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Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

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Since you mention 3rd worlder, this century will be the century of not China getting developed but also South East Asia like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and probably Cambodia too. More and more 3rd worlders are moving toward high-income status ie competing and snatching natural resources and market share from the European and American

doubt about the highlighted one, among them, it has the lowest HDI, lowest social development, lowest income per-cap, least capable government, and yet with highest ego combined with a trait that nobody likes it```
Of course I have been to Louisiana.

I refer to those states simply because their household incomes are among the lowest of the 50 states.

It seems that the only thing "genesis" thinks is that:
"Looking at this I support Tibet independence, so one less province we need to move to developed status.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...eady-high-income-1st-wor-6.html#ixzz2ZK3U5Jbu

1st World just means "developed" today. Not the Cold War era 1st World (NATO).

Also, GNI is not a good indicator of development. It does not take into account purchasing power differences in countries. GDP (PPP) is the best indicator for living standards.

Well.... Have you ever been to Louisiana?
You are clearly the dummy you imbecile.

Tell me, what does this mean?

"The American founders wanted the US to be an immigrant country, nothing in the US Constitution forbids such a character, therefore, any immigrant who comes to this country legally"

The FOUNDERS were the one's that wrote the law of naturalization of 1790.

And the Naturalization Act of 1790 was about citizenship, not immigration. They are two completely different entities. The Act is not in the Constitution.

Absolutely NOTHING in regards to non-white immigration.
The 14th said people borned in the US are US citizen REGARDLESS of their parents' citizenship. The 14th replaced the Naturalization Act of 1790, affecting BOTH citizenship and immigration.

Do you seriously know nothing about my country?
Spare me the 'my country' nonsense. The way you debate, the lack of logical thought process, and the lack of reading of your own sources considering that everything I said above can be easily found, is far too similar to a particular racist Chinese whose account was banned and he returned with another.
And the Naturalization Act of 1790 was about citizenship, not immigration. They are two completely different entities. The Act is not in the Constitution.

The 14th said people borned in the US are US citizen REGARDLESS of their parents' citizenship. The 14th replaced the Naturalization Act of 1790, affecting BOTH citizenship and immigration.

Spare me the 'my country' nonsense. The way you debate, the lack of logical thought process, and the lack of reading of your own sources considering that everything I said above can be easily found, is far too similar to a particular racist Chinese whose account was banned and he returned with another.

The idiocy continues.

What part of "being a free white person" is difficult to understand? What kind of mental hoops are you going to jump through? You know very well that the founders of my country did not want those that were of non-White stock to be a part of this country, either through birth or immigration.
Since you mention 3rd worlder, this century will be the century of not China getting developed but also South East Asia like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and probably Cambodia too. More and more 3rd worlders are moving toward high-income status ie competing and snatching natural resources and market share from the European and American

I really doubt it. China has suffered so much since the end of Qing Dynasty, wars after wars, then great leap forward, cultural revolution. In 30 years, we progressed from a state like North Korea to today. In the meantime, Thailand, Malaysia have never suffered any such horrors after WWII and had peaceful development for 70 years, but they never achieved like S. Korea, Taiwan, let alone Japan. Why???

I remember in my childhood, we talked about Thailand and Malaysia like rich countries, lol. I have no idea why they are stuck now.

To me, in order for China to improve productivity and efficiency in general:

1. Abundant public employees must be sacked! At least 1/3 of them are doing nothing but drinking and playing online games! They drain public resources while producing nothing. They are the hotbed of corruption.
2. Urbanization and land consolidation. Too many small farmers working on tiny patches of land in innerland.
3. Opening up some key sectors to private investments.
4. Gradual loosening up of financial market.
The idiocy continues.

What part of "being a free white person" is difficult to understand? What kind of mental hoops are you going to jump through? You know very well that the founders of my country did not want those that were of non-White stock to be a part of this country, either through birth or immigration.
Then why did they not restrict immigration? The Naturalization Act of 1790 is about -- NATURALIZATION, which is the first step towards citizenship. It was not the 'Immigration Act of 1790'. Immigration is independent of naturalization/citizenship.

The idiocy continues to be yours. And the failure to distinguish the difference between 'naturalization' and 'immigration', in both dictionary and principle, is another nail in the coffin that you are nothing but a Chinese false flagger.

I may be wrong and I have no problems being proved wrong about what you are. But it is interesting to me that the Chinese crowd have proven themselves to be the most racist bunch and now one of them created an American racist to join their crusade against the other ethnic groups here.
There are none...Oh wait...A Chinese version of the KKK is teaming up with a Klansman to insult the Viets.

