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Survey on Caliphate in Pakistan

I don't get it...here we are with no money no electricity yet crying aloud for Khilafah

Can I live without electricity? Without money? With difficulty, with adaptation, yes. Can I live knowing I'm living in sin and risk dying in sin? Can I live when I'm incomplete and my soul goes hungry? Again, yes. But its a miserable life. Take hope out and a living man is as good as dead.
very true we need to solve our problems and democratic govs will never ever can do it. they just play game with us. khilafat dectatorship or even devil's gov we need to solve our problems.

Your Avatar is hurtful and insulting. Denying these terrible events just increase the probability of them to reoccur, Heaven forbid. Be a good Muslim and a civilised human being, and distance yourself from this anti-Semitism.
yar sachar report is now too old.
current indian muslims are much better than pakistani muslims, i as an indian muslim confidently saying india is more islamic than pakistan and i can bet you on that.
muslims have more opportunity and independence than in pakistan.
plz come and see india with your own eyes and you will see lots of differences.
you have been brainwashed by your past leaders and personnels about india, you guys were bait, a bait for a international politics and you are constantly using by them through your army.
your army is the most loyal servant of jews and west in your country and you guys are living in a deceptive world full of deception.
May Allah give you sense to come out of deceptive delusions.

With due respect, I disagree. Overall, muslims in north India, are not well off(nor are a huge number of hindus). But that backwardness we are carrying since long, only respective state govt can sort it out, not GoI.
Hope UP and Bihar elect parties who does develoment.

Rest about pakistan, I think pakistan army serves them well.
Your Avatar is hurtful and insulting. Denying these terrible events just increase the probability of them to reoccur, Heaven forbid. Be a good Muslim and a civilised human being, and distance yourself from this anti-Semitism.

agreed..you also should distance yourself from tyrannizing over palestinians...
Those who support caliphate system
1. Do you want all the problems (corruption etc) eradicated first and then caliphate system brought in?
2. Do you want caliphate system brought in now, so that it will eradicate the problem your society faces?

Those who choose 1, why not continue democracy, if you can remove all ills.
Those who choose 2, how will you ensure that caliph is not corrupt, which can put you in much worse situation.
agreed..you also should distance yourself from tyrannizing over palestinians...

Keep your nose in your business, and apologise to the Kurds and Armenian for Turkish atrocities before you lecture to others. Instead, you support Holocaust denier.

Israel treat the Palestinians far more batter than the Turkish tyranny over the Kurds.
Keep your nose in your business, and apologise for the Kurds and Armenian for your atrocities before you lecture to others. Instead, you support Holocaust denier.

lol..nice to see the anti-fascist israeli has showed his true colors.:lol:

the,why dont you keep your nose in your business?its his avatar:wave:
lol..nice to see the anti-fascist israeli has showed his true colors.:lol:

the,why dont you keep your nose in your business?its his avatar:wave:

And his Avatar denies the most horrible event in human history, and you care less. Typical for someone who is more sensitive to others problem than to people tyrannised and butchered in his own country.
Those who support caliphate system
1. Do you want all the problems (corruption etc) eradicated first and then caliphate system brought in?
2. Do you want caliphate system brought in now, so that it will eradicate the problem your society faces?

Those who choose 1, why not continue democracy, if you can remove all ills.
Those who choose 2, how will you ensure that caliph is not corrupt, which can put you in much worse situation.

realistically speaking. the number 2 choice is the best. But for ego satisfaction number 1 is the choice :D
Only and ONly the people can bring change not the current leaders.
nope,i dont care less thats why i agreed your first post.your memory is weak..:P

condemning nazis and justifying the murders of children...hmmmm nice
2% of pakistanies vote for religious parties which genious came up with this majority of pakistanies want Caliphate.
These questions are not stupid, these are pertinent questions discussed by all schools of thought and sects in Islam. Let as assume that these questions ARE idiotic. Tell me if you can get consensus for the following things:

1. Is Eid Milad un Nabi haram or not? What is the punishment for it if it is haram? What is the reasoning behind the ascribed punishment? Is there supposed to be a punishment for it even if it is haram?

2. Is Music haram in Islam? What is the punishment for music stores, musicians if it is haram? What is the reasoning behind this punishment? Is there even a punishment for it even if it is haram?

3. Blasphemy Laws (same as above)

4. Are arts, paintings, sketching haram in Islam? Why or why not?

There are many other issues I can discuss, and all of these pertinent. I'm sure the above mentioned questions are not idiotic. Tell me, do all Muslims from all over the world agree on these things? Is there such a thing as a Muslim Ummah in today's world?

2) As long as that particular Music is not having any negative impact on the society then i think it should be fine. However satanic music such as death rock or those crazy chit songs should be forbidden.
In particular the bollywood music has indeed spoiled Pakistani youth. hell, the youth is more influenced by these music then Islam.

3) Muslims of today should only love Prophet Mohammed PBUH as much as his companions did. death penalty for insulting prophet mohammed PBUH is not islamic at all. neither his companions did nor is it made obligatory in Quran. However their is mention of Exile or small punishment.

4) **** art NO.
As far as i know, islam only forbids to draw pictures of prophets PBUT.
Art taught in Pakistan education system is more like wannabe western thing... They should be encouraged to promote their own culture and religion and then western art.
nope,i dont care less thats why i agreed your first post.your memory is weak..:P

condemning nazis and justifying the murders of children...hmmmm nice

Perhaps, but you suffer from a moral weakness.
"Kavva chala Hans ki Chaal, apni chaal bhi bhool gaya". Till there is education and educated and sncere people come on top, no amount of lip service to Islam or anything will help. People need to understand what Islam is and what it isn't. It is certainly not a set of rules that can be implemented without people at the top knowing ABC of the religion or its philosophy. I would not be wrong in saying that our rulers lack even basic honesty and a sense of justice, which if inculcated inb the society would cure it of most(if not all of its ills).
Pakistan on the other hand is not ready for rigid Islamic interpretation as done by the taliban which in my humble opinion was another form of lunacy or to be even more crass was not even Islam(at least as i have understood it in my humble learning efforts). What pakistan needs is re education of the masses and establishment of basic justice where people have basic human rights. Once the process of education is complete then we can establish an islamic state based on the principles of justice and "Rehm" for lack of a comparative word. Without this people would soon get disgruntled with islam(Na ozo Billah!!) and blame it for their ills, as they have done during the Zia era.
In short education and justice needs to come first and people at the top need to show humaneness and really serve humanity before we can even come any where near establishing islam.
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