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Sunni Insurgents Step Up Attacks in Iran

Guys lets not turn this into a pissing match.

Iran needs to boost its military along the afghan pakistan borders and start sending drones in with the help and permission of the pakistani and afghan governments. Thats basically it.

A border wall and fence would also help.
As Serpentine said Iran is not saying that Pakistani government is supporting these terrorists, what Iran says is that Pakistani government does little to control its borders and hunting done the operation base of these terrorists.

Jeish al adl is based in Pakistan, their leader was recently assassinated in Quetta.

Also just some weeks ago there was an attack involving 26 armed pick-ups whom attacked an Iranian border post from Pakistan, after the arrival of reinforcement they fled back to Pakistan.

Pakistani government should do more to protect its border.

They are doing more to empty Pakistan's treasury that's all.
Pakistan to blame for Iran police deaths: Deputy interior min.

Iranian Deputy Interior Minister Hossein-Ali Amiri has heaped scorn on Pakistan for the recent slaying of four police officers in the southeast of the country.

“We believe that Pakistan is responsible for the terrorist attacks in the Saravan border region and the martyrdom of [Iranian] police officers there,” Amiri said on Saturday.

Three Iranian police officers were killed when they, along with other patrol police forces, came under attack by armed bandits while on a mission in the city of Saravan in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan on Wednesday night.

Another police officer was also killed in a separate shootout between a number of gunmen, who were behind the Wednesday incident, and police officers less than 24 hours later in the same city.

“We seriously expect the Pakistani government not to allow terrorists to use this country’s soil to carry out terrorist attacks against Iran,” Amiri said, adding that Pakistan should not turn into a safe haven for terrorists.

He added that the assassination of the police officers is under investigation by a joint ad hoc committee consisting of Iranian border guards, local officials and the Pakistani Foreign Ministry.

Iranian security forces have apprehended a number of perpetrators behind the recent killings.

Sistan-Baluchestan province has been the scene of a number of terrorist attacks in recent years with gunmen crossing the border from neighboring Pakistan.

Iran Attorney General Slams Pakistan for Hosting Terrorists
October 11, 2014 - 16:11

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iran's Attorney General Ebrahim Rae'esi on Saturday condemned a recent terrorist attack that took lives of four police officers in the country’s southeast, and criticized neighboring Pakistan for becoming a “safe haven” for the terrorists.

Speaking to reporters in Tehran, the Iranian official called on the country’s Foreign Ministry and diplomatic channels to follow up on the case in a bid to prevent terrorist attacks on the law enforcement forces.

His comments came after the death of four Iranian police officers in attacks by terrorist groups in the southeastern town of Saravan, near the border with Pakistan.

A car bomb attack on a police station in the border city left one police officer dead and three others injured on Thursday morning. The attack came a day after three other police forces were killed in a separate terrorist attack in the city.

In February 2013, Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement which requires both sides to take strict measures to combat terrorism as well as human and drug trafficking.

But the Pakistani side has frequently failed to fulfil its obligations under the agreement.

In February this year, five Iranian border guards were kidnapped by a terrorist group in Jakigour region in Iran’s Sistan and Balouchestan province and were taken to Pakistan.

Later on April 6 and following special diplomatic efforts by the Iranian officials, four of the five abductees were released and returned home after being held hostage for two months. The fate of the fifth soldier is still unknown.

Iran Holds Pakistani Officials Accountable for Border Insecurities

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's Police Chief Brigadier General Esmayeel Ahmadi Moqaddam underlined on Friday that Tehran is resolved to root out terrorist activities at its border with Pakistan, and stressed that Islamabad should be held accountable for the presence of terrorist groups on its soil.

During Tehran Friday prayers pre-sermon remarks, Ahmadi Moqaddam said that if the neighboring country is not able to arrest the terrorists, then Iran would allow itself chasing them beyond its borders.

Describing Iran as a safe island in a turbulent ocean, Ahmadi Moqaddam underscored that the Islamic Republic's main concern is drug trafficking.

