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Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

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I do not need to pretend I am an American. I am an American. And considering 10 yrs USAF and a Desert Storm veteran, I am probably more American than you. So instead of me returning to where I came from, may be YOU should leave.

Now this is why this place is so interesting, we have an alliance of Chinese and White racial supremacists going after Viets. Are you guys going to start holding hands and singing 'Kumbaya'? :lol:

Face it gambit. Vietnamese are less than a footnote in the history and building up of America. Pretty much every other group did more to build up America, compared to Vietnamese who came as refugees from the Vietnam war, long after America had already been built.

So much so, that Presidential candidates like John McCain can openly call Vietnamese people "gooks", and then refuse to apologize for it.
I do not need to pretend I am an American. I am an American. And considering 10 yrs USAF and a Desert Storm veteran, I am probably more American than you. So instead of me returning to where I came from, may be YOU should leave.

Maybe I shouldn't. My ancestors built this country, my ancestors FOUNDED this country, my ancestors bled for this country for centuries.

Of course, you served here and there, just like every internet tough-guy.

Come to think of it, anyone who knows me knows I speak for the US far more often than I allegedly 'defend' Viet Nam, so for you to say that I 'keep protecting Vietnam' make me suspicious you are a Chinese false flagger.

Every single post on here has been defending Vietcrap. Cut the BS. You still have ties to your country, as it is where YOUR people come from. I don't blame you. People have more in common with people from their race than they do people of their nationality. It cannot be helped.
Face it gambit. Vietnamese are less than a footnote in the history and building up of America. Pretty much every other group did more to build up America, compared to Vietnamese who came as refugees from the Vietnam war, long after America had already been built.
Considering the Viets are a recent addition to the list of immigrants to the US, your rather feeble attempt to insult me this way reveals the lack of critical thinking skills I find so common among the Chinese members here.

So much so, that Presidential candidates like John McCain can openly call Vietnamese people "gooks", and then refuse to apologize for it.
McCain called his captors 'gooks', but interesting enough...

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | 'When John McCain was my captive'
Four decades ago, during the Vietnam war, Mr Duyet was in charge of the notorious Hoa Lo prison - the place where Mr McCain says he was brutally beaten and tortured during five-and-a-half years as an American prisoner of war.

"McCain is my friend," said 75-year-old Mr Duyet as he feeds the caged birds he now keeps in his garden in this coastal city.

"If I was American, I would vote for him."
Tell your shift stupor-visor to get a new script.
Maybe I shouldn't. My ancestors built this country, my ancestors FOUNDED this country, my ancestors bled for this country for centuries.
Assuming you are not a Chinese false flagger, and I do not make the 'false flagger' charge lightly...

Your ancestors' accomplishments belongs to them, not to you. Your father built the house and gave it to you. If you do not keep it up and it collapsed, the fault is yours, not your ancestors'. Likewise, you inherit a country, but if you do not maintain it, your credit is far less than the immigrants who does, and if you do maintain it, the fact that you did not built this country means your credit to the country is no more than the immigrants who works alongside you to maintain it.

Of course, you served here and there, just like every internet tough-guy.
I have proven myself to what I am many times over.

Every single post on here has been defending Vietcrap. Cut the BS. You still have ties to your country, as it is where YOUR people come from. I don't blame you. People have more in common with people from their race than they do people of their nationality. It cannot be helped.
Every single post? Now this further support the suspicion that you are a Chinese false flagger.
Your ancestors' accomplishments belongs to them, not to you.

You're damn right my ancestors accomplishments belong to me as well, as they would want that. I would proudly share my brothers success or my fathers success or my daughters success with anyone who would try to shame my family, or my extended family (my European kin).

