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Support Indian Muslims !!!!

I've never heard that before. Please can you provide some context and evidence for it

Areas in the south of India identify Muslim with Turks. Modern Indian media highlights this problem for example when Indian media portrays Muslim "Ghettos".

The issue is so much so that the word from turkey and muslim are interchangeable in many of the south Indian languages.
Mate, I'm well aware of the people who you're talking about. The story of those individuals is that they came to South India from the time of seljuks. They're were no more than 150 traders and settlers who settled in the region and intermixed with the local population who was at the time over a million. When 98% of your dna is South Indian and only 2% is actually of turkic, then you can't claim to be of turkic ancestry. Ancestry isn't based on which dna you choose to acknowledge and which you choose to not mention.

I'm of 4 different ethnicities. My father is half pakhtoon and half kashmiri, my mother is half Tajik and half Ozbek. This makes me a quarter each. I've done my DNA test and it also mentioned that I have Tatar, Iranian, turkmen, Punjabi, gujrati, Caucasus, and kypchak.

Now let's say I start identifying myself as of Tatar descent, even though I have only 3% Tatar in me, or let's say I'm identifying myself as gujrati, which I have 1.8% of. Do I have a justification for doing such thing. We're all mixed.

These cunts remind me of South Asians who claim to be of Arab. I had a friend who was half **** half Indian and he told me that he's of Arab descent. But when he did his DNA test, it came up 99% south Asia and 0.8 or something like that of Arab ancestry. And I laughed at his face because he decided that he's only going to talk about his 0.8 percentage rather than the other 99%
Areas in the south of India identify Muslim with Turks. Modern Indian media highlights this problem for example when Indian media portrays Muslim "Ghettos".

The issue is so much so that the word from turkey and muslim are interchangeable in many of the south Indian languages.
I think the reason for their excessive hate for Pakistan stems from the fact that from their early childhood they've had to prove their patriotism to India even more than an Indian hindu or Sikh. This eventually grew into a state of mind for them that they had to hate Pakistan more so they would never be questioned as being sympathetic to Pakistan
Indian Muslims love pakistan..they may pretend hatred in front of cameras or while interacting with a pakistani..
Indian muslims used to celebrate pakistan cricket teams win in their localities..now after bjp came to power they are not doing it openly but they still love pak.
This is one of the reasons hindus dont like muslims..hindus feel pakistan is a terrorist country which is killing innocent indians in kashmir and elsewhere in india and these muslims are supporting it.
Hindus also have not forgotten how muslims have broken their country into two pieces.
Other reasons are how muslims killed scores of hindus in riots and their gundagardi and violent nature( prior to 2002...2002 gujarat riots instilled a bit of fear in them..)
Apart from these reasons hindus dislike muslims also because indian muslims dont bath daily...some bath once in 3 days and others only on jumma...they apply a lot of atthar which gives headache.
Mate, I'm well aware of the people who you're talking about. The story of those individuals is that they came to South India from the time of seljuks. They're were no more than 150 traders and settlers who settled in the region and intermixed with the local population who was at the time over a million. When 98% of your dna is South Indian and only 2% is actually of turkic, then you can't claim to be of turkic ancestry. Ancestry isn't based on which dna you choose to acknowledge and which you choose to not mention.

I'm of 4 different ethnicities. My father is half pakhtoon and half kashmiri, my mother is half Tajik and half Ozbek. This makes me a quarter each. I've done my DNA test and it also mentioned that I have Tatar, Iranian, turkmen, Punjabi, gujrati, Caucasus, and kypchak.

Now let's say I start identifying myself as of Tatar descent, even though I have only 3% Tatar in me, or let's say I'm identifying myself as gujrati, which I have 1.8% of. Do I have a justification for doing such thing. We're all mixed.

These cunts remind me of South Asians who claim to be of Arab. I had a friend who was half **** half Indian and he told me that he's of Arab descent. But when he did his DNA test, it came up 99% south Asia and 0.8 or something like that of Arab ancestry. And I laughed at his face because he decided that he's only going to talk about his 0.8 percentage rather than the other 99%

who cares? question is indian racism against Turks and Islamophobia
Well mate. You and I clearly have met very different Indian Muslims. I've never met a single Indian Muslims who didn't say some shit about Pakistan. They're even more proud to curse Pakistan than Hindus or Sikhs are.
Indian Muslims love pakistan..they may pretend hatred in front of cameras or while interacting with a pakistani..
Indian muslims used to celebrate pakistan cricket teams win in their localities..now after bjp came to power they are not doing it openly but they still love pak.
This is one of the reasons hindus dont like muslims..hindus feel pakistan is a terrorist country which is killing innocent indians in kashmir and elsewhere in india and these muslims are supporting it.
Hindus also have not forgotten how muslims have broken their country into two pieces.
Other reasons are how muslims killed scores of hindus in riots and their gundagardi and violent nature( prior to 2002...2002 gujarat riots instilled a bit of fear in them..)
Apart from these reasons hindus dislike muslims also because indian muslims dont bath daily...some bath once in 3 days and others only on jumma...they apply a lot of atthar which gives headache.
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