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Support Indian Muslims !!!!

Look, you Turks hate everybody who is not a Turk. We get it. You support these Uighurs not because they are Muslim, but mostly because you hate China and you think that the Uighurs are sort of related to Turks. Too bad that it won't work. The Ottoman Empire is never coming back and your identity crisis will never end because you aspire to be European but the Europeans don't think so. Does China have any beef with Turkey? No not really. You are far away and we have never had much, if any, historical conflict. So, yes, you are wasting your time preaching hate here. We will deal with the terrorists in our backyard however we like and there is not a thing you can do except killing your brain cells with hatred and anger. Meanwhile, the US, Russia, and even the EU are still slapping you down on a regular basis so maybe it is better to direct at them instead.
You are killing Uighurs for being non-Chinese. Or killing them because you think Turks think they are related to Turks?
Oh hahaha.

Now ***IS*** the time to taunt this scum.
I respect the Hindus of India more than the Muslims.

At least they know what they stand for.

These "Muslims" always taunt us for not being a secular nation like their ~mother India~, that we will have to get through them first if we want to attack India, that Kashmiri Muslims are just emotional wannabe Pakistanis, that India is more Muslim than Pakistan, that Pakistan is a failed state and how India is so much further ahead in every field, that they can prove the two nation theory as false...

The list goes on and on brother.

So don't mind me, as I LAUGH with all my might at this scum.
Free of tyranny, I thank my grandparents and great grand parents.
Today is the day I LAUGH, before we have to bail them out of concentration camps in the future undoubtedly.

Zor se bolo.
Pakistan Zindabad.
Thank you Quaid [emoji120]
Right now I will only pray for muslims in India/IOK.

However, there should be no militarily material conventional/unconventional support to them until the time they themselves rise up.

If the indian/IOK muslims don't want to rise up against the state then why should we get involved.
Just out of curiosity. What has IK done for IoK so far? Remember you have to present the facts beyond statements and reservations like how you started in this thread.

I am waiting
Well as I mentioned ( little IK did ) .

He definitely has internationalised the Kashmir issue. We can argue about India playing it's role in internationalising it , but IK did great. Conveyed it to the eyes and ears of the deep States of countries who thought that Kashmir topic is dead , especially after 2001 . He also has done a great job in countering Indian narrative , especially the speech in UN . It might not have achieved much , but now India can't stage a false flag thinking that the world will support them and will blame Pakistan . That's all . But I believe that if NS or any other Zardari type man would have been the PM , even this little wouldn't have happened .

I was trying to counter the mockery you made of IK on IoK issue . He couldn't do much , but he did make re than the ones before him . And putting everything on IK ain't the way , establishment has its part too , but our hands our tied . We can't do anything about it .
lol .... Indian Muslims are cry baby..... a sentence which really hurt them when i say to these colleagues " mannn i am going back home and have good food and enough sleep and hang out with school fellows" ...

Always remember Pakistan in your prayers.... it is the greatest gift of Qaid....
Alhamdulillah it is definitely na blessing of Allah to be a Muslim and be a Pakistani.
We kill terrorists, Uighur or not, Chinese or not.
killing all Uiyghurs is wrong buddy. You can be happy knowing they're not Turks. Turks of Anatolia mostly related to Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan and Turks of Russia maybe and Balkans. Thats it. At a stretch to Kazakhstan too.
You are absolutely right, and we are not killing all Uighurs. We kill terrorists and some happen to be Uighurs.

killing all Uiyghurs is wrong buddy. You can be happy knowing they're not Turks. Turks of Anatolia mostly related to Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan and Turks of Russia maybe and Balkans. Thats it. At a stretch to Kazakhstan too.
So, you're happy to see Uyghurs in concentration camps because you seen them drink alcohol when you visited China. :lol:
Please tell that to all Turks on this forum.

