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Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

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And finally, it is just an earlier set of migrants wishing to stop a later set...

With one exception... These immigrants are a completely separate race, with a completely separate set of genes.

Yes, we had Germans, and then Irish, and then Southern Italians/Sicilians, and even Slavs being considered lower than our Nord European people. But in the end, all you have to do is take a look at their nations. How prosperous, wealthy, innovative, and peaceful they are.

Ireland had no colonies. I wonder why it came out just as good as the other European "thieves". Not to mention, this single country has done more innovative things than all of India. Again, why would such a tiny country be capable of out-innovating your entire subcontinent? It HAS to do with differences in our intelligence. There is no other way about it.

Oh, and even the Northeast Asian race (Japanese, Korean, and Chinese) have higher average IQ's than us. STILL, I do not want them coming to our countries because they are a DIFFERENT people, so it doesn't have anything to do with you South Asians having inferior intelligence. I greatly respect the Northeast Asian people, when they are in their own countries.

We Whites are like an extended family. We just want to have our own nations so that we can live together in harmony and peace. All of you 3rd Worlders begging to be White, trying to "integrate" into White culture, trying to rape/marry our women because of their level of beauty, etc. are just EMBARRASSING yourselves and your race.

I actually have IMMENSE respect for the Japanese, the ONLY non-White people which have the honor of staying in their country and not leaving for better nations. They love their race/ethnicity more than they love money. The will not abandon their people, and for that I say god bless them!
If you look at pictures of these cities your doubts would immediately be forgotten. The Eastern Coastal cities are quite developed. The 3rd world inland regions are what look like Africa.

We ususally divide China into 3 regions, eastern coastoal, central, west.

Eastern are quite developed while the central is good too.

Here are some pics of Yichang, Hubei, central China. Yichang is a small city, but quite clean.

China travel - from Chongqing to Yichang (Three Gorges Dam) - BCMTouring
We ususally divide China into 3 regions, eastern coastoal, central, west.

Eastern are quite developed while the central is good too.

Here are some pics of Yichang, Hubei, central China. Yichang is a small city, but quite clean.

China travel - from Chongqing to Yichang (Three Gorges Dam) - BCMTouring

I'm not surprised. My brother went to the inner regions on a field trip and was surprised by the cleanliness and orderliness. (I think he went to Chengdu in Sichuan province.)

You should be proud of that. No other 3rd world country is able to maintain such cleanliness without Western help. I guess it's in the genes.

Our ancestors (and yours) had to survive in much colder winter temperatures, and were therefore selected for (in intelligence, altruism, etc.) at much higher rates than other races. This is why we evolved to be so adept at creating wealth and new technological advancements. We took the high and hard road, and we were rewarded for it.

I suspect you will turn out just like Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Singapore. It's inevitable. The rest of the world (non-White/non-East Asian) will be left in the dust even further.
I'm not surprised. My brother went to the inner regions on a field trip and was surprised by the cleanliness and orderliness. (I think he went to Chengdu in Sichuan province.)

You should be proud of that. No other 3rd world country is able to maintain such cleanliness without Western help. I guess it's in the genes.

Our ancestors (and yours) had to survive in much colder winter temperatures, and were therefore selected for (in intelligence, altruism, etc.) at much higher rates than other races. This is why we evolved to be so adept at creating wealth and new technological advancements. We took the high and hard road, and we were rewarded for it.

I suspect you will turn out just like Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Singapore. It's inevitable. The rest of the world (non-White/non-East Asian) will be left in the dust even further.

Yes, East Asia will be developed as West Europe and North America in the future. China just need some more time to fill the gap between rich and poor, since we began our industrialization in 1978, much later than many other countries.
Yes, East Asia will be developed as West Europe and North America in the future. China just need some more time to fill the gap between rich and poor, since we began our industrialization in 1978, much later than many other countries.

Not just West Europe but the Eastern European peoples as well. They are in the same position as you. They will catch up to their White brethren in the same way China will catch up to her Northeast Asian brethren.

The only thing that has left them down was Communism, the same as you.
Many are probably pollution ridden due to China's still heavy reliance on coal
Many are probably pollution ridden due to China's still heavy reliance on coal

that's why iran has a nuclear program

If you look at pictures of these cities your doubts would immediately be forgotten. The Eastern Coastal cities are quite developed. The 3rd world inland regions are what look like Africa.

then china like turkey is a failed state , that's not according to me but Samuel Huntington.
Not just West Europe but the Eastern European peoples as well. They are in the same position as you. They will catch up to their White brethren in the same way China will catch up to her Northeast Asian brethren.

The only thing that has left them down was Communism, the same as you.

Actually I remembered that George Soros once defined China as state capitalism rather than the Communism in common sense. Now, the younger generation rarely talk about Communism rules compared to the elder. Even the mayors in many cities of China are diluting Communism things, because they are busy attracting investment or upgrading the infrastructures.
Actually I remembered that George Soros once defined China as state capitalism rather than the Communism in common sense. Now, the younger generation rarely talk about Communism rules compared to the elder. Even the mayors in many cities of China are diluting Communism things, because they are busy attracting investment or upgrading the infrastructures.

China is a state-capitalist country, but politically speaking it still functions as a one-party Communist state. I think that the Singapore model would work out for y'all a lot better than the corrupt one-party state currently in place. You can still be state-capitalist with that.
Wow, no wonder indigenous Vietnamese jet fighters are so great!

Oh wait... :D
There are none...Oh wait...A Chinese version of the KKK is teaming up with a Klansman to insult the Viets.
There are none...Oh wait...A Chinese version of the KKK is teaming up with a Klansman to insult the Viets.

We should flood Vietnam with 50 million Europeans. Oh, you don't want that? RACIST.

And supposedly you're an American. Haha! Is that why you keep protecting Vietnam on these threads? Go back to where you came from, and stop pretending to be an American.
There are none...Oh wait...A Chinese version of the KKK is teaming up with a Klansman to insult the Viets.

Vietnam will never have indigenous jet fighters, ever. This is why Vietnam will always fall under the Chinese power umbrella.
We should flood Vietnam with 50 million Europeans. Oh, you don't want that? RACIST.

And supposedly you're an American. Haha! Is that why you keep protecting Vietnam on these threads? Go back to where you came from, and stop pretending to be an American.
I do not need to pretend I am an American. I am an American. And considering 10 yrs USAF and a Desert Storm veteran, I am probably more American than you. So instead of me returning to where I came from, may be YOU should leave.

Now this is why this place is so interesting, we have an alliance of Chinese and White racial supremacists going after Viets. Are you guys going to start holding hands and singing 'Kumbaya'? :lol:

Come to think of it, anyone who knows me knows I speak for the US far more often than I allegedly 'defend' Viet Nam, so for you to say that I 'keep protecting Vietnam' make me suspicious you are a Chinese false flagger.
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