Likewise, you inherit a country, but if you do not maintain it, your credit is far less than the immigrants who does

We DID maintain it, as we saw fit. And it is OURS to destroy or pillage or maintain as we please. The White man built this country, and he can tear it down if he pleases. It's not your business or anyone else's what I do with my inheritance. I choose to rally against the 3rd World immigrants because I choose to retain what my people gave ME (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc. wouldn't be very happy knowing their hard work is going to the children of a completely different family).

the fact that you did not built this country means your credit to the country is no more than the immigrants who works alongside you to maintain it

What an idiotic thing to say. My ancestors, one of whom was on the Mayflower, built this country for their descendants. You're spewing irrelevant BS. I wonder what Lincoln or Franklin or Jefferson would say if they heard that their children are being displaced by people completely different from themselves... as if you give two sh!ts about our historical legacy.

Tell me, how far does your ancestry stretch back to this land? How did your ancestors sacrifice and shed their blood for my country? What gives you the right to step on the same part and parcel of land that my great-grandfather bled for (a man who almost died fighting the NAZIs), and naively declare yourselves as equally deserving of this beautiful nation?

Every single post?

Yep, every single post. I don't see a single post on this thread even relating to your support of America. But that's irrelevant. I'm a Commie Chinese now.
Assuming you are not a Chinese false flagger, and I do not make the 'false flagger' charge lightly...

You're damn right my ancestors accomplishments belong to me as well, as they would want that. I would proudly share my brothers success or my fathers success or my daughters success with anyone who would try to shame my family, or my extended family (my European kin).

That is a twist of logic and morality that no one of any intellectual honesty shares. That is like saying you can give a part of your college 'A' grade to your son while he is still in grade school so he can get ahead of the class. See how stupid that sounds?

We DID maintain it, as we saw fit.
So does the immigrants to this country.

It's not your business or anyone else's what I do with my inheritance.
Yes it is. The American founders wanted the US to be an immigrant country, nothing in the US Constitution forbids such a character, therefore, any immigrant who comes to this country legally and live an honest life is equally entitled to the same inheritance.

What an idiotic thing to say. My ancestors, one of whom was on the Mayflower, built this country for their descendants. You're spewing irrelevant BS. I wonder what Lincoln or Franklin or Jefferson would say if they heard that their children are being displaced by people completely different from themselves... as if you give two sh!ts about our historical legacy.
I probably know more about US history than you do. And I probably understand the national character of the US better than you do.

Tell me, how far does your ancestry stretch back to this land? How did your ancestors sacrifice and shed their blood for my country? What gives you the right to step on the same part and parcel of land that my great-grandfather bled for (a man who almost died fighting the NAZIs), and naively declare yourselves as equally deserving of this beautiful nation?
My ancestors have nothing to do with what I do in this country. Your repeated claims to what your ancestors did is a sign of you knowing that you did nothing more extraordinary than any immigrant in this country. You seeks anything, no matter how specious, in order to try to make yourself better. It ain't working.

Yep, every single post. I don't see a single post on this thread even relating to your support of America.
My participation in this forum is not confined to this thread.

I'm a Commie Chinese now.
If the shoe fits...
Yes it is. The American founders wanted the US to be an immigrant country, nothing in the US Constitution forbids such a character, therefore, any immigrant who comes to this country legally and live an honest life is equally entitled to the same inheritance.

You're so full of sh!t you don't even understand our Founders wishes.

Naturalization Act of 1790: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of ten years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof.

THIS is what our founders what. You're too dumb to know that.

I probably know more about US history than you do. And I probably understand the national character of the US better than you do.

Which is why you were dumb enough to say this:
The American founders wanted the US to be an immigrant country, nothing in the US Constitution forbids such a character, therefore, any immigrant who comes to this country legally

No, the founders did not want this you ignoramus. Heck, they only wanted people of pure White descent (Northern Europeans in particular). Anyone else was not fit to become an American through immigration.

Your repeated claims to what your ancestors did is a sign of you knowing that you did nothing more extraordinary than any immigrant in this country. You seeks anything, no matter how specious, in order to try to make yourself better. It ain't working.

