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Surgical strike was fake, we lost conventional deterrence against Pakistan, India not ready for war

A random Indian in the comments:

modi ki aisi ki taisi14 hours ago
so if in 2016 there were no surgical strike, then what about the movie made after that? That meansit was a fake movie. Wow! Never would have believed it. The movie looked so realistic
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I hope you understand that the optimum altitude of dropping is 10km (3000 feet). Also, optimum speed of dropping if 1 Mach. Under these circumstances the bombs can go 60-100km. But otherwise it doesn't have that high range. It is not reasonable to drop bomb from that altitude as element of surprise will be lost and the targeting of structures require closer look to avoid Connie casualty.
1) 10 km in altitude is not 3000 feet.
2) Mach 1 is supersonic hence not possible to drop.
what are you trying to prove that India's friend Israel provided useless weapons?

Now going back to the area where these were fired, the aircraft would not be flying below 15000 feet because of mountains this negates the entire concept of surprise. The aircraft were spotted and interception was made effective. IAF had instructed the pilots not to land back hot (ie with active bombs) hence had to throw away their payload which meant that they were never set to hit any target as there was no target in that area.

Just go and research on this again then come back with a meaningful proof. :wave:
1) 10 km in altitude is not 3000 feet.
2) Mach 1 is supersonic hence not possible to drop.
what are you trying to prove that India's friend Israel provided useless weapons?

Now going back to the area where these were fired, the aircraft would not be flying below 15000 feet because of mountains this negates the entire concept of surprise. The aircraft were spotted and interception was made effective. IAF had instructed the pilots not to land back hot (ie with active bombs) hence had to throw away their payload which meant that they were never set to hit any target as there was no target in that area.

Just go and research on this again then come back with a meaningful proof. :wave:
1km = 3300 feet. So, 10km = 33000 feet. 30000 feet was a rounded off figure.

Secondly, Indian planes were detected after bombing. One plane didn't drop the bomb as it was malfunctioning. So, it is possible that this plane dropped it in the forest to reduce weight and hence be able to fly back faster.
What outskilled? India never fired BVRAAM as first shot. Pakistan escalated by firing BVR into Indian territory. If India wanted, India can shoot down any plane of Pakistan by ground SAM like Akash within 25km of boundaries. Showing restraint is not same as being outskilled

Is that the latest bollywood influenced produce, or evading logic and finding soluce in fantasy is just an every day thing in your land?

india did fire a Surface to Air Missile, and it took out an indian helicopter. So...yes india could shoot down anything if they were skilled enough to not shoot down their own in panic and no they were not as much into restraint but more into "PANIC".
And I'm sure Abhinandan was also deep inside indian territory when an AAM was launched against him and the poor guy was so panicking that instead of running away from the source of missile he choose to go for a head on collision and crossed the LOC and came deep inside Pakistani territory? Did he not confess he was chasing targets inside Pakistani territory or perhaps you were his wingman and have a better version of the story?

I'm also sure the SU-30MKI that could easily out run the AAM by using its boosters if it was too far away and deep inside india just happened to ignore the threat and chose to allow to be hit just out of courtesy and restraint?

Please try to atleast use some logic and common sense when trying to construct a fable, it sounds good for an average deluded indian but it sounds stupid to anyone with logic.

The simple thing is PAF went inside indian side of LOC, locked targets and dropped bombs close to them as a warning which is already evident through released videos and independent observers and even including indian version of bombs exploding away from targets.
Then the guys chose to linger on there for a bit to bait your Air Force into a trap, and when your folk followed them and landed themselves in an ECM rich trap, they knew nothing but panic and all of your comms and the ground folk went dumb and shit followed that managed to kill 7 - 8 indian airforce men in own helicopter.
malfunctioned and hence not dropped. Rest of the Mirage 2000 were used for air defence and BVR/WVR combat and escort. If all planes carry heavy bombs, it will be difficult to maneuver to fend off any enemy fighters.

It is pakistani narrative that some critical died. Why did pakistan take 45 days to show the bottom party of the area to media if everything was ok?
8 Su-30 were there for air cover it was package of 20 aircrafts.
Pakistan didn't take 45 days to show, on morning of 26 Feb media include BBC cover the area and conducted interviews of locals on ground.
However India has yet to give permission to media on ground.
First India denied that IAF lost any Aircraft but when Abhinandand was captured their lies were busted.
India denied that PAF didn't target anything, now India has admitted that Brigade HO was target.
India didn't share facts of Mi-17 Helicopter crash, till the elections were over
India denied facts till the elections were won by Modi..... After Modi victory India has slowly admitted the facts. So pulwana incident to 27 Feb was all but planning to RSS fanatic terrorist to won elections.
And mind you Indian media in those days acted on behest of RSS. There was no objective reporting only war mongering.
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