Chinese version of the KKK?:omghaha:, when you Viets team up with Indians and some Americans on China bashing, what should be called...Zzz :sleep:? if you can withstand the heat on the debat and label other as false flagger won't help your cause:lol:

Then why did they not restrict immigration? The Naturalization Act of 1790 is about -- NATURALIZATION, which is the first step towards citizenship. It was not the 'Immigration Act of 1790'. Immigration is independent of naturalization/citizenship.

The idiocy continues to be yours. And the failure to distinguish the difference between 'naturalization' and 'immigration', in both dictionary and principle, is another nail in the coffin that you are nothing but a Chinese false flagger.

I may be wrong and I have no problems being proved wrong about what you are. But it is interesting to me that the Chinese crowd have proven themselves to be the most racist bunch and now one of them created an American racist to join their crusade against the other ethnic groups here.

That's rich from a Viet to call someone a false flagger when himself is hidding beside American's flag and pretend himself as legitimated as white american, you're nothing but a banana : yellow skin with fake white mentality...LMAO
Non-white stock...... hmmmmm........ :blink:

The idiocy continues.

What part of "being a free white person" is difficult to understand? What kind of mental hoops are you going to jump through? You know very well that the founders of my country did not want those that were of non-White stock to be a part of this country, either through birth or immigration.
I really doubt it. China has suffered so much since the end of Qing Dynasty, wars after wars, then great leap forward, cultural revolution. In 30 years, we progressed from a state like North Korea to today. In the meantime, Thailand, Malaysia have never suffered any such horrors after WWII and had peaceful development for 70 years, but they never achieved like S. Korea, Taiwan, let alone Japan. Why???

I remember in my childhood, we talked about Thailand and Malaysia like rich countries, lol. I have no idea why they are stuck now.

To me, in order for China to improve productivity and efficiency in general:

1. Abundant public employees must be sacked! At least 1/3 of them are doing nothing but drinking and playing online games! They drain public resources while producing nothing. They are the hotbed of corruption.
2. Urbanization and land consolidation. Too many small farmers working on tiny patches of land in innerland.
3. Opening up some key sectors to private investments.
4. Gradual loosening up of financial market.

South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and Thailand all have fertility rate BELOW mainland China's. Vietnam has only a slightly higher 1.8 fertility rate which is below replacement level. In fact ethnic Vietnamese Kinh and Chinese Vietnamese have lower than replacement fertility while minorities in Vietnam like Khmer and tribals have higher than replacement fertility rates.

And mainland China has one child policy while the other four places don't. The difference?

South Korea, Japan and Taiwan are all urbanized. When people urbanize and become rich the fertility rate falls dramatically.

And you keep whining about the one child policy on one hand and then say you support urbanization and rapid industrialization on the other. As if those rich and middle class people in cities would have more than one kid if there was no one child policy. They wouldn't. If there was no one child policy in China, educated, urbanized, rich and middle class people would have one or two children only while rural peasants would be pumping out tons of babies.

Only Thailand lowered its fertility without urbanization because of family planning.

Vietnam will never have indigenous jet fighters, ever. This is why Vietnam will always fall under the Chinese power umbrella.
Chinese fortune telling is pretty inaccurate to say the least:P
LOL, we all know the.... ummm.... "history" shall we call it, of 3rd worlders catching up. Once you reach a certain level, you just don't have the ability to continue.

Mexico stopped growing in the 90's, and now only achieves growth rates as high as Western countries, even though they are poor as sh!t. Same with most other Latin American countries.

Same thing will happen with your countries. The easy part of growth is simply selling us your products at 3rd world labor costs. Virtually all of you will be stuck in the middle-income trap, and only the high-IQ countries will make it out. The only 3rd world countries that are high-IQ are China, Mongolia, and North Korea. Go ahead, look it up. They are the only one's that are going to catch up (only if N. Korea reforms).
This is when your shortsightedness comes in. The more and more countries that reach at least the "middle-income trap", the more your quality of lives in Europe, U.S, East Asia your super IQ league reduce. Let me give you an example; 50 years ago most countries in the world could not produce most of the industrial goods so Europe, Japan, and America enjoyed a wonderful live as they exported those goods to the 3rd world countries.

Flash forward to 2013, more and more countries in the 3rd world are moving toward self sufficency by NOT buying or buying LESS from the Europe, American, and Japan due to their ability to produce their own goods. Look at Iran and Malaysia; both of these countries produce their own automobile brands. Hence, foreign car makers take a huge hit by not being able to sell like they used to. You know why Japan is in the decline for the last 20 years? Not because Japanese economy has been crap, it is because the South Korean and Taiwanese have been snatching away market share of the Japanese in automobile, electronics, shipbuilding, machineries.