The commander also said that Iran is boosting its counter-narcotics measures which have been hampered by the enemies in the Eastern borders.

On Thursday, Ahmadi Moqaddam underlined that investigations continue to find the identity of the terrorists who killed four Iranian police officers in Southeastern parts of the country.

Four Iranian police officers, including a conscript, were killed in two terrorist attacks on a border post in the Southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan.

The tragic event took place on Wednesday and Thursday in the vicinity of the city of Saravan near the border with Pakistan.

Sistan and Balouchestan Province has been the scene of a number of terrorist attacks in recent years.

On February 6, Jaish al-Adl terrorists kidnapped five Iranian border guards in Jakigour region in Sistan and Balouchestan and took them to the Pakistani territory.

In a message on April 6, Iran’s Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said efforts by security and diplomatic bodies as well as locals had borne fruit and four of the abductees were freed and reunited with their families.

On October 25, 2013, Jaish al-Adl terrorist group killed 14 Iranian border guards and wounded six others in the border region near the city of Saravan in Sistan and Balouchestan Province.

In February 2013, Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement under which both countries are required to cooperate in preventing and combating organized crime, fighting terrorism and countering the activities that pose a threat to the national security of either country.

Iran has repeatedly called on Pakistan to comply with the terms of the agreement.
I believe, it is an internal matter of Iran. however co-operation between Pakistan and Iran should be there on such issues.
Iran isn't exactly on the friendliest of terms with Afghanistan or Iraq either. Your warped thinking considers Afghans as Pashtuns, when we have more Pashtuns than Afghanistan. :lol:

Btw, India is a paper tiger. :D


Pakistan to blame for Iran police deaths: Deputy interior min.

Iranian Deputy Interior Minister Hossein-Ali Amiri has heaped scorn on Pakistan for the recent slaying of four police officers in the southeast of the country.

“We believe that Pakistan is responsible for the terrorist attacks in the Saravan border region and the martyrdom of [Iranian] police officers there,” Amiri said on Saturday.

Three Iranian police officers were killed when they, along with other patrol police forces, came under attack by armed bandits while on a mission in the city of Saravan in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan on Wednesday night.

Another police officer was also killed in a separate shootout between a number of gunmen, who were behind the Wednesday incident, and police officers less than 24 hours later in the same city.

“We seriously expect the Pakistani government not to allow terrorists to use this country’s soil to carry out terrorist attacks against Iran,” Amiri said, adding that Pakistan should not turn into a safe haven for terrorists.

He added that the assassination of the police officers is under investigation by a joint ad hoc committee consisting of Iranian border guards, local officials and the Pakistani Foreign Ministry.

Iranian security forces have apprehended a number of perpetrators behind the recent killings.

Sistan-Baluchestan province has been the scene of a number of terrorist attacks in recent years with gunmen crossing the border from neighboring Pakistan.

Iran Attorney General Slams Pakistan for Hosting Terrorists
October 11, 2014 - 16:11

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iran's Attorney General Ebrahim Rae'esi on Saturday condemned a recent terrorist attack that took lives of four police officers in the country’s southeast, and criticized neighboring Pakistan for becoming a “safe haven” for the terrorists.

Speaking to reporters in Tehran, the Iranian official called on the country’s Foreign Ministry and diplomatic channels to follow up on the case in a bid to prevent terrorist attacks on the law enforcement forces.

His comments came after the death of four Iranian police officers in attacks by terrorist groups in the southeastern town of Saravan, near the border with Pakistan.

A car bomb attack on a police station in the border city left one police officer dead and three others injured on Thursday morning. The attack came a day after three other police forces were killed in a separate terrorist attack in the city.

In February 2013, Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement which requires both sides to take strict measures to combat terrorism as well as human and drug trafficking.

But the Pakistani side has frequently failed to fulfil its obligations under the agreement.

In February this year, five Iranian border guards were kidnapped by a terrorist group in Jakigour region in Iran’s Sistan and Balouchestan province and were taken to Pakistan.