You should learn to read things in context rather than cherry-picking. I don't give a damn what a person does in his free time. But I will call out bullshit when people claim the Uyghur's are fighting for their rights as Muslims. The true reality is much different. I would have shown more consideration to them, however, their bigotry against other Muslim ethnic groups is what turned me off from them. I did say in my previous post that the Chinese Govt has introduced harsh policies, but you chose to ignore that. I didn't visit China as a tourist I had a job there for a few years. Pakistan must focus on its own interests and take care of its own people.

Rather than help or support oppressed Muslims they malign Pakistan and issue the Gangu “internal matter” parrot speech — while innocent Kashmiris were being raped and blinded -- in their own backyard.

Now imagine this if that IAF bomb hit a building and their were innocent children in their and they died -- these Indian Gangu Muslims would have cheered on, these are dirty individuals -- any time you see them at a restaurant always watching that Hindu trash a girl singing and swinging on a rope with moneys at the bottom looking on they have no self respect these Gangus and adopt Hindu customs as their own.

Most people in this forum had conversations with Indian Muslims in an online capacity. But I had the displeasure of meeting many of them in real life. Their hatred of Pakistan is strong especially toward our founding fathers. The people of Kashmir have been tortured, raped and killed but these cockroaches never shed a tear for their fellow Muslim brothers because it doesn't suit their interests. When shit hits the fan, suddenly the voice for help and the demand for solidarity is asked from them. They wanted to live with there Hindu brothers now they can reap what they sow. I want to enjoy the show and see chaos across India.

The Indian Muslims were jumping up and down like monkeys during the skirmish between Pakistan and India. Essentially, they have become domesticated by Hindus. Jinnah was right when he said "Muslim's who're opposing Pakistan will spend the rest of their lives proving loyalty to India." Our Quaid was a visionary leader. I thank Allah every day for sending us such a leader who fought for our cause. Those who malign his character have no sympathy from me when they are oppressed.
Yes I support them to take the RSS/BJP alliance down.
As for the rest I don't blame many of my kin for not wanting to support them.
The bulk of interactions I have had with them have been mixed, that's the men, the women are very receptive to Pakistani males though.
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Well as I mentioned ( little IK did ) .

He definitely has internationalised the Kashmir issue. We can argue about India playing it's role in internationalising it , but IK did great. Conveyed it to the eyes and ears of the deep States of countries who thought that Kashmir topic is dead , especially after 2001 . He also has done a great job in countering Indian narrative , especially the speech in UN . It might not have achieved much , but now India can't stage a false flag thinking that the world will support them and will blame Pakistan . That's all . But I believe that if NS or any other Zardari type man would have been the PM , even this little wouldn't have happened .

I was trying to counter the mockery you made of IK on IoK issue . He couldn't do much , but he did make re than the ones before him . And putting everything on IK ain't the way , establishment has its part too , but our hands our tied . We can't do anything about it .

If Mr. Khan has already played all his aces for Kashmir, maybe its time for him to go home and reflect on his life and leave the politics for progressive people.
Pakistan as we speak is trying to get that issue resolved. We already have resolved Saudi Qatar issue now working towards resolving Yemeni Crisis.

Yemen crisis is still not solved. You should first keep your Muslim house in order. There is no role for any other country in India's internal inssues
What nonsense are you spewing? Muslims in many states are one of the highly literate community...they have aadhar cards..school certificates...college certificates to prove their identity..if any muslim doesnt have those, it simply means he is not an indian muslim.

Either you are extremely naive or an extremist SanghiNazi.

Read what happened to those (Hindus & Muslims) who were excluded from the Assam NRC. Many had Indian passports, school certificates, served in the army etc. But they could not prove their ancestors were in Assam in 1971 and/or could not produce a link to them.

Yemen crisis is still not solved. You should first keep your Muslim house in order. There is no role for any other country in India's internal inssues

Human rights is not an "internal" issue.
Either you are extremely naive or an extremist SanghiNazi.

Read what happened to those (Hindus & Muslims) who were excluded from the Assam NRC. Many had Indian passports, school certificates, served in the army etc. But they could not prove their ancestors were in Assam in 1971 and/or could not produce a link to them.

Human rights is not an "internal" issue.

NOT! You have lot of such issue within your country. Does that mean India can poke our nose ?
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