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Surgical strike was fake, we lost conventional deterrence against Pakistan, India not ready for war

Pakistan escalated? Lol

You come to Pak and kill our crow.

We tap 3 of your military targets with 6 bombs and shot down your jets all that in daylight and with a prior warning.

And you showed restraints lol?

Gangu Bhai restraint is not taking bombing your troops amd assets to smitherines and not shooting your fleeing jets for which you gave out amraam dodger patches.

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This is restraint, having a clear target and still not taking em.
You locked on to 9 Jets, but didn't shoot.
You deliberately missed military targets.
Why ?
What outskilled? India never fired BVRAAM as first shot. Pakistan escalated by firing BVR into Indian territory. If India wanted, India can shoot down any plane of Pakistan by ground SAM like Akash within 25km of boundaries. Showing restraint is not same as being outskilled
Well forget Akash, the Indians fired a more technologically advanced Israeli Spider SAM reportedly with a 20 km range and proved their outstanding skill to the world....and all this in a skirmish, just imagine if it were a full scale conflict.

You locked on to 9 Jets, but didn't shoot.
You deliberately missed military targets.
Why ?
Basically had the Indian strikes caused any damage, the retaliation would have been manifolds but since the damage was some trees, the response was restrained as not to escalate but THE message was delivered.
Basically had the Indian strikes caused any damage, the retaliation would have been manifolds but since the damage was some trees, the response was restrained as not to escalate but THE message was delivered.

So, say in future, some 25 Indian fighter Jets cross Pakistan air-space, hover around Islamabad and Lahore and go back. PAF will not do anything, because they didn't cause any damage.

''...Not to escalate...'' why?
So, say in future, some 25 Indian fighter Jets cross Pakistan air-space, hover around Islamabad and Lahore and go back. PAF will not do anything, because they didn't cause any damage.

''...Not to escalate...'' why?

Stop this war mongering.

Next elections are 5 years away.

There won't be any war until 2023-24
So, say in future, some 25 Indian fighter Jets cross Pakistan air-space, hover around Islamabad and Lahore and go back. PAF will not do anything, because they didn't cause any damage.

''...Not to escalate...'' why?
have a glass of cold home collected pishi grow some brain cells sit and relax and use ylur brain analyze the loss of life on both side if war breaks out! and then thump your boobies and chantt beef mata ki jai ho!!

and modi is a chotia and then thank whatever stone you bow down to that Pakistanis are not delusional morons!
So, say in future, some 25 Indian fighter Jets cross Pakistan air-space, hover around Islamabad and Lahore and go back. PAF will not do anything, because they didn't cause any damage.

''...Not to escalate...'' why?
Try hovering close to LoC/ADIZ. You’ll face the reality kid. Hovering around Isb/Lhr is a far cry for your mighty Vaio Sena
You locked on to 9 Jets, but didn't shoot.
You deliberately missed military targets.
Why ?
Because your strikes hadnt caused any loss of life.

And we have proof, the pilot lit your military installations to show he had your fate in his hand and later lobbed a bomb intentionally near the targets in forested area. And we got video proof.
You locked on to 9 Jets, but didn't shoot.
You deliberately missed military targets.
Why ?
The thing is ask you military leadership to provide details of who and how many personals were present at that time . No doubt Indian media was quoting that IAF had killed over 500 militants in the airstrike last night heve if Pakistan wanted PAF could have hit targets with casualties in 10 x 1000's.

One more thing you should know that day one of war is not the day one plans on killing the elite commanders of heads of state. This has been a custom and now a customary law since time and memorial.

Hope this would satisfy your questions.

Now for the 9 aircraft that were locked and not fired upon.
What if they were shot what would that have done?

1) When an aircraft is shot down in an aerial battle it attracts attention.
2) The financial cost mounts on the side whose aircraft is shot.
3) Morale of the Air force that looses the aircraft falls.
4) Full scale war could have followed.
5) Both countries that are declared Nuclear States tend to deescalate the situation as soon as something happened because they inevitably would end up not just destroying themself or the enemy but the entire world.
6) Remember the Cuban crisis. USA had threatened to sink the Russian Ships headed for Cuba at which Russia had stated if they were attacked in openseas they would retaliate with a full Nuclear strike on Nato as well as USA. What happened then.
7) In recent times when P3 C of US NAVY was damaged in a midair collision with Chinese Air Force aircraft it was allowed to land in China as well as it was returned because if this was not done then War could have started which would have ended in a Nuclear War.