Later on April 6 and following special diplomatic efforts by the Iranian officials, four of the five abductees were released and returned home after being held hostage for two months. The fate of the fifth soldier is still unknown.

Iran Holds Pakistani Officials Accountable for Border Insecurities

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's Police Chief Brigadier General Esmayeel Ahmadi Moqaddam underlined on Friday that Tehran is resolved to root out terrorist activities at its border with Pakistan, and stressed that Islamabad should be held accountable for the presence of terrorist groups on its soil.

During Tehran Friday prayers pre-sermon remarks, Ahmadi Moqaddam said that if the neighboring country is not able to arrest the terrorists, then Iran would allow itself chasing them beyond its borders.

Describing Iran as a safe island in a turbulent ocean, Ahmadi Moqaddam underscored that the Islamic Republic's main concern is drug trafficking.

The commander also said that Iran is boosting its counter-narcotics measures which have been hampered by the enemies in the Eastern borders.

On Thursday, Ahmadi Moqaddam underlined that investigations continue to find the identity of the terrorists who killed four Iranian police officers in Southeastern parts of the country.

Four Iranian police officers, including a conscript, were killed in two terrorist attacks on a border post in the Southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan.

The tragic event took place on Wednesday and Thursday in the vicinity of the city of Saravan near the border with Pakistan.

Sistan and Balouchestan Province has been the scene of a number of terrorist attacks in recent years.

On February 6, Jaish al-Adl terrorists kidnapped five Iranian border guards in Jakigour region in Sistan and Balouchestan and took them to the Pakistani territory.

In a message on April 6, Iran’s Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said efforts by security and diplomatic bodies as well as locals had borne fruit and four of the abductees were freed and reunited with their families.

On October 25, 2013, Jaish al-Adl terrorist group killed 14 Iranian border guards and wounded six others in the border region near the city of Saravan in Sistan and Balouchestan Province.

In February 2013, Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement under which both countries are required to cooperate in preventing and combating organized crime, fighting terrorism and countering the activities that pose a threat to the national security of either country.

Iran has repeatedly called on Pakistan to comply with the terms of the agreement.

But these 3000 casualities is bit much high.You should need a specialised border defense force like our BSF .
In the past decade more than 3,000 Iranian border guards have been killed in gun battles with drug-smuggling gangs, but in recent years the fighting has grown more sectarian.
These figures are worse than those of Indo-Pak border.

I always thought Iranian side of Pakistan border is calm unlike border with India and Afghanistan.
I always thought Iranian side of Pakistan border is calm unlike border with India and Afghanistan.

Probably " Shoot everything that moves " policy of BSF is responsible for low casualties on Indian side. Iran, for sake of International relations , is going soft of Pakistan.

then your logic is f....ed up :lol: cuz they mostly attack our gaurds in border if you don't know.
btw how about YOUR guards? :lol: if there be one single pakistani guard in border of course.
thousands of kilometers border .how many guards do we need to put there to stop all the terrorists coming from pakistan? the best idea is to build a great wall.INDIA needs a wall as well.

India already has a wall. And it is visible from Space.




India Pakistan border visible from space | Daily Mail Online
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Saudias are forgetting that Iran can do the same in Saudi Arabia and then the fat Saudi King may not be able to sleep at night. Pakistan needs to control the border since it is in Pakistan's interest to do so.
Because there was no global terrorism back in 70s, there was no suicide bombings, street terrors, etc.
Iran indeed needs to focus on developing southeastern areas, but with these terrorists launching attacks from Pakistan's soil, any kind of development plan will be abolished since development comes only with security. It doesn't matter what their nationality is, what matters is where they come from and where they take shelter.