Let me give you another example, Viet Nam produces for domestic and export market $1billion worth of commercial ships every year. Guess what? Some shipbuilders are losing $1billion because they can't sell to Viet Nam and they are also losing their market share due to our export. Viet Nam also produces for domestic market 40,000 trucks every year; somebody is losing their money because they can't sell more trucks to Viet Nam than they are supposed to because of the present of Vietnamese truck makers. Viet Nam produced a jack-up oild rig last year for domestic market at the cost of $200 million dollars; somebody is losing at least $500 million dollars (this is the export price from foriegners) for not being able to sell that oil rig to Viet Nam . ...So see the effects of 3rd worlders moving toward the middle income "trap"? :lol:
Then why did they not restrict immigration?


They DID restrict immigration to only White countries. If you were a non-White, you had an almost zero chance of being allowed to come to the USA until the 1960's. It's the reason we were 90% White up until the 1960's, and the rest were Blacks that descended from slaves. What? A couple handful of Japs and Chinese came to California, and that was far after the founders died, in the early 20th century. That was pretty much it.

The idiocy continues to be yours. And the failure to distinguish the difference between 'naturalization' and 'immigration', in both dictionary and principle, is another nail in the coffin that you are nothing but a Chinese false flagger.

OK, wonderful, I'm a ***** like yourself, now what? I guess I can use racial slurs then!

"Naturalization (or naturalisation) is the acquisition of citizenship and nationality by somebody who was not a citizen of that country (foreign)."

Hey mongoloid, what do you think that means? You can't become naturalized unless you immigrate to said country in the first place. So you're saying that the founding fathers welcomed non-Whites to this country (even though they said many "racist" things against them and even owned slaves), but they simply didn't want them to become citizens? Oh my, must be those 3rd world genetics that make you jump through these hilarious mental hoops.

Thomas Jefferson - Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people [Negroes] are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them. It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation and deportation peaceably and in such slow degree that the evil will wear off insensibly, and their place be . . .pari passau filled up by free White laborers. If on the contrary it is left to force itself on, human Nature must shudder at the prospect held up.

Let's try this again slopey:

This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were "free white persons"

Non-white stock...... hmmmmm........ :blink:

Yes, non-White stock. The founders, and the majority of our countrymen, did not want non-Whites on an equal footing in this country until the 1960's. Up until then this was a White country. Hell, we even segregated slants like Vietcong over there because they were not considered to be equal inheritors of our great nation.

Tell ya what. Imagine what our founders would think if they were awakened from their graves, to find this Viet as an American? LOL! Viet over here is saying they wouldn't bat an eyelid.
Let me give you an example; 50 years ago most countries in the world could not produce most of the industrial goods so Europe, Japan, and America enjoyed a wonderful live as they exported those goods to the 3rd world countries.

How much did we make for exporting to your 3rd world hell's? Nothing. We are consumers of innovations and inventions that OUR people discovered. If the entire 3rd world disappeared tomorrow, it would be a benefit to our people, not a loss. Only the Chinese are an exception, because they are basically the worlds factory. AGAIN, genetically speaking, they are a 1st World people, so they don't count. The only non-Whites that are genetically 1st World are East Asians. I don't want them in my country because they are a different people and they do NOT belong in our nations, but it's true.

Other than Whites and East Asians, everyone else is more or less worthless in the world. If the entire third world collapsed, we wouldn't miss a thing. We can manage the oil in the Middle East very well without those pesky Arabs. That's a fact.

Look at Iran and Malaysia; both of these countries produce their own automobile brands.

Awesome! Two third world countries, reverse-engineering the White man's invention! Great job there! Why should this interest me? I don't care.

it is because the South Korean and Taiwanese have been snatching away market share of the Japanese in automobile, electronics, shipbuilding, machineries.

Again, their competitors are people with 1st World genetics. You've given another example of East Asians, when I've already admitted that East Asians are the only non-White race that is able to reverse-engineer our technology and society. Good for them!

Viet Nam produces for domestic and export market $1billion worth of commercial ships every year

Congrats! I don't care. Our economies have always been consumer-based economies. We've always been internal, focusing on trade with each other (White countries), and breakneck growth from innovation and new technological advancements.

Heck, all the East Asians are doing is trying to catch-up to us using OUR technological advancements. Like Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, etc. China will be a developed country, but the technology that they use to catch up is overwhelmingly White in origin.

So see the effects of 3rd worlders moving toward the middle income "trap"?

Look, show me one country with 3rd world bunghole genetics that is actually developed, and developed without natural resources, tourism, tax haven, etc. being the overwhelming source of government and tax revenue?

