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Support Indian Muslims !!!!

Once a Indian always a Indian .. They are blaming Pakistan for everything what they are doing within their borders , Where is Genocide of Shia ? Where is Genocide of Baloch ? Where is Genocide of Qadiyani ? Where is Genocide of Hazaara ? Where is Genocide of Sindhi ?
This is why I don't like nor trust Indian Muslims, cause they all believe in the above things, and blame Pakistan even a fascists India for them is better than Pakistan.

Once a Indian always a Indian .. They are blaming Pakistan for everything what they are doing within their borders , Where is Genocide of Shia ? Where is Genocide of Baloch ? Where is Genocide of Qadiyani ? Where is Genocide of Hazaara ? Where is Genocide of Sindhi ?
This is why I don't like nor trust Indian Muslims, cause they all believe in the above things, and blame Pakistan even a fascists India for them is better than Pakistan.

gujrat -godhra - samjhota -kashmir - tripora - assam - meghaliya -
Support Indian Muslim, until they start asking for State of Hyderabad and other Muslim majority part of India.

Indians used MQM and played dirty in Karachi, time to treat them with their medicine.
Hyderabad is hindu majority and hyderabadi muslims live a peaceful and happy life
Ham nai koi Muslim ka theka liya hai ki sare mulku kai pechai pad chale

Pakistan will do whatever serves its interests best
why do we sir ? i have meet them they were barking pakistna is finished pakistan is dead when our kids were dying they were mocking us on our faces . even some told me they are lucky to be in india because there is terror in pakistan . let these creatures die suppressed now i dont care
Haahaha...why are you assuming indian muslims are seeking your sympathy?have you ever come across any indian muslim requesting your support? And why are you concluding that all the indian muslims are suffering right now...indian muslims dont give give two hoots to this bill...they peacefully moved on even after a big judgement like babri..how is this CAB discriminating against indian muslims? How is it in anyway concerns an average indian muslim?
I wonder why pakistanis have this tendency of exaggerating everything
gujrat -godhra - samjhota -kashmir - tripora - assam - meghaliya -

but Indian Muslims will not see that and criticize Pakistan for the above mentioned so called Genocide, and yet there are people who want us to take these Indian Muslims, some are advocating for uniting Pakistan and Afghanistan , seems like people wants to see Pakistan break into several smaller states . I hope I leave before that happen .
Haahaha...why are you assuming indian muslims are seeking your sympathy?have you ever come across any indian muslim requesting your support? And why are you concluding that all the indian muslims are suffering right now...indian muslims dont give give two hoots to this bill...they peacefully moved on even after a big judgement like babri..how is this CAB discriminating against indian muslims? How is it in anyway concerns an average indian muslim?
I wonder why pakistanis have this tendency of exaggerating everything

Yes ache din are just around the corner.
Haahaha...why are you assuming indian muslims are seeking your sympathy?have you ever come across any indian muslim requesting your support? And why are concluding that all the indian muslims are suffering right now...indian muslims give two hoots to this bill...they peacefully moved on even after a big judgement like babri..how is this CAB discriminating against indian muslims? How is it in anyway concerns an average indian muslim?
I wonder why pakistanis have this tendency of exaggerating everything
do they have any option ? they are no one in india nor in paksitan . what is their role in india ? they are just slaves 4th grade citizens like untouchables . we are free brave nation we do not require support from slaves of hindus . let them be fry in india . i have seen how they were crying on babri mosque and now :lol:

today we have a country - we rule a country - we are solders doctors teachers high rank officials diplomats police businessmen all the powers we have today because of pakistan . what they have ? slavery chains :D
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