And please dear, don't compare Sipah Muhammad with these terrorists,first of all, they didn't attack your soldiers from our soil and the allegation that Iran has supported them only comes from the fact that they were Shias, nothing more. Also, their main objective was targeting Taliban and similar groups. I'd like you to add a list of real terrorism acts conducted by Sipah e Muhammad and and comparison with those committed by Taliban, LeJ and other groups and let's see how they get their share in terrorism. But all of this doesn't mean I support any kind of militias destabilizing a country, no matter if they are Sunni or Shia, but facts are facts and should be noted here, in all fairness.

I do blame my countrymen for not taking enough measures to prevent these bastards from crossing the border. That idiots put the lives of soldiers in danger by not providing proper equipment to some border posts, and also by not building a huge wall on our borders with Pakistan and Afghanistan, it may cost a lot, but it will also save many lives.

We are not blaming Pakistan as if it is doing all this intentionally, of course that's not the case. I know Pakistan itself faces insurgency and we see terrorism activities against your own people. But we also believe that Pakistan's army is strong enough to conduct a 'Zarb-e- Azb'-like operation in Baluchistan region to get rid of them, but unfortunately there is no political will to do it for various reasons.

It's easy to put blame on pakistan instead of doing some introspection of what is the actual terrain that terrorists use to cross border without being seen or caught by Border guards of Pakistan and IRan

Iran-Pakistan border is more than 1000 KM long and there are mountains, difficult terrain which can't be manned properly both by either Pakistan or Iran. Let's imagine thy come from Pakistan, attack and runs back to Pakistan, what does it mean? that they uses such terrain where you can't maintain a proper presence of border guards or checkposts for long. For example look at this google map. Could you think forces of either country can maintain a constant security presence on such mountain peaks ?


Feel free to explorer the entire border region map and do tell us if there is any better way to cover such gaps

Google Maps

I'm amused that is there any sane mind in Tehran who understands Pak-Iran border region, the gaps that exist which can't be manned properly. Why not give proper geography lessons to such officials before they began to threaten Pakistan each time an attacks occur ?

Look at American-Mexican border, American spends billions of dollar every year, have they stopped mexican drug cartels and migrants from crossing despite majority of land is flat

I agree with you, There is no political will in balochistan to carryout out a full fledged military operation. The baloch nationalists and Pakhtun Nationalists are both against Army conducting any kind of military operation and they will perceive operation against Jaish ul adl as an attack on their tribes and balochistan would ignite on fire. Hence we have to use paramilitary forces in balochistan to contain the situation !
It's easy to put blame on pakistan instead of doing some introspection of what is the actual terrain that terrorists use to cross border without being seen or caught by Border guards of Pakistan and IRan

Iran-Pakistan border is more than 1000 KM long and there are mountains, difficult terrain which can't be manned properly both by either Pakistan or Iran. Let's imagine thy come from Pakistan, attack and runs back to Pakistan, what does it mean? that they uses such terrain where you can't maintain a proper presence of border guards or checkposts for long. For example look at this google map. Could you think forces of either country can maintain a constant security presence on such mountain peaks ?

View attachment 125968

Feel free to explorer the entire border region map and do tell us if there is any better way to cover such gaps

Google Maps

I'm amused that is there any sane mind in Tehran who understands Pak-Iran border region, the gaps that exist which can't be manned properly. Why not give proper geography lessons to such officials before they began to threaten Pakistan each time an attacks occur ?

Look at American-Mexican border, American spends billions of dollar every year, have they stopped mexican drug cartels and migrants from crossing despite majority of land is flat

I agree with you, There is no political will in balochistan to carryout out a full fledged military operation. The baloch nationalists and Pakhtun Nationalists are both against Army conducting any kind of military operation and they will perceive operation against Jaish ul adl as an attack on their tribes and balochistan would ignite on fire. Hence we have to use paramilitary forces in balochistan to contain the situation !

I know that Pak-Iran border is mostly rough terrain, and I wasn't talking about a constant manning in border areas, but a major operation to wipe most if not all of them once and forever. I don't know why our armed forces aren't cooperating on this issue. Screw the politics, it always makes many things unnecessarily difficult and it's law ranking soldiers and civilians who always pay the price.
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