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Surgical strike was fake, we lost conventional deterrence against Pakistan, India not ready for war

These open sources are fake news without any basis.

DRDO chief has said that Kaveri is complete but it is not having enough thrust for LCA :

This means that LCA gets 85kN from F404 but Kaveri gives less than that. According to DRDO website, it is 81kN. So, this means LCA will not be able to carry 4ton payload with Kaveri and will have to make do with 3.5+ ton.

Moreover, I don't see how these open source fake news went this far as to claim Kaveri as failure when it was clearly said that the dry core of the Kaveri will be use for Ghatak UAV. The core is the main part and if that is complete, the engine is almost done. After burner is having very limited number of parts and hence can't be complicated. Here is the news of ghatak using Kaveri core:

If Kaveri was a failure, it core can't be used for any other thing either. So, one of the 2 news is inconsistent. Since DRDO chief has confirmed Kaveri development, it is obvious that the news of junking Kaveri is fake news
@Water Car Engineer what do you say?
indians also claimed that it was impossible for Pakistan to EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance..............:azn:........that the air killed exactly 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16..........:azn:............:lol:
Are you claiming to have the h bomb
Don't know what is the obsession with naval blockade of Pakistan's ports by India. We are not Gaza. The moment your navy starts to block passage; there will be Pakistani nukes flying in your blockades general direction.
Sea is too big. Hurling nukes at sea will only waste nukes. One needs precise an jamproof antiship missile to target ships. Second, I am talking of war scenario. India hardly has any reason to assume that Pakistan won't use nukes regardless of naval blockade and hence India will go for blockade

Indiots like you Excel in day dreaming,infact your whole war doctrine with pakistan is based on it.
We will do this that,we got superior migs,sukhois bla bla.
Last time your air craft carrier and submarine was locked even before it entered our territorial waters.And here you are going to capture all of our sea area for a naval blockade .
The whole world saw your incompetence on 27 February 2019.
When was Indian aircraft carrier locked? Indian submarine as well as Pakistani submarines keep tailing ships and hence can be spotted at different times. This is normal course of cold war between India & Pakistan Refer to the cat & mouse game of USA-USSR cold war.

Lol :laugh: you are making me laugh now.

India will dare not attack any Chinese or Saudi vessels.
Any vessel that interferes in war will be attacked. So, India will warn Chinese or Saudi vessels to back off and attack if not heeded.

Can you please provide evidence for your claims?
Which claims? I have mentioned DRDO chief's interiew about Kaveri engine being ready
Basically Indians in general r cowards,,,,err i mean survivors by nature,,,no matter how much the preparation is,,,the ballz for war/death r not thr.
Otherwise such a huge population wudnt have been cleaning tatti of handful of invaders continuosly for milleniums.
Gud thing is our GOI has had this bitter self realization n hence the level of preparedness(or the lack of it).
Army n paramilitary is basically for controlling the massive population n help in disasters,,,baki sab bas showoff.
Note:GOI also knows Pakistan is no better,,,,n hence we see this wadde wadde bol n little action frm both sides
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Bhai: What is the currant price of "Bhang" (marijuana) in India? Is it almost free?:p::p::p:
Yes marijuana is easily available here,,,prices vary.but ots cheaper thn alcohol,,,psychiatrists call it garib ka swarg.
Btw he is right,,,,China despite all the talk is itself a WARNING superpower.
We will just 'copy' thm.
Now you are talking about a prophecy - excellent job :tup:
Calling standard procedure ia prophecy? If any entity supports Pakistan in war, then that entity will be considered to be in war too. If your idea is that any Saudi or Chinese vessel can do whatever it wants, that is not how things work
Are you claiming to have the h bomb

We have AT LEAST the capability since early 2011.......:azn:........here is the evidence to prove it. Read in full......:azn::


Sea is too big. Hurling nukes at sea will only waste nukes. One needs precise an jamproof antiship missile to target ships. Second, I am talking of war scenario. India hardly has any reason to assume that Pakistan won't use nukes regardless of naval blockade and hence India will go for blockade

When was Indian aircraft carrier locked? Indian submarine as well as Pakistani submarines keep tailing ships and hence can be spotted at different times. This is normal course of cold war between India & Pakistan Refer to the cat & mouse game of USA-USSR cold war.

Any vessel that interferes in war will be attacked. So, India will warn Chinese or Saudi vessels to back off and attack if not heeded.

Which claims? I have mentioned DRDO chief's interiew about Kaveri engine being ready

IF what you say is true then remember to post the links here.
Gotta admit even with the limited funds Pakistani military particularly its airforce did a commendable job at keeping the much bigger and stronger IAF at bay.
I guess it is mostly all about the pilot n his/her skills then.........
May be, he is talking about navel blockade of Sunny Leone.:-):-):-)
I doubt he can even do that,you need to be a man enough for that lol.

The guy has aged a lot since that interview about 27th Feb.
I guess depression made him age faster because he is one of those few indians who know the reality.
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