate and make a decision where clear instructions were not at hand.

Caliphate does not mean that the current geographical boundaries will vanish to create one Sultanate. It just means that a system should be established where a Caliph implements the commands of the God as they are. If a clear order is not at hand, then he is free to deliberate and make a decision while staying within the parameters laid down by God. The countries, their boundaries, their people and their uniqueness will stay as it is as long as they are not given precedence over the word of God. This is what Caliphate is all about in today's age. This is not my opinion but the opinion of most of the scholars who are advocating and striving to establish a Caliphate, and that includes Dr. Israr Ahmed as well.

People hate the Mullahs because they harp on without having any knowledge on the subject in discussion. People speaking in favor of the Caliphate are doing exactly the same thing. Before you jump on the bandwagon to scream your lungs out in favor of something, please make sure to gather enough knowledge and information on the subject to avoid looking like a fool.

You do have some points..

But in Socialism man made laws are superior to religious laws in fact Socialism is man made system

Caliphate in pakistan is most probably sponsored by corrupt Saudi/Wahhabi ideology and Pakistan will be dictated by Saudi royal faimly (as if they are still not). I am not in favor of over night caliphate in Pakistan which will be pretty much like puppet/dictator in Islamic clothing.
The best caliphate is when people bring a change in themself other wise they will be only fooled.
Its beyond my comprehension how can Pakistani modern youth demand Caliphate when their life is more influenced by western and Indian life style (i mean ask them who is your role model and most of them will say shahrukh khan or karena kapoor).
Pakistanis seriously need to start THINKING!
Zaid Hamid and Imran khan aka revolutionary leaders will do youth a great favor if they vanish.
The last of the Caliphs was only a figurehead and was not a Sultan... so wont comment on his actions...
Since the Sevres treaty was negotiated mostly by the Caliph - and offered the Jews better terms than the victorious British desired - I doubt that he was a mere figurehead. And throughout history other men have been accepted as Caliph without possessing the true responsibilities of a Sultan - think of all those REAL "figureheads" sponsored by the Mamelukes.

It was a refusal by Abdul Hameed Han...
Perhaps he thought it was a refusal. When the world changed the promise shined forth. Which do you think more likely, that your words or those of a Caliph were inspired by G-d?
Since the Sevres treaty was negotiated mostly by the Caliph - and offered the Jews better terms than the victorious British desired - I doubt that he was a mere figurehead. And throughout history other men have been accepted as Caliph without possessing the true responsibilities of a Sultan - think of all those REAL "figureheads" sponsored by the Mamelukes.

Perhaps he thought it was a refusal. When the world changed the promise shined forth. Which do you think more likely, that your words or those of a Caliph were inspired by G-d?

Caliphs... at least in the Sunni tradition are not inspired by God... I have read what Abdul Hameed Han said and it is clearly a refusal... He even prohibited the delegate from ever trying to meet him again on the issue with their bribe offers...

As for the coming Caliphate... Everyone knows what that means regarding Israel... ;) I dont need to comment on it I think...
you do not speak for all Pakistanis so please stop saying we as Pakistanis carry this call NO NO Thank you very much but we as majority of Pakistanis wants to live in peace and you and like you to move on to a different country and start creating this caliphate there.

what a joke... why should I move somewhere else... are you more of a Pakistani then I am...

get over the attitude kid... act a little mature...
This is what happens when you combine lack of knowledge with emotionalism, the result is pure idiocy. Pardon me for being harsh but most of the poeple rooting for Caliphate here do not even understand the true essence and concept of Khilafah. I have not seen a single logical argument or a road map as to how a Caliphate will be established. The one person or organization who has done the most work for Caliphate in Pakistan is Dr. Israr Ahmed and his organization Tehreek -e- Khilafat. According to him, Caliphate is not about having one ruler ruling all of the Muslim masses nor combining all the Muslim lands to create a singular empire. The true essence of Caliphate is about creating an environment and a system where the law of the God is given precedence over every/any other Law. Caliphate is about basing a society on the principles which are laid in the Quran, it's about creating a society where everything is based upon justice. When people say that we want Caliphate, it does not mean that they want someone ruling them from a 1000 miles away, but what they mean is that they want the qualities which were present in the Caliphate. They want a system which mirrors the equality, justice, prosperity and peace of the time of the Caliphate, and not just any Caliphate but the one which was present during the times of the first 4 Caliphs of Islam. You can have a caliphate under any system - be it democracy, monarchy, theo-democracy,theocracy, dictatorship or communism/socialism as long as the Law of the God prevails over anything else. Caliph itself means a person who is appointed and trusted upon to perform tasks which are delegated to him. It is much like the concept of Viceroy during the British Raj. The viceroy was to carry out the commands and wishes of the Queen/King without any hesitation where clear orders were available but was free to contemplate,deliberate and make a decision where clear instructions were not at hand.

Caliphate does not mean that the current geographical boundaries will vanish to create one Sultanate. It just means that a system should be established where a Caliph implements the commands of the God as they are. If a clear order is not at hand, then he is free to deliberate and make a decision while staying within the parameters laid down by God. The countries, their boundaries, their people and their uniqueness will stay as it is as long as they are not given precedence over the word of God. This is what Caliphate is all about in today's age. This is not my opinion but the opinion of most of the scholars who are advocating and striving to establish a Caliphate, and that includes Dr. Israr Ahmed as well.

People hate the Mullahs because they harp on without having any knowledge on the subject in discussion. People speaking in favor of the Caliphate are doing exactly the same thing. Before you jump on the bandwagon to scream your lungs out in favor of something, please make sure to gather enough knowledge and information on the subject to avoid looking like a fool.

and exactly what post here is pure idiocy?

other than yours I mean... ??
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