Though PAF would have loved to hit all 9 targets and claimed 9-0 victory with more that could have followed later may be same day or next but could have also shown Indian Military that IAF is not up to the standard hence would not be used in case of war which might have been avoided.

Today the wars are not swift and can not be decided as what India has face so far. If you remember the 1962 war was for 2 months, 1965 war was for few days,1971 war was for few days, Kargil also for few days.
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The thing is ask you military leadership to provide details of who and how many personals were present at that time . No doubt Indian media was quoting that IAF had killed over 500 militants in the airstrike last night heve if Pakistan wanted PAF could have hit targets with casualties in 10 x 1000's.

One more thing you should know that day one of war is not the day one plans on killing the elite commanders of heads of state. This has been a custom and now a customary law since time and memorial.

Hope this would satisfy your questions.
That HQ was brigade HQ. 1 Brigade is about 3000-4000 soldiers. Not everyone stays in HQ all the time but only leadership (brigadier) and some others will be staying. So, casualty would have been in 100-200 if it was struck. But then it would have been serious escalation. India would not then hesitate to attack Pakistani HQ of brigades, Islamabad, Lahore etc as these are all within 50km from Indian border. India also could have shot down Pakistani plane using SAM but chose not to as it was in Pakistani territory. So, there was restraint shown by India too. Pakistan has nothing to brag about not escalating.
Sorry agree to disagree.
Do we have any fighter jet which can match SU30 or rafale? Or in near future do we have any defence system which can match S400?
Better equipped and better training are different things. We only pose threat to India because of the latter.
India does not have Rafale combat aircraft and S-400 defense systems in its arsenal yet... India need several years to acquire these platforms and operationalize them to full strength.

Su-30 MKI might be great on paper but Russian aircraft have reliability problems and fall short in avionics as well as BVR engagement aspect.

WE now have some information that an F-16 MLU defeated an Su-30 MKI in an engagement on 27-02-19. This explain why Modi emphasized the need for Rafale for aerial engagements in the future. Bear in mind that F-16 MLU isn't cutting-edge stuff per American standards, but it will humiliate anything Indian in an encounter at present.

This might surprise you but both Pakistan Army and Pakistan Air Force are better equipped in comparison to Indian counterparts, at present.
That HQ was brigade HQ. 1 Brigade is about 3000-4000 soldiers. Not everyone stays in HQ all the time but only leadership (brigadier) and some others will be staying. So, casualty would have been in 100-200 if it was struck. But then it would have been serious escalation. India would not then hesitate to attack Pakistani HQ of brigades, Islamabad, Lahore etc as these are all within 50km from Indian border. India also could have shot down Pakistani plane using SAM but chose not to as it was in Pakistani territory. So, there was restraint shown by India too. Pakistan has nothing to brag about not escalating.
Lets assume the numbers present were 200 still 6 targets were selected hence 1200 casualties. Not to mention those fighter pilots that could have been killed in shooting down the 9 aircraft.

Whatever the Indians would have done later on would have been responded as well. You see that both sides were prepared for war and troops were stationed along the borders for some time. Hence sanity prevailed to a point were an all out war did not follow.

No doubt RSS and its goons would be disappointed for now but one can not see if this kind of restraine would once again follow even if someone just throws stown across.
Any vessel that interferes in war will be attacked. So, India will warn Chinese or Saudi vessels to back off and attack if not heeded.
Please ask Indian Navy to close all the "hatches" before attacking/warning Saudi, ****, Chinese vessels.
Kevari engine project started in 1986 in 2008 HAL rejected Kaveri engine on basis of performance parameters.
Your theories regarding oil reserves, Indian navy, superior air Force are all nothing but BS.
I think you didn't wake up even on 27 Feb, when your so called airforce run like cowards. And Mr. Hitler Modi was found crying for Rafaels....
BTW is weed legal there?
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