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Support Indian Muslims !!!!

Never before modi

Obviously a Modi bhakt jumping in to show that before Modi, India did nothing.

I weep at the standard of Indian education these days, and the memory of its citizens, who can forget that it was the hated Congress who actually interfered in East Pakistan/Bangladesh in 1971.

This, is the level of education that is now in India, by people just attending Whatsapp University of the BJP/RSS.
This is my address to people of Pakistan and Muslims around the world. Yes we are thankful to Jinah and Iqbal for their vision and they saw it coming. They saw the facade of secularism and they saw that Muslims under Hindu Majority can never be safe. But now is not the time to taunt Muslims in India, instead now is the time to do dua for them and if we can provide any kind of other support to them we should not hesitate.

Indian Muslims need to also realize that until and unless you go for another partition or some independent area inside India or some autonomous region you would keep getting butchered, from now on things will get worse for Muslims of India. It's time Indian Muslims work on increasing iman and prepare themselves for a long fight. This fight is going to be long and brutal.

May ALLAH give Muslims of India and Kashmir victory against forces of kufr. May ALLAH destroy the empire of kufr May ALLAH guide us all and May ALLAH help us in our fight May ALLAH help us in following Islam and leaving haram and doing real Jihad in his cause. May ALLAH help every Muslim on face of the earth. May ALLAH guide us all May ALLAH help us all Ameen.
It has finally begun.
The bulk of interactions I have had with them have been mixed, that's the men, the women are very receptive to Pakistani males though.
The feeling is mutual. And I did find many Pakistani women being very receptive to Indian muslim males too. I guess, it depends on each individual and their choice... I hope, you are not trying to bring in some kind of racial angle here
The feeling is mutual. And I did find many Pakistani women being very receptive to Indian muslim males too. I guess, it depends on each individual and their choice... I hope, you are not trying to bring in some kind of racial angle here

Wouldn't say that, not here in the U.K for example not sure where you are getting the many part from considering you are in India.
No Pakistani family aside a few who have family ties in India would give their daughters especially in light of the Sanghis running India.
The cultural and ethnic gap is too great.
Also my post wasn't strictly about marriage but also ideas and niceness towards Pakistanis.
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No they’re not dude, not here in the U.K for example not sure where you are getting the many part from considering you are in India.
No Pakistani family aside a few would give their daughters especially in light of the Sanghis running India.
The cultural and ethnic gap is too great.
Where do you live in UK? I have lived in UK for good part of my life and I am saying this with personal experience. I have personally known good number of Pakistani and Bangladeshi women/girls. Infact one of my hyderabadi friend married his long-time Pakistani girl friend and they've settled in US now. And no, the cultural and ethnic difference isn't that big atleast with Hyderabadi Indian muslims. Most Pakistani girls, I've known were from urdu speaking families, Muhajirs possibly settled there couple of decades ago. So we didn't have much of a difference in our culinary habits or societal norms. I am speaking of the later years of the last decade when Sanghis were no where near the power corridor and Pakistan was busy in a war within while India was booming..
Where do you live in UK? I have lived in UK for good part of my life and I am saying this with personal experience. I have personally known good number of Pakistani and Bangladeshi women/girls. Infact one of my hyderabadi friend married his long-time Pakistani girl friend and they've settled in US now. And no, the cultural and ethnic difference isn't that big atleast with Hyderabadi Indian muslims. Most Pakistani girls, I've known were from urdu speaking families, Muhajirs possibly settled there couple of decades ago. So we didn't have much of a difference in our culinary habits or societal norms. I am speaking of the later years of the last decade when Sanghis were no where near the power corridor and Pakistan was busy in a war within while India was booming..

Dude I was born and raised here and my family history goes back 70 years here.
I've already talked about the Muhajir folk who have ties to India and I agree that they are open (less so now) to marrying Indian Muslims and you gave the example of Hyderabad which is a good one.
Check out this nice Youtube video/channel of a Indian Muslim Hyderabadi girl and a Pakistani guy from similar roots married.

You also got this video where two Pakistani girls (from Karachi) whose ancestry hails from India also marrying Indian Muslims, from 04.20 onwards;

But Pakistan's other ethnic groups who form the majority will not entertain the idea at all. Here is a video of street opinion in Lahore and virtually every girl aside from one says no to India;

02.38 middle aged woman says Afghanistan.
03.30 young woman says Bangladesh.
04.49 young woman says Bangladesh.
05.58 young woman says not any of them.
07.03 young woman says India, the only one.
07.20 woman says Bangladesh.
08.25 three young women all say none of them only Pakistani males.