You are jumping through all kinds of mental hoops to try to get me to accept that this country was not built and maintained by my people. Too bad, it was. My ancestors built this country, and that's all that matters. You really think that you have just as much a right to belong here as people who have built this country up from the bare ground.

Sickening POS. I hope Vietnam is filled with 100 million Nigerians or Pakistanis or Mexicans one day, after you steal this country's wealth and go back to your own. Apparently there is no such thing as national boundaries anymore. No worries, when the day comes that the White race is demographically incapable of continuing to support people like you, we will either secede or die out in the USA. Then you can kill each other off over the great country my beautiful race built.

My descendants will probably be watching from Canada or Europe as this happens, laughing away at your descendants claiming that they have just as much a right to immigrate to the New United States as anyone else, and that what their forefathers built doesn't matter!
You're so full of sh!t you don't even understand our Founders wishes.

Naturalization Act of 1790: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of ten years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof.

THIS is what our founders what. You're too dumb to know that.
Yes, to be a citizen, in other words, to EARN citizenship. Not about immigration. Then the 14th Amendment (1868) does what? So who is the dummy now?

You are jumping through all kinds of mental hoops to try to get me to accept that this country was not built and maintained by my people. Too bad, it was. My ancestors built this country, and that's all that matters. You really think that you have just as much a right to belong here as people who have built this country up from the bare ground.
Wrong. I said no such thing. Try again.

Sickening POS. I hope Vietnam is filled with 100 million Nigerians or Pakistanis or Mexicans one day, after you steal this country's wealth and go back to your own. Apparently there is no such thing as national boundaries anymore. No worries, when the day comes that the White race is demographically incapable of continuing to support people like you, we will either secede or die out in the USA. Then you can kill each other off over the great country my beautiful race built.

My descendants will probably be watching from Canada or Europe as this happens, laughing away at your descendants claiming that they have just as much a right to immigrate to the New United States as anyone else, and that what their forefathers built doesn't matter!
Stop trying to pretend someone you are not. Either you are Chinese false flagger, or a misguided white boy of a fool, you are a fraud no matter what. You did not built this country. Most likely you did nothing more than the usual work and pay your taxes. You got jealous that some hardworking immigrants made more money than you did, or was braver than you are by joining the military, so you latched on to some absurd notion that somehow just because your ancestors did something you are entitled to their accomplishments. I bet it would probably kill you to learn that you have either Jewish or African blood in you. :lol:
Stop trying to pretend someone you are not. Either you are Chinese false flagger, or a misguided white boy of a fool, you are a fraud no matter what. You did not built this country. Most likely you did nothing more than the usual work and pay your taxes. You got jealous that some hardworking immigrants made more money than you did, or was braver than you are by joining the military, so you latched on to some absurd notion that somehow just because your ancestors did something you are entitled to their accomplishments. I bet it would probably kill you to learn that you have either Jewish or African blood in you. :lol:

Pls put on your Viet flag...
So many "American" who are pro-Chinese and hate Indians in this forum.......put on your real flag please

We should flood Vietnam with 50 million Europeans. Oh, you don't want that? RACIST.

And supposedly you're an American. Haha! Is that why you keep protecting Vietnam on these threads? Go back to where you came from, and stop pretending to be an American.
Put on your Chinese flag ...
So many "American" who are pro-Chinese and hate Indians in this forum.......put on your real flag please

Put on your Chinese flag ...

I don't care about China 3rd worlder. I only care about people who choose to love their own race and are nationalists for their own people, NOT people who hold two flags LIKE YOURSELF.

The only reason I have respect for the East Asians is because of their xenophobia and their intelligence. The Chinese have not invented even 1% the amount that us Whites have, but that's a whole nother story.

Yes, to be a citizen, in other words, to EARN citizenship. Not about immigration. Then the 14th Amendment (1868) does what? So who is the dummy now?

You are clearly the dummy you imbecile.

Tell me, what does this mean?

