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Support Indian Muslims !!!!

Thank you Qaid e azam.

Muslims rule India over 1000 years , but they never persecuted Hindu in such huge mass. That is the reason, they still in majority.
That’s mistake which they still pay today
Why support Indian Muslims and not Chinese Muslims?? Is it because one is brown and the other isn't?:(

I don't support Indian Muslims or Uyghurs. One group is more patriotic than the Hindus themselves and the other is focused on ethnicity rather than religion. I have been to China and out of the 10 Muslim groups the Uyghurs were prone to drink alcohol and their hatred for other Muslims (Hui) was insane because of old history going back centuries ago. Of course, the Govt in China has some harsh policies but the Uyghurs haven't exactly helped themselves. Furthermore, ETIM was collaborating with IMU and TTP. As a result, thousands of Pakistani's died. Some people have short memories but I don't. Pakistan has always fought for the cause of Muslims around the world. But nobody gives a damn about us. So its about time we focus on our own national interests for once.
I don't support Indian Muslims or Uyghurs. One group is more patriotic than the Hindus themselves and the other is focused on ethnicity rather than religion. I have been to China and out of the 10 Muslim groups the Uyghurs were prone to drink alcohol and their hatred for other Muslims (Hui) was insane because of old history going back centuries ago. Of course, the Govt in China has some harsh policies but the Uyghurs haven't exactly helped themselves. Furthermore, ETIM was collaborating with IMU and TTP. As a result, thousands of Pakistani's died. Some people have short memories but I don't. Pakistan has always fought for the cause of Muslims around the world. But nobody gives a damn about us. So its about time we focus on our own national interests for once.
These pan turks support uyghurs for nationalistic reasons while the uyghurs themselves are more Islamists than nationalists :lol:
These pan turks support uyghurs for nationalistic reasons while the uyghurs themselves are more Islamists than nationalists :lol:

Turkey must realize supporting the cause of the Uyghur for independence is a waste of time. The Russian's certainly won't accept such a country because it would have a knock-on effect on other Central Asian states which are currently under the influence of Moscow. Furthermore, China is a rising superpower so why antagonise the dragon when you have no historical problems at least in the last 100 years. There is no unity in the Muslim world everyone is out for their own interests. Thus, Pakistan should do the same. I expect the same response from every country. This is how the world functions in the real world.
Turkey must realize supporting the cause of the Uyghur for independence is a waste of time. The Russian's certainly won't accept such a country because it would have a knock-on effect on other Central Asian states which are currently under the influence of Moscow. Furthermore, China is a rising superpower so why antagonise the dragon when you have no historical problems at least in the last 100 years. There is no unity in the Muslim world everyone is out for their own interests. Thus, Pakistan should do the same. I expect the same response from every country. This is how the world functions in the real world.
Actually if I was in there shoes I would bark at the ughur issue when I have 17 million Kurds in my country add to that the Armenians and Greeks who want their historical lands in Anatolia back
I don't give a damn on Indian Muslims. They have shown disrespect toward Pakistan and our founding fathers. No Indian Muslim leader raised his voice and called for a protest march for the people of Kashmir. Instead, these cockroaches were hugging Modi and singing his praises. You reap what you sow. I'm looking forward to watching the anarchy transpire across India. Pakistani's need to get one thing straight. No one in the Muslim world gives a damn about Pakistan. Therefore, for once I want Pakistan to focus on its own natural interests.

Rather than help or support oppressed Muslims they malign Pakistan and issue the Gangu “internal matter” parrot speech — while innocent Kashmiris were being raped and blinded -- in their own backyard.

Now imagine this if that IAF bomb hit a building and their were innocent children in their and they died -- these Indian Gangu Muslims would have cheered on, these are dirty individuals -- any time you see them at a restaurant always watching that Hindu trash a girl singing and swinging on a rope with moneys at the bottom looking on they have no self respect these Gangus and adopt Hindu customs as their own.
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You my friend, are spreading falsehood to the core.

We Muslims of India know exactly what this bill is about.

India's new citizenship bill (CAB), which provides a path to citizenship for all non-Muslim immigrants, must be seen in context with its National Register of Citizens Project (NRC). Millions of residents of India have no papers, and so will not be deemed citizens by NRC.

If however a resident has no papers and cannot prove citizenship, AND is non-Muslim, CAB provides a rapid path to citizenship for that resident. It is only Muslim residents of India who face detention and deportation with no path to citizenship.

India will be unable to deport any Muslims, and detention will be only of a few thousands, so what will happen to the rest? The will be denied any further official documents like passport, drivers license, aadhar card, voters card etc. When you don't have these, you cannot enroll in a school, open a bank account, buy/sell property, vote in elections and so on.