The common theme is India is the enemy, the sanghi filth, war, lack of respect for women etc.

I take it you are Muslim? Which region in India do you hail from.
Dude I was born and raised here and my family history goes back 70 years here.
I've already talked about the Muhajir folk who have ties to India and I agree that they are open (less so now) to marrying Indian Muslims and you gave the example of Hyderabad which is a good one.
Check out this nice Youtube video/channel of a Indian Muslim Hyderabadi girl and a Pakistani guy from similar roots married.

You also got this video where two Pakistani girls (from Karachi) whose ancestry hails from India also marrying Indian Muslims, from 04.20 onwards;

But Pakistan's other ethnic groups who form the majority will not entertain the idea at all. Here is a video of street opinion in Lahore and virtually every girl aside from one says no to India;

02.38 middle aged woman says Afghanistan.
03.30 young woman says Bangladesh.
04.49 young woman says Bangladesh.
05.58 young woman says not any of them.
07.03 young woman says India, the only one.
07.20 woman says Bangladesh.
08.25 three young women all say none of them only Pakistani males.

The common theme is India is the enemy, the sanghi filth, war, lack of respect for women etc.

I take it you are Muslim? Which region in India do you hail from.
Look.. I am unaware of present situation, I was speaking about the years preceding 2010 and early part of this decade. But as I said, it is all about individuals and how they get along well with each other. So, a Punjabi Pakistani muslim won't have much in common with a South Indian muslim, so is the case with other ethnicities. No wonder, you wont much commonality between, say a Bihari Indian muslim and a Balochi muslim.

Same is the situation here. Infact, a common marriage made news because it happened during early part of 2019..

Pakistani woman weds Indian man amid escalation

You see, both countries have their share of problems. So lets not cherry pick..

Yes, I am a muslim from Hyderabad Deccan..
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You guys should see the Asaduddin Owaisi the way he crying and yelling is making me smile - he tried to prove his loyalty to these Gangu Hindus - saying, "our leading Ullema, kicked Jinnah to the side to stay with Hindus' and SIkh's part of India".

Well Owais, Jinnah did say, "those who don't come, will forever try to prove their loyalty to Hindus", so their you have it folks, God Bless Jinnah.

Hope they start getting their Heera Mandi district ready to go legs up.
You guys should see the Asaduddin Owaisi the way he crying and yelling is making me smile - he tried to prove his loyalty to these Gangu Hindus - saying, "our leading Ullema, kicked Jinnah to the side to stay with Hindus' and SIkh's part of India".

Well Owais, Jinnah did say, "those who don't come, will forever try to prove their loyalty to Hindus", so their you have it folks, God Bless Jinnah.
I want this bastard to be the first to be kicked into the "Gas Chamber"....

The sooner the Indian Muslims get rid of these types of scums the earlier they'll win their emancipation...
I want this bastard to be the first to be kicked into the "Gas Chamber"....

The sooner the Indian Muslims get rid of these types of scums the earlier they'll win their emancipation...

I would love to see him 1st as well.

Very true -- but that's if they have guts to do it.

They are now like stray dogs -- you should see their faces of Indian Gangu Muslims coming to Masjid in Chicago they were so proud of themselves, "Ap Hyderabadi Hai?" when you approached one, now these fools go to the end of the line to pray and bail the hell out after doing your salaam -- I wonder if they bail out after the 1st salaam before doing the 2nd ending prayer.
I would love to see him 1st as well.

Very true -- but that's if they have guts to do it.

They are now like stray dogs -- you should see their faces of Indian Gangu Muslims coming to Masjid in Chicago they were so proud of themselves, "Ap Hyderabadi Hai?" when you approached one, now these fools go to the end of the line to pray and bail the hell out after doing your salaam -- I wonder if they bail out after the 1st salaam ending prayer.
Yep!! The Indian Muslims were damn proud of India!!! One was like: "we should take the Pak Kashmir too"....
There can never be peace with hinduvta mentality. We as muslims can never accept caste system nor be at peace with such country.
The survival of Pakistan is in turning hinduvta India into ruins. We need to use any means necessary to turn one India into smaller states.
We need to support openly all muslims in India in UN. We need to help them overtly and covertly. Let's fight the enemy in west in Indian terrain. India is big country huge battle field lots of loopholes greed poverty and self vanity.
Opportunity is right let's hurt em and let them scream. They will scream wether we do something or not. They will inflict pain on themselves and blame us anyways so why not ram ki ganga meli kerian when ram's bhagat are doing it anyways.
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