There aren't any! Your countries have been stuck for eternity at the middle-income trap because you simply don't have the intellectual capability of catching-up, much less innovating at our level. Like I said, even the East Asians are only catching up. If Whites didn't exist, the East Asian people may very well still be living in 3rd world destitution like the rest of the world before we globalized and gave everyone our technology.

We basically conquered the world, we owned every region of this planet (almost). And then we volunteered to give your people freedom. Boy oh boy, if the White man ever got angry again... you would realize how good you have it today.

They DID restrict immigration to only White countries. If you were a non-White, you had an almost zero chance of being allowed to come to the USA until the 1960's. It's the reason we were 90% White up until the 1960's, and the rest were Blacks that descended from slaves.
If you are indeed a white supremacist in this forum, you are typical of the stupid ones I used to debate.

Back in 1776, Asians were not that well known in Europe to start, let alone in the New World. So as to your argument about the American Founders restricting immigration only from white Europe, it is illogical. Ben Franklin, one of the Founders, did not have too high of opinions about Germans, probably a white ethnic group that you admired...

Voicing this grievance was Benjamin Franklin. And the language so vexing to him was the German spoken by new arrivals to Pennsylvania in the 1750s, a wave of immigrants whom Franklin viewed as the “most stupid of their nation.”
As far as the immigration policy of late 18th century America goes, free white people were the only free people they know that could get to the New World. But...Did you know that there were free blacks in the Continental Army and state militias during Revolutionary War? In 1776, Washington changed his mind and approved the recruitment of free blacks into the Continental Army. So when the Naturalization Act of 1790 came, the 'free white person' clause was to distinguish whites from free blacks. Slaves were already excluded from citizenship. Benjamin Banneker was a free black tobacco farmer back in 1791 and he conversed with Jefferson through letters. So if the Naturalization Act of 1790 did not contain the 'free white persons' clause, Banneker would have qualified to be citizen on the spot.

Again...The Naturalization Act of 1790 had nothing to do with immigration but about qualification to be citizen. The US was intended to be an immigrant country and if the character was to be of white people, the Founders would have clearly stated so when they wrote the Constitution.

What? A couple handful of Japs and Chinese came to California, and that was far after the founders died, in the early 20th century. That was pretty much it.
That is pathetic. The first significant Asian (Chinese) immigration to the US was in the mid-to-late 19th century. Some time after the California Gold Rush.

OK, wonderful, I'm a ***** like yourself, now what? I guess I can use racial slurs then!
What stopped you before? Whether you are a Chinese false flagger or a real white supremacist here, you already made clear what kind of a despicable person you are.

"Naturalization (or naturalisation) is the acquisition of citizenship and nationality by somebody who was not a citizen of that country (foreign)."

Hey mongoloid, what do you think that means? You can't become naturalized unless you immigrate to said country in the first place. So you're saying that the founding fathers welcomed non-Whites to this country (even though they said many "racist" things against them and even owned slaves), but they simply didn't want them to become citizens? Oh my, must be those 3rd world genetics that make you jump through these hilarious mental hoops.

Thomas Jefferson - Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people [Negroes] are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them. It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation and deportation peaceably and in such slow degree that the evil will wear off insensibly, and their place be . . .pari passau filled up by free White laborers. If on the contrary it is left to force itself on, human Nature must shudder at the prospect held up.

Let's try this again slopey:
And blacks today pretty much proved Jefferson wrong. Are you a flat Earther by any chance? After all, plenty of smart people in the past believed in a flat Earth.

Looks like this 'mongoloid' is giving you a run for your intellectual money, not that you got much to start. If this is the best you can bring to the table, you are a p1ss poor example of white racial superiority. But considering you have been sparing the Chinese and how much they 'Thank' you for your 'useful' posts, we can be confident that you are not what you claimed to be. It is not that difficult to troll stormfront and copy/paste here all the appropriate words and phrases.
How much did we make for exporting to your 3rd world hell's? Nothing. .
You are an absolute idiot so let me make it clear for you. The quality of life in the 3rd world are getting better every day because more 3rd world countries are able to produce goods that they had to BUY from you guys. Name me goods in daily life that people in the "1st world" have that people in the 3rd world don't?

You export "nothing" to 3rd world? hell yeah because more 3rd worlders don't need to buy from you guys anymore; butt-hurt ? Your 1st world are beginning to look like 3rd world due to your inability to sell like you used to. Your economies are ZERO natural resources so you MUST export to buy those natural resources and I see more and more 3rd world countries are moving up the productin chain to not buying from you guys but even competing and snatching away your market share

My prediction is that in about 30 years; Europe with no natural resources and can't export like they used to will be reduced to the level of the 3rd worlders; congratulation:lol:
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