What you are looking at is a sinister scheme to make millions of Muslims stateless and living in perpetual misery and poverty, owing their survival to the goodwill of a few kind-hearted Hindus. The new Shudras of India - the Muslims.

If you want to see how this has worked out, look no further than the 1982 citizenship act of Burma, where the Rohingya were specifically excluded as one of the races eligible for citizenship. 40 years later, most are just subsistence farmers or engaged in menial employment because they have no access to documents proving their existence.
It's like a death sentence for the Indian Muslims....
Fed up with this argument...thousands of temples were demolished and lakhs of hindus had been converted via lure,threats or intimidation...the fact that pakistan and bangladesh today are complete muslims country is a proof of that
Watch this
if we apply your logic then you should be Muslim in India not Hindu, and why Muslims ruler of India left 79.5% Hindus should be converted to muslim or kill, right?
i think this will not remain limited to Muslims,first they will end nationality of Muslims then when these hindus extremist will become more powerful they will ultimately do the same with sikhs and lowerclass hindus,they are doing this in phases and by separating one group from rest of groups so it becomes easy for them to eliminate them one by one.
I think Pakistan should give nationality to those indian Muslims and other minorities who are affected by this bill and announce the areas of india where they are living as part of Pakistan and start supporting these people to claim Pakistan territory in india,it is justified and legal act according to international law
if we apply your logic then you should be Muslim in India not Hindu, and why Muslims ruler of India left 79.5% Hindus should be converted to muslim or kill, right?

Had Muslim rulers really done, what these Sanghis and Bhakts allege them for; no Chutiya Prasad, Lallu Kumar or Panjju Kapoor had had been existing by now in at least Northern India.:lol:
Turkey must realize supporting the cause of the Uyghur for independence is a waste of time. The Russian's certainly won't accept such a country because it would have a knock-on effect on other Central Asian states which are currently under the influence of Moscow. Furthermore, China is a rising superpower so why antagonise the dragon when you have no historical problems at least in the last 100 years. There is no unity in the Muslim world everyone is out for their own interests. Thus, Pakistan should do the same. I expect the same response from every country. This is how the world functions in the real world.
So, you're happy to see Uyghurs in concentration camps because you seen them drink alcohol when you visited China. :lol:
Please tell that to all Turks on this forum.
So, you're happy to see Uyghurs in concentration camps because you seen them drink alcohol when you visited China. :lol:
Please tell that to all Turks on this forum.

Look, you Turks hate everybody who is not a Turk. We get it. You support these Uighurs not because they are Muslim, but mostly because you hate China and you think that the Uighurs are sort of related to Turks. Too bad that it won't work. The Ottoman Empire is never coming back and your identity crisis will never end because you aspire to be European but the Europeans don't think so. Does China have any beef with Turkey? No not really. You are far away and we have never had much, if any, historical conflict. So, yes, you are wasting your time preaching hate here. We will deal with the terrorists in our backyard however we like and there is not a thing you can do except killing your brain cells with hatred and anger. Meanwhile, the US, Russia, and even the EU are still slapping you down on a regular basis so maybe it is better to direct at them instead.
Fed up with this argument...thousands of temples were demolished and lakhs of hindus had been converted via lure,threats or intimidation...the fact that pakistan and bangladesh today are complete muslims country is a proof of that
Watch this
like a typical Hindu you are fully retarded.
Your Hindutva revisionist history is based on nothing but street shits.

If you were smarter then a monkey that you worship, you would realize that if your revisionist history was true then we would not have 80% of 1.5 billion Indians as Hindus.

I understand that a few Hindus can rape their way into producing a few million kids but seriously, a Billion Hindus?
Look, you Turks hate everybody who is not a Turk. We get it. You support these Uighurs not because they are Muslim, but mostly because you hate China and you think that the Uighurs are sort of related to Turks. Too bad that it won't work. The Ottoman Empire is never coming back and your identity crisis will never end because you aspire to be European but the Europeans don't think so. Does China have any beef with Turkey? No not really. You are far away and we have never had much, if any, historical conflict. So, yes, you are wasting your time preaching hate here. We will deal with the terrorists in our backyard however we like and there is not a thing you can do except killing your brain cells with hatred and anger. Meanwhile, the US, Russia, and even the EU are still slapping you down on a regular basis so maybe it is better to direct at them instead.
If they are barking at China than China can use the Kurdish, Armenian and the Greek cards easly. I don’t get how they dare to bark at the uyghurs issue when they have the Kurdish problem in their country lol.
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