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Surgical strike was fake, we lost conventional deterrence against Pakistan, India not ready for war

You better hope a broader conventional conflict doesn't break out then. Your F 16 downing an almost 50 year old heap of junk won't matter then.

They are very high maintenance though, the Russian birds.
Just bring it on pajeet and you will see where you stand.Better equipment does not translate to battlefield victory,it's the man behind machine which matters more.
That fifty year old junk in indian airforce is the most upgraded version of mig21 in the world and actually a very lethal jet when the radar signatures are turned off and it get helps from AWACS.
We are also using mirage 5s from the same era and they took part on February 27 ,so it was a junk vs junk fight and by your logic you should be able to shoot down at least one of our jet that day be it a mirage junk or modern F16. Infact you downed your own helicopter and killed 6 of our own,I think you will wipe out your own forces if conventional war happens.That tells a lot about your combat training.
As you said yes Russian jets require lot of maintenance and as per the words of your own airforce you have poor maintenance of Russian jets and a significant no of your SU30 jets are not combat ready.
Improvement only comes when first you accept what's wrong and try to correct it.Once you are ready for war let us know.
I think he is a military analyst, he understands quiet alot. So lets say india builds its force in next 3 to 5 years... What are we pakistaniz doing? We need to keep the balance... We have no money at the moments while india can spend like 500 billion $ on its armed forces in next 5 years we need atpeast 250 billion $ worth of investment in our military machine sadly we don't even have half of that money..

We need to take care of pakistani economy and raise atleast 100 billion $ for the army in next 3 years pronto!

Money does not buy force nor victory. india already has a larger budget and always did. Did that stop them from getting out skilled and out played on 27th Feb?
Tactics and Strategy is what counts in aerial engagements, having or not having a long range AAM won't have as much of an influence than how you are positioned and when and how you chose to engage the enemey's aerial assets.
Money does not buy force nor victory. india already has a larger budget and always did. Did that stop them from getting out skilled and out played on 27th Feb?
Tactics and Strategy is what counts in aerial engagements, having or not having a long range AAM won't have as much of an influence than how you are positioned and when and how you chose to engage the enemey's aerial assets.
What outskilled? India never fired BVRAAM as first shot. Pakistan escalated by firing BVR into Indian territory. If India wanted, India can shoot down any plane of Pakistan by ground SAM like Akash within 25km of boundaries. Showing restraint is not same as being outskilled
Such skirmishes should keep happening after a few years regularly, it tests us to upgrade and forces other party to further spend tough money. Win win for us
Pakistan escalated by firing BVR into Indian territory.

Not correct. Pakistan didn't escalate. It gave only a proportionate and restrained response; though a proportionate response may not essentially be same or similar, in nature. For example, a punch, as a retaliation to a slap, would be considered proportionate, but not same.
It say you could get h bomb. It does not say you have h bomb. Chances of you carrying out another test are practically zero.

It was tested via the North Korean tests........:azn:

Rest assured, if we have had the capability for nearly a decade we probably have a few H-bombs now ready to eradicate our eternal enemies.....:azn:
It was tested via the North Korean tests........:azn:

Rest assured, if we have had the capability for nearly a decade we probably have a few H-bombs now ready to eradicate our eternal enemies.....:azn:

From a decade ago I your H bomb test was the 25 May 2009 North Korean test. Congratulations on having a 5 KTon H bomb.
You need to do better research than that......that isn't the ONLY nuke test that the North Koreans and Chinese have done......... :azn:

You started with North Korean test and are not talking of Chinese tests too.

The only H bomb test N Korea has done is in 2017.
India hasnt been optimal for war for long time - honestly when was it ever? So much time was wasted from the 90s to even the last congress terms. A lot of the things that are being bought were needed back in the 90s. Things make it worse with corruption, red tape, and geopolitics getting into the procurement process. Plus you have these monoply defence entities stifling it's growth, putting out low quality, expensive, and are non innovative, lethargic in nature. Pakistan have been lucky for a long time.

Good news is, things are changing. Maybe not the geopolitic part, now the private sector are on board, and I truly believe they can change how defence and aero are handled in India.
Ive been hearing this private sector this and that.

Its been almost a decade and you have nothing solid except plans and this and that lol.
What outskilled? India never fired BVRAAM as first shot. Pakistan escalated by firing BVR into Indian territory. If India wanted, India can shoot down any plane of Pakistan by ground SAM like Akash within 25km of boundaries. Showing restraint is not same as being outskilled
Pakistan escalated? Lol

You come to Pak and kill our crow.

We tap 3 of your military targets with 6 bombs and shot down your jets all that in daylight and with a prior warning.

And you showed restraints lol?

Gangu Bhai restraint is not taking bombing your troops amd assets to smitherines and not shooting your fleeing jets for which you gave out amraam dodger patches.


This is restraint, having a clear target and still not taking em.
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