"The American founders wanted the US to be an immigrant country, nothing in the US Constitution forbids such a character, therefore, any immigrant who comes to this country legally"

The FOUNDERS were the one's that wrote the law of naturalization of 1790.


Then the 14th Amendment (1868) does what?

Absolutely NOTHING in regards to non-white immigration. Do you seriously know nothing about my country?
I don't care about China 3rd worlder. I only care about people who choose to love their own race and are nationalists for their own people, NOT people who hold two flags LIKE YOURSELF.

The only reason I have respect for the East Asians is because of their xenophobia and their intelligence. The Chinese have not invented even 1% the amount that us Whites have, but that's a whole nother story.
Since you mention 3rd worlder, this century will be the century of not China getting developed but also South East Asia like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and probably Cambodia too. More and more 3rd worlders are moving toward high-income status ie competing and snatching natural resources and market share from the European and American
Since you mention 3rd worlder, this century will be the century of not China getting developed but also South East Asia like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and probably Cambodia too. More and more 3rd worlders are moving toward high-income status ie competing and snatching natural resources and market share from the European and American

LOL, we all know the.... ummm.... "history" shall we call it, of 3rd worlders catching up. Once you reach a certain level, you just don't have the ability to continue.

Mexico stopped growing in the 90's, and now only achieves growth rates as high as Western countries, even though they are poor as sh!t. Same with most other Latin American countries.

Same thing will happen with your countries. The easy part of growth is simply selling us your products at 3rd world labor costs. Virtually all of you will be stuck in the middle-income trap, and only the high-IQ countries will make it out. The only 3rd world countries that are high-IQ are China, Mongolia, and North Korea. Go ahead, look it up. They are the only one's that are going to catch up (only if N. Korea reforms).
I am not worried about Tianjin,for it is a high tech oriented city with a huge pipeline of goodies on their way in the next 10-20 years。

I AM worried about cities like Wenzhou,which,though quite rich today,are dependent on low level、low value-added 、labour intensive manufacturings such as shoes、cigarette lighters and so on。

Shanghai will turn into a city of its own class now that the new government has just declared it a(gigantic)free trade zone!:azn:

Wenzhou is in a different page than any Chinese cities, I'd rather call my city as an entrepreneur oriented city rather than a industrial means```

you have no idea how hard Wenzhou suffered from the financial crisis, the real-estate bubble burst and the price went down almost 50% in centre areas, and private money lending sectors are can only be described as a total fiasco (first of its kind in China and there is no regulation whatsoever to regulate the market), quite a few local big companies bankrupted, with billions in debt.....

but the major problem is not that we have loads of low value added and labour intensity sectors, as the international demand for those are still very high, especially when they cannot afford for pricy stuffs after the financial crisis....but they key lies in the unsophisticated and heavily controlled financial and investment markets in China.

when we get rich with billions of Dollar cash in hand, and under the entrepreneurship, apart from consumption
, we are bound to invest these money in areas that can generate handsome safe returns. unfortunately real-estate is the only practical option that we have. but other lucrative areas like telecom, finance, banking, energy, stock market, defence and transportation sectors, the doors are shut for private sectors or very limited or not transparent for general investors.

But in Europe, you will be surprised to know that Wenzhou people's money is everywhere from stock market to real-estate and from luxury brands to high tech defence industry. for examples, whether you believe it or not almost all of 'Made in Italy' Chanel luxury goods are made in Italy in Wenzhounese factories and by workers from China, and Louis Vuitton, Prada and Gucci that I can add to the list too``(even I as a native born Wenzhounese, was in a state of shock when visited those factories!), also some high tech French companies who supply equiptments to Dassault, Thales Group and MBDA are owned or bought by Wenzhounese.
and they start buying entertainment and broadcasting companies in here London few years ago. And they are all private which is very different from other acquisitions did by China with government or state owned companies!

so I do not worried too much about Wenzhou only if the government is to free up financial and investment markets with fair and sophisticated regulations, so the Wenzhou money will flow again, just like what we do in Europe
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